"Net profit" Quotes from Famous Books
... furniture, and could have that little sum to count on. So long as each of them could bring home nine or ten dollars a week, they were able to get along finely. Also election day came round again, and Jurgis made half a week's wages out of that, all net profit. It was a very close election that year, and the echoes of the battle reached even to Packingtown. The two rival sets of grafters hired halls and set off fireworks and made speeches, to try to get the people interested in the matter. Although Jurgis did not understand it all, ... — The Jungle • Upton Sinclair
... than for instruction and for health has been the rule. Even where universities have put in dental courses, they have demanded a net profit from tuition. Instead of protecting society against men incapable of caring for teeth, the schools have marketed certificates to as large numbers as slowly enlightened self-interest would permit. Much progress ... — Civics and Health • William H. Allen
... made at sixty cents a dozen. The material for one of these shirts costs twenty-three cents, the making five cents—a total of twenty-eight cents. They retail these shirts at fifty cents apiece, making a net profit of twenty-two cents on an investment of twenty-eight cents for a ... — White Slaves • Louis A Banks |
Words linked to "Net profit" : share, profits, earning per share, fast buck, earnings, killing, portion, dividend, net income, filthy lucre, percentage, markup, quick buck, gross profit, gross profit margin, part, windfall profit, income, margin, cleanup, accumulation |
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