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Mala   Listen
Mala  n. pl.  (plural of Malum) Evils; wrongs; offenses against right and law.
Mala in se (Law), offenses which are such from their own nature, at common law, irrespective of statute.
Mala prohibita (Law), offenses prohibited by statute, as distinguished from mala in se, which are offenses at common law.

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"Mala" Quotes from Famous Books

... omnia perpeti Gens humana ruit per vetitum nefas: Audax Iapeti genus Ignem fraude mala gentibus intulit; 28 Post ignem aetheria domo Subductum macies et nova febrium Terris incubuit cohors Semotique prius tarda necessitas 32 Leti corripuit gradum. Expertus vacuum Daedalus aera. Pinnis non homini datis; Perrupit Acheronta Herculeus ...
— Helps to Latin Translation at Sight • Edmund Luce

... said the Spaniard, bowing him out; "or I should rather say," he added to himself, "Vaya mucho en mala hora!" ...
— The Star-Chamber, Volume 2 - An Historical Romance • W. Harrison Ainsworth

... et ipsi etiam ipsius provinciae episcopi jurare coguntur. Nunc primum in indulta sibi conjuratione regno regem deesse cognovit Londonia quam nec rex ipse Ricardus, nec praedecessor et pater ejus Henricus, pro mille millibus marcarum argenti fieri permisisset. Quanta quippe mala ex conjuratione proveniant ex ipsa poterit diffinitione perpendi, quae talis est—communia tumor plebis, timor regni, tepor sacerdotii."—Chron. Stephen, Hen. II, Ric. I (Rolls Series No. ...
— London and the Kingdom - Volume I • Reginald R. Sharpe

... arbitrium que, rit res ista duorum. Vt esse phebi dulcius lumen solet Jam jam cadentis Velle suum cuique est nee voto viuitur vno Who so knew what would be dear Nead be a marchant but a year. Blacke will take no other hew He can yll pipe that wantes his vpper lip Nota res mala optima Balbus balbum rectius intelligit L' agua va al mar A tyme to gett and a tyme to loose Nee dijs nee viribus equis Vnum pro multis dabitur caput Mitte hanc de pectore curam Neptunus ventis impleuit vela secundis A brayne cutt with facettes T T Yow drawe for colors but it prooueth ...
— Bacon is Shake-Speare • Sir Edwin Durning-Lawrence

... explosions both at Kitsa and Maximovskaya and then a great red glare emblazoned the sky as the two oil soaked villages burst into flame. The engineers quickly joined the party and from then on until the following morning they continued in a forced march back to prepared positions at Mala-Beresnik and Nizhni Kitsa on opposite sides of the river about eight versts ...
— The History of the American Expedition Fighting the Bolsheviki - Campaigning in North Russia 1918-1919 • Joel R. Moore

... which were absolute towards all who were fit to receive them; the utmost scorn for whatever was mean and cowardly, and a burning indignation at everything brutal or tyrannical, faithless or dishonorable in conduct and character, while making the broadest distinction between "mala in se" and mere "mala prohibita"—between acts giving evidence of intrinsic badness in feeling and character, and those which are only violations of conventions either good or bad, violations which whether in themselves right or wrong ...
— Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great, Vol. 13 - Little Journeys to the Homes of Great Lovers • Elbert Hubbard

... them have been made by Turner the theme of his sublime mountain-study (Mill near the Grande Chartreuse) in the Liber Studiorum; nor does he seem ever to have been weary of recurring for various precipice-subject, to the ravines of the Via Mala and St. Gothard. I will not injure any of these—his noblest works—by giving imperfect copies of them; the reader has now data enough whereby to judge, when he meets with them, whether they are well done or ill; and, indeed, all that I ...
— Modern Painters, Volume IV (of V) • John Ruskin

... is a scurvy clogdogdo, an unlucky thing, a very foresaid bear-whelp, without any good fashion or breeding: mala bestia. ...
— Epicoene - Or, The Silent Woman • Ben Jonson

... et dura! Hic reliqui plura, Sed sub mala cura. Des! quel dommage! Qui pert la sue chose ...
— The Growth of English Drama • Arnold Wynne

... Francisco Vasquez, e con il colpo usci di ceruello et disuariaua; questo caso alcuni credettero che fusse finto, altri n'hebbero grandissimo dolore; quelli che l'intendeuano a mala parte stauano male con lui per che non si metteua a popolare. And a little afterwarde: molto dispiacque a Don Antonio di Mendoza che fusero ritornati, per che haueua speso piu di sessanta milla pesi d'oro in quella impresa ... molti uolsero restare la, ma ...
— The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of - the English Nation. Vol. XIII. America. Part II. • Richard Hakluyt

... wooden bridge, and rejoin the main road. The slope I have quitted steepens now into a precipice, and the two sides of this ravine move closer and closer together, their bare limestone brows a thousand, two thousand, feet above the road. I vividly recall the Via Mala in Switzerland, as I lean over the stone parapet and push down a heavy stone to crash upon the rocks of the torrent ...
— A Midsummer Drive Through The Pyrenees • Edwin Asa Dix

... si non optimo, certe Espressit nobis non mala pacis amor. Et tibi dic, nostro labor hic si displicet avo, A gratia ...
— The Life of Hugo Grotius • Charles Butler

... prision, y presumen por ella mal de mi, sabiendo la dicha vacatura de catreda y provision en otra persona, no entendiendo como no entienden, ni saben la ley y estilo de la dicha universidad, me tendrian del todo por culpado y condenado, y quedaria siempre en pie esta mala opinion contra mi, aunque Vs. Mds. conociendo en la prosecucion deste pleito mi inocencia, me den por libre y me restituyan en mi honra como espero en Dios que sucedera; porque las sobredichas personas que no saben el estilo de ...
— Fray Luis de Leon - A Biographical Fragment • James Fitzmaurice-Kelly

... tyranni saevissimi, arrogaverunt sibi tirannice electionem Romanorum pontificum. Quot tunc ab eis, proh pudor! proh dolor! in eandem sedem, angelis reverandam, visu horrenda intrusa sunt monstra! Quot ex eis oborta sunt mala, consummatae tragediae! Quibus tunc ipsam sine macula et sine ruga contigit aspergi sordibus, putoribus infici, quinati spurcitiis, ex ...
— The Priest, The Woman And The Confessional • Father Chiniquy

... ordinarily accompanied with much goodness and a Christian life. On the contrary, we should follow the saying of the Apostle in 1 Thess. v. 19-22: 'Spiritum nolite extinguere. Prophetias nolite spernere. Omnia [autem] probate: quod bonum est tenete. Ab omni specie mala abstinete vos.' He who will read St. Thomas on that passage will see how carefully they are to be examined who, in the Church of God, manifest any particular gift that may be profitable or hurtful to our neighbour, ...
— The Life of St. Teresa of Jesus • Teresa of Avila

... her from running on figuratively. She continued: 'Intellectual differences do not cause wounds, except when very unintellectual sentiments are behind them:—my conceit, or your impatience, Nevil? "Noi veggiam come quei, che ha mala luce." . . . I can confess my sight to be imperfect: but will you ever ...
— The Shaving of Shagpat • George Meredith

... tadiora sunt remedia quam mala; & ut corpora lente augescunt, cito extinguuntur, sic ingenia studiaque oppresseris, facilius quam revocaveris; subit quippe ipsius inertiae dulcedo, et invisa primo desidia postremo amatur. Tacit. Vit. ...
— 'Of Genius', in The Occasional Paper, and Preface to The Creation • Aaron Hill

... without letting him see that we can fight. I can kill Mionvu and his principal men myself, and you can slay all those howlers out there without much trouble. If Mionvu and his principal were dead we should not be troubled much, and we could strike south to the Mala-garazi, and ...
— How I Found Livingstone • Sir Henry M. Stanley

... possible, a outrance^. throughout; from first to last, from beginning to end, from end to end, from one end to the other, from Dan to Beersheba, from head to foot, from top to toe, from top to bottom, de fond en comble [Fr.]; a fond, a capite ad calcem [Lat.], ab ovo usque ad mala [Lat.], fore and aft; every, whit, every inch; cap-a-pie, to the end of the chapter; up to the brim, up to the ears, up to the eyes; as a as can be. on all accounts; sous tous les rapports [Fr.]; with a vengeance, with a ...
— Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases: Body • Roget

... mi dicit semper mala nec tacet unquam De me: Lesbia me dispeream nisi amat. Quo signo? quia sunt totidem mea: deprecor illam Assidue; verum dispeream nisi amo." Catulli Carmina, xcii.—W. ...
— The Poems of Jonathan Swift, D.D., Volume I (of 2) • Jonathan Swift

... criticism by which their manner has been fashioned. From outrageous absurdity they are preserved indeed by their timidity. But they perpetually sacrifice nature and reason to arbitrary canons of taste. In their eagerness to avoid the mala prohibita of a foolish code, they are perpetually rushing on the mala in se. Their great predecessors, it is true, were as bad critics as themselves, or perhaps worse, but those predecessors, as we have attempted to show, were inspired by a faculty independent of ...
— The Miscellaneous Writings and Speeches of Lord Macaulay, Vol. 2 (of 4) - Contributions To The Edinburgh Review • Thomas Babington Macaulay

... he said, 'you have quite a series of beautiful little pictures in your mind about that Splugen excursion. Don't you remember the drive along the Via Mala, in the shut-up carriage—the darkness outside—and the swish ...
— The Beautiful Wretch; The Pupil of Aurelius; and The Four Macnicols • William Black

... re publica procul habendam decrevi, non fuit consilium socordia atque desidia bonum otium conterere;[30] neque vero agrum colendo aut venando, servilibus officiis,[31] intentum aetatem agere; sed a quo incepto studioque me ambitio mala detinuerat, eodem regressus statui res gestas populi Romani carptim,[32] ut quaeque memoria digna videbantur, perscribere; eo magis, quod mihi a spe, metu, partibus rei publicae animus liber erat. Igitur de Catilinae conjuratione quam ...
— De Bello Catilinario et Jugurthino • Caius Sallustii Crispi (Sallustius)

... recently established themselves in the hills when Yule wrote, they would scarcely have had time or opportunity to introduce an English children's game. Khasi children also play a kind of "hop Scotch" (khyndat mala shito and ia tiet hile), and Yule writes, "Another of their recreations is an old acquaintance also, which we are surprised to meet with in the Far East. A very tall thick bamboo is planted in the ground, and well oiled. A silver ornament, or a few rupees ...
— The Khasis • P. R. T. Gurdon

... hennepe, Mousa, polytropon, hos mala polla Plagchthae . . . . . . . Pollon d' anthropon iden astea ...
— The Travels of Marco Polo Volume 1 • Marco Polo and Rustichello of Pisa

... himself, was a losing one. "That poor prince," said Granvelle, "has been ill advised. I doubt now whether he will ever be able to make his peace, and I think we shall rather try to get rid of him and his brother as if they were Turks. The marriage with the daughter of Maurice, 'unde mala et quia ipse talis', and his brothers have done him much harm. So have Schwendi and German intimacies. I saw it all very plainly, but he did not choose to ...
— The Rise of the Dutch Republic, 1555-1566 • John Lothrop Motley

... in haec furtim reptas viridaria nostra Tangere fallaci poma caveto mane, Si non obsequeris faxit Deus omne quod opto, Cum malis nostris ut mala ...
— The Complete Works of Whittier - The Standard Library Edition with a linked Index • John Greenleaf Whittier

... low that one cannot detect it above the sea-level until almost right upon it. We left the Vinuesa and entered a boat with a couple of sturdy rowers, who offered to pull us across the Bay for five dollars. As I dipped a hand in the brine one of them raised a cry of "Take care!" there were "mala pesca" there. Mr. Shark, who is an ugly customer, had been cruising in the neighbourhood, and had taken a morsel out of an American swimmer a little time before. There were three masts protruding over the water at one spot, the relics of some gallant ship, and index to one of those godsends ...
— Romantic Spain - A Record of Personal Experiences (Vol. II) • John Augustus O'Shea

... every side; but the neighbouring mountains, if properly defended, would form a barrier of considerable strength against an enemy. In former times it had three walls to protect its extremities; one was built across the valley, at the street of Mala; another at the quarter of Shebeyka; and the third at the valley opening into the Mesfale. These walls were repaired in A.H. 816 and 828, and in a century after some traces ...
— The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction, No. 358 - Vol. XIII, No. 358., Saturday, February 28, 1829 • Various

... of a physician of Jewish descent, Bar-Hebraeus was born in 1226 at Mala[t.]iah on the upper Euphrates. His youth was passed in the troublous times of the Mongol advance into western Asia, and his father eventually retired to Antioch, where Bar-Hebraeus completed his education. In 1246 he was ordained at Tripolis as Jacobite bishop of G[u]b[a]s near Mala[t.]ia, and ...
— Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 3 - "Banks" to "Bassoon" • Various

... es Dieus e nos trazitz, que ab cansos messongeiras e ab motz coladitz, dont totz horn es perdutz canta ni los ditz, [81] ez ab sos reproverbis afilatz e forbitz ez ab los nostres dos, don fo eniotglaritz, ez ab mala doctrina es tant fort enriquitz c'om non auza ren dire a so qu'el contraditz. Pero cant el fo abas ni monges revestitz en la sua abadia fo si.l lums eseurzitz qu'anc no i ac be ni pauza, tro qu'el ne fo ichitz; e cant fo de Tholosa avesques elegitz per trastota la terra es tals focs ...
— The Troubadours • H.J. Chaytor

... versatilis: histrio et actor Quilibet est hominum—mortales nam proprie cuncti Sunt personati, et falsa sub imagine, vulgi Praestringunt oculos: ita Diis, risumque jocumque, Stultitiis, nugisque suis per saecula praebent. . . . . . . . . "Jam mala quae humanum patitur genus, adnumerabo. Principio postquam e latebris male olentibus alvi Eductus tandem est, materno sanguine foedus, Vagit, et auspicio lacrymarum nascitur infans. . . . . . . . . "Vix natus jam vincla subit, tenerosque coercet Fascia longa artus: praesagia ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 208, October 22, 1853 • Various

... a curious connection exists between the Kapus and Balijas and the impure Mala caste. It is said that once upon a time the Kapus and Balijas were flying from the Muhammadans and came to the northern Pallar river in high flood. They besought the river to go down and let them across, but it demanded the sacrifice of a first-born child. While the Kapus ...
— The Tribes and Castes of the Central Provinces of India - Volume II • R. V. Russell

... here! We have it even in my own country. The New Orleans papers have been full of stories about the Mala Vita, the Mafia, or whatever you choose to call it. There is a big Italian population there, you know, and they are causing our police a great deal of worry. I live in Louisiana, so I ought to know. We understand it's an offshoot of ...
— The Net • Rex Beach

... a large wooden fork, with two or three prongs, to pitch it forward. Sometimes they have a ring of twisted strips of yucca leaves instead of the ball, but more often two interlocked rings which they throw ahead with a stick curved at the end. This game, which is called rowe-mala (rowe signifies a ring), must be very ancient, for rings of this kind have sometimes been found in ancient cliff-dwellings. It is certainly a strange sight to see these sturdy amazons race heavily along with astonishing perseverance, when creeks and water-holes come in their way, ...
— Unknown Mexico, Volume 1 (of 2) • Carl Lumholtz

... delirus inersque videri, Dum mea delectent mala me, vel denique fallant, Quam sapere et ringi [Footnote: Hor. 1. ii. Episi. ...
— Literary and Philosophical Essays • Various

... facimus mala saepe poetae, (Ut vineta egomet caedam mea) cum tibi librum Sollicito damus, aut ...
— Inebriety and the Candidate • George Crabbe

... Salt, mala Bacchica[152] Cubebs, Surag,[153] and radix Chinæ (bark), were also regarded by ancient physicians as powerful aphrodisiacs. Gomez[154] asserts of the first of these substances, that women who much indulge in it are thereby rendered more salacious, and that, for this reason, Venus ...
— Aphrodisiacs and Anti-aphrodisiacs: Three Essays on the Powers of Reproduction • John Davenport

... discere incidet in mala. Prov. vii. 16. (b) Non glorietur sapiens in sapientia sua. Ier. ix. 23. (c) Si quis indiget sapientia postulet a Deo. Iac. i. 15. (d) Melior est sapientia cunctis pretiosissimis. ...
— The Care of Books • John Willis Clark

... lo que desee, y contentare a Vd.—Y a la verdad, no era mala la cena. Mientras comia con mucho gusto, el posadero ...
— A First Spanish Reader • Erwin W. Roessler and Alfred Remy

... malestimo. Contuse kontuzi. Convalescence resanigxo. Convalescent (man) resanigxanto. Convene kunvoki. Convenience oportuneco. Convenient oportuna. Convent monahxinejo. Conventional kutima. Converge konvergi. Conversation konversacio. Converse interparoladi. Converse mala. Conversely male. Conversion (of one's self) konvertigxo. Conversion (of some one else) konverto. Convert (relig.) konverti. Convex malkaveta. Convey alporti. Convey (by vehicle) veturigi. Conveyance veturilo. Convict (man) kondamnulo. Convict kondamnato. ...
— English-Esperanto Dictionary • John Charles O'Connor and Charles Frederic Hayes

... printing the private correspondence of persons still living, give me leave, with all due submission, to observe, that the Letters in question were not written and sent under the seal of secrecy; that they have no tendency to the mala fama, or prejudice of any person whatsoever; but rather to the information and edification of mankind: so that it becometh a sort of duty to promulgate them in usum publicum. Besides, I have consulted Mr Davy Higgins, an eminent attorney of this place, who, after due inspection ...
— The Expedition of Humphry Clinker • Tobias Smollett

... fundator, Habitator et amator Cordium humilium; Pelle mala, terge sordes, Et discordes fac concordes, Et ...
— Christian Mysticism • William Ralph Inge

... ipsis actum fuisse, si quemadmodum a principio instituerant, cum disciplinam ecclesiasticam inroduxere, viros modestos et piae veraeque reformationis cupidos tantum in suos coetus admisissent, reiectis petulantibus et fervidis ingeniis, quae eos in diros tumultus, et inextricabilia mala coniecerunt (Dinothus, De Bello Civili, 1582, ...
— The History of Freedom • John Emerich Edward Dalberg-Acton

... which a little river rushes, and around which stretch the crumbling battlements of the ancient town, the road bears the slow diligence or lagging vetturino by the shallow Rhine, through the awful gorges of the Via Mala, and presently over the Splugen to the ...
— Roundabout Papers • William Makepeace Thackeray

... rovina Sempre seguia Morgana il cavalliero: Fiacca ogni bronco ed ogni mala spina, Lasciando dietro a se largo il sentiero: Ed a la Fata molto s' avicina E gia d' averla presa e il suo pensiero: Ma quel pensiero e ben fallace e vano, Pera che ...
— Gryll Grange • Thomas Love Peacock

... rock projecting far into the river, with precipitous sides and a sharp summit visible for some distance along the Amoor. Below it is a small harbor, where the Russian steamer Mala Nadeshda (Little Hope) passed the winter of 1855. She was on her way to Stratensk, carrying Admiral Puchachin on his return from a mission to Japan. Caught by ice the Nadeshda wintered under shelter of this rock, while the Admiral became a horse marine and mounted a saddle ...
— Overland through Asia; Pictures of Siberian, Chinese, and Tartar - Life • Thomas Wallace Knox

... from beginning to end, from end to end, from one end to the other, from Dan to Beersheba, from head to foot, from top to toe, from top to bottom, de fond en comble[Fr]; a fond, a capite ad calcem [Lat], ab ovo usque ad mala[Lat], fore and aft; every, whit, every inch; cap-a-pie, to the end of the chapter; up to the brim, up to the ears, up to the eyes; as . . . as can be. on all accounts;,sous tous les rapports[Fr]; with a ...
— Roget's Thesaurus

... emphasise the problem by offering it to us in an allegory, of which we are presumed to possess a key, serves only to revive Man Friday's question, or the old dilemma which neither intellect nor imagination has ever dealt with successfully. 'Deus aut non vult tollere mala, aut nequit. Si non vult non est bonus. Si nequit non est omnipotens.' It is wiser to confess with Butler that 'there may be necessities in the nature of things which we are not ...
— Bunyan • James Anthony Froude

... the thing that is not, would be the popular definition of falsehood or error. If we were met by the Sophist's objection, the reply would probably be an appeal to experience. Ten thousands, as Homer would say (mala murioi), tell falsehoods and fall into errors. And this is Plato's reply, both in the Cratylus and Sophist. 'Theaetetus is flying,' is a sentence in form quite as grammatical as 'Theaetetus is sitting'; the difference between the two sentences is, that the one is true and ...
— Sophist • Plato

... Bope - "tu es antistes ex Almania, Est una mala gente et corrupta con insania, Un fons hereticorum et malorum tut terrible, Perche non vultis che ego - il ...
— The Breitmann Ballads • Charles G. Leland

... vita volans agit, inrepsit subito canities seni oblitum veteris me Saliae consulis arguens: ex quo prima dies mihi 25 quam multas hiemes volverit et rosas pratis post glaciem reddiderit, nix capitis probat. Numquid talia proderunt carnis post obitum vel bona vel mala, cum iam, quidquid id est, quod fueram, mors aboleverit? 30 Dicendum mihi; Quisquis es, mundum, quem coluit, mens tua perdidit: non sunt illa Dei, quae studuit, cuius habeberis. Atqui fine sub ultimo peccatrix anima stultitiam exuat: 35 saltem voce Deum concelebret, si meritis nequit: hymnis ...
— The Hymns of Prudentius • Aurelius Clemens Prudentius

... real life must be employed in eradicating these early ideas. And this is why, as is related by Diogenes Laertius, Antisthenes gave the following answer: [Greek: erotaetheis ti ton mathaematon anankaiotaton, ephae, "to kaka apomathein."] (Interrogatus quaenam esset disciplina maxime necessaria, Mala, ...
— Essays of Schopenhauer • Arthur Schopenhauer

... woman began to be afraid that those she had told about her wish to harm her would warn the king. So she sought about for some one who did not know Kadali-Garbha, and suddenly remembered a wise woman named Asoka-Mala, who lived in a cave not far from the town, to whom many people used to go for advice in their difficulties. She went to this woman one night, and told her a long story in which there was not one word of truth. The ...
— Hindu Tales from the Sanskrit • S. M. Mitra and Nancy Bell

... Canto III. of the "Inferno," Benvenuto says, speaking of Dante's great enemy, Boniface VIII.,—"Auctor ssepissime dicit de ipso Bonifacio magna mala, qui de rei veritate fuit magnanimus peccator": "Our author very often speaks exceedingly ill of Boniface, who was in very truth a grand sinner." This sentence is omitted in ...
— Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 7, No. 43, May, 1861 • Various

... prize-poems? We can discover no eternal rule, no rule founded in reason and in the nature of things, which Shakspeare does not observe much more strictly than Pope. But if by correctness be meant the conforming to a narrow legislation which, while lenient to the mala in se, multiplies, without a shadow of a reason, the mala prohibita, if by correctness be meant a strict attention to certain ceremonious observances, which are no more essential to poetry than etiquette to good government, ...
— Critical and Historical Essays Volume 2 • Thomas Babington Macaulay

... if we did, we should perhaps know better when we are ill off also; and I have sometimes thought that there are as many ignorant of the one as of the other. He who wrote, "O fortunatos nimium sua si bona norint agricolas," might have written quite as truly, "O infortunatos nimium sua si mala norint"; and there are few of us who are not protected from the keenest pain by our inability to see what it is that we have done, what we are suffering, and what we truly are. Let us be grateful to the mirror for revealing to us ...
— Erewhon • Samuel Butler

... de la ciudad, porque a ellos no les molestan; y fundados en que todo es puro cuento, echaron a presidio a algunos infelices que nos hicieron un bien de caridad a la gente del Somontano,[1] despenando a esa mala mujer. ...
— Legends, Tales and Poems • Gustavo Adolfo Becquer

... De Peccat. Merit. et Rem., II, 18: "Quoniam quod a Deo nos avertimus nostrum est, et haec est voluntas mala; quod vero ad Deum nos convertimus nisi ipso excitante et adiuvante non possumus, et haec ...
— Grace, Actual and Habitual • Joseph Pohle

... nos Domine. * Ab ira tua, libera nos Domine. * A subitanea et improvisa morte, libera nos Domine. * Ab insidiis diaboli, libera nos Domine. * Ab ira, et odio, et omni mala voluntate, libera nos Domine. * A spiritu fornicationis, libera nos Domine. * A fulgure et tempestate, libera nos Domine. * A flagello terrae motus, libera nos Domine. * A peste, fame, et bello, libera nos Domine. A morte perpetua, libera nos Domine. ...
— The St. Gregory Hymnal and Catholic Choir Book • Various

... The region was barren and absolutely waterless, while the heat was tremendous. I only remember one view during that broiling ride. We had reached a great altitude, and were crossing a narrow ridge. On one side was the Moraca, and on the other the Mala, both streams mere ...
— The Land of the Black Mountain - The Adventures of Two Englishmen in Montenegro • Reginald Wyon

... than 126 feet in length. But it occupies a fine position at the end of a really imposing ravine. The whole Furlo Pass might, without too much exaggeration, be described as a kind of Cheddar on the scale of the Via Mala. The limestone rocks, which rise on either hand above the gorge to an enormous height, are noble in form and solemn, like a succession of gigantic portals, with stupendous flanking obelisks and pyramids. Some of these crag-masses rival the fantastic cliffs of Capri, and all consist of that ...
— Sketches and Studies in Italy and Greece, Complete - Series I, II, and III • John Symonds

... than fourteen years Has scorned the nations, to their shame, And pulled their princes' ears. He plays sad tricks upon his toes, And, marching with his guards, He casts down kingdoms as he goes Like houses made of cards, A better name for him would be Not BONA, but MALA-parte] ...

... a position to judge of the skill of these hardy mariners the day after our visit to the arsenal. His Majesty was conducted through the lagoons as far as the fortified gate of Mala-Mocca, and the gondoliers gave as he returned a boat-race and tournament on the water. On that day there was also a special representation at the grand theater, and the whole city was illuminated. In fact, one might think that there ...
— The Private Life of Napoleon Bonaparte, Complete • Constant

... sister Sarianna, he broke the journey by lingering in a hotel on the summit of the Spluegen, where he indulged himself in those long walks which he loved, Miss Browning often accompanying him down the Via Cala Mala, or to the summit where they could look down into Lombardy. Browning was at work on his "Dramatic Idyls," and not only "Ivan Ivanovitch," but several others were written on the Spluegen. Pausing at Lago di Como, and a ...
— The Brownings - Their Life and Art • Lilian Whiting

... provisum, fugit. unde dum per aliquod spacium diliteret,[42] vox corporalis insonuit per XVII. dies antequam caperetur insinuans ei, quod proditione traderetur, ac sine honore, quasi fur aut exul quidam, Londonias, & per medium ejus manu duceretur, multa ac varia pravorum hominum ingeniis mala exquisita subiturus, et infra turrim illic incarcerandus, quae omnia ex beatae Mariae virginis revelatione, Sanctorumque Joannis baptistae, Dunstani, & Ancelmi, quorum consolationibus ad tunc, sicut etiam alias, potitus fuit, per eosdem ad patientiam ...
— Henry the Sixth - A Reprint of John Blacman's Memoir with Translation and Notes • John Blacman

... the doctor, "our great master Hippocrates, the north star and luminary of medicine, says in one of his aphorisms, Omnis saturatio mala, perdicis autem pessima; which means, 'All repletion is bad, but that from partridges ...
— Wit and Wisdom of Don Quixote • Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

... Mala maxillae: the globes of maxilla; outer or galea, inner or lacinia; where only one is present, the term refers to ...
— Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology • John. B. Smith

... were the first course, as apples were the last, at a Roman dinner, hence the saying "ab ovo usque ad mala."] ...
— Roman Farm Management - The Treatises Of Cato And Varro • Marcus Porcius Cato

... marvelous engraving. The Dumblane was, however, well etched by Mr. Lupton, and beautifully engraved by him. The finest Turner etching is of an aqueduct with a stork standing in a mountain stream, not in the published series; and next to it, are the unpublished etchings of the Via Mala and Crowhurst. Turner seems to have been so fond of these plates that he kept retouching and finishing them, and never made up his mind to let them go. The Via Mala is certainly, in the state in which Turner left it, the finest of the whole ...
— The Elements of Drawing - In Three Letters to Beginners • John Ruskin

... of park runs along parallel to the beach in the direction towards Mala Mocco. Muller and Mrs Bernauer walked along through this park on the path which was nearest the water. The detective watched the rapidly moving figure ahead of them, while the woman's tear-dimmed eyes veiled everything else to her but the path along which her weary feet ...
— The Lamp That Went Out • Augusta Groner

... Fuit autem proculdubio famosi huius libelli author, cerdo et propola circumforaneus, multsque Ilandi angulos, sordid mercatur gratia, ostintim adierat: quod ipse de se in prclaris illi suis rythmis testatur, maximam Islandi partem sibi peragratam esse. Vnde cum ipse mala fide cum mulus egerit (plerumque enim fraus et mendacia coniunguntur, et mendacem se fuisse, hac ingenij sui experientia satis probauit) etiam fort se deceptorum fraudem est expertus. Hinc illa in totam ...
— The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries - of the English Nation, v. 1, Northern Europe • Richard Hakluyt

... a wild and desolate character. The road from Bourg d'Oisans to Briancon also presents some magnificent scenery; and there is one part of it that is not perhaps surpassed even by the famous Via Mala leading up to the Spluegen. It is about three miles above Bourg d'Oisans, from which we started early next morning. There the road leaves the plain and enters the wild gorge of Freney, climbing by a steep road up ...
— The Huguenots in France • Samuel Smiles

... from Newfoundland to the English Channel: Mr. Bakewell, Jun. on the Falls of Niagara: Mr. Bicheno on the Shamrock of Ireland; Effect of Light on Plants; Immense Tree in Mexico; Mr. Murray on Raining Trees; Forms and Relations of Volcanoes; Cuticular Pores of Plants; Volcano of Pietra Mala; Milk Tree of Demarara; Productiveness of Plants and Animals; Height of the Perpetual Snows on the Cordillera of Peru; Gerard's Botanical Journey in the Himala Mountains; Changes of temperature in Plants; Humboldt's account of the Gold and Platina district of Russia; Sir H. Davy on the ...
— The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction, Vol. 17, No. - 488, May 7, 1831 • Various

... devil can do of himself, now you shall hear what he can perform by his instruments, who are many times worse (if it be possible) than he himself, and to satisfy their revenge and lust cause more mischief, Multa enim mala non egisset daemon, nisi provocatus a sagis, as [1252]Erastus thinks; much harm had never been done, had he not been provoked by witches to it. He had not appeared in Samuel's shape, if the Witch of Endor had let him alone; or represented those serpents in Pharaoh's presence, had not the ...
— The Anatomy of Melancholy • Democritus Junior

... jam mihi reddor, inertis Desidiae sors dura manet, graviorque labore Tristis et atra quies, et tardae taedia vitae. Nascuntur curis curae, vexatque dolorum Importuna cohors, vacuae mala somnia mentis. Nunc clamosa juvant nocturnae gaudia mensae, Nunc loca sola placent; frustra te, somne, recumbens, Alme voco, impatiens noctis, metuensque diei. Omnia percurro trepidus, circum omnia lustro, Si qua usquam pateat ...
— Life Of Johnson, Vol. 1 • Boswell

... [33] "Neque mala vel bona," says the philosophic Roman, "quae vulgus putet; multos, qui conflictari udversis videantur, beatos; ac plerosque, quamquam magnas per opes, miserrimos; si illi gravem fortunam constanter ...
— The History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella The Catholic, V3 • William H. Prescott

... emblema de un trabajo honrado. (Aparte.) Me parece que voy bien. Debo ganarme su 70 voluntad. (Alto.) Mi hermano crey ver en su cara de usted cierto parecido con un muchacho de Madrid... un mala cabeza, que dio mil escndalos y cometi... no s qu diabluras... Realmente no ...
— Heath's Modern Language Series: Mariucha • Benito Perez Galdos

... in lucem coluber mala gramina pastus, Frigida sub terra tumidum quem bruma tegebat, Nunc positis novus exuviis nitidusque juventa, Lubrica convolvit sublato pectore terga Arduus ad solem, at linguis micat ore trisulcis." ...
— The Fifteen Decisive Battles of The World From Marathon to Waterloo • Sir Edward Creasy, M.A.

... proculcavit ac vitae bona proiecit atque abscidit et casus suos oneravit ipse, cui deo nullo est opus, quare ille mortem cupiat aut quare petat? utrumque timidi est: nemo contempsit mori qui concupivit. cuius haut ultra mala exire possunt, in loco tuto est situs, quis iam deorum, velle fac, quicquam potest malis tuis adicere? iam nec tu potes nisi hoc, ut esse te putes dignum nece— non es nec ulla pectus hoc culpa attigit. et hoc magis te, genitor, ...
— Post-Augustan Poetry - From Seneca to Juvenal • H.E. Butler

... the French, winked, and began to jabber meaningless sounds very fast: "Kari, mala, tafa, safi, muter, Kaska," he said, trying to give an ...
— War and Peace • Leo Tolstoy

... driven from the cities on the northern coast of the Euxine, and retiring into the interior, lived in wooden huts, and used a language half Scythian and half Greek. We follow this people down to the times of Mala and find them fully barbarous, using the skins of those slain in battle as coverings both for themselves and their horses. The Copts, of our times, are degraded descendants of the ancient Egyptians. In North and South ...
— The Christian Foundation, March, 1880

... is bad enough, not essentially unjust, but hampered with endless quibbles and technicalities, quite justifying the Spanish proverb, "Mas vale una mala composicion que un buen pleito,"—a bad compromise is better than a good lawsuit. As things stand now, the law of any case is the least item in the account, there are so many ways of working upon judges and witnesses. Bribery first and foremost; and—if that fails—personal intimidation, ...
— Anahuac • Edward Burnett Tylor

... Denus et undenus est mortis vulnere plenus. MAY Tertius occidit, et septimus ora relidit. JUNE Denus pallescit, quindenus foedra nescit. JULY Ter-decimus mactat, Julii denus labefactat. AUGUST Prima necat fortem prosternit secunda cohortem. SEPTEMBER Tertia Septembris, et denus fert mala membris. OCTOBER Tertius et denus, est sicut mors alienus. NOVEMBER Scorpius est quintus, et tertius e nece cinctus. DECEMBER Septimus exanguis, virosus denus ...
— Curiosities of Literature, Vol. 1 (of 3) • Isaac D'Israeli

... after the fashion of love-lorn Cherry-Cheeks, I said to myself, "I'll Jack him!" I was going to be near Margaret, and, so rejoicing, bethought me of the hapless Roman's "Infelix, properas ultima nosse mala." And what did that matter either? I rubbed myself the colour of a love-apple, humming the while old-time ditties long since driven out of my head by the Latin rubbish. Jack was right. Of course it was rubbish. "Latin be damned," ...
— The Yeoman Adventurer • George W. Gough

... received from Deutschland. Whip the Ancient Mariner, indeed! A likely thing that: and at the very moment when he was coming off such a hard night's duty, and supporting a character which a classical Roman has pronounced to be a spectacle for Olympus—viz., that of 'Puer bonus cum mala-fortuna compositus' (a virtuous boy matched in duel with adversity)! The sequel of the adventure is thus reported: 'I was put to bed, and recovered in a day or so. But I was certainly injured; for I was weakly and subject ...
— The Posthumous Works of Thomas De Quincey, Vol. II (2 vols) • Thomas De Quincey

... his companion, with a thick tongue, "that I don't live in the Rue des Mauvaises Paroles, indignus qui inter mala verba habitat. I have a lodging in the Rue Jean-Pain-Mollet, in vico Johannis Pain-Mollet. You are more horned than a unicorn if you assert the contrary. Every one knows that he who once mounts astride a bear is never ...
— Notre-Dame de Paris - The Hunchback of Notre Dame • Victor Hugo

... fortasse defectus, posse contra innocentiam, quae sceleratus quisque conceperit inspectante deo, monstri simile est. Vnde haud iniuria tuorum quidam familiarium quaesiuit: 'Si quidem deus,' inquit, 'est, unde mala? Bona uero unde, si non est?' Sed fas fuerit nefarios homines qui bonorum omnium totiusque senatus sanguinem petunt, nos etiam quos propugnare bonis senatuique uiderant, perditum ire uoluisse. Sed num idem de patribus quoque merebamur? ...
— The Theological Tractates and The Consolation of Philosophy • Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius

... neque item ut ceterae, Neque spurcidici insunt versus immemorabiles, Hic neque periurus leno est nec meretrix mala Neque miles gloriosus— ...
— Latin Literature • J. W. Mackail

... of the Sardanion mala toion mentioned in Book XX.; such as, perhaps, could not be easily paralleled. I question if there be a passage, either in ancient or modern tragedy, so truly terrible as this seeming levity of Ulysses, in the moment when he was going to ...
— The Odyssey of Homer • Homer

... products or byproducts of the influence of the two great secret societies of southern Italy. These societies and the unorganized criminal propensity and atmosphere which they generate, are known as the "Mala Vita." ...
— Courts and Criminals • Arthur Train

... lassitudine; De batimento cordis, De strangulamento matris, Alio nomine vapor hysterique, Quae, sicut omnes maladiae terminatae en ique, Facit a Galien la nique. Visagium apparebat bouffietum, et coloris Tantum vertae quantum merda anseris. Ex pulsu petito valde frequens, et urina mala Quam apportaverat in fiola Non videbatur exempta de febricules; Au reste, tam debilis quod venerat De son grabat In cavallo sur une mule, Non habuerat menses suos Ab illa die qui dicitur des grosses eaux; Sed contabat mihi a l'oreille Che si non era morta, ...
— The Imaginary Invalid - Le Malade Imaginaire • Moliere

... aerios, valles opacas, ditissima maria. Nec dubito quin in intimis illis suis visceribus claudat tellus aliquid bonarum mercium; quas ut eruam, scrutabor omnes eius venas, aut si mihi 95 defuerit aetas, nepotes certe mei facient. Sunt et hic aurea mala, sunt fici pinguissimi, sunt frugum omniiuga genera. Multa adeo passim sponte nascuntur ut paradisum istum non magnopere desideremus, si liceat hic aeternum vivere. Infestamur morbis; et huic rei 100 inveniet remedium humana industria. ...
— Selections from Erasmus - Principally from his Epistles • Erasmus Roterodamus

... literature in the age of Plato was degenerating into sophistry and rhetoric? We can discourse and write about poems and paintings, but we seem to have lost the gift of creating them. Can we wonder that few of them 'come sweetly from nature,' while ten thousand reviewers (mala murioi) are engaged in dissecting them? Young men, like Phaedrus, are enamoured of their own literary clique and have but a feeble sympathy with the master-minds of former ages. They recognize 'a POETICAL necessity ...
— Phaedrus • Plato

... anuncios por la mala) from America report an abnormal (anormal) curtailment of production in ...
— Pitman's Commercial Spanish Grammar (2nd ed.) • C. A. Toledano

... graciously, and gave them letters to the Bishop of Arezzo, commanding him to furnish the new brotherhood with one of the rules authorised by Holy Church for governance of a monastic order. Guido Tarlati, of the great Pietra-mala house, was Bishop and despot of Arezzo at this epoch. A man less in harmony with coenobitical enthusiasm than this warrior prelate, could scarcely have been found. Yet attendance to such matters formed part of his business, and the legend even credits him with an inspired dream; ...
— New Italian sketches • John Addington Symonds

... rura manebunt, Et tibi magna satis; quamvis lapis omnia nudus, Limosoque palus obducat pascua junco: Non insueta graves tentabunt pabula foetas, Nec mala vicini pecoris contagia loedent. Fortunate senex! hic inter flumina nota, Et fontes sacros, frigus captabis opacum. Hinc tibi, quae semper vicino ab limite sepes, Hyblaeis apibus florem depasta salicti, Saepe levi somnum suadebit inire susurro. ...
— The Works of Samuel Johnson - Volume IV [The Rambler and The Adventurer] • Samuel Johnson

... had written to Duke Ercole, on August 14, that it was no wonder the Pope and the duke were ill, as nearly everybody in Rome was ill as a consequence of the bad air ("Per la mala condictione ...
— The Life of Cesare Borgia • Raphael Sabatini

... favourable for entering the Bay of Panama. A ship steering round Cabo Mala, once she has weathered this much-dreaded headland, will have it on her starboard quarter. But the Condor, coming down from north, gets it nearly abeam; and her captain, perceiving he has run a little too much coastwise, cries out to the ...
— The Flag of Distress - A Story of the South Sea • Mayne Reid

... the Fig is of ancient date. Theocritus speaks of sykinoi andres, useless men; Horace, "Olim truncus eram ficulnus, inutile lignum;" and Juvenal, "Sterilis mala robora ficus." ...
— The plant-lore & garden-craft of Shakespeare • Henry Nicholson Ellacombe

... the rival chiefs. It took place at Mala, November 13th, 1537; but very different was the deportment of the two commanders towards each other from that which they had exhibited at their former meetings. Almagro, indeed, doffing his bonnet, advanced in his usual open manner to salute his ancient comrade; but Pizarro, hardly condescending ...
— History Of The Conquest Of Peru • William Hickling Prescott

... this time, mounted their cannon in forts St. Philip and St. Barbara. Vast quantities of stores were landed at Point Mala, at the end of the bay. Some fifteen thousand men were under canvas, in their camp; and strong parties were constantly employed in erecting works near their forts. The garrison on their side were continually strengthening and ...
— Held Fast For England - A Tale of the Siege of Gibraltar (1779-83) • G. A. Henty

... managed to land their cargoes along the shore. Conflicts would have arisen between our countrymen and the local magistrates, who would not, like the authorities of Canton, have had some knowledge of European habits and feelings. The mere malum prohibitum would, as usual, have produced the mala in se. The unlawful traffic would inevitably have led to a crowd of acts, not only unlawful, but immoral. The smuggler would, by the almost irresistible force of circumstances, have been turned into ...
— The Miscellaneous Writings and Speeches of Lord Macaulay, Vol. 4 (of 4) - Lord Macaulay's Speeches • Thomas Babington Macaulay

... .....Mala furta hominum densis mucronibus arcens Securum defendit inexpugnabilis hortum; Exornatque simul, toto spectabilis anno, Et numero, ...
— Sylva, Vol. 1 (of 2) - Or A Discourse of Forest Trees • John Evelyn

... side of this broad curve in the straight seaboard of the Republic of Costaguana, the last spur of the coast range forms an insignificant cape whose name is Punta Mala. From the middle of the gulf the point of the land itself is not visible at all; but the shoulder of a steep hill at the back can be made out faintly like a ...
— Nostromo: A Tale of the Seaboard • Joseph Conrad

... August., quoted by Burton, II. iii. 3: Dantur quidem bonis, saith Austin, ne quis mala aestimet, malis autem ne quis ...
— The Hesperides & Noble Numbers: Vol. 1 and 2 • Robert Herrick

... sciendum, quod multi in exercitu eorum sunt, qui si viderent tempus, et haberent fiduciam, quod nostri non occiderent eos, ex omni parte exercitus, sicut ipsimet nobis dixerunt, pugnarent cum eis, et plura mala facerent ipsis, quam alij, ...
— The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries - Vol. II • Richard Hakluyt

... "Tertius occidit, & Septimus ora relidit".* June "Denus pallescit, quindenus feeders nescit". July. "Ter-decimus mactat, Julij denus labefactat." August. "Prima necat fortem, prostemit secunda cohortem". September "Tertia Septembris & denus fert mala membris". October. "Tertius & denus est, sicut, mors alienus". November. "Scorpius est quintus, & tertius e nece cinctus". December. "Septimus exanguis, virosus denus & anguis". * ...
— Miscellanies upon Various Subjects • John Aubrey

... constantly over the mountain, and they could shake hands with acquaintances at night, and know them gone in the morning. They dined at the table d'hote, but took all other meals alone, and slept in a detached wing or 'dependance' of the hotel. Their daily walks sometimes carried them down to the Via Mala; often to the top of the ascent, where they could rest, looking down into Italy; and would even be prolonged over a period of five hours and an extent of seventeen miles. Now, as always, the mountain air stimulated Mr. Browning's physical ...
— Life and Letters of Robert Browning • Mrs. Sutherland Orr

... as there are of Roman Rouen. The same mud flats along the river bank remained until, in 982, after the first great fire, Cnut made a canal for his boats round Southwark. Into the marsh fell the Fleet river, just as Robec into Mala Palus; the English stream like the French one, formed the first natural line of defence on that side; and both are now little better than built-in sewers, one flowing into Thames at Blackfriars ...
— The Story of Rouen • Sir Theodore Andrea Cook

... Michel, was machst fuer ein banges Gesicht?" "'Sein Sie's wahrhaftig? Ich glaabten es nich! "'Der Schrauber wirklich mit Mala[86] un Ranze? "'Das is lo ...
— The German Element in Brazil - Colonies and Dialect • Benjamin Franklin Schappelle

... states, non esse facienda mala, ut eveniant bona, and which even forbids the permission of a moral evil with the end of [138] obtaining a physical good, far from being violated, is here proved, and its source and its reason are demonstrated. One will not approve the action of a queen who, under the pretext of saving ...
— Theodicy - Essays on the Goodness of God, the Freedom of Man and the Origin of Evil • G. W. Leibniz

... artistic design; but there is little fault to be found with the most recent additions. Among so many it is inevitable that very different degrees of merit will be exhibited. It has been said that the entire series is an exemplification of the Horatian maxim, "Sunt bona, sunt quaedam mediocria, sunt mala plura"; and, except that we should be disposed to exchange the position of the words "quaedam" and "plura" (if the metre allowed it), with this sentiment ...
— Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Ely • W. D. Sweeting

... afflictum, per summam pacem in rivo fluvii pascentem. Ad castra itaque mirabundus revertens, fidei dubius, rem primo occultavit, dein, confecto bello, Confessori suo totam asseruit. Delusoria procul dubio res tota, ac mala veteratoris illius aperitur fraus, qua hominem Christianum ad vetitum tale auxilium pelliceret. Nomen utcunque illius (nobilis alias ac clari) reticendum duco, cum haud dubium sit quin Diabolus, Deo permittente, formam quam libuerit, immo angeli ...
— Marmion • Sir Walter Scott

... duas: Propriis repletam vitiis post tergum dedit, Alienis ante pectus suspendit gravem. Hac re videre nostra mala non possumus: Alii simul ...
— Plutarch's Lives Volume III. • Plutarch

... Deo perpetuo aduersatur voluntate & actu non semper effectu: id est, Intentio semper est mala, etsi non semper ex animi sui sententia maium perficere possit Deo illud vertente in bonum. Aug de Ciuit. Dei, lib. * cap. 35 & de trinitate lib. 3. ...
— A Treatise of Witchcraft • Alexander Roberts

... Inimicos nostras domat Et peccata nostra delet; Praegnantem cum partu salvat, Ab incendio praeservat, Dona dignis multa confert, A subersione servat, Utque malis mala defert. A morte cita liberat, Portio, quamvis parva sit, Et Cacodaemones ...
— History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom • Andrew Dickson White

... poets who adorned Braj or the Muttra district. Pre-eminent among them is the blind Sur Das who flourished about 1550 and wrote such sweet lyrics that Krishna himself came down and acted as his amanuensis. A somewhat later member of the same group is Nabha Das, the author of the Bhakta Mala or Legends of the Saints, which is still one of the most popular religious works of northern India.[610] Almost contemporary with Sur Das was the great Tulsi Das and Grierson[611] enumerated thirteen subsequent writers who composed Ramayanas ...
— Hinduism And Buddhism, Volume II. (of 3) - An Historical Sketch • Charles Eliot

... esset aliquis in lucem editus Humanae vitae varia reputantes mala; At qui labores morte finisset graves Omnes amices laude et ...
— The Spectator, Volume 2. • Addison and Steele

... face, a deep furrow running from the lobe of his ear to his mouth. That, I knew, was a brand set upon him by the Camorra. I sat and smoked and sipped slowly for several minutes, cursing him inwardly more for his presence than for his evident look of the "mala vita." At last he went out to ask ...
— The Silent Bullet • Arthur B. Reeve

... identified. Fruit coming from Asia Minor, Media or Persia, one of the many varieties of citrus fruit. Probably citron because of their size. Goll. Lemon-apples; Dann. lemons (oranges). List. Scilicet mala, quae Dioscorides Persica quoque & Medica, & citromala, Plinius ...
— Cooking and Dining in Imperial Rome • Apicius

... Philippe de Mala, as he was called, resolved to behave well and worthily to serve his protector, but he saw in this mysterious Council many men leading a dissolute life and yet not making less, nay —gaining more indulgences, gold crowns and benefices than ...
— Droll Stories, Volume 1 • Honore de Balzac

... "having him punished," lit. "causing give him ill luck" (fargli dar la mala ventura). This passage, like so many others of the Decameron, is ambiguous and may also be read "themseeming none other had a juster title to ...
— The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio • Giovanni Boccaccio

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