Online dictionary Online dictionary

Link to!

Simply select an option you want to display on your website and then cut and paste the corresponding HTML code.


    Cut and paste this HTML code into your webpage:

    Cut and paste this HTML code into your webpage:

    Cut and paste this HTML code into your webpage:

    Cut and paste this HTML code into your webpage:

    Cut and paste this HTML code into your webpage:

    Cut and paste this HTML code into your webpage:

    Cut and paste this HTML code into your webpage:

    Cut and paste this HTML code into your webpage:


Put the best Newspapers in 32 languages on your website!

  • It's absolutely free.
  • It offers a selection of the best world newspapers in 32 languages.
  • You don't have to keep it updated.
  • News are updated daily, so you give your visitors a reason to come back.

If you want the newspapers to be opened in a new window, set the OPEN_IN_A_NEW_WINDOW parameter equal to "yes".


    Cut and paste this HTML code into your webpage:

    Feel free to change the background color
    by modifying the COLOR parameter.

    Cut and paste this HTML code into your webpage:

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Add a free English Dictionary to your website!

Feel free to modify these codes to match the look and feel of your site.

If you want the dictionary results to be opened in a new window, set the target parameter equal to "_blank".


    Cut and paste this HTML code into your webpage:

    Cut and paste this HTML code into your webpage:

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