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Nasturtium   Listen

Any tropical American plant of the genus Tropaeolum having pungent juice and long-spurred yellow to red flowers.
Aquatic herbs.  Synonym: genus Nasturtium.
Flowers and seeds and leaves all used as flavorings.

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"Nasturtium" Quotes from Famous Books

... insects and the flowers and dazzles our eyes and browns our faces. The grape is beading, its tendrils fall in a veil of threads whose delicacy puts to shame the lace-makers. Beside the house blue larkspur, nasturtium, and sweet-peas are blooming. From a distance orange-trees and tuberoses scent the air. After the poetic exhalations of the woods (a gradual preparation) came the delectable ...
— Sons of the Soil • Honore de Balzac

... rest, master. One is my sister Alice. She died thirty years ago. She was very beautiful. You'd hardly believe that to look at Tamzine and me, would you? But it is true. We always called her Queen Alice—she was so stately and handsome. She had brown eyes and red gold hair, just the colour of that nasturtium there. She was father's favourite. The night she was born they didn't think my mother would live. Father walked this garden all night. And just under that old apple-tree he knelt at sunrise and thanked God when they came to tell ...
— Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories, 1909 to 1922 • Lucy Maud Montgomery

... very trail of her skirt was unlike another woman's, for it coiled and bristled after her with a life and motion of its own, like a serpent. Her hair, of too dead a black for gloss or glister, was always adorned with a nasturtium-vine, whose vivid flames seemed like some personal emanation, and whose odor, acrid and single, dispersed a character about her; and the only ornaments she condescended to assume were of Etruscan gold, severely simple in design, elaborately intricate ...
— Atlantic Monthly Volume 6, No. 37, November, 1860 • Various

... over. She was too late. Then a second basin held in coarse red hands appeared round the kitchen door and in a moment a woman, large and coarse, with the sleeves of her large-checked blue and white cotton dress rolled back and a great "teapot" of pale nasturtium coloured hair shining above the third of Miriam's "bony" German faces had emerged and plumped her steaming basin down ...
— Pointed Roofs - Pilgrimage, Volume 1 • Dorothy Richardson

... Lobelia Speciosa Crystal Palace, Lupinus Mixed Colors, Marigold French Dwarf, Martynia Probosidea, Marvel of Peru, Mixed Four O'Clock, Moon Flower Cross-bred or Hybrid, Mignonette Sweet Large- Flowered, Morning Glory, (Convolvulus Major, Giant Japanese), Myosotis Palastris Forget-Me-Not, Nasturtium (Dwarf Mixed, Tall Mixed), Pansy Very Large Flowering Mixed, Petunia Mixed Hybrid, Phlox Drummond Grandiflori Mixed, Poppy Carnation Double Mixed, Portulaca Single Mixed, Ricinus Sanguineus (Castor Oil Bean), Salpiglossis Large Mixed, Scabiosa Majus Dwarf ...
— New York at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis 1904 - Report of the New York State Commission • DeLancey M. Ellis

... big castor-plants, buffeted by the wind, leaned this way and that like giants in a drunken orgy trying to keep one another from falling down. The blight that was on the garden was the blight that was in her heart, and two bits of cheer only she found—one yellow nasturtium, scarlet-flecked, whose fragrance was a memory of the spring that was long gone, and one little cedar tree that had caught some dead leaves in its green arms and was firmly holding them as though to promise that another spring would ...
— The Trail of the Lonesome Pine • John Fox, Jr.

... a long time, the Philosopher marched up and down. At one moment he examined the sweet-pea and mourned with it on a wretched existence. Again he congratulated the nasturtium on its two bright children; but he thought of the gardens wherein they might have bloomed and the remembrance of that spacious, ...
— The Crock of Gold • James Stephens

... helpeth women in childbirth; Lichen, for that it cureth the disease of that name; Mallow, because it mollifieth; Callithricum, because it maketh the hair of a bright colour; Alyssum, Ephemerum, Bechium, Nasturtium, Aneban (Henbane), and so ...
— Gargantua and Pantagruel, Complete. • Francois Rabelais

... their roots 3 or 4 feet deep. A large sub-aquatic dock (Rumex obtusifolius) abounds in every river-bed, even far up among the mountains. The common sow-thistle (Sonchus oleraceus) grows all over the country up to an elevation of 6000 feet. The water-cress (Nasturtium officinale) grows with amazing vigour in many of the rivers, forming stems 12 feet long and 3/4 inch in diameter, and completely choking them up. It cost L300 a year to keep the Avon at Christchurch free from it. The sorrel (Rumex acetosella) covers hundreds of ...
— Darwinism (1889) • Alfred Russel Wallace

... more delicious than the sun's light streaming through flowers—through the midst of crimson fuchsias or scarlet geraniums? To look out into the light through flowers—is not that poetry? And to break the force of the sunbeams by the tender resistance of green leaves? If you can train a nasturtium round the window, or some sweet peas, then you will have the most beautiful frame you can invent for the picture without, whether it be the busy crowd, or a distant landscape, or trees with their lights and shades, or the changes of the passing clouds. Any one may thus look through ...
— Thrift • Samuel Smiles

... conditions are seldom equal all round, and the incidence of light and the supply of carbon are seldom unlimited. But wherever leaves rise free and solitary into the air, without mutual interference, they are always circular, as may be well seen in the common nasturtium and the English pennywort. On the other hand, among dense hedgerows and thickets, where the silent, invisible struggle for life is fierce indeed, and where sunlight and carbonic acid are intercepted by a thousand competing mouths and arms, the prevailing ...
— Science in Arcady • Grant Allen

Words linked to "Nasturtium" :   Tropaeolum majus, canary creeper, dilleniid dicot genus, genus Tropaeolum, Cruciferae, canarybird vine, mustard family, Tropaeolum minus, seasoner, common watercress, herbaceous plant, flavourer, herb, nasturtium family, flavoring, Brassicaceae, garden nasturtium, Tropaeolum, Tropaeolum peregrinum, seasoning, family Brassicaceae, flavorer, canarybird flower, Indian cress, family Cruciferae, flavouring

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