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English Dictionary      examples: 'day', 'get rid of', 'New York Bay'

Tout   /taʊt/   Listen

Someone who buys tickets to an event in order to resell them at a profit.  Synonym: ticket tout.
Someone who advertises for customers in an especially brazen way.  Synonym: touter.
One who sells advice about gambling or speculation (especially at the racetrack).  Synonym: tipster.

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"Tout" Quotes from Famous Books

... apparaitre une etrange figure; Un etre tout seme de bouches, d'ailes, d'yeux, Vivant, presque lugubre et presque radieux; Vaste, il volait; plusieurs des ailes etaient chauves. En s'agitant, les cils de ses prunelles fauves Jetaient plus de ...
— La Legende des Siecles • Victor Hugo

... recu de toi ce don incomparable. 'Oui, as-tu dit, exaucant le voeu du mauvais Genie; Dieu. Yaksha ou Demon ne pourra jamais causer ta mort!' Et nous, par qui ta parole est respectee, nous avons tout supporte de ce roi des rakshasas, qui ecrase de sa tyrannie les trois mondes, ou il promene l' injure impunement. Enorgueilli de ce don victorieux, il opprime indignement les Dieux, les rishis, les Yakshas, les Gandharvas, les Asouras et ...
— The Ramayana • VALMIKI

... pictured, during which she was allowed to infer that he had tried his hand at divers means of livelihood, accepting employment from a fashionable house-decorator, designing wall-papers, illustrating magazine articles, and acting for a time, she dimly understood, as the social tout of a new hotel desirous of advertising its restaurant. These disjointed facts were strung on a slender thread of personal allusions—references to friends who had been kind (jealously, she guessed them to be women), and to enemies who had darkly schemed against him. But, true to his tradition ...
— Tales Of Men And Ghosts • Edith Wharton

... opposed; as opposite as black and white, as opposite as light and darkness, as opposite as fire and water, as opposite as the poles; as different as night and day; Hyperion to a satyr [Hamlet]; quite the contrary, quite the reverse; no such thing, just the other way, tout au contraire [Fr.]. Adv. contrarily &c adj.; contra, contrariwise, per contra, on the contrary, nay rather; vice versa; on the other hand &c (in compensation) 30. Phr. all concord's born of contraries [B. Jonson]. Thesis, ...
— Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases: Body • Roget

... it was so funny, if it was you," she replied with dignity. Dignity did not become her tout ensemble. Katy went off into fresh screams of mirth. Chicken Little had stood about all she could that afternoon. Her face flamed with wrath, and, gathering up the struggling pig in her arms, she hurled it ...
— Chicken Little Jane on the Big John • Lily Munsell Ritchie

... L'Esprit des Lois, Book xvi. chap. 4, where Montesquieu says:—'J'avoue que si ce que les relations nous disent etait vrai, qu'a Bantam il y a dix femmes pour un homme, ce serait un cas bien particulier de la polygamie. Dans tout ceci je ne justifie pas les usages, ...
— Life Of Johnson, Volume 5 • Boswell

... avec de cannes, de roseaux, des ecorces, et disposez les de telle maniere qu'elles forment tantot des rues, et tantot des quartiers separes: coupez ces divers quartiers de prairies et de bois: repandez par tout dans cette grande foret, autant d'hommes qu'on en voit dans nos villes, lorsqu'elles sont bien peuplees; vous vous formerez une idee assez juste d'Achen; et vous conviendrez qu'une ville de ce gout nouveau peut faire plaisir a des etrangers qui passent. Elle me parut d'abord comme ces paysages ...
— The History of Sumatra - Containing An Account Of The Government, Laws, Customs And - Manners Of The Native Inhabitants • William Marsden

... not know—but, all of a sudden, from everywhere came the thought of my brun, my handsome brun with the mustache, and the bonne aventure, ricke, avenant, the Jules, Raoul, Guy, and the flower leaves, and 'il m'aime, un pen, beaucoup, pas du tout,' passionnement, and the way I expected to meet him walking to and from school, walking as if I were dancing the steps, and oh, my plans, my plans, my plans,—silk dresses, theater, voyages to Europe,—and poor papa, so fine, so tall, so aristocratic. I cannot ...
— Balcony Stories • Grace E. King

... woman, looks on the scene with quiet amusement. The picture is absolutely perfect in detail. It seems to be the consigne among critics to say it lacks "style." They say it is a family scene in Judaea, voila tout. Of course, and it is that very truth and nature that makes this picture so fascinating. The Word was made flesh, and not a phosphorescent apparition; and Murillo knew what he was about when he painted this view of the interior of St. Joseph's shop. What absurd presumption to accuse ...
— Castilian Days • John Hay

... "Hout tout," said Peggy, "no fear of you making a living, you could do that as well as me; but it is more than a living for yourself you are wanting; you are thinking of Miss Elsie, poor bit lassie, and would fain work for two. I mind well when my sister left the bairns to my care with ...
— Mr. Hogarth's Will • Catherine Helen Spence

... "Pas tout a fait," returned the governess goodhumouredly. "Age and experience must pass pour quelque chose. ...
— Homeward Bound - or, The Chase • James Fenimore Cooper

... character or careless of the public interest; whether that sovereign be a monarch, a chamber, or the mass of the people.[Footnote: "Quand, dans un royaume, il y a plus d'avantage a faire sa cour qu'a faire son devoir, tout est perdu." ...
— The Eve of the French Revolution • Edward J. Lowell

... beauty. It is impossible not to echo Rousseau's words in such a place, and to say with him: 'Le retentissement de mes pas dans ces immenses voutes me faisait croire entendre la forte voix de ceux qui les avaient baties. Je me perdais comme un insecte dans cette immensite. Je sentais, tout en me faisant petit, je ne sais quoi qui m'elevait l'ame; et je me disais en soupirant, ...
— Sketches and Studies in Italy and Greece • John Addington Symonds

... as much mind as ever I had to my dinner, to go back and tell him to sort his horse himself, since he is as able as I am.' 'Hout tout, man!' answered Jasper, 'keep a calm sough: better to fleech a fool than fight with ...
— The Proverbs of Scotland • Alexander Hislop

... qu'out les femmes de laisser voir leur grossesse et tout ce qui a rapport a l'accouchement, les plaisanteries dont on use souvent a l'egard des femmes enceintes, sont un triste signe de la degenerescence et meme de la corruption de notre civilization raffinee. ...
— Woman and Womanhood - A Search for Principles • C. W. Saleeby

... to sway the mind of this journal to one side or the other. It recognised itself as a newspaper, not as a political tout for this party or that, and so kept its head cool and ...
— Some Everyday Folk and Dawn • Miles Franklin

... year is wearing to the wane, An' day is fading west awa', Loud raves the torrent an' the rain, And dark the cloud comes down the shaw; But let the tempest tout an' blaw Upon his loudest winter horn, Good night, and joy be wi' you a', We 'll maybe meet ...
— The Modern Scottish Minstrel, Volumes I-VI. - The Songs of Scotland of the Past Half Century • Various

... une arme, Que ma haine a grandi comme a grandi l'enfant; Lors qu'un rugissement au Douar met l'alarme, Heureux je pars alors sous le soleil brulant! Est-il parles houris, de notre saint Prophete, Par Allah tout puissant maitre de l'univers; Est-il plus nobles jeux, est-il plus belle fete, Qu'une chasse aux Lions, ...
— Music and Some Highly Musical People • James M. Trotter

... Nicknamed Bonde a tout bien, from resemblance to the bung in a barrel of Neuchatel wine. Soft, small loaf rolls, fresh and mild. Similar to Gournay, but sweeter because of ...
— The Complete Book of Cheese • Robert Carlton Brown

... que pour des pretres, des inspires, des metaphysiciens que serait reservee la conviction de l'existence d'un Dieu, que l'on dit neanmoins si necessaire a tout le genre humain? Mais trouvons-nous de l'harmonie entre les opinions theologiques des differens inspires, ou des penseurs repandus sur la terre? Ceux meme qui font profession d'adorer le meme Dieu, sent-ils d'accord sur son compte? Sont-ils contents des preuves que leurs ...
— The Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley Volume I • Percy Bysshe Shelley

... as my amanuensis, he was at liberty to forge my signature to all documents, including cheques. He used my official note-paper to back horses on, and was finally requested to leave, after an unseemly brawl with a book-maker's tout ...
— The Right Stuff - Some Episodes in the Career of a North Briton • Ian Hay

... Monsieur le Landlord—Sir: Pourquoi don't you mettez some savon in your bed-chambers? Est-ce que vous pensez I will steal it? La nuit passee you charged me pour deux chandelles when I only had one; hier vous avez charged me avec glace when I had none at all; tout les jours you are coming some fresh game or other on me, mais vous ne pouvez pas play this savon dodge on me twice. Savon is a necessary de la vie to any body but a Frenchman, et je l'aurai hors de cet hotel or make trouble. You ...
— Innocents abroad • Mark Twain

... "Hout-tout, Dame Elspeth," said Tibb, "fear ye naething frae Christie; tods keep their ain holes clean. You kirk-folk make sic a fasherie about men shifting a wee bit for their living! Our Border-lairds would ride with few men at their back, if a' the light-handed ...
— The Monastery • Sir Walter Scott

... "Tout de suite, monsieur," she said, quickly, and disappeared with the teapot. Warkworth guessed, of course, that she was Madame Bornier, the foster-sister—the "Propriety" of ...
— Lady Rose's Daughter • Mrs. Humphry Ward

... Arthur. Tout se sait, as somebody would say, whom I intend to be very fond of; and who I am sure is very clever and pretty. I have had a letter from Blanche. The kindest of letters. She speaks so warmly of you, ...
— The History of Pendennis • William Makepeace Thackeray

... revolution que devait amener en Grande-Bretagne la memorable decouverte de Benjamin Huntsman est tout a fait accomplie, et chaque jour les consequetces sen feront plus vivement sentir sur le confinent."—LE PLAY, Sur la Fabrication de l' Acier ...
— Industrial Biography - Iron Workers and Tool Makers • Samuel Smiles

... he bestowed a canonry on the boon companion who had followed him to the eternal city. The friendship continued unabated, and was further cemented by the identity of their political opinions, which favored the Triple Alliance. Gerlach became Agliardi's tout and electioneering agent when that Cardinal set up as candidate for the papacy on the death of Leo XIII. But as his chances of election were slender, the pair worked together to defeat Rampolla, who was hated and feared by Germany ...
— New York Times Current History; The European War, Vol 2, No. 5, August, 1915 • Various

... de plus qu'un savant americain, M. Jewett, recemment arrive d'Allemagne, a affirme a M. Vattemare qu'il a vu tout prepare pour les echanges a Dresde, a Munich, a Berlin et a Vienne; que les bibliothecaires de ces villes lui ont parle des promesses du systeme dont ...
— Movement of the International Literary Exchanges, between France and North America from January 1845 to May, 1846 • Various

... simplest, though despised engine of loco—(or to coin a a word) aero-motion—a broomstick. They were obliged to anoint themselves on these occasions "with an oyl the spirit brought them;" and they were soon transported to the place of appointment, using these words in their transit, "Thout, tout, a tout tout, throughout and about!" and on their return they say "Rentum, tormentum!" Such is the information conveyed in the confession of Elizabeth Styles, before these ...
— The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction - Vol. 13, No. 355., Saturday, February 7, 1829 • Various

... sentiras alors que toi-meme tu environnes tout ce que tu connais des choses qui existent, et que les existantes que tu connais existent en quelque sorte ...
— Wagner's Tristan und Isolde • George Ainslie Hight

... called it play!—I never murdered my friend and called it honour!—I never seduced my friend's wife and called it gallantry!" As Gawtrey said this, he drew the words out, one by one, through his grinded teeth, paused and resumed more gaily: "I struggle with Fortune; voila tout! I am not what you seem to suppose—not exactly a swindler, certainly not a robber! But, as I before told you, I am a charlatan, so is every man who strives to be richer or greater ...
— Night and Morning, Complete • Edward Bulwer-Lytton

... breeding, and compliments, in the space of two hundred and fifty years!'—What this gentleman alludes to, is the Ambassador's letter to the Conetable Montmorency, previous to the meeting of Henry the Eighth and Francis the First, near Ardres; for, (says the Ambassador) sur-tout je vous prie, que vous ostiez de la Cour, ceux qui unt la reputation d'etre joyeux & gaudisseur, car c'est bien en ce monde, la chose la plus haie de cette nation. And in a few lines after, he foists in an extract from a Scotchman, one Barclay, ...
— A Year's Journey through France and Part of Spain, Volume II (of 2) • Philip Thicknesse

... sad alongside me. I lift up their poor little hearts with my consigne: 'Courage, tout le monde, le ...
— The Cloister and the Hearth • Charles Reade

... dit?' Ce que tu dis toi-meme Chaque mois de ce printemps eternel; Ce que disent les papillons qui s'entre-baisent, Ce que dit tout bel ...
— Andromeda and Other Poems • Charles Kingsley

... diametre et de plus de neuf thoises de haut; avec 4 enfoncements en forme de niches dans les 4 angles des allies. Ce bastiment.... esloit de charpente mais d'un extraordinairement bien travaille. On y voyait particulierement la cordiliere qui regnati tout autour en forme de cordon. Car la Reyne affectait de la mettre nonseulement a ses armes et a ses chiffres mais de la faire representer en divers manieres dans tous les ouvrages qu'on lui faisait pour elle ... le bastiment estati couvert en forme de dome qui dans son milieu avait encore ...
— The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci, Complete • Leonardo Da Vinci

... all men in New England in the spring. This is the season that all the poets celebrate. Let us suppose that once, in Thessaly, there was a genial spring, and there was a poet who sang of it. All later poets have sung the same song. "Voila tout!" That ...
— Baddeck and That Sort of Thing • Charles Dudley Warner

... Comme ce berceau, Et que Marguerite Filait son fuseau, Quand le vent d'automne Faisait tout gemir, Ton cri monotone M'aidait ...
— Books and Habits from the Lectures of Lafcadio Hearn • Lafcadio Hearn

... l'etat de l'Irlande, et plus il semble qu'a tout prendre un gouvernement central fortement constitue serait, du moins pour quelque temps, le meilleur que puisse avoir ce pays. Une aristocratie existe, qu'on veut reformer. Mais a qui remettre le pouvoir qu'on va retirer de ses mains? Aux classes moyennes?—Elles ...
— England's Case Against Home Rule • Albert Venn Dicey

... FRERE,—Votre Majeste m'a ecrit deux bien bonnes lettres de Douvres pour lesquelles je vous remercie de tout mon c[oe]ur. Les expressions de bonte et d'amitie que vous me vouez ainsi qu'a mon cher Albert nous touchent sensiblement; je n'ai pas besoin de vous dire encore, combien nous vous sommes attaches et combien nous desirons ...
— The Letters of Queen Victoria, Vol 2 (of 3), 1844-1853 • Queen Victoria

... Act II. sc. 4. Vanderk, among other things, says of the merchant: "Ce n'est pas un temple, ce n'est pas une seule nation qu'il sert; il les sert toutes, et en est servi: c'est l'homme de l'univers. Quelques particuliers audacieux font armer les rois, la guerre s'allume, tout s'embrase, l'Europe est divisee: mais ce negociant anglais, hollandais, russe ou chinois, n'en est pas moins l'ami de mon coeur: nous sommes sur la superficie de la terre autant de fils de soie qui lient ensemble les nations, et les ramenent ...
— Diderot and the Encyclopaedists (Vol 1 of 2) • John Morley

... name of her dear daughter is so daily and continually on her lips, that the day before yesterday, when she was enjoying herself immensely at the Varietes—in fits of laughter at the 'Filleul de Tout le Monde,' acted by Bouffe and Hyacinthe—in the midst of her gaiety, she asked herself in a heartbroken voice, which brought tears to my eyes, how she could laugh and amuse herself like this, without her 'dear little one.' I allow, dear Zephirine, that I took the liberty ...
— Honore de Balzac, His Life and Writings • Mary F. Sandars

... . . . . Par cest ymage Te doing en pleige Jhesu-Crist Qui tout fist, ainsi est escript: Il te pleige tout ton avoir; Ne peuz nulz ...
— The Well of Saint Clare • Anatole France

... Council for Education, that not a working man in England may he ignorant that, whatsoever superstitions about art may have haunted the benighted heathens who built the Parthenon, nous avons change tout cela. In one word, if it be best and most fitting to write poetry in the style in which almost every one has been trying to write it since Pope and plain sense went out, and Shelley and the seventh heaven came in, let it be so written; and let him who ...
— Literary and General Lectures and Essays • Charles Kingsley

... mark!) than those who last week aired their incompetence, and impeded the traffic of the people upon the Thames. Time was when an oarsman was an oarsman, but now he is a miserable cross between a Belgravian flunkey and a riverside tout. Which is all I care to say on ...
— Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 99, August 9, 1890. • Various

... want of a similar institution in England he traces that eccentricity, that provincial spirit, that coarseness which, as he thinks, are barely compensated by English genius. Thus, too, Renan, one of its most distinguished members, says that it is owing to the academy "qu'on peut tout dire sans appareil scholastique avec la langue des gens du monde.'' "Ah ne dites,'' he exclaims, "qu'ils n'ont rien fait, ces obscures beaux esprits dont la vie se passe a instruire le proces des mots, a peser les syllables. Ils ont fait un chef-d'oeuvre—la ...
— Project Gutenberg Encyclopedia

... from neglected windows. They show you two or three furnished rooms, with Bourbon portraits, hideous tapestries from the ladies of France, a collection of the toys of the enfant du miracle, all military and of the finest make. "Tout cela fonctionne," the guide said of these miniature weapons; and I wondered, if he should take it into his head to fire off his little cannon, how much harm the Comte de ...
— A Little Tour in France • Henry James

... o'clock when the two half-drowned thugs hiding on Rozel Head were roused by their returning mate stumbling wildly into the muddy cavern in the cliff. They sprang up as he muttered, "On vient, tout pres d'ici! Soyous tous prets!" A bottle extended was half drained by the two ruffians, who then eagerly loosened their black jaws with a mad desire to revenge ...
— A Fascinating Traitor • Richard Henry Savage

... impeachment. I plead guilty, with extenuating circumstances. The play's the thing; and if the facts don't suit my play, so much the worse for the facts. Success has been achieved, and what more can any living author want? Credit and cash. Voila tout! 'Credit' for my own original invention in hitting upon the Parliamentary accessories to my picture; and 'cash,' which will be paid as long as the public take an interest in the play, and just so long shall I take my interest out of ...
— Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 104, April 1, 1893 • Various

... came on, but still I was walking about, my eyes wide open, and admiring everything that presented itself to them. Everything was new to me, for everything is different in London from what it is elsewhere—the people, their language, the horses, the tout ensemble—even the stones of London are different from others—at least it appeared to me that I had never walked with the same ease and facility on the flag stones of a country town as on those of London; so I continued roving about till night came on, and then the splendour of some ...
— The Pocket George Borrow • George Borrow

... you, preserve for me always the honor of your good graces; and believe, my charming Sister, that never brother in the world loved with such tenderness a sister so charming as mine; in short, believe, dear Sister, that without compliments, and in literal truth, I am yours wholly (TOUT A VOUS), ...
— History of Friedrich II. of Prussia, Vol. IX. (of XXI.) • Thomas Carlyle

... doctor from Mecca—a man so learned that he can read the Koran in seven different ways, he is also a physician of European Hekmeh (learning). Fancy my wonder when a great Alim in gorgeous Hegazee dress walked in and said: 'Madame, tout ce qu'on m'a dit de vous fait tellement l'eloge de votre coeur et de votre esprit que je me suis arrete pour tacher de me procurer le plaisir de votre connaissance!' A lot of Luxor people came in to pay their respects to the great man, and ...
— Letters from Egypt • Lucie Duff Gordon

... "Bon! j'y suis." That was exactly what she had wished to discover, the very source of power. "'Les officiers attachs un gnral pour l'excution et la transmission de ses ordres,'" re-read Jeanne, and commented, "Et tout cela s'appelle l'-tat ma-jor du gnral. Bon! c'est bien comme je le pensais; c'est le gnral qui est ...
— Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 152, January 3, 1917 • Various

... remembrance of the high stupidities, the narrow imagination, the deep, impregnable, intolerant ignorance of Staff College men who with their red tape and their general orders were the inquisitors and torturers of the new armies. Tout comprendre c'est tout pardonner. They were molded in an old system, and could not ...
— Now It Can Be Told • Philip Gibbs

... everything about the causes and elements of religion, and might even decide which elements were qualified, by their general harmony with other branches of knowledge, to be considered true; and yet the best man at this science might be the man who found it hardest to be personally devout. Tout savoir c'est tout pardonner. The name of Renan would doubtless occur to many persons as an example of the way in which breadth of knowledge may make one only a dilettante in possibilities, and blunt the acuteness ...
— The Varieties of Religious Experience • William James

... air de suffisance, Marquent dans son savoir sa noble confiance. Dans les doctes debats ferme et rempli de coeur, Meme apres sa defaite il tient tete an vainqueur. Voyez, pour gagner temps, quelles lenteurs savantes, Prolongent de ses mots les syllabes trainantes! Tout le monde l'admire, et ne peut concevoir Que dans un cerveau seul ...
— A Love Story • A Bushman

... the midst of a dense wood, the eye could not take in its tout ensemble at a glance, but hut after hut started out of the gloomy picture, as one gazed about him in quest of objects. There was no centre, unless the fire might be so considered, no open area where the possessors of this rude village might congregate, ...
— The Deerslayer • James Fenimore Cooper

... of her even so slightly is to see her in her neat black dress with its web-like bands of lawn at neck and wrists, directing old Jeanne, bonne-a-tout-faire now in our small establishment, watering our window geraniums from a quaint, long-nosed copper pot, drilling Mr. Boffin, the poodle, in his manners, and, when the early dinner was out of the way, sitting in all simplicity with ...
— Margarita's Soul - The Romantic Recollections of a Man of Fifty • Ingraham Lovell

... diameter, about eight or twelve feet in height, with many branches, some of which stretched out horizontally, and touched the ground with their tops. These were very large, some being about forty-five or fifty-five feet in length. Each branch would have made one of the largest trees in Europe; and the tout ensemble of the monkey-bread tree looked less like a single tree than a forest. This was not all. The negro who conducted me took me to a second, which was sixty-three feet in circumference, that is twenty-one feet ...
— Perils and Captivity • Charlotte-Adelaide [nee Picard] Dard

... the rest of his bank life is—like mine! There are occasional lucky ones, as you say; but personally I'm not very strong for charms and stars. A fellow who has nothing stronger than luck to bank on may make a good race-track tout or fortune heeler, but not a business man. Don't work for any corporation or at any job where you're, so far as the position itself is concerned, dispensable; unless you are necessary to your employer, whether he be a magnate or an acre of ...
— A Canadian Bankclerk • J. P. Buschlen

... ceased, probably under the combined influences of bias and subsidy, to abuse the Allies, particularly the British, and misrepresent their motives and ideals. This sort of journalism "cuts no ice" in the United States. It is just "yellow journalism." Voila tout! Why take it seriously? But the British people do not know this; and as the British half-penny Press, when it does quote the American Press, rarely quotes anything but the most virulent extracts from this particular class of newspaper, one is reduced ...
— Getting Together • Ian Hay

... intrinseques dont nous avons parle, excite dans son coeur des idees que cet organe exprime par le ministere de la langne. Les paroles qu'il prononce sont tantot vraies, tantot fausses. En effet, le devin, voulant suppleer a l'imperfection de son naturel, se sert de moyens tout a fait etrangers a sa faculte perceptive et qui ne s'accordent en aucune facon avec elle. Donc la verite et l'erreur se presentent a lui en meme temps, aussi ne doit on mettre aucune confiance en ses paroles. Quelquefois meme il ...
— The Making of Religion • Andrew Lang

... et que pour ces maitresses, Les hommes soient sujets a de telles foiblesses— Tout le monde connoit leur imperfection, Ce n'est qu'extravagance et qu'indiscretion. Leur esprit est mechant, et leur ame fragile, Il n'est rien de plus foible et de plus imbecille, Rien de plus infidele—et malgre tout cela, Dans le monde on ...
— Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 54, No. 335, September 1843 • Various

... pas si on voulait rapporter tout ce que les Russes firent de memorable dans cette journee; pour conter les hauts faits d'armes, pour particulariser toutes les actions d'eclat, il faudrait composer des volumes."—Ibid., ...
— The Works of Lord Byron, Volume 6 • Lord Byron

... ear to my difficulties. "'Think of you lovingly if I can'!" he writes to me at a time when I had taken a course for which all blamed me, perhaps because they did not know enough to pardon enough—savoir tout c'est tout pardonner. "Can I think of you otherwise than lovingly? Never, if I know ...
— The Story of My Life - Recollections and Reflections • Ellen Terry

... seller of adulterated milk, of stale fruit and diseased meat, the proprietor of unsanitary tenements, the fake doctor and the usurer, the beggar and the "pushcart man," the prize fighter and the professional slugger, the race-track "tout," the procurer, the white-slave agent, and the expert seducer of young girls. All of these agencies of corruption were banded together, and leagued in blood brotherhood with the politician and the police; more often than not they were one and the same person,—the ...
— The Jungle • Upton Sinclair

... mistress of it that was to be, her instructions were required for the garnishing. The happy Bilboquet conducted her to the Opera, the Italiens, the Conservatoire, and also to the Varietes where they saw Bouffe and Hyacinthe play in the laughable Filleul de tout le Monde. It was intended that she should stay till April, and that then he should take her back to Germany, leaving her there to pursue her journey to Wierzchownia, whither he was to proceed later. The novelist's so far published ...
— Balzac • Frederick Lawton

... bon citoyen' as 'le livre des Republicains,' and for Napoleon, the greatest of the author's followers if not disciples, to draw inspiration and suggestion from his Florentine forerunner and to justify the murder of the Due d'Enghien by a quotation from The Prince. 'Mais apres tout,' he said, 'un homme d'Etat est-il fait pour etre sensible? N'est-ce pas un personnage—completement excentrique, toujours seul d'un cote, avec le monde de l'autre?' and again 'Jugez done s'il doit s'amuser a menager certaines ...
— Machiavelli, Volume I - The Art of War; and The Prince • Niccolo Machiavelli

... "Pas du tout," d'Alcacer assured her with whimsical gravity. "I felt nothing. I sat in a state of blessed vacuity. I believe I was the happiest of us three. Unless you, too, ...
— The Rescue • Joseph Conrad

... absence in the third act of some one who appeared in the first—it is always much simpler to complain of this than to feel or describe the essence of the whole. But this very pettiness in our criticism is, fortunately, a sort of safeguard. The French writer Buffon said: "Bien crire, c'est tout; car bien crire c'est bien sentir, bien penser, et bien dire." ... Let the artist then, by all means, make his work impeccable, clothe his ideas, feelings, visions, in just such garments as can withstand the winds of criticism. He himself must be his cruellest critic. ...
— Another Sheaf • John Galsworthy

... generation must make advancement toward a Caucasian whiteness, in a geometric ratio, until the Indian element should be reduced by an infinite progression toward nothing. But how? It did not take long for Perritaut pere to settle that question. Voila tout. The young men should seek white wives. They had money. They might marry poor girls, but white ones. But the girls? Eh bien! Money should wash them also, or at least money should bleach their descendants. For money is the Great Stain-eraser, the Mighty Detergent, the Magic Cleanser. ...
— The Mystery of Metropolisville • Edward Eggleston

... mon ami. It is everything most bete what you say. You have many friends, and as for me, I do not care a straw for the money. Only if I had known I would not have left Europe. Voila tout." ...
— Doctor Claudius, A True Story • F. Marion Crawford

... like hundreds of young men that you see loitering on upper Broadway and making predatory raids along the Rialto. Had you passed him in that neighborhood you would have set him down as a wire-tapper, a racing tout, a would-be actor. ...
— Once Upon A Time • Richard Harding Davis

... c'est tout pardonner'. We have been soaked in the same common law, literature, and traditions of liberty—or of chaos, as one likes. Whether we all be of British origin or not, it is the mind that makes the true patriot; and there is no American so dead as not to feel a thrill when he first sets foot on British ...
— The Crossing • Winston Churchill

... les rochers renvoyaient plus affreux, Enfin toute l'horreur d'un combat tenebreux; Que pouvait la valeur en ce trouble funeste? Les uns sont morts, la fuite a sauve tout le reste. ...
— Gomez Arias - The Moors of the Alpujarras, A Spanish Historical Romance. • Joaquin Telesforo de Trueba y Cosio

... tout," says Blaise, "gets off his horse, examines the pockets of the dead officer for papers, gives his money to us two, and says, 'The wine is drawn, M. le Marquis,'—why did he say Marquis to M. ...
— The History of Henry Esmond, Esq. • W. M. Thackeray

... italien avant tout et c'est pour faire jouir a mon pays du self government a l'interieur, come a l'extereur que j'ai entrepuis la rude tache de chasser l'Autriche de l'Italie sans y substituer la domination d'aucune autre Puissance'—Cavour to the Marquis ...
— Cavour • Countess Evelyn Martinengo-Cesaresco

... document-dust, and sharpen my pen afresh to the police-official style, for the president of the provincial court and the government. Could I but enclose myself herewith, or go along in a salmon-basket as mail-matter! Till we meet again, dearest black one.[13] I love you, c'est tout dire. ...
— The German Classics of The Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Vol. X. • Kuno Francke

... progress, so that the old-fashioned type above described is destined to disappear. Already there are not a few of the younger generation—especially among the wealthy manufacturers of Moscow—who have been educated abroad, who may be described as tout a fait civilises, and whose mode of life differs little from that of the richer nobles; but they remain outside fashionable society, and constitute a ...
— Russia • Donald Mackenzie Wallace

... of it is,' broke in Kitty again, 'that we all took it for granted it was mere lover-like devotion! And now, behold, c'est tout au contraire!' ...
— Wych Hazel • Susan and Anna Warner

... nous persuadera difficilement que lorsque les hommes ont tant de peine a etre hommes, les femmes puissent, tout en restant femmes, devenir hommes aussi, mettant ainsi la main sur les deux roles, exercant la double mission, resumant le double caractere de l'humanite! Nous perdrons la femme, et nous n'aurons pas l'homme. Voila ce qui nous arrivera. On nous donnera ce quelque chose de monstreux, cet etre ...
— Sex in Education - or, A Fair Chance for Girls • Edward H. Clarke

... que veut dire une belle a New-York?" demanded Mademoiselle Viefville. "Apparemment, tout le monde ...
— Home as Found • James Fenimore Cooper

... confidence of youth, and he longed to fight one of the world's great battles. His enthusiasm glowed in his face: one sees it in his portraits and on the medals struck to commemorate his victory. "Beau comme un Apollon, il avait tout le prestige d'un archange envoye par le Seigneur pour exterminer ...
— The Story of the Barbary Corsairs • Stanley Lane-Poole

... Rousseau aurait pu etre deconcerte par les inventions pratiques, un peu subtiles parfois, de l'ingenieux Froebel. Il eut souri, comme tout le monde, des artifices par lesquels il obligeait l'enfant a se faire acteur au milieu de ses petits camarades, a imiter tour a tour le soldat qui monte la garde, le cordonnier qui travaille, le cheval qui pietine, l'homme fatigue qui se repose. Mais, sur les principes, il ...
— Autobiography of Friedrich Froebel • Friedrich Froebel

... name his soldiery designated all who had never borne arms. The word dropt once from the lips of one of Napoleon's marshals in the hearing of Talleyrand, who asked its meaning. "Nous nommons pequin," answered the rude soldier, "tout ce qui n'est pas militaire."—"Ah!" said the cool Talleyrand—"comme nous nommons militaire tout ce qui ...
— The History of Napoleon Buonaparte • John Gibson Lockhart

... [Note 12: "Tout le monde sut qu'il (Grimm) mettait du blanc; et moi, qui n'en croyait rien, je commencai de le croire, non seulement par l'embellissement de son teint, et pour avoir trouve des tasses de blanc sur la toilette, mais sur ce qu'entrant un matin dans sa chambre, ...
— Eugene Oneguine [Onegin] - A Romance of Russian Life in Verse • Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin

... the thing! As most husbands know. [Referring to one bill after another, picking out items.] Lace coat, hand-made! En-tout-cas, studded cabochons of ...
— Dolly Reforming Herself - A Comedy in Four Acts • Henry Arthur Jones

... point rencontre, dans ma vie, de femme plus noble; ayant autant de sympathie pour ses semblables, et dont l'esprit fut plus vivifiant. Je me suis tout de suite sentie attiree par elle. Quand je fis sa connoissance, j'ignorais que ce fut ...
— Memoirs of Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Vol. I • Margaret Fuller Ossoli

... Passing of the Third Floor Back the redeemer is not a divine detective, pitiless in his resolve to know and pardon. Rather he is a sort of divine dupe, who does not pardon at all, because he does not see anything that is going on. It may, or may not, be true to say, "Tout comprendre est tout pardonner." But it is much more evidently true to say, "Rien comprendre est rien Pardonner," and the "Third Floor Back" does not seem to comprehend anything. He might, after all, be a quite selfish sentimentalist, who found it comforting ...
— A Miscellany of Men • G. K. Chesterton

... capitaine qui avoit si bien merite du Roi et de la nation, emporta dans le tombeau les regrets des Officiers & des soldats, qui pleurerent amerement la perte de leur General. La Bretagne qui le regardoit comme son pere, le Roi, tout le Royaume enfin, furent extremement touchez de sa mort. Malgre la haine mutuelle des factions qui divisoient la France, il etoit si estime dans les deux partis, que s'il se fut agi de trouver un chevalier Francois sans reproche, tel ...
— Voyages of Samuel de Champlain, Vol. 1 • Samuel de Champlain

... left the course, and by my side There walked a ruined tout — A hungry creature evil-eyed, Who poured ...
— Rio Grande's Last Race and Other Verses • Andrew Barton 'Banjo' Paterson

... anon let fly a fart, As great as it had been a thunder dent*; *peal, clap That with the stroke he was well nigh y-blent*; *blinded But he was ready with his iron hot, And Nicholas amid the erse he smote. Off went the skin an handbreadth all about. The hote culter burned so his tout*, *breech That for the smart he weened* he would die; *thought As he were wood*, for woe he gan to cry, *mad "Help! water, water, help for ...
— The Canterbury Tales and Other Poems • Geoffrey Chaucer

... Robert Mac, Rouen, proclaims "Ung dieu, ung roy, ung foy, ung loy," and the same idea expressed in identical words is not uncommonly met with in Printers' Marks. Of a more definitely religious nature are those, for example, of Sartires, Bourges, "Tout se passe fors dieu"; of J.Lambert, "Aespoir en dieu"; of Prigent Calvarin, "Deum time, pauperes sustine, finem respice"; and several from the Psalms, such as that of C.Nourry, called Le Prince, "Cor contritum ...
— Printers' Marks - A Chapter in the History of Typography • William Roberts

... the Baron continued, "that your friend's generosity was not so wonderful a thing. Count von Hern was watching you to-night at the Bridge Club. He has gone home; he is waiting now to receive you. Apart from that, the man Nisch, with whom you have played so much, is a confederate of his, a political tout, not ...
— Peter Ruff and the Double Four • E. Phillips Oppenheim

... autre, c'est un chef-d'oeuvre de legislation que le hasard fait rarement, et que rarement on laisse faire a la prudence. Un gouvernement despotique au contraire saute pour ainsi dire aux yeux; il est uniforme partout: comme il ne faut que des passions pour l'etablir tout le monde est bon pour cela.—Montesquieu, de l'Esprit des Loix, liv. ...
— A Discourse on the Study of the Law of Nature and Nations • James Mackintosh

... dependance de la Boheme; cession eternelle. En echange nous n'irons pas plus loin. Nous assiegerons Neisse PRO FORMA: le commandant se rendra et sortira. Nous prendrons les quartiers tranquillement, et ils pourront mener leur Armee oh ils voudront. Que tout cela soit fini en douze jours.'" That ...
— History of Friedrich II. of Prussia, Vol. XIII. (of XXI.) • Thomas Carlyle

... compiled from the results of past experience the military student reads that armies divide to march and concentrate to fight. 'Nous avons change tout cela.' Here we concentrate to march and disperse to fight. I asked General Hildyard what formation his brigade was in. He replied, 'Formation for taking advantage of ant-heaps.' This is a valuable addition to ...
— London to Ladysmith via Pretoria • Winston Spencer Churchill

... m'aveugloit, mes genoux tremblants ne pouroient me soutenir; j'etois force de m'arreter, de m'asseoir; toute ma machine etoit dans un desordre inconcevable; j'etois pret a m'evanouir.... A l'instant que je la voyois, tout etoit repare; je ne sentois plus aupres d'elle que l'importunite d'une vigueur inepuisable et toujours inutile."—Les Confessions, Partie II. livre ix.; Oeuvres Completes de J.J. Rousseau, ...
— The Works of Lord Byron, Volume 2 • George Gordon Byron

... struck himself as at first unable to extract from her what he wished; though indeed OF what he wished at this special juncture he would doubtless have contrived to make but a crude statement. It sifted and settled nothing to put to her, tout betement, as she often said, "Do you like him, eh?"—thanks to his feeling it actually the least of his needs to heap up the evidence in the young man's favour. He repeatedly knocked at her door to let her have it afresh that Chad's case—whatever else of minor interest it might yield—was ...
— The Ambassadors • Henry James

... you are not generally so dense. Don't you see the poor man had never heard of the existence of Ralph Wallace, and so he thought Master Dick was heir to the baronetcy—voila, tout." ...
— Herb of Grace • Rosa Nouchette Carey

... death. "Ils sont meles ensemble" ("they are mingled together"), he muttered to himself. He cast one hurried glance over the field, to right and left, and saw nothing but broken squadrons, abandoned batteries, wrecked infantry battalions. "Tout est perdu," he said, "sauve qui peut," and, wheeling his horse, he turned his back upon his last battlefield. ...
— Deeds that Won the Empire - Historic Battle Scenes • W. H. Fitchett

... blesse quelqu'un? fis-je tout etonnee Oui, dit-elle, blesse; mais blesse tout de bon; Et c'est l'homme qu'hier vous vites au balcon Las! qui pourrait, lui dis-je, en avoir ete cause? Sur lui, sans y penser, ...
— A Mummer's Tale • Anatole France

... by the result of the battle. To keep up, if possible, the spirits of his partisans, he wired on the evening of the 7th to Paris, with the news of the defeat, the words, "tout se peut retablir." He was mistaken. While the crown prince was crushing MacMahon at Woerth, the imperial troops were being beaten at ...
— Germany from the Earliest Period Vol. 4 • Wolfgang Menzel, Trans. Mrs. George Horrocks

... picking up heart to say that "they cannot read Dickens," and that they particularly detest "Pickwick." I believe it was young ladies who first had the courage of their convictions in this respect. "Tout sied aux belles," and the fair, in the confidence of youth, often venture on remarkable confessions. In your "Natural History of Young Ladies" I do not remember that you describe the Humorous Young Lady. {1} She is a very rare bird indeed, and humour ...
— Letters to Dead Authors • Andrew Lang

... point of view was characteristic. His father had, autocratically, expressed in 1878 his intention to open the port; this had been done, and it had proved in practice a failure; as a purely administrative act, he (Alexander III) now declared the port closed, et tout etait dit. But naturally foreign merchants resented the injury to their trade, and insisted on the sanctity of treaties. The Berlin Government, as usual, left to Great Britain all the odium incurred in making a protest, ...
— Victorian Worthies - Sixteen Biographies • George Henry Blore

... tous vieux et blass, courant toujours en chancelant aprs un plaisir nouveau. Les marchands de vin me font la cour comme les jolies femmes, pour que je daigne leur indiqner des connaisseurs assez riches pour payer les bonnes choses le prix qu'elles valent. Mon mtier est de tout savoir,—l'anecdote de la cour, le scandale de la ville, le secret des coulisses." And this species of adventurer, we are told, has always the same commencement to his memoirs,—"Il ...
— The Atlantic Monthly, Volume V, Number 29, March, 1860 - A Magazine Of Literature, Art, And Politics • Various

... Later in the day the ladies invest their profits in a little mild finery, or in simple pleasures; and, later still, when the public-houses have done their work, comes a greater or lesser amount of riot, rude debauchery, and vice; and then, voila tout—the fair is over for a year. One can easily imagine the result of the transition when, from the quiet country, the fair removes to the city or suburb. In such places every utilitarian element is wanting, and the gilt ginger-bread and gewgaws are only ...
— Mystic London: - or, Phases of occult life in the metropolis • Charles Maurice Davies

... doux de prononger les moments de la voir encore, mais la sagesse demande que tout se fasse avec ordre; voila pourquoi notre chere enfant vous est confiee plus tot; que le seigneur l'accompagne et vous aussi, precieux amis; nous vous confions tous trois a la garde divine, et nous vous assurons encore ici de l'affection Chretienne qui unit nos ames aux ...
— Memoir and Diary of John Yeardley, Minister of the Gospel • John Yeardley

... tradition et de consentement universel. Il n'y en a pas. L'opinion presque general, il est vrai, favorise certains oeuvres. Mais c'est en vertu d'un prejuge, et nullement par choix et par effet d'une preference spontane. Les oeuvres que tout le monde admire sont celles que personne n'examine." Although the classic view is, I think, nearer the truth, let us examine the arguments that may be advanced in favor of the impressionistic theory, as it has been called. What is there about aesthetic appreciation that makes it seemingly ...
— The Principles Of Aesthetics • Dewitt H. Parker

... faire, parceque NOUS NE POUVONS RIEN DANS L'ISOLEMENT.... L'Americain supporte la solitude avec un stoicisme admirable, mais effrayant; il ne l'aime pas, il ne songe qu'a la detruire.... Le Francais est tout autre. Il aime son parent, son ami, son compagnon, et jusqu'a son voisin d'omnibus ou de theatre, si sa figure lui est sympathetique. Pourquoi? Parce qu'il le regarde et cherche son ame, parce qu'il vit dans son semblable autant qu'en ...
— Character • Samuel Smiles

... comme ce roi insense qui demanda que tout ce qu'il toucheroit se convertit en or, et qui fut oblige de revenir aux dieux pour les prier de finir ...
— Poems • Samuel Rogers

... I stood behind some of the Garde Civique and watched the crowd pour in. The Gardes did not know who I was aside from the fact that my presence seemed to be countenanced by their officers, and so I overheard what they had to say. They were a decent lot and kept saying: Mais c'est malheureux tout de meme! Regardez donc ces pauvres gens. Ce n'est pas de leur faute, and a lot more of ...
— A Journal From Our Legation in Belgium • Hugh Gibson

... absurd," Ranulph went on, stroking the feathers of the little dun pigeon Rien-du-Tout, "for a bird to outdo a man. Perhaps some day we shall even sail the air as now we sail the seas. Picture to yourself a winged galleon with yourself at the helm—about to discover a world beyond the sunset. It ...
— Masters of the Guild • L. Lamprey

... tout!" he replied promptly, tucking them under his chair. "These experiments in costume ...
— Doom Castle • Neil Munro

... decoy and badger; racing tout, fugitive, smuggler, and counterfeiter; lottery sharp and green-goods man, all welcomed the white, red and blue lights gleaming over the "Valkyrie" saloon as the harbor-lights of their safe ...
— The Midnight Passenger • Richard Henry Savage

... few stitches taken as well as some other people whom I know," returned the man, with a chuckle; for, unlike the majority of his kind, he took a deep interest in the apparel of his wife and daughter, especially in the "pretty nothings" which add so much to the tout ensemble. ...
— Katherine's Sheaves • Mrs. Georgie Sheldon

... annoncer une grande nouvelle: Nous l'avons, en dormant, madame, echappe belle. Un monde pres de nous a passe tout du long, Est chu tout au travers de notre tourbillon; Et s'il eut en chemin rencontre notre terre, Elle eut ete brisee en morceaux ...
— Young Folks' Library, Volume XI (of 20) - Wonders of Earth, Sea and Sky • Various

... the Obscuranten or Chevaliers de l'Eteignoir and others who wish to check the progress of the human mind may urge to the contrary, be mainly attributed to the general prevalence of education a la portee de tout le monde. Wherever the people are enlightened there is less crime; ignorance was never yet the safeguard of virtue. As for myself I honour and esteem the Scottish nation and I must say that I have found more liberal ideas and more sound philosophy among individuals ...
— After Waterloo: Reminiscences of European Travel 1815-1819 • Major W. E Frye

... ignorante elle est d'estre ennemie De la Trilingue et noble Academie Qu'as erigee.... O povres gens de savoir tout ethiques! Bien faites vray ce proverbe courant: 'Science n'ha ...
— The Rise of the Hugenots, Vol. 1 (of 2) • Henry Martyn Baird

... l'organisation choisit l'organisation. L'election naturelle est cette forme substantielle dont on jouait autrefois avec tant de facilite. Aristote disait que 'Si l'art de batir etait dans le bois, cet art agirait comme la nature.' A la place de l'art de batir M. Darwin met l'election naturelle, et c'est tout un: l'un n'est pas plus chimerique que ...
— Criticisms on "The Origin of Species" - From 'The Natural History Review', 1864 • Thomas H. Huxley

... la vie moyenne est si courte, qu'un si grand nombre d'hommes meurent tout jeunes, on hesite d'abreger cette premiere, cette meilleure epoque de la vie, ou l'enfant, libre sous la mere, vit dans la grace et non dans la loi. Mais s'il est vrai, comme je pense, que ce temps qu'on croit perdu est justement l'epoque unique, precieuse, irreparable, ou, parmi les jeux puerils, ...
— Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 58, Number 358, August 1845 • Various

... well-known mathematician Poisson: 'After the publication (in 1825) of the fifth volume of the Mecanique Celeste, Laplace became gradually weaker, and with it musing and abstracted. He thought much on the great problems of existence, and often muttered to himself, "Qu'est-ce que c'est que tout cela!" After many alternations he appeared at last so permanently prostrated that his family applied to his favourite pupil, M. Poisson, to try to get a word from him. Poisson paid a visit, and after a few words of salutation, ...
— Myths and Marvels of Astronomy • Richard A. Proctor

... vous, perfides, L'opprobre de tous les partis! Tremblez, vos projets parricides Vont enfin recevoir leur prix! Tout est soldat pour vous combattre: S'ils tombent nos jeunes heros, La terre en produit les nouveaux, Contre vous tout prets a ...
— History of the Girondists, Volume I - Personal Memoirs of the Patriots of the French Revolution • Alphonse de Lamartine

... the example a fair one to cite in the present instance, the positions not being equally balanced. Love is woman's business, and in "business" we all lay aside our natural weaknesses—the shyest man I ever knew was a photographic tout. ...
— Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow • Jerome K. Jerome

... was in the presence of a magistrate, or that any human being was observing him. "Ah, mon cher monsieur, pardonnez!" cried Pasgrave, bursting into tears. "N'en parlons plus," added he, turning to the magistrate. "Je payerai tout ce qu'il faut. I will pay de ten guineas. I will satisfy every body. I cannot never forgive myself if I bring him into any disgrace." "Disgrace!" exclaimed Forester, starting up, and repeating the word in a tone which made every person in the room, not ...
— Tales And Novels, Volume 1 • Maria Edgeworth

... verra tout ce camp s'enfuir, Comme l'on voit s'evanouir; Une epaisse fumee; Comme la cire fond au feu, Ainsi des mechants devant Dieu, La force ...
— The Huguenots in France • Samuel Smiles

... French Colonel talked to the French wood-cutter with all the leisurely badinage and bickering of market-day. At the end of the four minutes, however, they saw that the Colonel was right, for the wood-cutter entered into their plans, not with the vague servility of a tout too-well paid, but with the seriousness of a solicitor who had been paid the proper fee. He told them that the best thing they could do was to make their way down to the little inn on the hills above Lancy, where the innkeeper, ...
— The Man Who Was Thursday - A Nightmare • G. K. Chesterton

... a deal of trouble. Well, he begins 'Tout est dit'—'everything has been said;' and I say that, in your business, 'Tout est fait'—'everything has been done.' Every move has been tried before you existed, and the result of all is that to bet against the bank, wildly or systematically, is to gamble against a rock. Si monumenta quoeris, ...
— The Woman-Hater • Charles Reade

... dear Herzberg," said the king, smiling, and turning to his minister, "c'est tout comme chez nous. It will now be your task to find out these conditions, which too closely affect the honor of one or the other. For this purpose you will find the adjacent Cloister Braunau more convenient than my poor cabin. At the conferences of diplomats much time is consumed, while ...
— Old Fritz and the New Era • Louise Muhlbach

... ne termine et n'acheve; Les pires des humains sont comme les meilleurs; Nous nous eveillons tous au meme endroit du reve: Tout commence en ce monde et ...
— Astronomy for Amateurs • Camille Flammarion

... un chicouloun di ren, piei de ti resto Soun plus countent, ausson la testo E volon tout: L'auran. Sis arpioun en rasteu Te gatihoun lou bout de l'alo. Sus tu larjo esquinasso es un mounto-davalo; T'aganton per lou ...
— Social Life in the Insect World • J. H. Fabre

... sailor. An olive barefoot boy took their order for black coffee. Jacqueline's elbows were on the table and her chin on two finger tips, and she disposed herself placidly, as though this were the Maison Doree and Tout Paris sauntering by. The town was beginning to stretch after its siesta. That is to say, divers natives manifested symptoms of going to move ...
— The Missourian • Eugene P. (Eugene Percy) Lyle

... je ne me reappelle pas exactement. Ce qui me fait croire que c'etait l'un ou l'autre, c'est que je me souviens que le grand bief n'etait pas acheve lorsqu'il arriva au camp pour la premiere fois, mais de toutes facons il etait l'homme le plus friand de paris qui se put voir, pariant sur tout ce qui se presentaat, quand il pouvait trouver un adversaire, et, quand n'en trouvait pas il passait du cote oppose. Tout ce qui convenaiat l'autre lui convenait; pourvu qu'il eut un pari, Smiley etait satisfait. Et il avait une chance! ...
— Innocents abroad • Mark Twain

... 'C'est tout le contraire, chere. Lui, c'est moins; il est flatte. Il la trouve une femme intelligente,' he laughed. 'Mais elle! Tu est folle de ne pas voir ca, ...
— Love at Second Sight • Ada Leverson

... a Pressman with a camera came boldly up and snapped her. The man had the brazen demeanour of a racecourse tout. But Concepcion seemed not to mind at all, and G.J. remembered that she was deeply inured to publicity. Her portrait had already appeared in the picture papers along with that of Queen, but the papers ...
— The Pretty Lady • Arnold E. Bennett

... velvet cap, trimmed with silver, smooth plaits of hair, cut heart-shape on the forehead, a white veil falling from the top of the head and covering over the bosom, and finally, a red shawl thrown carelessly over the lap—voila tout! As for the daughter, she was charming. She wore a white robe fastened round the waist by a red kazavek. Her features were delicate; she had a complexion of exquisite fairness, revealing the play of "the pure and eloquent blood" which "spoke ...
— Celebrated Women Travellers of the Nineteenth Century • W. H. Davenport Adams

... travelling much less fatiguing than I imagined. Remind Frederick of the business with Platt. Write me by the nest post, and by every stage. If I should even have left Philadelphia, I shall meet the letters. Speak of Harriet, and sur tout ...
— Memoirs of Aaron Burr, Complete • Matthew L. Davis

... dent men frere avoit parle, furent tous assembles dans le Salon, et en peu de temps je m'y rendis aussi. C'est souvent l'ordre du Ciel que quand on a perdu un plaisir il y en a un autre pret a prendre sa place. Ainsi je venois de partir de tres-chers amis, mais tout a l'heure je revins a des parens aussi chers et bon dans le moment. Meme que vous me perdiez (ose-je croire que mon depart vous etait un chagrin?) vous attendites l'arrivee de votre frere, et de votre soeur. J'ai donne a mes soeurs les pommes que vous leur envoyiez avec tant de bonte; elles disent ...
— The Life of Charlotte Bronte - Volume 1 • Elizabeth Gaskell

... bien lire un livre en le jugeant chemin faisant, et sans cesser de le gouter, c'est presque tout l'art du critique." Chateaubriand et ...
— Hazlitt on English Literature - An Introduction to the Appreciation of Literature • Jacob Zeitlin

... with even the most imminent doom. On being presented to the Gaul, I always hastened to say that I spoke his or her language only 'un tout petit peu'—knowing well that this poor spark of slang would kindle within the breast of M. Tel or the bosom of Mme. Chose hopes that must so quickly be quenched in the puddle of my incompetence. I offer no excuse for so foolish a proceeding. I do but say it ...
— And Even Now - Essays • Max Beerbohm

... miss the broad effect. He must always be vivid; and when the strain told, he exaggerated and sounded—as Matthew Arnold accused him of sounding—the note of provinciality. There were other causes. He was, as we have seen, an English country gentleman—avant tout je suis gentilhomme anglais, as the Duke of Wellington wrote to Louis XVIII. His admiration of the respectable class to which he belonged is revealed by a thousand touches in his narrative—we can find half a score in the description of Codrington's assault ...
— Adventures in Criticism • Sir Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch

... toute honte et toute pudeur, et elle fera avec son maitre des sottises et des maximes.... Et le bel Ami etant dans un Bateau seul avec sa Maitresse voudra le jetter dans l'eau et se precipiter avec elle. Et ils appelleront tout cela de la Philosophie et de la Vertu," and so on, humorously ...
— Rousseau - Volumes I. and II. • John Morley

... l'un a l'autre un monde toujours beau, Toujours divers, toujours nouveau; Tenez-vous lieu de tout; ...
— The Memoires of Casanova, Complete • Jacques Casanova de Seingalt

... gens tout a fait heureux, forts et bien portants, sont-ils prepares comme il faut pour comprendre, penetrer, exprimer la vie, notre vie si ...
— The House of Cobwebs and Other Stories • George Gissing

... Paquerette, Que ton coeur consult surtout, Dit, Ton amant, tendre fillette, T'aime, un peu, beaucoup, point du tout." ...
— The Folk-lore of Plants • T. F. Thiselton-Dyer

... White! O Weiss and Schwarz! Vot dings ish dis to see? I vonder vot in future years Your mission ish to pe? Also in crate America We had soosh colors too! Die Färb' sind mir nicht unbekannt[63]- Id's shoost tout comme chez nous. ...
— The Breitmann Ballads • Charles G. Leland

... gout pour l'etude; On ne saurait ici mieux employer son temps; Otsego n'est pas gai—mais, tout est habitude; Paris vous deplairait fort au premier moment; Et qui jouit de soi dans une solitude, Rentrant au monde, est sur ...
— James Fenimore Cooper • Mary E. Phillips

... green kirkyard of Kier, among douce and sponsible fowk. So I'll vow that the wine of a witch's cup is as fell liquor as ever did a kindly turn to a poor man's heart; and be they fiends, or be they witches, if they have red wine asteer, I'll risk a drouket sark for ae glorious tout on't." ...
— Folk-Lore and Legends - Scotland • Anonymous

... ramper le fort avec le foible. Il tend sans relache a un sublime qu'il ne connoit pas, & qu'il met tantot dans les choses, tantot dans les Paroles, sans jamais attraper le Point d'Unite, qui concilie les Paroles avec les choses, en quoi consiste tout le Secret, & la Finesse de ...
— A Critical Essay on Characteristic-Writings - From his translation of The Moral Characters of Theophrastus (1725) • Henry Gally

... cheep, and shall be sell very dear—entendez vous? Bien. Now, sair, I shall put you and all your peepl' on ze island, vere you shall take our place, while we take your place. Ze arm shall be in our hand, while ze sheep stay, but we leave you fusils, poudre et tout cela, behind." ...
— Afloat And Ashore • James Fenimore Cooper

... through translation, a suggestion of the emotions common to all men; and this is true of the verse which lies wholly outside the line of that Hebrew-Greek-Roman tradition which has affected so profoundly the development of modern European literature. Yet to express "ce que tout le monde pense"—which was Boileau's version of Horace's "propria communia dicere"—is only part of the function of lyric poetry. To give the body of the time the form and pressure of individual feeling, of individual artistic mastery of the language of one's ...
— A Study of Poetry • Bliss Perry

... "Pas du tout," observed Oncle Jazon, his short pipe askew far over in the corner of his mouth, "not a bit of it is that Indian drowned. He's jes' as live as a fat cat this minute, and as drunk as the devil. He'll get some o' yer scalps yet after he's guzzled ...
— Alice of Old Vincennes • Maurice Thompson

... known to be of the monde, and rich enough to be as bourgeois as anybody. Therefore some of the people who knew him thought it odd that at his age this gentleman should prefer the indelicacies of the Quartier to those of "tout Paris," and the bad vermouth and cheap cigars of the Rue Luxembourg to the peculiarly excellent quality of champagne with which the president's wife made her social atonement to the Faubourg St. Germain. But it was ...
— A Daughter of To-Day • Sara Jeannette Duncan (aka Mrs. Everard Cotes)

... c'est moi, qui lui ravis le jour. Loi fatale! Cruel remords! Ma peine est sans egale, Dans ce moment funeste, Le desespoir, la mort, C'est tout ce ...
— Style in Singing • W. E. Haslam

Words linked to "Tout" :   triumph, hyperbolise, overstate, UK, judge, advertizer, adman, advisor, crow, consultant, scalper, label, advertiser, Great Britain, adviser, amplify, magnify, pronounce, United Kingdom, hyperbolize, U.K., puff, exaggerate, overdraw, Britain, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, gloat

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