"Trademark" Quotes from Famous Books
... word "concrete" is not in the least a technical term copyrighted by Hegel, nor is it his trademark. It is one of the commonest of words, and free to all. But what sort of a reasoner is he who infers the identity of two whole complex theories from their coincidence in the use of only a single word? Even this poor ... — A Public Appeal for Redress to the Corporation and Overseers of Harvard University - Professor Royce's Libel • Francis Ellingwood Abbot
... Spanish husband, Philip, several pictures by Titian arrived in London, via Madrid. Then, too, there were various copies of pictures by Paul Veronese, Murillo and Velasquez that long passed for original, because the copyist had faithfully placed the great artist's trademark in the ... — Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great, Volume 4 (of 14) - Little Journeys to the Homes of Eminent Painters • Elbert Hubbard |
Words linked to "Trademark" : Elixophyllin, Pepto-bismal, Bakelite, Sno-cat, Aflaxen, Levi's, Vaseline, Jaws of Life, Life Saver, Phillips screw, Pyrex, mould, Zyloprim, Identikit, Lucite, Pernod, Roneograph, Teflon, monopoly, Bufferin, Nichrome, Imuran, Elavil, Segway HT, Tempra, velcro, Terylene, Sheetrock, Vinylite, photostat, Spode, spam, Linotype, Anacin III, mace, Identikit picture, Realtor, file, Model T, characteristic, mapquest, Slo-Bid, Zovirax, Aqua-Lung, Seeing Eye dog, Azactam, Twinkie, Bayer, carborundum, Lipitor, video iPod, Lilo, pablum, Victrola, silex, scrabble, Proventil, Invar, Crock Pot, Ask Jeeves, Kleenex, Orlon, Link trainer, Mylar, Cordarone, Inocor, google, Hypertensin, Carboloy, Tylenol, Plasticine, Bromo-seltzer, Capoten, Rolaids, Maalox, Walkman, BVD's, Tums, Duralumin, marker, Stanley Steamer, Linux, sellotape, Liederkranz, Brioschi, hoover, Dacron, Theobid, Elastoplast, Skivvies, marking, colt, Fosamax, Masonite, Chemical Mace, luger, Alka-seltzer, Elinvar, Clorox, Lego set, Photostat machine, Courtelle, scotch tape, Weston cell, Rollerblade, Ultrasuede, Plexiglas, Phenaphen, Rolodex, Segway Human Transporter, Wiffle Ball, Mylanta, Winchester, label, Hum-Vee, Kwell, Wedgwood, Ventolin, Wiffle, Benzedrine, Principen, Parcheesi, Terramycin, logotype, St. Joseph, caterpillar, Lego, earmark, Styrofoam, Princeton WordNet, Viyella, Panadol, Teleprompter, Jell-O, Meccano set, RU 486, loafer, alar, Microtaggant, Inconel, roneo, Drambuie, Stellite, wordnet, Ping-Pong, Lastex, Malathion, Perspex, SK-Ampicillin, BVD, Linotype machine, iPod, Humvee, Freon, Anaprox, logo, Windows, Dumpster, Harris Tweed, mold, mark, register, band aid, Polycillin, Segway, Elspar, BuSpar, Datril, Formica, yahoo, Crazy Glue, Aleve, Mecholyl, Meccano, Empirin, Kitty Litter, Frisbee, sharpie, tag |
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