"Organic process" Quotes from Famous Books
... construction of general, indeterminate, homogeneous matter, with differences in density alone, of determinate, qualitatively differentiated matter and its phenomena of motion or the dynamical process, and of the organic process. For each of these departments of nature an original force in universal nature is assumed—gravity, light, and their copula, universal life. Gravity—this does not mean that which as the force of attraction falls within the view of sensation, for it is the union of ... — History Of Modern Philosophy - From Nicolas of Cusa to the Present Time • Richard Falckenberg
... facts of mental history decide in one way or another upon their spiritual significance? According to the general postulate of psychology just referred to, there is not a single one of our states of mind, high or low, healthy or morbid, that has not some organic process as its condition. Scientific theories are organically conditioned just as much as religious emotions are; and if we only knew the facts intimately enough, we should doubtless see "the liver" determining the dicta of the sturdy atheist as decisively ... — The Varieties of Religious Experience • William James |
Words linked to "Organic process" : Krebs cycle, metabolic process, synapsis, absorption, secretion, transduction, ontogeny, protein folding, metamorphosis, extravasation, keratinisation, blooming, antisepsis, nutrition, reproduction, maturation, regulation, introversion, ecchymosis, growing, karyokinesis, vascularisation, folding, activity, evolution, tumefaction, ontogenesis, bodily process, ossification, bloom, blistering, bacteriostasis, katabolism, preservation, pathological process, vesication, dissimilation, ovulation, senescence, defoliation, transpiration, segregation, aging, citric acid cycle, effacement, nitrogen cycle, lysogenization, nondevelopment, deossification, quickening, digestion, parturition, sanguification, cellular division, ageing, epistasis, giving birth, organification, Krebs citric acid cycle, hematopoiesis, development, catabolism, involution, reabsorption, cell division, translation, haemogenesis, bodily function, cytokinesis, haematogenesis, replication, autoregulation, sloughing, symphysis, lysogenisation, ulceration, erythropoiesis, ripening, secernment, quellung, organic evolution, heredity, eutrophication, intussusception, expression, crossover, carbon cycle, metabolism, asepsis, body process, resorption, adaption, haemopoiesis, pathologic process, summation, regeneration, anovulation, synezesis, shedding, glycogenesis, birth, birthing, hypostasis, vascularization, hemogenesis, destructive metabolism, nitrogen fixation, transcription, agglutination, hemopoiesis, maturement, keratinization, nidation, hematogenesis, gastrulation, translocation, lymphopoiesis, quellung reaction, phylogeny, crossing over, tricarboxylic acid cycle, infolding, invagination, phylogenesis, haematopoiesis, humification, implantation, inhibition, growth, synizesis, eburnation, oxidative phosphorylation, adjustment, perennation, process, assimilation, adaptation, physical process, vesiculation |
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