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Trammel   /trˈæməl/   Listen

A fishing net with three layers; the outer two are coarse mesh and the loose inner layer is fine mesh.  Synonym: trammel net.
An adjustable pothook set in a fireplace.
A restraint that is used to teach a horse to amble.
A restraint that confines or restricts freedom (especially something used to tie down or restrain a prisoner).  Synonyms: bond, hamper, shackle.

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"Trammel" Quotes from Famous Books

... from without. The pressure exerted by the atmosphere was but little understood at that time, but Torricelli's discovery aided materially in solving the mystery. The whole class of similar phenomena of air pressure, which had been held in the trammel of long-established but false doctrines, was now reduced to one simple law, and the door to a solution of a host of unsolved ...
— A History of Science, Volume 2(of 5) • Henry Smith Williams

... and that the latter greatly excelled in pantomimic effect. This need not be surprising when it is considered that what is to the Indian a mere adjunct or accomplishment is to the deaf-mute the natural mode of utterance, and that there is still greater freedom from the trammel of translating words into action—instead of acting the ideas themselves—when, the sound of words being unknown, they remain still as they originated, but another kind of sign, even after the art of reading is acquired, and do not become ...
— Sign Language Among North American Indians Compared With That Among Other Peoples And Deaf-Mutes • Garrick Mallery

... hitcher, the tide having risen so high that in places the boys had to bend down. Then once more they were in the long, canal-like zigzag, and soon after in the dock, where they loyally helped the old man carry up and spread the trammel net to ...
— Cormorant Crag - A Tale of the Smuggling Days • George Manville Fenn

... open eyes, Where he was mirror'd small in paradise, My silver planet, both of eve and morn! Why will you plead yourself so sad forlorn, While I am striving how to fill my heart With deeper crimson, and a double smart? How to entangle, trammel up and snare Your soul in mine, and labyrinth you there Like the hid scent in an unbudded rose? Ay, a sweet kiss—you see your mighty woes. My thoughts! shall I unveil them? Listen then! What mortal hath a prize, that other men May be confounded and abash'd withal, ...
— Lamia • John Keats

... appear to possess a superior degree of vigour or freshness of mind to those born in Europe, or in old and thickly inhabited countries. This may result in a great degree from their comparative freedom from conventional prejudices, the results of a long and insensible growth in families, which trammel nearly every mind in densely peopled countries, and more especially in places where commerce is languidly carried on. Perhaps also in some measure it may be owing to the greater facility the poorer classes have in all colonies of earning a livelihood, which, by freeing ...
— Recollections of Manilla and the Philippines - During 1848, 1849 and 1850 • Robert Mac Micking

... table, and to our great surprise and delight a huge yellow pitcher of milk soon made its appearance, and immediately after an old-fashioned iron bake-pan, with an upper crust of live embers and ashes, was lifted off the chimney trammel, and when it was opened, the fragrance of hot ginger-bread filled the apartment. Then Red-Cap bobbed away at a corner cupboard, until he extracted therefrom a small keg or runlet of St. Croix rum of most ripe age and choice flavor, some of which, by an adroit and experienced crook ...
— Acadia - or, A Month with the Blue Noses • Frederic S. Cozzens

Words linked to "Trammel" :   baffle, mark off, reduce, contain, tighten, ball and chain, cumber, cuff, tie, hunting, capture, mark out, strangle, tighten up, check, regulate, control, hunt, handcuff, rein, crack down, constraint, inhibit, fishing net, harness, restraint, fetter, gate, draw the line, hold in, curb, fishnet, hold, handlock, rule, moderate, chains, stiffen, manacle, encumber, irons, clamp down, hamper, hobble, pothook, catch, gin, constrain, cramp, halter, draw a line

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