"Letter of the alphabet" Quotes from Famous Books
... extended, the center bar of the E pulled out (in which case the F should be made to correspond), the lower slant stroke of the K may be used as a swash tail, and the R may have its tail extended or drawn closely back against the upright line, and so on. Indeed, each and [8] every letter of the alphabet is susceptible to such similar modifications in shape as may make it best suit the space left for it by its neighbors. Observe, for example, the spacing of the word MERITAE in 34, and notice how the ... — Letters and Lettering - A Treatise With 200 Examples • Frank Chouteau Brown
... that is called Od, Ob, and Aour, active and passive, positive and negative, like day and night; it is the first light in creation; and the first light of the primordial Elo-him—the A-dam,—male and female, or, (scientifically) Electricity and Life. Its universal value is nine, for it is the ninth letter of the alphabet and the ninth door of the fifty portals or gateways, that lead to the concealed mysteries of being.... Od is the pure ... — The Heroic Enthusiast, Part II (Gli Eroici Furori) - An Ethical Poem • Giordano Bruno
... writer of the middle eighteenth century. In the Scots Magazine for February 17, 1755, there appeared an article signed simply, "C.M.," which suggested an electric telegraph. The writer's idea was to lay an insulated wire for each letter of the alphabet. The wires could be charged from an electrical machine in any desired order, and at the receiving end would attract disks of paper marked with the letter which that wire represented, and so any message could be spelled out. The identity of "C.M." has never been established, but he was probably ... — Masters of Space - Morse, Thompson, Bell, Marconi, Carty • Walter Kellogg Towers
... "Telegrams." In this the first thing to write is the name of the person sending the telegram. The paper is then passed on, and the name of the person to whom it is sent is written. The papers are then passed on again and opened, and the players in turn each say a letter of the alphabet, chosen at random, until there are ten. As these are spoken, each player writes them on the paper before him, leaving a space after it; so that when the ten are all written down his paper may ... — What Shall We Do Now?: Five Hundred Games and Pastimes • Dorothy Canfield Fisher
... rare book, in the possession of O. Rich, Esq., is believed to be the oldest printed collection of voyages extant. It has not the pages numbered; the sheets are merely marked with a letter of the alphabet at the foot of each eighth page—It contains the earliest account of the voyages of Columbus, from his first departure until his arrival at Cadiz in chains. The letter of Vespucci to Lorenzo de Medici occupies the fifth book of this little volume. It is stated to have been originally written in ... — The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus (Vol. II) • Washington Irving
... by putting in the place of each of those numbers the corresponding letter of the alphabet. Count A as 1, B as 2 and so ... — The Confessions of Arsene Lupin • Maurice Leblanc
... who cry "Plato! Plato!" are Platonists. So, not all those who now appeal to Lincoln's mighty name for sanction of their own petty caprices and crazy creeds, have learned the first letter of the alphabet which Lincoln used; but Roosevelt, I believe, knew Lincoln better, knew the spirit of Lincoln better, than any other President has known it. And Lincoln would have approved of most, if not of all, of the measures which, in that Ossawatomie speech, Roosevelt ... — Theodore Roosevelt; An Intimate Biography, • William Roscoe Thayer |
Words linked to "Letter of the alphabet" : O, kaph, resh, zed, W, gamma, Y, nun, double-u, mem, eta, spelling, ayin, zeta, phi, s, beth, lambda, qoph, ex, P, consonant, iota, lamedh, sin, Z, kappa, polyphone, r, upsilon, Q, x, pe, omega, xi, u, vowel, digram, sadhe, m, pi, izzard, N, wye, chi, d, psi, samekh, khi, polyphonic letter, v, graphic symbol, J, k, tau, block capital, F, waw, h, alphabet, epsilon, taw, b, zayin, teth, theta, ascender, character, delta, heth, A, t, sigma, beta, block letter, omicron, he, aleph, yodh, i, c, ezed, descender, g, rho, gimel, shin, l, grapheme, mu, initial, alpha, zee, e, daleth, digraph, nu |
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