"Plunk" Quotes from Famous Books
... the deliberate plunk, plunk, plunk, plunk of the white mare's large and capable feet as the cab whirred softly along the pavement. "I suppose you'll be takin' me over to Sanborn ... — The Ridin' Kid from Powder River • Henry Herbert Knibbs
... pumpkin patch—also the mad dash, dash, dash of the farmer, the low moan of the disabled and frozen-toed hen as the whooping horsemen run her down; the wild shriek of the children, the low melancholy wail of the frightened shoat as he flees away to the straw pile, the quick yet muffled plunk of the frozen tomato and the dull scrunch ... — Nye and Riley's Wit and Humor (Poems and Yarns) • Bill Nye
... as close as twenty or thirty feet. I remember one that dropped in the road about fifty feet ahead of my car, and before I could stop we ran plunk into the hole it made and upset. I suppose the Windom estate must be a pretty big one, ... — Quill's Window • George Barr McCutcheon
... all right," Maurice assured her. "(I wish I hadn't told him she is older than I am. Trouble with me is, I always plunk out the truth!) The fellows like 'em young," he said. Then he told her who the fellows were: "I don't know 'em very well; they're just boys; not in college. Younger than I am, except Tom Morton. Mort's twenty, and the brainiest man I know. And Hastings has a bag of jokes—well, not just ... — The Vehement Flame • Margaret Wade Campbell Deland
... was just above the steep snow fields. Here was a drop of six feet. If the snow was soft, all right. If it was frozen underneath, I would be very likely to toboggan off into space. I pried loose a small rock and dropped it, watching with great interest how it lit. It sunk with a dull plunk. Therefore I made my leap, and found myself waist deep in ... — The Killer • Stewart Edward White |
Words linked to "Plunk" : striking, baseball game, hitting, go down, dump, place down, come down, force, chute, parachute, jump, duck, set down, fall, colloquialism, pull, twang, power-dive, put down, go, nosedive, hit, baseball, sound, crash-dive, draw, descend |
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