"Mil" Quotes from Famous Books
... tal, con gracia tanta, A quel ruysenor llora, que sospecho Que tiene otros cien mil dentro del pecho, Que alterno su ...![](http://www.dictionaryone.com/rquot.gif) — Curiosities of Literature, Vol. 1 (of 3) • Isaac D'Israeli
... mi sxangxus mil mejlojn da marakvo nur por seka terpeco, longa erikejo,[8] brunigxinta dornstipejo,[9] io ajn! Estu do la superega Volo! Sed mi preferus seke ...![](http://www.dictionaryone.com/rquot.gif) — The Esperantist, Vol. 1, No. 2 • Various
... sudden wakings of former Sahibs, sticks, and consequent sore backs, then piu forte, "Sahib!" crescendo, "Sahib, Sahib!" and then at last, in a burst of harmony, "Sahib purana Baira kutch bukshish mil jawe?"[33] and the miserable doolie traveller, who has been, probably, feigning sleep in sulky savageness for the last ten minutes, makes a sudden dive through the curtains with a stick, an exclamation is heard very like swearing, only in a foreign language, and the troop of applicants ...![](http://www.dictionaryone.com/rquot.gif) — Diary of a Pedestrian in Cashmere and Thibet • by William Henry Knight
... avons conclud et delibere, avec iceulx, mectre et employer jusqnes a la somme de vingt mil livres tour, c'est assavoir, pour nous Admiral quatre mille livres tour, maistre Guillaume Preudhomme, general de Normandye, deux mil livres tour; Pierre Despinolles, mil livres tour; Jehan Ango; deux mil livres tour; ...![](http://www.dictionaryone.com/rquot.gif) — The Voyage of Verrazzano • Henry C. Murphy
... to Chattanooga; marches to relief of Burnside; horror of E. Tennessee; dissatisfied with Granger; good dinner at Burnside's headquarters, explanation of; Meridian expedition; promoted to command Mil. Division of the Mississippi; visits Schofield at Knoxville; urges confirmation of his appointment as major general; correspondence with Halleck; modest estimate of his own powers; studies problem of supplying his army in the field; takes possession of railroads from Louisville to Nashville and ...![](http://www.dictionaryone.com/rquot.gif) — Military Reminiscences of the Civil War V2 • Jacob Dolson Cox
... knows, suh, de mil' ones, dem wid de gol' ban's 'roun' 'em. Now you stay right hyuh, chile, till Peter ...![](http://www.dictionaryone.com/rquot.gif) — The Colonel's Dream • Charles W. Chesnutt
... friends and loyall defenders against all his enemies. (M407) This good Indian assoone ready to doe them pleasure, as they were to demand it, commanded his subiects that they should fill our Pinnesse with mil and beanes. Afterward he caused them to bring him sixe pieces of his Tapistry made like litle couerlets, and gaue them to our men with so liberal a minde, as they easily perceiued the desire which he had to become their friend. In recompence ...![](http://www.dictionaryone.com/rquot.gif) — The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of - the English Nation. Vol. XIII. America. Part II. • Richard Hakluyt
... the crown lands, on condition of their paying five per cent. of the value of the land against the issue of their title-deeds. Under the Tapoo system the crown lands become subject to two fixed taxes—the Verghoo, about four per mil. on the estimated value of the land; and the Ushr or tithe, which should be a tenth part of the ...![](http://www.dictionaryone.com/rquot.gif) — The Contemporary Review, January 1883 - Vol 43, No. 1 • Various
... L'an mil sept cent quarante-quatre, le premier aout est ne en legitime mariage et le lendemain a ete baptise par moy cure soussigne Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine, fils de Messire Jacques Philippe de Monet, chevalier de Lamarck, ...![](http://www.dictionaryone.com/rquot.gif) — Lamarck, the Founder of Evolution - His Life and Work • Alpheus Spring Packard
... last, conquered by the constancy and perseverance of these repentant Christians, the tormentors afflicted or disquieted them no more, save that often in the night they heard cries so loud that it seemed as if more than five thousand men were assembled together" (plus de cent mil ...![](http://www.dictionaryone.com/rquot.gif) — Tales of the Enchanted Islands of the Atlantic • Thomas Wentworth Higginson
... basked in the sunshine of Napoleon the Little, and laughed uproariously while their Emperor and their social institutions were being castigated by the cynical German Jew and his librettists. "He was the Beethoven of the sneer," said mil Bergerat, when Offenbach died, and then with a fantastic pencil worthy of the caricaturist Hoffmann himself, he drew a dreadful picture of Offenbach and his times; of the mighty fiddler beating time upon the well-filled goatskin ...![](http://www.dictionaryone.com/rquot.gif) — Chapters of Opera • Henry Edward Krehbiel
... o menos,(a little more or less) as the Spaniards say when they are complimented with Viva V. S. mil anos (may you live a ...![](http://www.dictionaryone.com/rquot.gif) — A Trip to Paris in July and August 1792 • Richard Twiss |