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Law-breaking   /lɔ-brˈeɪkɪŋ/   Listen

(criminal law) an act punishable by law; usually considered an evil act.  Synonyms: crime, criminal offence, criminal offense, offence, offense.

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"Law-breaking" Quotes from Famous Books

... blossom and bear fruits. Is there a strike? Then special minions of the law are detailed to this place, for violence and hatred of employers, insurrection and socialism find here ready followers. Impromptu mass meetings are common, and law-breaking schemes find their cradle beneath its glittering lights. It is always thronged within and without, a veritable nursery ...
— Violets and Other Tales • Alice Ruth Moore

... of the moves in the game that the 'boss' and the railroad should seem to be fighting each other. Good God! I can't believe it, and yet I've got to believe it. That man Hathaway is a self-confessed criminal, but he was telling the truth about the law-breaking trickery that is going on; he wouldn't be idiotic enough to lie and then give me a chance to prove the lie. And he didn't come to me of his own volition; he was sent—sent to break me down, and sent by.... Oh, dad, dad! how ...
— The Honorable Senator Sage-Brush • Francis Lynde

... this miserable game-stealing, law-breaking business is simple and easily obtained. Let each state of the United States and each province and Canada enact a Bayne law, absolutely prohibiting the sale of all wild native game, and the thing is done! But nothing short of that will ...
— Our Vanishing Wild Life - Its Extermination and Preservation • William T. Hornaday

... but it is a gospel of eternal and universal hope, because we believe that every single soul is under doom to be saved sometime, somewhere. We preach the inevitable results of law-breaking, are they to last one year, five, a hundred, a thousand, a million, ten millions? There is no possibility of heaven except as people are in perfect accord with the divine law and the divine life; for that is what heaven means. You can no more ...
— Our Unitarian Gospel • Minot Savage

... bring good to the whole community. It is of little use to appeal to the so-called conscience unless we can produce some credentials of the proper training and enlightenment of that rather vague and uncertain faculty, whose normal province is to condemn wrong acts, not to justify law-breaking. Most resisters talk the very language of Antigone, appealing to the will of Heaven; would that they could prove as satisfactorily as she did that the power behind them is that which governs the ...
— Authors of Greece • T. W. Lumb

... that every apostle is in large part responsible for this condition, so deplorable in its effects upon the people of Utah and so antagonistic to the institutions of this country. Every apostle is directed by the law-breaking church monarch. Every apostle teaches by example and precept to the Mormon people that this church monarch is a prophet of God, to offend or criticise whom is a sin in the sight of the Almighty. Every apostle ...
— Conditions in Utah - Speech of Hon. Thomas Kearns of Utah, in the Senate of the United States • Thomas Kearns

... certain kinds of criminals inherit their law-breaking propensities. There are others, less charitably disposed, perhaps, who strenuously insist that all criminals, without exception, are simply born with a natural desire to be bad, and would not be otherwise if they could; that they are prone ...
— Danger! A True History of a Great City's Wiles and Temptations • William Howe

... Surely, surely, the great passion, the great uplifting faith they had felt in common, was vital, was true! Only, somehow, after the large dreams and hopes of the early days, to come down to this perpetual campaign of petty law-breaking, and futile outrage, to these odious meetings and shrieking newspapers, was to ...
— Delia Blanchflower • Mrs. Humphry Ward

... friends found themselves in one of the corridors of the Palais, known only to barristers and those accused of law-breaking. ...
— Messengers of Evil - Being a Further Account of the Lures and Devices of Fantomas • Pierre Souvestre

Words linked to "Law-breaking" :   snatch, nobble, redeem, skyjack, extort, statutory offence, crime, Tazir crime, black market, kick back, attack, buy, infraction, plagiarize, cybercrime, criminal law, commandeer, highjack, violation, pay off, mayhem, misdemeanor, lese majesty, corrupt, grease one's palms, infringement, vice crime, capital offense, offence, commission, shoplift, thuggery, impress, black marketeer, traffic, crib, regulatory offense, blackmail, buy off, loot, shanghai, foist off, committal, palm off, victimless crime, bootleg, offense, fraud, hold up, scalp, plunder, mug, attempt, stick up, push, pyramid, statutory offense, lift, bribe, evildoing, smuggle, plagiarise, abduct, forgery, transgression, rustle, ransom, barratry, felony, fob off, war crime, misdemeanour, treason, perpetration, Had crime, carjack, kidnap, rake off, hijack, regulatory offence, pirate, high treason, run

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