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Increment   /ˈɪnkrəmənt/   Listen

A process of becoming larger or longer or more numerous or more important.  Synonyms: growth, increase.  "The growth of population"
The amount by which something increases.  Synonym: increase.

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"Increment" Quotes from Famous Books

... carried beyond the maximum and pensionable, is now given to both sexes alike. Formerly the technical allowance for women was 1s. 6d. per week only, and this would appear to account for the lower proportion of women who have qualified for the technical increment. ...
— Women Workers in Seven Professions • Edith J. Morley

... received a due share of the unearned increment which his own and his rams' achievements brought into other hands he would probably have died a millionaire. But for all his toil and skill he received no more than a shepherd's wage. There were not wanting persons, of course, who regarded his condition ...
— Mad Shepherds - and Other Human Studies • L. P. Jacks

... The house was new and clean and bald, and stood naked to the Trades. The wind beat about it in loud squalls; the seaward windows rattled without mercy; the breach of the surf below contributed its increment of noise; and the fall of my foot in the narrow verandah passed unheard ...
— The Wrecker • Robert Louis Stevenson and Lloyd Osbourne

... issue therof may be your deliverance from the nets in which he hath sinfully engaged you. And that I may do in this neither more nor less than hath been warranted by your honourable parents, I pray you to transcribe, without increment or subtraction, the letter formerly expeded under the dictation of your right honourable mother; and I shall put it into such sure course of being delivered, that if, honourable young madam, you shall receive no answer, it will be necessary that you conclude that ...
— Bride of Lammermoor • Sir Walter Scott

... be passed in less than sixty years. It appears probable however that the increased acreage put under cultivation and pasturage combined, will more than keep pace with the population up to this limit, while the improvement in methods and crops will readily permit a second like increment to her population, bringing that for the present Empire up to 150 millions. Against this view, perhaps, is the fact that the rice crop of the twenty years ending in 1906 is only thirty-three per cent greater than the ...
— Farmers of Forty Centuries - or, Permanent Agriculture in China, Korea and Japan • F. H. King

... when he was asked to sing, He gave the different nations something national; 'T was all the same to him—"God save the King," Or "Ca ira," according to the fashion all: His Muse made increment of anything, From the high lyric down to the low rational;[cx][194] If Pindar sang horse-races, what should hinder Himself from being as pliable ...
— The Works of Lord Byron, Volume 6 • Lord Byron

... beautiful illustration goes to the kernel of the change that was wrought when natural selection began to confine itself to the psychical modification of our ancestors. In a very deep sense all human science is but the increment of the power of the eye, and all human art is the increment of the power of the hand.[8] Vision and manipulation,—these, in their countless indirect and transfigured forms, are the two cooeperating factors in all ...
— The Destiny of Man - Viewed in the Light of His Origin • John Fiske

... colored light. Evidently there is some position in which the shadows are equally luminous. When that point is reached, I can read off the current which is passing through the lamp, and having previously standardized it for each increment of current, I know what amount of light is given out. This value of the incandescence lamp I can use as an ordinate to a curve, the scale number which marks the position of the color in the spectrum being the abscissa. This ...
— Scientific American Supplement, No. 595, May 28, 1887 • Various

... taken under a condemnation suit upon the payment of the money award by the condemner and no interest accrues.[322] If, however, the property is taken in fact before payment is made, just compensation includes an increment which, to avoid use of the term "interest," the Court has called "an amount sufficient to produce the full equivalent of that value paid contemporaneously with the taking."[323] If the owner and the Government enter ...
— The Constitution of the United States of America: Analysis and Interpretation • Edward Corwin

... wide roadway with "pom-pom-peel-away" and similar games. Football, however, would take us to a vacant corner lot, some two streets away. Some absentee owner in the East was doubtless paying taxes on it with hopes of finally recouping himself through the unearned increment. Meanwhile it ran somewhat to rubbish and tin cans, to bare spots from which adjoining homemakers had removed irregular squares of turf, and to holes in the dry, brown earth where potatoes had been baked with a minimum of ...
— On the Stairs • Henry B. Fuller

... regular army, the 'reserve,' and the Landwehr. It is a mistake into which many fall to believe that the reserve is the rear of the regular army. The war strength of a regiment is just double its peace strength, and the increment is the reserve. The blending of the two in time of war is complete; the medalled men of 1866 and of the Holstein campaign, called up from the reserve, are welded into the same ranks with the young ...
— Lorraine - A romance • Robert W. Chambers

... endowment with animals; while, if conscious feeling is meant, this can be affirmed only of the higher animals. What appears to remain true is, that the difference is one of successive addition. That the increment in the organic world is of many steps; that in the long series no absolute lines separate, or have always separated, organisms which barely respond to impressions from those which more actively and variously respond, and even from those that ...
— Darwiniana - Essays and Reviews Pertaining to Darwinism • Asa Gray

... above the horizon of intersection. This, however, as stated before, would involve the cost of crosscuts or rises and would cause delay in production, together with the accumulation of capital charges. How important the increment of interest on capital may become during the period of opening the mine may be demonstrated by a concrete case. For instance, the capital of a company or the cost of the property is, say, $1,000,000, and where opening the mine for production ...
— Principles of Mining - Valuation, Organization and Administration • Herbert C. Hoover

... in carefully simplified language, dealt comprehensively with the fundamental causes to which the increased wealth of the modern world is due, and on which the maintenance, to say nothing of the enlargement, of this modern increment depends. The argument of the book, in its general outline, is as follows. Without manual labor there can be no wealth at all. Unless most of its members are laborers, no community can exist. But so long as wealth is produced by manual labor ...
— Memoirs of Life and Literature • W. H. Mallock

... take to be the universally accredited insurance of a blissful eternity,—or even a whole half-column with portrait in the New York papers to indicate what a loss my premature demise had been to America,—or actually all three together, say, to exhibit as the increment of this period, I honestly cannot imagine any of the more intelligent archangels lining up to cheer my entry into Paradise. I believe, however, that to be contented, to partake of the world's amenities with moderation as a sauce, ...
— The Cords of Vanity • James Branch Cabell et al

... only that their material or other self-regarding interests are of such a nature as to be furthered by the material wealth of the community, and more particularly by the increasing volume of the body politic; but only with the proviso that this material wealth and this increment of power must accrue without anything like a corresponding cost to this class. At the same time, since this class of the superiors is in some degree a specialised organ of prestige, so that their value, and therefore their ...
— An Inquiry Into The Nature Of Peace And The Terms Of Its Perpetuation • Thorstein Veblen

... quota on his units and established a procedure for staggering the assignment of black airmen in small groups over a period of thirty to sixty days instead of assigning them to any particular base in one large increment. These quotas were not applied to the basic training flights, which were completely integrated. It was not uncommon to find black enlistees in charge of racially mixed training flights.[16-29] Of all Air Force organizations, the Training ...
— Integration of the Armed Forces, 1940-1965 • Morris J. MacGregor Jr.

... a man as Biggs was should be swallowed up in mystery Lent an increment to wonder—he who trod no doubtful paths, But stood square to his surroundings, with no cloud upon his history, As the much-respected lessee ...
— Successful Recitations • Various

... deformation: The compression is measured by means of a deflectometer (see Fig. 35), which, after the first increment of load is applied, is adjusted (by means of a small set screw) to read zero. The actual downward motion of the movable head (corresponding to the compression of the specimen) is multiplied ten times on the scale from which the ...
— The Mechanical Properties of Wood • Samuel J. Record

... Chamberlain, that you?" he cried. Agatha and Melanie, turning suddenly to greet Chamberlain, simultaneously encountered the gimlet-gaze of Chatelard. It was fixed first on Melanie, then on Agatha, then returned to Melanie with an added increment of rage and bafflement. But he ...
— The Stolen Singer • Martha Idell Fletcher Bellinger

... Russian, for his authorities, it is just possible that De Quincey may have called some of these to his aid for any intensification or expansion of Bergmann he thought necessary. My impression, however, is that he did nothing of the sort, but deputed any necessary increment of his Bergmann materials to his ...
— De Quincey's Revolt of the Tartars • Thomas De Quincey

... legions: "They make a solitude, and call it peace." Strength! There are those in perdition at this moment who could tell them that what they call strength is the stupidity which adds to sin the increment of a ...
— Men in the Making • Ambrose Shepherd

... fresh method, but may be regarded as a special case either of Agreement or of Difference, to prove the cause or effect, not of a phenomenon as a whole, but of some increment of it (positive or negative). There are certain forces, such as gravitation, heat, friction, that can never be eliminated altogether, and therefore can only be studied in their degrees. To such phenomena ...
— Logic - Deductive and Inductive • Carveth Read

... permit me to travel over the world; and at the same time to have my small capital invested in such a way as would secure not only as big a per cent. interest as possible, with due security, but also a large probability of unearned increment, so to speak; and above all to require little personal attention. Dozens of schemes presented themselves, many with most rosy outlooks. I was several times on the very verge of decision, and how easily and differently one's whole future may be affected! Perhaps by now a millionaire!—perhaps ...
— Ranching, Sport and Travel • Thomas Carson

... the entertainments at certain houses are always dull failures, while across the way one enjoys such agreeable evenings? Both hosts are gentlemen, enjoying about the same amount of “unearned increment,” yet the atmosphere of their houses is radically different. This contrast cannot be traced to the dulness or brilliancy of the entertainer and his wife. Neither can it be laid at the door of ...
— The Ways of Men • Eliot Gregory

Words linked to "Increment" :   decrease, cost increase, incremental, tax-increase, raise, proliferation, up-tick, decrement, fare increase, multiplication, gain, accession, boost, growth, amplification, amount, pullulation, wage increase, unearned increment, hike, salary increase, wage hike, increase, accumulation, tax boost, widening, tax hike, broadening, rise, relaxation, supplementation, price increase, supplement, physical process, accretion, population growth, process

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