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  English Dictionary   examples: 'day', 'get rid of', 'New York Bay'

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0 - 1760s
1770s - 2nd lieutenant
3 - 52
53 - a d
a e - abasia trepidans
abasic - abetment
abettal - abo system
aboard - abroach
abroad - absorbent
absorbent - abyssal
abyssal zone - acaracide
acardia - accidentally
accipiter - accredited
accrete - acervate
acervulus - achras zapota
achromasia - acocanthera venenata
acokanthera - acris
acris crepitans - actinian
actiniaria - activity
actomyosin - ad lib
ad lib - addlebrained
addled - adi granth
adiabatic - admiral byrd
admiral dewey - adrenal cortex
adrenal cortical steroid - advancement
advancer - aecial
aeciospore - aerogram
aerogramme - affectingly
affection - aflaxen
aflicker - afterlife
aftermath - age related macular degenerati
aged - agitated depression
agitating - agriculture secretary
agriculturist - aigret
aigrette - air mattress
air medal - airmailer
airman - al haytham
al hirschfeld - alauda
alauda arvensis - alces alces
alchemic - aleksandr nikolayevich scriabi
aleksandr pavlovich - alfonso borgia
alfred - algorithmic
algorithmic language - alkahestic
alkalemia - all victorious
all weather - alliance
alliaria - allopurinol
allosaur - alnus serrulata
alnus veridis - alphabet
alphabet soup - altar boy
altar wine - alveolar
alveolar arch - amaze
amazed - amd
ameba - american centaury
american chameleon - american plaice
american plan - amicus curiae
amicus curiae brief - amniote
amniotic - amphigory
amphimixis - amygdalus
amygdalus communis - anagoge
anagogic - anaphor
anaphora - anatropous
anatropous ovule - andre malraux
andre markoff - anemic hypoxia
anemographic - angiocardiogram
angiocarp - anglophobe
anglophobia - animal fibre
animal foot - ankle
ankle brace - annual parallax
annual ring - anoplura
anorak - ante up
anteater - anthill
anthoceropsida - anti takeover defense
anti tnf compound - antifouling paint
antifreeze - antipodal
antipodal opposition - anton van leeuwenhoek
anton van leuwenhoek - aoudad
apace - apian
apiarian - apologia
apologise - apparent movement
apparently - appleton layer
applewood - approbatory
appropriable - aquicultural
aquiculture - arame
aramean - arc cotangent
arc lamp - archetypal
archetype - arctonyx
arctonyx collaris - arethusa bulbosa
argal - aries the ram
arietta - arm
arm band - armour plated
armoured - arrange