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Rub down   /rəb daʊn/   Listen
Rub down

Wear away.  Synonyms: abrade, abrase, corrade, rub off.
Manually manipulate (someone's body), usually for medicinal or relaxation purposes.  Synonyms: knead, massage.

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"Rub down" Quotes from Famous Books

... firelight flickering at Ferrara's window that led me to do it. I don't often call on him; but I thought that a rub down before the fire and a glass of toddy would put me right. The storm had abated as I got to the foot of his stair—only a ...
— Brood of the Witch-Queen • Sax Rohmer

... violent exercises, as baseball, football, a long ride on the bicycle, or even after a prolonged walk, a warm bath should be taken at the first convenient opportunity. Care should be taken to rub down thoroughly, and to change a part or all of the clothing. Exercise is comparatively valueless until the idea of taking it for health is quite forgotten in the interest and pleasure excited by the occasion. No exercise should be carried to such a degree as to cause ...
— A Practical Physiology • Albert F. Blaisdell

... from different quarters, to fire well, one had often his wish so thoroughly satisfied, that, in half an hour after, every man lay bathed in perspiration. There was no other help for it than to leave the cabin, take a cold bath and a good rub down, dress rapidly, rush on deck for fresh air, and cool in the temperature of -30 deg. to -40 deg. prevailing there. Other opportunities for bathing were also given both to the officers and crew, and the necessary care was taken to secure cleanliness, a sanitary measure which ought never to be neglected ...
— The Voyage of the Vega round Asia and Europe, Volume I and Volume II • A.E. Nordenskieold

... shouted hoarsely for ostlers to bring him to the stables. Being come there, it is Barnabas himself who holds the bucket while the foam-flecked "Terror" drinks, a modicum of water with a dash of brandy. Thereafter Barnabas stands by anxious-eyed what time two ostlers rub down the great, black horse; or, striding swiftly to and fro, the silver watch clutched in impatient hand, he questions the men ...
— The Amateur Gentleman • Jeffery Farnol et al

... room has been, as so many sleeping apartments are, in constant use all day. Ten minutes will be quite sufficient for toning up the atmosphere. Now close the window and allow the room to become thoroughly warmed, that you may not experience a chill while taking a rub down. Prepare a big bowl of tepid water, into which you sprinkle a small quantity of ammonia or borax. Take a Turkish towel, which is much better than a sponge, wring it out as dry as possible, and, grasping a corner in each hand, give the spine a vigorous rubbing. ...
— Social Life - or, The Manners and Customs of Polite Society • Maud C. Cooke

... neighbors, clothed, as dear old Walt Whitman puts it, "in the natural and religious idea of nakedness," the cold waters of the Lake invite him to a healthful and invigorating plunge, with a stimulating and vivifying swim. A swift rub down with a crash towel, a rapid donning of rude walking togs and off, instanter, for a mile climb up one of the trails, a scramble over a rocky way to some hidden Sierran lake, some sheltered tree nook, some elevated outlook point, and, after feasting ...
— The Lake of the Sky • George Wharton James

... increases the production of heat by stimulating the heat-regulating centre in the brain. Baths above 110 deg. F. induce faintness. To prevent shivering, take a cold douche after the hot bath, and have a brisk rub down with a coarse towel, when a delightful, warm glow will result. Do not freeze yourself, or the reaction will not occur; what is wanted is a short, sharp shock, which sends the blood racing from the skin, to which it returns in tingling pulsations, which brace up the ...
— Epilepsy, Hysteria, and Neurasthenia • Isaac G. Briggs

... the Nth degree for Shirley to respond to the early telephone call next morning, from the clerk of the club. A few minutes of violent exercise, in the hand ball court, the plunge, a short swim in the natatorium and a rub down from the Swedish masseur, however, brought him around to the mood for another adventure. Sending for the racing car he began the round-up of details. There was, first of all, Captain Cronin to be visited in Bellevue. Here he was agreeably surprised to find the detective chief recuperating with ...
— The Voice on the Wire • Eustace Hale Ball

... the cats, one of which answered by giving itself a rub down his leg, while he clapped his ...
— Brownsmith's Boy - A Romance in a Garden • George Manville Fenn

... the replies he elicited he bade Murmex go with one of the pages, rub down and change into fencing rig. While Murmex was gone he viewed more fencing by young aspirants matched against accredited ...
— Andivius Hedulio • Edward Lucas White

... come a hot bath at the hotel—a tremendous scrubbing, and a "rub down," with a big towel—haircuttings, and shaving, and nail cleanings! Then he would get into mufti. He chose, after a careful review, a lounge suit of a grey-blue colour that had been fashionable that ...
— "Contemptible" • "Casualty"

... ain't got anything to do with the way he happened to get confidential all so sudden. He'd been havin' a kid pillow mix-up with Swifty Joe, just as lively as if the thermometer was down to thirty instead of up to ninety, and he's just had his rub down and got into his featherweight serge, when in drifts this Rodney Kipp that's figurin' so strong on the defense side ...
— Odd Numbers - Being Further Chronicles of Shorty McCabe • Sewell Ford

... "A rub down, a pint of beer, and water and feed in an hour, and I'll come to see him myself late to-night." Jacques had loosened the saddle-bags and taken them off. Gaston spoke to the horse, patted his neck, and gave him to the groom. Then he went up the ...
— The Judgment House • Gilbert Parker

... the internal congestion by opening the pores of the skin. To do this, use the Turkish bath (see end of book), take it at night, drink a glass of hot lemonade, and go to bed. Tuck yourself up warm. Doubtless it will make you sweat, but you need that. In the morning take a bath and a good rub down. Drink a cup of hot water half an hour before breakfast, and let that meal consist of plain food, soft-boiled eggs, oatmeal, Graham bread and fruit— oranges, if procurable. Two days of this treatment will put La ...
— The Royal Road to Health • Chas. A. Tyrrell

Words linked to "Rub down" :   rasp, manipulate, knead, chafe, abrase, rub, wear off, rubdown, wear away, corrade, excoriate

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