"Physiological condition" Quotes from Famous Books
... will give little sportive demi-kicks, with slight sudden elevation of the subsequent region of the body, and a sharp short whinny,—by no means intending to put their heels through the dasher, or to address the driver rudely, but feeling, to use a familiar word, frisky. This, I think, is the physiological condition of the young person, John. I noticed, however, what I should call a palpebral spasm, affecting the eyelid and muscles of one side, which, if it were intended for the facial gesture called a wink, ... — The Professor at the Breakfast Table • Oliver Wendell Holmes (Sr.) |
Words linked to "Physiological condition" : cryptobiosis, hypopigmentation, dependency, dependance, asphyxia, hyperthermia, poisoning, false pregnancy, addiction, disorder, acathexia, healthiness, estrus, normothermia, obstruction, torpidity, oxygen debt, suspended animation, anestrus, cold sweat, oestrus, hyperthermy, pathological state, sopor, anhydrosis, rigor mortis, vitalisation, agalactia, torpor, vitalization, incompatibility, agalactosis, hyperpigmentation, condition, hypocapnia, cellularity, status, blockage, gas, distention, gestation, good health, flatulence, dependence, infertility, heat, acapnia, hypercarbia, pseudocyesis, anesthesia, anoestrus, abnormalcy, habituation, flatulency, toxic condition, sedation, flexure, elastosis, potency, intoxication, arousal, maternity, angiotelectasia, physiological state, fecundity, anaesthesia, anestrum, hypothermia, analgesia, wakefulness, flexion, drive, sterility, upset, distension, anhidrosis, amyxia, hypercapnia, emmetropia, fertility, potence, myasthenia, pregnancy, slumber, oligospermia, abnormality, muscularity, sleep, anoestrum, rut, bloodiness, flection, dilatation |
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