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Il   /ɪl/   Listen

Being nine more than forty.  Synonyms: 49, forty-nine.

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"Il" Quotes from Famous Books

... suddenly an unexpected attack of the Tcherkess, who had driven in the Russian scouts and outposts, compelled the besiegers to direct the fire of the redans against the furious mountaineers. A thundering Allah-il-Allah, from the walls of Anapa, greeted their encounter: the volleys of cannon and musketry arose with redoubled violence from the walls, but the Russian grape tore asunder and arrested the crowds of horsemen and infantry of ...
— Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, No. CCCXXXII. - June, 1843.,Vol. LIII. • Various

... Baglsan River, a tributary of the Slug River. The chiefs whom I questioned had never visited the Negritos but had purchased from the Tugawanons[15] many Negrito slaves whom they had sold to the Mandyas of the Kati'il and Karga Rivers. This statement was probably true, for I saw one slave, a full-blooded Negrito girl, on the upper Karga during my last trip and received from her my third and most convincing report of the existence of Negritos other than the Mamnuas of the eastern Cordillera. She had ...
— The Manbos of Mindano - Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences, Volume XXIII, First Memoir • John M. Garvan

... les oiseaux m'ont eveille,'" he read. "'Il faisait encore un crepuscule. Mais la petite fenetre de ma chambre etait bleme, et puis, jaune, et tous les oiseaux du bois eclaterent dans un chanson vif et resonnant. Toute l'aube tressaillit. J'avais reve de vous. ...
— Sons and Lovers • David Herbert Lawrence

... labirinti e il loro simbolismo nell' eta di mezzo, in the Nuova Antologia, 16 Agosto, 1890.—Arne: Carrelages emailles du moyen age.—Eugene Muentz: Etudes iconographiques et archeologiques ...
— Pagan and Christian Rome • Rodolfo Lanciani

... ye for a de'il's brat! 'At I suld sweer!' was all Lumley's reply, as he sought to conceal his mortification by attempting to join in the laugh against himself. Robert seized the opportunity of turning ...
— Robert Falconer • George MacDonald

... Terence home with him next day to introduce him to Lord Colambre; and it happened that on this occasion Terence appeared to peculiar disadvantage, because, like many other people, 'Il gatoit l'esprit qu'il avoit en voulant ...
— The Absentee • Maria Edgeworth

... p'tit bois, Ou le coucou chantait, Ou le coucou chantait; Dans son joli chant il disait: Coucou, coucou, coucou, coucou, Et moi qui croyais qu'il disait; Cass'-lui le cou, cass'-lui le cou! Et moi de m'en cour', cour', cour', Et moi de ...
— The Baby's Bouquet - A Fresh Bunch of Rhymes and Tunes • Walter Crane

... to picture the members of that circle in the year 1998, or 2024. "Listen to what Grandpapa's Diary says of the awful Zeppelin raids of February, 1917," or, "But Great-grandpapa, who had just finished his walk in the Park, and was passing Downing Street when the news came, etc." "Il est fatiguant," whispered Mr. St. John of General Webb at one of the dinners in "Henry Esmond," "avec sa trompette de Wynandael." That persistent blowing of the "trompette" of grandpapa would likewise be voted "fatiguant." "Grandpapa! ...
— Fifth Avenue • Arthur Bartlett Maurice

... entro nel fiume di Tauasco, che per questo si chiama ora Grijalua, nel qual riscatto o cambio per cose di poca valuta molto oro, robbe di cottone, et bellissime cose di penne; stette in San Giouanni di Vilhua, piglio possessione di quel paese per il Re, in nome del Gouernatore, Diego Velasquez: et cambio la sua merciaria per pezzi di oro, coperte di cottone et penne; et si hauesse conosciuto la uentura sua, haueria fatto populatione in paese cosi ricco, come lo pregauano li suoi compagni et lui saria stato quello che dipoi il ...
— The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of - the English Nation. Vol. XIII. America. Part II. • Richard Hakluyt

... servants were admitted to the Communion"—"Tous ceux cj furent Recus la a Cene du 157, comme passans, sans avoir Rendu Raison de la foj, mes sur la tesmognage de Mons. Forest, Ministre de Madame, quj certifia quj ne cognoisoit Rien en tout ceux la po' quoy Il ne leur deust administre la Cene s'il estoit en lieu po' ...
— The Judgment House • Gilbert Parker

... fille dit: "Je suis fatigue, o y a-t-il une chaise?" Elle vit les trois chaises. Elle alla la grande chaise, s'assit, et dit: "Cette chaise n'est pas confortable." Elle alla la chaise de grandeur moyenne, s'assit, et dit: "Cette chaise n'est pas confortable." Alors elle alla la petite chaise, s'assit, et dit: "Cette ...
— Contes et lgendes - 1re Partie • H. A. Guerber

... use "R.S.V.P." (the initials of the French words "Repondez, s'il vous plait," meaning "Answer, if you please") unless the information is really necessary for the making of arrangements. It ought to be presumed that those whom you take the trouble to invite will have the sense ...
— How to Write Letters (Formerly The Book of Letters) - A Complete Guide to Correct Business and Personal Correspondence • Mary Owens Crowther

... for not writing to let me know it. I fancied you worse than you say, or at least than you own. But I don't wonder you have fevers! such a busy politician as Villettes,(704) and such a blustering negotiator as il Furibondo (705) are enough to put all your little economy of health and spirits in confusion. I agree with you, that " they don't pique themselves upon understanding sense, any more than Deutralities!" The grand journey to Flanders(706) is ...
— The Letters of Horace Walpole, Volume 1 • Horace Walpole

... vient d'equus, sans doute, Mais il faut avouer aussi Qu'en venant de la jusqu'ici Il a bien change ...
— The Romance of Words (4th ed.) • Ernest Weekley

... Dr Watts, I think, who wrote those immortal lines! I think it would be a desirable thing to carry on all conversation at this table in the French language for the future. Passez-moi le beurre, s'il vous plait, Mellicent, ma tres chere. J'aime beaucoup le beurre, quand il est frais. Est-ce que vous aimez le beurre plus de la,—I forget at the moment how you translate jam, il fait tres beau, ce ...
— About Peggy Saville • Mrs. G. de Horne Vaizey

... time he is personally evoked, and manifested to his followers. Luciferianism tends to become identical with Satanism, in which Lucifer and Satan are identified and frankly worshipped as evil. The first mention of Luciferian Freemasonry was in the Y-a-t-il des Femmes dans la Franc Maconnerie? (1891), of the somewhat notorious Leo Taxil. But the case rests mainly on the alleged revelations of writers who claim to have themselves been members of the Palladian Rite. The chief of these are Dr. Hacke or Bataille, Signor Margiotta ...
— Poems of Henry Vaughan, Silurist, Volume II • Henry Vaughan

... il y a peu de riches; presque tous les Americains ont donc besoin d'exercer une profession. Or, toute profession exige an apprentissage. Les Americains ne peuvent donc donner a la culture generale de l'intelligence que les premieres annees de la vie: a quinze ans ils entrent dans ...
— American Institutions and Their Influence • Alexis de Tocqueville et al

... ride. On one of these occasions, he brought the animal back reeking; when Tommy Mitcheson, the bank horse-keeper, a rough-spoken fellow, exclaimed to him: "Set such fellows as you on horseback, and you'll soon ride to the De'il." But Tommy Mitcheson lived to tell the joke, and to confess that, after all, there had been a better issue to George's horsemanship than that which ...
— Lives of the Engineers - The Locomotive. George and Robert Stephenson • Samuel Smiles

... there is a play on words which cannot be rendered in English. Il pourrait bien ... charger de bois mon dos comme, il a fait mort front. Bois means "stick" and ...
— Sganarelle - or The Self-Deceived Husband • Moliere

... Dalibard, thou fearest the living: dost thou never fear the dead? Thy dreams are haunted with a spectre. Why takes it not the accusing shape of thy mouldering kinsman?" and Dalibard would answer, for he was a philosopher in his cowardice: "Il n'y a que les morts qui ...
— Lucretia, Complete • Edward Bulwer-Lytton

... cantata, "Der Tod Jesu," represents a more ambitious vein. Contemporary with her was Maria Antonia, daughter of the Emperor Charles VII., and pupil of such famous men as Porpora and Hasse. Her musical aspirations took the form of operas, of which two, "Il Trionfo della Fedelta" and "Talestri," have been published recently. Amalia Anna, Duchess of Saxe-Weimar, composed the incidental music for Goethe's melodrama, "Erwin and Elmira," and won flattering notices, though part ...
— Woman's Work in Music • Arthur Elson

... is required. Meanwhile I have given a brief summary of the main facts of Tabachetti's life in a note (page 154) to the essay on "Art in the Valley of Saas." Any one who wishes for further details of the sculptor and his work will find them in Cavaliere Negri's pamphlet, "Il Santuario di Crea" ...
— Essays on Life, Art and Science • Samuel Butler

... edging up to the time of grand opera. Singers were arriving from abroad and brought with them their ambitions. We find that an English version of Rossini's opera, "Il Barbiere," was given at the Park Theatre, New York City, in 1819, with Miss Leesugg as Rosina, and in 1823 an English version of Mozart's "Le Nozze di Figaro" was presented. Again in the early part of 1825, Weber's opera "Der Freyschuetz" was presented, in English, at the Park Theatre, ...
— Annals of Music in America - A Chronological Record of Significant Musical Events • Henry Charles Lahee

... diro che il verde, il rosso, il bianco Gli stanno ben con una spada al fianco. E gli diro che il bianco, il verde, il rosso, Vuol dir che Italia il duro giogo ha scosso. E gli diro che il rosso, il bianco, il verde E un terno che si ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 231, April 1, 1854 • Various

... Fleeming Jenkin! C'etait en Mai 1878. Nous etions tous deux membres du jury de l'Exposition Universelle. On n'avait rien fait qui vaille a la premiere seance de notre classe, qui avait eu lieu le matin. Tout le monde avait parle et reparle pour ne rien dire. Cela durait depuis huit heures; il etait midi. Je demandai la parole pour une motion d'ordre, et je proposai que la seance fut levee a la condition que chaque membre francais, EMPORTAT a dejeuner un jure etranger. Jenkin applaudit. 'Je vous emimene dejeuner,' lui criai-je. 'Je veux bien.' ...
— Memoir of Fleeming Jenkin • Robert Louis Stevenson

... which he published with copious notes, in 1800. Such was Mr. Moore's youthful appearance at this time, that being at a large dinner party, and getting up to escort the ladies to the drawing-room, a French gentleman observed, "Ah, le petit bon homme, qu'il s'en va." Mr. Moore's subsequent brilliant conversation, however, soon proved him to be, though little of stature, yet, like ...
— The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction. - Volume 12, No. 349, Supplement to Volume 12. • Various

... he seems to have determined but one. He did decide that the source of the stream running into and through Connecticut Lake is the true northwest head of that river as intended by the treaty of 1783; and as to the rest, he advises that it will be convenient (il conviendra) to adopt the "Thalweg," the deepest channel of the St. John and St. Francis, for the north line, and that the forty-fifth degree is to be measured in order to mark out the boundary to the St. Lawrence, with a deviation so as to include Rouses ...
— A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents - Section 2 (of 2) of Volume 3: Martin Van Buren • James D. Richardson

... short time; but he is to have no doubt of her keeping her honour safe. He consents, partly with an eye to the future main chance (for she is her father's sole heir), and partly because elle est si bonne qu'il n'y fault guere guet sur elle. Katherine, taking the name of Conrad, finds the place, presents herself to the maitre d'ostel, an ancient squire, as desirous of entertainment or retainment, and is very handsomely received. After dinner and due service done to the ...
— A History of the French Novel, Vol. 1 - From the Beginning to 1800 • George Saintsbury

... a' went galloping, galloping; Legs and arms a' walloping, walloping; De'il take the hindmost, quo' Duncan M'Calapin, ...
— The Life of Mansie Wauch - tailor in Dalkeith • D. M. Moir

... of state: KIM Jong Il (since July 1994); note - on 3 September 2003, rubberstamp Supreme People's Assembly (SPA) reelected KIM Jong Il Chairman of the National Defense Commission, a position accorded nation's "highest administrative authority"; SPA reelected KIM Yong Nam President ...
— The 2004 CIA World Factbook • United States. Central Intelligence Agency

... of San Giuliano, after the floods, the Shelleys returned to Pisa, where they passed the late autumn and winter of 1820 and the spring of 1821. Here they made more acquaintances than heretofore, Professor Pacchiani, called also "Il Diavolo," introducing them to the Prince Mavrocordato, the Princess Aigiropoli, the improvisatore Sgricci, Taafe, and last, not least, to Emilia Viviani. Here Mary continued to write Valperga, and ...
— Mrs. Shelley • Lucy M. Rossetti

... long and honourable existence, was subsequently pressed into the service of the highway robbers. Twenty years later Pepusch made out of it the Robber's chorus in the Beggar's Opera, "Let us take road." The brilliant morceau in the second act, "Il tri Cerbero," was also set to English words—"Let the waiter bring clean glasses," and was a long time the most popular song at all merry-makings. But what shall be said of "Lascia che io pianza?" Stradella's divine air of ...
— Sketch of Handel and Beethoven • Thomas Hanly Ball

... l'Ancienne Chevalerie, par M. De la Curne de Sainte-Palaye, Paris, 1781: "Qu'on lise dans l'auteur du roman de Gerard de Roussillon, en Provencal, les details tres-circonstancies dans lesquels il entre sur la reception faite par le Comte Gerard a l'ambassadeur du roi Charles; on y verra des particularites singulieres qui donnent une etrange idee des moeurs et de la politesse de ces siecles ...
— The Works of Lord Byron, Volume 2 • George Gordon Byron

... "IL we do have to stay a while," said Betty, gathering her courage in both hands, looking up at him an managing a smile, "I'll show you how I can cozy the place up. Tomorrow, while you're doing the man's ...
— Daughter of the Sun - A Tale of Adventure • Jackson Gregory

... vous annoncer une grande nouvelle: Nous l'avons, en dormant, madame, echappe belle. Un monde pres de nous a passe tout du long, Est chu tout au travers de notre tourbillon; Et s'il eut en chemin rencontre notre terre, Elle eut ete brisee ...
— Young Folks' Library, Volume XI (of 20) - Wonders of Earth, Sea and Sky • Various

... character and endowed with the gift of forcible speech." As regards the son, his affectionate father gave him some brief directions before leaving, and in the presence of his fellow-scholars, of which this only was overheard, and seemed, indeed, to be the sum and substance: "Never give in, ye de'il's buckie." With these inspiriting words Mr. McGuffie senior departed through the front door amid a hush of admiration, leaving Peter to his fate not far from that "well" which was to be the scene of ...
— Young Barbarians • Ian Maclaren

... elsewhere are very far from imagining that the English, in the space of fourteen years, have been able to build up their colony to such a degree of prosperity, which will be augmented every year by the dispositions of their Government. It seems to me that policy demands (il me semble que la politique exige) that by some means the preparations they are making for the future, which foreshadow great projects, ought to be balanced." That was simply Baudin's personal opinion: ...
— The Life of Captain Matthew Flinders • Ernest Scott

... on to become an exemplar. A man self-made and self-taught, if he knew anything at all about the 'art for art' theory—which is doubtful—he may well have held it cheap enough. But he practised Millet's dogma—Dans l'art il faut sa peau—as resolutely as Millet himself, and that, too, under conditions that might have proved utterly demoralising had he been less robust and less sincere. He began as a serious novelist with Ralph Nickleby and Lord Frederick Verisopht; he went on to produce such masterpieces ...
— Views and Reviews - Essays in appreciation • William Ernest Henley

... followed the Princesse Maleine there was the same curious, wandering sense of, and search for, a vague and mystic beauty: "That fair beauty which no eye can see, Of that sweet music which no ear can measure." In a little poem of his, Et s'il revenait, the last words of a dying girl, forsaken by her lover, who is asked by her sister what shall be told to the faithless one, should he ever seek to know of ...
— Wisdom and Destiny • Maurice Maeterlinck

... well put this in his account of Aesop. "Il n'y a point d'apparence que les fables qui portent aujourd'hui son nom soient les memes qu'il avait faites; elles viennent bien de lui pour la plupart, quant a la matiere et la pensee; mais les paroles sont d'un autre." And again, ...
— Aesop's Fables • Aesop

... son uomo ingegnoso, Non possiedo, ma sono padrone; Vendo l' acqua con spirto e limone Finche dura d' estate il calor. ...
— Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 5, No. 31, May, 1860 • Various

... have a doubt of the correctness, of the historical exactness of this narrative, I refer him to the "Biographie Universelle" (article Jean sans Terre), which says, "La femme d'un baron auquel on vint demander son fils, repondit, 'Le roi pense-t-il que je confierai mon fils a un homme qui a egorge son neveu de sa propre main?' Jean fit enlever la mere et l'enfant, et la laissa MOURIR DE ...
— Burlesques • William Makepeace Thackeray

... seasonably of a vesper headache. This was really worse than St. Sebastian's. It reminds one of a French gayety in Thiebault or some such author, who describes a rustic party, under equal despair, as employing themselves in conjugating the verb s'ennuyer,—Je m'ennuie, tu t'ennuies, il s'ennuit; nous nous ennuyons, &c.; thence to the imperfect—Je m'ennuyois, tu t'ennuyois, &c.; thence to the imperative—Qu'il s'ennuye, &c.; and so on through the whole melancholy conjugation. Now, you know, when the time comes that, nous ...
— Narrative And Miscellaneous Papers • Thomas De Quincey

... pas, dites-vous, comment je pourrois prouver ce que j'ai avance touchant la communication, ou l'harmonie de deux substances aussi differentes que l'ame et le corps? Il est vrai que je crois en avoir trouve le moyen; et voici comment je pretends vous satisfaire. Figurez-vous deux horloges ou montres qui s'accordent parfaitement. Or cela se peut faire de trois manieres. La 1^{e} consiste dans une influence mutuelle. La 2^{e} est d'y attacher ...
— Short Studies on Great Subjects • James Anthony Froude

... deities were El, Melkarth, Dagon, Hadad, Adonis, Sydyk, Eshmun, the Cabeiri, Onca, Tanith, Tanata, or Anaitis, and Baalith, Baaltis, or Beltis. El, or Il, originally a name of the Supreme God, became in the later Phoenician mythology a separate and subordinate divinity, whom the Greeks compared to their Kronos[1135] and the Romans to their Saturn. El was the special god of Gebal or Byblus,[1136] ...
— History of Phoenicia • George Rawlinson

... of the former by public acclamation. Those who are sceptical on the score of his composing in Italian, are referred to the well-known air, 'Lord, remember David,' which is to be found in the opera of Sosarmes, commencing with the words, 'Rendi il sereno.'"[12] ...
— The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction - Vol. XVII. No. 473., Saturday, January 29, 1831 • Various

... The punishments of the present life are medicinal, and therefore when one punishment does not suffice to compel a man, another is added: just as physicians employ several bod[il]y medicines when one has no effect. In like manner the Church, when excommunication does not sufficiently restrain certain men, employs the compulsion of the secular arm. If, however, one punishment suffices, another should not be ...
— Summa Theologica, Part II-II (Secunda Secundae) • Thomas Aquinas

... Mons. Tronchin, a Protestant physician from Geneva, who attended Voltaire on his death-bed, was: That to see all the furies of Orestes, one only had to be present at the death of Voltaire. ("Pour voir toutes les furies d'Oreste, il n'y avait qu'a se trouver a la mort de Voltaire.") "Such a spectacle," he adds, "would benefit the young, who are in danger of losing the precious helps of religion." The Marechal de Richelieu, too, was so terrified at what he saw that he left the bedside of Voltaire, declaring that "the sight ...
— Fables of Infidelity and Facts of Faith - Being an Examination of the Evidences of Infidelity • Robert Patterson

... appearance and proceedings of life became wonderful and heavenly, and a paradise was created as out of the wrecks of Eden. And as this creation itself is poetry, so its creators were poets; and language was the instrument of their art: 'Galeotto fu il libro, e chi lo scrisse.' The Provencal Trouveurs, or inventors, preceded Petrarch, whose verses are as spells, which unseal the inmost enchanted fountains of the delight which is in the grief of love. It is impossible ...
— English Critical Essays - Nineteenth Century • Various

... man is unable to pronounce judgment upon expert opinion he is quite capable of understanding the main arguments upon which the foregoing conclusions are based. We all realise the truth of the old saying "Il n'y a que le premier pas qui coute." We all appreciate the tremendous difficulty of taking the first step in the way of discovery and invention. We know that to be the first to step forward in an utterly ...
— The Black Man's Place in South Africa • Peter Nielsen

... 'horned,' when he is never represented with horns, it is hard to say. But among the various foreign gods in whom the Greeks recognised their own Cronus, one Hea, 'regarded by Berosos as Kronos,' seems to have been 'horn-wearing.' {60b} Horns are lacking in Seb and Il, if not in Baal Hamon, though Mr. Brown would ...
— Custom and Myth • Andrew Lang

... and Teviotdale! Why the de'il dinna ye march forward in order? March, march, Eskdale and Liddesdale! All the Blue Bonnets are over the Border! Many a banner spread Flutters above your head, Many a crest that is famous in story!— Mount and make ready, then, Sons of the mountain ...
— The World's Best Poetry, Volume 8 • Various

... sculptures which are exquisite examples of Egyptian art, and a chronological table of the Kings of Abydos. Here Seti I. and Ramses IL, his son, are represented as offering homage to their many ancestors seated upon thrones inscribed with their names ...
— History Of Egypt From 330 B.C. To The Present Time, Volume 12 (of 12) • S. Rappoport

... est triste, tu vois. Il aime bas quitter,' murmured his hopeful son in tones of high delight, the feeling proper to express before a new ...
— Oriental Encounters - Palestine and Syria, 1894-6 • Marmaduke Pickthall

... that can save her. And as for you, my laird duke," continued the honest Scotch doctor, breaking into dialect as he always did whenever he forgot himself under strong excitement, "as for you, me laird duke, if ye dinna overcome the lassie's scruples, and marry her out of hand, the de'il hae me but I'll e'en marry her mysel', and tak' her awa to save her life! Now, then will I tak' ...
— The Lost Lady of Lone • E.D.E.N. Southworth

... constantly acting upon the stage, and is exposed to the critically vulgar light of day, he leads a hidden life in the Elysian fields, only with Article 45 of the Constitution before his eyes and in his heart daily calling out to him, "Frere, il faut mourir!" [1 Brother, you must die!] Your power expires on the second Sunday of the beautiful month of May, in the fourth year after your election! The glory is then at an end; the play is not performed twice; and, if you have any debts, see to it betimes that you pay them ...
— The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte • Karl Marx

... highly ornamented. "Cest Breuiare est a l'usaige des Jacobins. Et est en deux volumes Dont cest cy Le premier, et est nomme Le Breuiaire de Belleville. Et le donna el Roy Charles le vj^e. Au roy Richart Dangleterre, quant il fut mort Le Roy Henry son successeur L'envoya a son oncle Le Duc de Berry, auquel il est a present." This memorandum has the signature of "Flamel," who was Secretary to Charles VI. On the opposite page, in the same ancient Gothic ...
— A Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany, Volume Two • Thomas Frognall Dibdin

... of them next morning complained to his friend that he had a very indifferent bed, and asked him how he had slept. "Troth, man," replied Donald, "nea vera well, either; but I was muckle better aff than the bugs, for de'il ane of them closed ...
— The Jest Book - The Choicest Anecdotes and Sayings • Mark Lemon

... Lernejestro a school master (head teacher). [Error in book: Lernjestro] ant Lernantaro a class. ej Lernejo a school. et Lernejeto an elementary school. ar Lernejaro an university. ul Lernulo a learned man, a savant. " Lernulino a learned woman, a "blue stocking." ajx Lernajxo knowledge. il Lernilo intelligence (the). ind Lerninda worth learning. o Lerno act or action of learning. ebl Lernebla learnable. ec Lerneco learnedness. em Lernema studious. er Lernero a subject of a curriculum. ar Lernaro a curriculum. a Lerna learned. e ...
— English-Esperanto Dictionary • John Charles O'Connor and Charles Frederic Hayes

... 1798, that I was one morning before daylight, to walk ten miles in the mud, to hear this celebrated person preach. Never, the longest day I have to live, shall I have such another walk as this cold, raw, comfortless one in the winter of 1798. Il-y- a des impressions que ni le tems ni les circonstances peuvent effacer. Dusse-je vivre des siecles entiers, le doux tems de ma jeunesse ne peut renaitre pour moi, ni s'effacer jamais dans ma memoire. When I got there the organ was playing the 100th Psalm, and when it was ...
— Characters of Shakespeare's Plays • William Hazlitt

... 1866 an elaborate treatise in its support was written by F. Coyteux, entitled Qu'est-ce que le Soleil? Peut-il etre habite? and answering the ...
— A Popular History of Astronomy During the Nineteenth Century - Fourth Edition • Agnes M. (Agnes Mary) Clerke

... state of the weather is no longer comme il faut. Bombarding the Empyrean is as little regarded as throwing stones at monkeys, that they may make reprisals with cocoa-nuts; yet the success of the rain-makers is very doubtful. Their premisses even are disallowed by many considerable authorities. The little experiment ...
— Punch, Or The London Charivari, Vol. 102, Feb. 20, 1892 • Various

... Versailles, loo, la, De Paris a Versailles— Il y a de belles allees, Vive le Roi de France! Il y a de belles ...
— The Martian • George Du Maurier

... Messer Cavalcante de' Cavalcanti, fu un de' migliori loici che avesse il mondo, et ottimo filosofo naturale.... E percio che egli alquanto tenea della opinione degli Epicuri, si diceva tra la gente volgare che queste sue speculazioni eran solo in cercare se trovar si potesse che Iddio ...
— The Well of Saint Clare • Anatole France

... a man would wish to have in a wife, and yet Frenchmen find fault with it. C'est un assez joli tableau, say they, mais la tete manque, de l'expression, si elle avait plus d'esprit, plus de vivacite! Mais Raphael, il n'avait jamais passe les Alpes." We burst out laughing, and I added, "Le pauvre Raphael quel dommage, de ne savoir rien du grand. Monarque! ni de la grande nation." "Yet," I continued, "there is a painter, Stotherd, ...
— Recollections of the late William Beckford - of Fonthill, Wilts and Lansdown, Bath • Henry Venn Lansdown

... without troubling the coroner, to sustain and increase the tension up to the very close. Such themes are not too common, but they do occur. Dumas found one in Denise, and another in Francillon, where the famous "Il en a menti!" comes within two minutes of the fall of the curtain. In Heimat (Magda) and in Johannisfeuer, Sudermann keeps the tension at its height up to the fall of the curtain. Sir Arthur Pinero's Iris is a case in point; so are Mr. Shaw's Candida and The Devil's Disciple; ...
— Play-Making - A Manual of Craftsmanship • William Archer

... that he perceives that he did many a wrong to his first wife; did not always rightly guide and bear with her weakness; was no prop to the "child," and believes himself absolved by this severe castigation. Qu'est-ce qu'il me chante? Has the letter undergone transformation in the Christian climate of Reinfeld, or did it leave the hand of this once shallow buffoon in its present form? He asserts, moreover, that he lives in a never dreamed of happiness with his present wife, whose ...
— The German Classics of The Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Vol. X. • Kuno Francke

... [6] "Et il faut bien remarquer, que la Guerre ne dcide pas la question; la Victoire contraint seulement le vaincu donner les mains au Trait qui termine le diffrend. C'est une erreur non moins absurde que funeste, de dire, que la Guerre doit dcider les Controverses entre ceux qui, comme les ...
— The Geneva Protocol • David Hunter Miller

... her head bowed upon her hands, listened to his receding footsteps. "Il Regalantuomo," she murmured. "It is a pity, too! What does Fritz ...
— The Midnight Passenger • Richard Henry Savage

... where the deuill hadde cast aboone betwene the man and the wife, at the worste waye they myght be deuorsed, but now that remedie is past, euen till death depart you he must nedes be thy husbande, and thou hys wyfe, xan. Il mote they thryue & thei that taken away that liberty from vs Eulalia. Beware what thou sayest, it was christes act. Xan. I can euil beleue that Eula. It is none otherwyse, now it is beste that eyther of you one beyng with an other, ye laboure ...
— A Merry Dialogue Declaringe the Properties of Shrowde Shrews and Honest Wives • Desiderius Erasmus

... nasal passages open by the posterior nares into the mouth; the oesophagus (oes.); the bag-like stomach, its left (Section 6) end being called the cardiac (, and its right the pyloric end (py.); the U-shaped duodenum (ddnm.) and the very long and greatly coiled ileum (il.). The duodenum and ileum together form the small intestine; and the ileum is dilated at its distal end into a thick-walled sacculus rotundus (s.r.), beyond which point comes the large intestine. The colon (co.) and ...
— Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata • H. G. Wells

... est que pour arriver a ces connoissances il semble avoir perverti l'ordre naturel, puisqu'au lieu de s'attacher d'abord a rechercher l'origine de notre globe il a commence par travailler a s'instruire de la nature. Mais a l'entendre, ce renversement ...
— Lectures and Essays • T.H. Huxley

... lend a hand in case Mrs. Caukins should be outnumbered, will you? I'm engaged at present." And deeply engaged he was to the twins' unspeakable delight. Whistling softly an air from "Il Trovatore," he rubbed some orange-flower water on his chin and cheeks; then taking a fresh handkerchief, dabbed several drops on the two little noses that waited upon him weekly in expectation of this fragrant boon. He was rewarded by a ...
— Flamsted quarries • Mary E. Waller

... mademoiselle Clairon, the celebrated actress, to perform an impassioned part in one of his tragedies, she objected to the violence of his enthusiasm. "Mais, monsieur, on me prendroit pour une possedee!"[74] "Eh, mademoiselle," replied the philosophic bard, "il faut etre un possede pour ...
— Practical Education, Volume II • Maria Edgeworth

... to you about gentlemen's fashions, because, as a rule, they are monstrously dull, but this season the stronger sex seem really to be developing some originality. Here are a few notes taken on the troopship Montfort, where of course you know every one is smart. (Tout ce qu'il y a de plus Montfort has become quite a proverb, dear.) Generally speaking, piquancy and coolness are the main features. For instance, a neat costume for stables is a pair of strong boots. To make this ...
— In the Ranks of the C.I.V. • Erskine Childers

... his bluidy cheik, And syne his bluidy chin: O better I loe my Gill Morice Than a' my kith and kin! Away, away, ze ill woman, And an il deith mait ze dee: Gin I had kend he'd bin zour son, He'd neir bin slain ...
— Book of Old Ballads • Selected by Beverly Nichols

... some way or other to my serious aim. Except one worthy young fellow[77] I have not a single correspondent in Edinburgh. You have indeed kindly made me an offer of that kind. The world of wits, the gens comme-il-faut, which I lately left, and in which I never again will intimately mix—from that port, Sir, I expect your gazette, what the beaux esprits are saying, what they are doing, and what they are singing. ...
— The Letters of Robert Burns • Robert Burns

... approximation to correctness is required. "L'astronomie moderne, en detruisant sans retour les hypotheses primitives, envisagees comme lois reelles du monde, a soigneusement maintenu leur valeur positive et permanente, la propriete de representer commodement les phenomenes quand il s'agit d'une premiere ebauche. Nos ressources a cet egard sont meme bien plus etendues, precisement a cause que nous ne nous faisons aucune illusion sur la realite des hypotheses; ce qui nous permet d'employer sans scrupule, en chaque ...
— A System Of Logic, Ratiocinative And Inductive • John Stuart Mill

... it was difficult to say what could come amiss to him. He speaks in a soft, quiet manner, with something of a drawl, using very correct, well-chosen language, and pronouncing all his words with carefulness; has everything in his dress and traveling appointments comme il faut; and seems to think there is abundant time for everything that is to be done in this world, without, as he says, 'any unnecessary excitement.' Before the party had fully discovered his name he was usually designated ...
— The Life of Harriet Beecher Stowe • Charles Edward Stowe

... but it does not give the current French pronunciations of the English words. The reviewer writes: 'Ce qui me gene bien davantage, c'est que M. Bonnaffe supprime, partout, avec rigueur, la facon francaise de prononcer le mot anglais. Etait-il superflu de dire comment nous articulons shampooing? Nous n'avons, je crois, qu'une forme orale pour boy, petit domestique, parce qu'il est du a l'oreille; mais nous sommes partages quant a boy-scout, qui est arrive par tracts et par journaux. L'anglais donne un mot high-life, ...
— Society for Pure English, Tract 5 - The Englishing of French Words; The Dialectal Words in Blunden's Poems • Society for Pure English

... at Paris in 1687, have been much blamed by his brethren for laxity. Dom. Martenne published with more applause his Commentarius in Regulam S. Benedicti, in 4to., in 1690. Son edition de la Regle est la plus exacte qu'on nous a donne; et son Commentaire egalement judicieux et scavant. Il ne parle pas de celui de Dom. Mege, qui avoit parut trois ans avant le sien; parceque ses sentiments relaches ses confreres, de sorte qu'en plusiers monasteres reformes de cet ordre on ne le met pas entre les mains des jeunes religieux Voyez le Cerf, Bibl. des Ecr. de ...
— The Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and Principal Saints - January, February, March • Alban Butler

... rapartee; Second-hand shop for left-off witticisms; Gall'ry for Tomkins and Pitt-icisms;[3] Foundling hospital for every bastard pun; In short, a manufactory for all sorts of fun! * * * * Arouse my muse! such pleasing themes to quit, Hear me while I say "Donnez-moi du frenzy, s'il vous plait!"[4] Give me a most tremendous fit Of indignation, a wild volcanic ebullition, Or deep anathema, Fatal as J—d's bah! To hurl excisemen downward to perdition. May genial gin no more delight their ...
— Punch, Or The London Charivari, Vol. 1, July 17, 1841 • Various

... shrugged his shoulders and went out, whispering to himself—'Bah, il devient superstitieux!' Next morning the order to ...
— The Idiot • (AKA Feodor Dostoevsky) Fyodor Dostoyevsky

... owing to the strong competition the Company met with; while their interference in the trade subjected them to the charge of "grasping ambition," a charge which appears but too well founded, considering the monopoly they possess of the whole fur trade of the continent. "Plus le D——e a, plus il voudrait avoir," is an old adage; nor have we any reason to believe that any other mercantile body would be less ambitious of increasing their gains, than ...
— Notes of a Twenty-Five Years' Service in the Hudson's Bay Territory - Volume II. (of 2) • John M'lean

... and lives with son john at gurtain I hope and trust you will send us word how you are getting Fanny mother is not only a very poor crater somtimes Mother often thinks she should often like to see your bazy and joby you might com land see us in the summer if we had nothing elce I ca il find them something to eat if mother never see you in this world she is hopining to see you in heaven so no more from your afexenen brother and sister Vickers good buy * * * * Kiss all on you ...
— Gipsy Life - being an account of our Gipsies and their children • George Smith

... volge 'l disio, A' naviganti e 'ntenerisce il cuore, Lo di ch' ban detto a' dolci amici addio, E che lo nuova peregrin d'amore Punge, se ode Squilla di lontano, Che paja 'l giorno pianger ...
— She and I, Volume 1 • John Conroy Hutcheson

... with this combination of excellencies would naturally require some winning, and Balzac had no time to woo. However, it was absolutely necessary that his married life should be one of luxury and magnificence, beautiful surroundings being indispensable to his scheme of existence, "Il faut," he said, "que l'artiste mene une vie splendide." Therefore, till the right lady was found, Balzac toiled unceasingly; and when in Madame Hanska the personification of his ideal at last appeared, ...
— Honore de Balzac, His Life and Writings • Mary F. Sandars

... masonic sign,[376] cannot be any casual product, but must be an average result of the character and faculties universally found in men. It seems a certain permanent average; as the atmosphere is a permanent composition, whilst so many gases are combined only to be decompounded. Comme il faut, is the Frenchman's description of good society, as we must be. It is a spontaneous fruit of talents and feelings of precisely that class who have most vigor, who take the lead in the world of this hour, and, ...
— Essays • Ralph Waldo Emerson

... cielo in lui niluce E 'l fa grande, et angusto oltre il costume. Gl' empie d' honor la faccia, e vi riduce Di giovinezza ...
— The Iliad of Homer • Homer

... etudiant ainsi le developpement total de l'intelligence humaine dans ses diverses spheres d'activite, depuis son premier essor le plus simple jusqu'a nos jours, je crois avoir decouvert une grande loi fondamentale, a laquelle il est assujetti par une necessite invariable, et qui me semble pouvoir etre solidement etablie, soit sur les preuves rationelles fournies par la connaissance de notre organisation, soit sur les verifications historiques resultant d'un examen attentif du passe. ...
— Lay Sermons, Addresses and Reviews • Thomas Henry Huxley

... will arrive on time, but it's been the de'il's own job. Pretty, aren't they!" he added, taking a small package wrapped in tissue-paper out of his pocket, and disclosing ...
— R. Holmes & Co. • John Kendrick Bangs

... notorious encounter, wherein they recognized one another as "Men," been interrupted by the entrance of Nietzsche, do you suppose they would not have both stiffened and recoiled, recognizing their natural Enemy, the Cross-bearer, the Christ-obsessed one, "Il Santo"? ...
— Visions and Revisions - A Book of Literary Devotions • John Cowper Powys

... all times and all costs: he was intensely pleasure-loving, too; his mouth watered for every fruit. Besides, he couldn't write with creditors at the door. Like Bossuet he was unable to work when bothered about small economies:—s'il etait a l'etroit dans ...
— Oscar Wilde, Volume 1 (of 2) - His Life and Confessions • Frank Harris

... musical purposes was shown when, many years afterward, he wrote—so rapidly that the word 'improvise' might here be used—for the benefit of a manager in distress, both words and music of a little one-act opera, called 'Il Campanello' founded on the 'Sonnette de Nuit' of Scribe. Donizetti also arranged the librettos of 'Betty' and 'The Daughter of the Regiment,' and of the last act of 'Lucia' he not only wrote the words but designed ...
— Chopin and Other Musical Essays • Henry T. Finck

... the Horton poems (so-called because they were written in the country-place of that name) are "L'Allegro" and "Il Penseroso," two of the most widely quoted works in our literature. They should be read in order to understand what people have admired for nearly three hundred years, if not for their own beauty. "L'Allegro" (from the Italian, meaning "the cheerful man") is the ...
— Outlines of English and American Literature • William J. Long

... frequently passes our door with her double cry of 'Las Cosi-tas!'—'La Cascar-il-la!' The negress offers for sale a kind of chalk with which the ladies of Cuba are in the habit of powdering their faces and necks. She also sells what she calls 'cositas francesas,' which consist of cakes and tarts prepared by the French creoles of Cuba. Many of the less opulent Madamas ...
— The Pearl of the Antilles, or An Artist in Cuba • Walter Goodman

... is in the lightning dealeth a mingled lot, that man chanceth now upon ill and now again on good, but to whom he giveth but of the bad kind, him he bringeth to scorn, and evil famine chaseth him over the goodly earth, and he is a wanderer honoured of neither gods nor men." [Footnote: Il. xxiv. 527—Translated by ...
— The Greek View of Life • Goldsworthy Lowes Dickinson

... votre lettre d'Aix est plaisante! Au moins relisez vos lettres avant que de les envoyer; laissez-vous surpendre a leur agrement, et consolez-vous par ce plaisir de la peine que vous avez d'en tant ecrire. Vous avez donc baise toute la Provence? il n'y aurait pas satisfaction a baiser toute la Bretagne, a moins qu'on n'aimat a sentir le vin. . . . Voulez-vous savoir des nouvelles de Rennes? On a fait une taxe de cent mille ecus sur le bourgeois; et si on ne trouve point ...
— Democracy In America, Volume 2 (of 2) • Alexis de Tocqueville

... donne Paris, sa grande ville, Et qui'il me fallut quitter L'amour de ma mie, Je dirais au roi Louis Reprenez votre Paris. J'aime mieux ma mie, O gai! ...
— The Trampling of the Lilies • Rafael Sabatini

... appearances, and you must do it just as carefully before your own servants as before your friends. The alternatives are, one general servant, with frank confession of poverty, or a numerous household and everything comme il faut. There's no middle way, with peace. I think your determination to take care of Hughie yourself was admirable; but it won't work. These two women think you do it because you can't afford a nurse, and at once they despise ...
— The Whirlpool • George Gissing

... thanking the Duke for his good offices rendered to the Queen Regent her mother, in circumstances of great difficulty, her words are,—"S'estant pour ceste cause delibere y mectre la main et chercher tous moiens pour reduire les choses au bon estat ou elles estoient, il a advise depescher par dela le Sieur de Bethencourt, present porteur, par lequel j'ay bien voullu vous faire entendre le contentement quo j'ay du service quo vous vous este essaye m'y faire, et prier, mon ...
— The Works of John Knox, Vol. 1 (of 6) • John Knox

... them in death. Lastly the name of the Count of Aquila rang wildly in his ears, provoking a storm of "Evviva! Live Francesco del Falco!" and one persistent voice, sounding loudly above the others, styled him already "il Duca Francesco." At that the blood mounted to Gian Maria's brain, and a wave of anger beat back the fear from his heart. He rose in his stirrups, his eyes ablaze with the jealous wrath that ...
— Love-at-Arms • Raphael Sabatini

... Goltz fait connaitre aux Populations de Belgique qu'il est informe par les Generaux Commandants les troupes d'occupation sur le territoire francais, que le cholera sevit avec intensite dans les troupes alliees, et qu'il y a le plus grand danger a franchir ces lignes, ou a ...
— A Journal From Our Legation in Belgium • Hugh Gibson

... "Le pauvre enfant, il n'a que nous," says the lady, looking to her lord; and the boy, who understood her, though doubtless she thought otherwise, thanked her with all his ...
— The History of Henry Esmond, Esq. • W. M. Thackeray

... chief of state: KIM Chong-il [defacto]; note - President KIM Il-song was reelected without opposition 24 May 1990 and died 8 July 1994 leaving his son KIM Chong-il as designated successor; however the son has not assumed the titles that his father held and no new elections have been held ...
— The 1996 CIA Factbook • United States. Central Intelligence Agency.

... and ruled like a barbarian, till his assassination in 1476. There followed a brief space of liberty in Genoa, liberty endangered every moment by the quarrels of the nobles, who at last proposed to divide the city among them, and would have thus destroyed their fatherland, had not Il Moro, Ludovico Sforza of Milan, intervened and possessed himself of Genoa, which he held till 1499, when Louis XII of France defeated him, Genoa placing herself ...
— Florence and Northern Tuscany with Genoa • Edward Hutton

... live in the world, and they had better know what it is. You may not approve of the Harvard spirit, and Mr. Saintsbury doesn't sympathise with it; he only says it's the world's spirit. Harvard men—the swells—are far more exclusive than Oxford men. A student, 'comme il faut', wouldn't at all like to be supposed to know another student whom we valued for his brilliancy, unless he was popular and ...
— Henry James, Jr. • William Dean Howells

... "Qu' y a-t-il encore?" asked the emperor again; and, when one of the chamberlains answered his question, he laughed heartily. Heads were together everywhere. Something interesting was going forward on Mount Olympus. ...
— Walter Pieterse - A Story of Holland • Multatuli

... by hearing band-music as he followed the directions to the house named Stoneridge. The band consisted of eight wind instruments; they played astonishingly well for itinerant musicians. By curious chance, they were playing a selection from the Pirata; presently he heard the notes to 'il mio tradito amor.' They had hit ...
— The Shaving of Shagpat • George Meredith

... a ce qui me touche a moy en particulier, encores que j'ayme unicquement tous mes enffans, je veulx preferer, comme il est bien raysonnable, les filz aux filles; et pour le regard de ce que me mandez de celluy qui a faict mourir ma fille, c'est chose que l'on ne tient point pour certaine, et ou elle le seroit, le roy monsieur mondit filz n'en pouvoit faire la vengence ...
— The History of Freedom • John Emerich Edward Dalberg-Acton

... where, since their time,—since my days of Parisian life,—the terrible storming youth, afterwards renowned as Leon Michel Gambetta, had startled the quiet guests with his noisy eloquence, till the old habitues spilled their coffee, and the red-capped students said to each other, "Il ...
— Our Hundred Days in Europe • Oliver Wendell Holmes

... the names for the letters themselves, read thus,' Nella fi-delta fi-ni-ro la buffa,' which is good enough Italian for an anagram, meaning 'I will end trifling in fidelity.' But 'Nella fedelita (or fidelita) finiro la B.' transposed, gives us 'Il Fabro Natanielli (or Natanielle) Field,' i.e., 'Nathaniel Field the author'" (Athenaeum, March 3, 1883). Far be it from me to deny the ingenuity of this explanation, but when Mr. Fleay, not having seen the ...
— A Collection of Old English Plays, Vol. III • Various

... a deserte la maison paternelle, Mais ce n'est point a lui qu'il faut faire querelle; Et si Monsieur son pere avait voulu sortir, Nous y serions encore;... Ces peres, bien ...
— The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 15, No. 92, June, 1865 • Various

... combination of diseases, has quite saddened the sculptress. When she came to see us I observed that after so long a residence at Florence she must regard it as a second country. 'Ah non!' (the answer was) 'il n'y a pas de seconde patrie.' What you tell me of 'Jane Eyre' makes me long to see the book. I may long, I fancy. It is dismal to have to disappoint my dearest sisters, who hoped for me in England this ...
— The Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1 of 2) • Frederic G. Kenyon

... Maman! Ma bonne m'avait dit qu'il etait un avorton, et que ce serait tres amusant de le voir. Elle m'a conseiller de lui ...
— The History of Sir Richard Calmady - A Romance • Lucas Malet

... tapis Sarazinois a or: de l'histoire de Charlemagne" (Voisin, p. 6). Of the many recorded as belonging to Philip, Duke of Burgundy and Brabant, one piece, "Haulte lice sanz or: de l'histoire du Duc de Normandie, comment il conquit Engleterre."—"Les Ducs de Bourgogne," par le Comte de Laborde, ...
— Needlework As Art • Marian Alford

... faciles sont si nombreuses qu'elles doivent comprendre presque toutes les personnes du sexe. Aussi un ministre protestant ecrivait-il au milieu de notre siecle qu'il n'existait presque point de femmes ...
— Primitive Love and Love-Stories • Henry Theophilus Finck

... of the woods. They were mostly women and children, only a very few old men and young boys left. The poor things were terrified by the Germans and Bismarck, of whom they had made themselves an extraordinary picture. "Monsieur sait que Bismarck tue tous les enfants pour qu'il n'y ait plus de Francais." (Monsieur knows that Bismarck kills all the children so that there shall be no more French.) The boys kept W. in a fever. They had got some old guns, and were always hovering about on the edge of the wood, trying to have a shot at a German. ...
— Chateau and Country Life in France • Mary King Waddington

... Rolfe was saying, "we do not care for the opinions of the middle class, of the bourgeois. With us men and women are on an equality. It is fear that has kept the workers down, and now we have cast that off—we know our strength. As they say in Italy, il mondo e a chi se lo piglia, the world belongs to him ...
— The Crossing • Winston Churchill

... mean? Comme cela m'intrigue," said Katherine Alexeievna, when Nekhludoff had left. "I must find it out. Some affaire d'amour propre; il est tres susceptible ...
— The Awakening - The Resurrection • Leo Nikoleyevich Tolstoy

... prompt, Il frappe le superbe front De la troupe ennemie; On verra tomber sous ses coups Ceux qui provoquent son courroux Par ...
— The Huguenots in France • Samuel Smiles

... "Comme il est drole, Monsieur Dick," Sheila said; "he asked me to grow up and marry him some day. He said I should sit on a cushion and sew a fine seam, and feast upon strawberries, sugar ...
— Outside Inn • Ethel M. Kelley

... de Saint-Mihiel published an 8vo volume in 1791, at Strasbourg and Paris, entitled 'Le veritable homme, dit au MASQUE DE FER, ouvrage dans lequel on fait connaitre, sur preuves incontestables, a qui le celebre infortune dut le jour, quand et ou il naquit'. The wording of the title will give an idea of the bizarre and barbarous jargon in which the whole book is written. It would be difficult to imagine the vanity and self-satisfaction which inspire this new ...
— Celebrated Crimes, Complete • Alexandre Dumas, Pere

... and now he is taken with sickly diplomatic sentimentalism to conciliate, to mediate, to unite, to meddle, and to get a feather in his diplomatic cap. I am sorry for him, for in other respects he has considerable sound judgment. Mais il est toque sur cette question ci. He is ignorant of the temper of the masses, and considers the assertions of adventurers, of traitors, and of meddlers, as being the expression of the sentiments of the people. But ...
— Diary from November 12, 1862, to October 18, 1863 • Adam Gurowski

... contribution to your housekeeping. They are not badly furnished, but they belonged to an old general officer, and are not very new-fashioned; but we will go together and see them to-morrow, and I dare say I shall soon be able to make them comme il faut." ...
— Endymion • Benjamin Disraeli

... public, 5th ed. by Fauchille, 1908, discusses, on page 651, the doctrine which denies to an enemy subject any persona standi in judicio, but adds:—'... Article 23(h) decide qu'il est interdit de declarer eteints, suspendus ou non recevables en justice, les droits et actions des nationaux de ...
— The League of Nations and its Problems - Three Lectures • Lassa Oppenheim

... by Clement C. Moore.) Moore. Night before Christmas; il. by Jessie Wilcox Smith. Moore. Night before ...
— Lists of Stories and Programs for Story Hours • Various

... philhellenisme le plus sincere et doue de vertus eminentes, considerant son zele ardent et infatigable pourtant en ce qui concerne le bien de la patrie et pour la cause sacree de la Grece et en particulier temoins des soins philanthropiques qu'il a prodigues aux indigens, persuades d'autre part que ses qualites rares contribueront a l'amelioration de la morale du peuple Grec, et animes du desir d'attacher a notre Ile cette homme vertueux; d'une voix unanime et d'un accord commun concedons le droit de bourgeoisie ...
— The Life of Thomas, Lord Cochrane, Tenth Earl of Dundonald, Vol. II • Thomas Lord Cochrane

... "Ma chere," lui dit-il, "vous parlez si souvent de chastete que cela devient indecent. Votre amitie n'est pas plus 'sainte' que celle des autres." [If he had added "maternite" the stigma would have been completer still.] And there ...
— A History of the French Novel, Vol. 2 - To the Close of the 19th Century • George Saintsbury

... crane's bill and dwarf willow-herb, a copious little stream arose. Here the old man paused, and resting upon his staff, raised his age-dimmed eyes, and pointing to the gushing water, said, 'E questo si chiama il Tevere a Roma!' ('And this is called the Tiber at Rome!') ... We followed the stream from the spot where it issued out of the beech-forest, over barren spurs of the mountains crested with fringes of dark pine, down to a lonely ...
— Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Vol. XV., No. 85. January, 1875. • Various

... Bellianis, when one of the knights approaches, as I remember, the castle of Brandezar, the gates are said to open, grating harsh thunder upon their brazen hinges.' Johnson's Works, v. 76. See post, March 27, 1776, where 'he had with him upon a jaunt Il Palmerino d'Inghilterra.' Prior says of Burke that 'a very favourite study, as he once confessed in the House of Commons, was the old romances, Palmerin of England and Don Belianis of Greece, upon which he had wasted much valuable time.' Prior's ...
— Life Of Johnson, Vol. 1 • Boswell

... about eleven o'clock, intending to visit the gallery of the Colonna Palace. Finding it closed, however, on account of the illness of the custode, we determined to go to the picture-gallery of the Capitol; and, on our way thither, we stepped into Il Gesu, the grand and rich church of the Jesuits, where we found a priest in white, preaching a sermon, with vast earnestness of action and variety of tones, insomuch that I fancied sometimes that two priests were in the agony of sermonizing at once. He had a pretty large and ...
— Passages From the French and Italian Notebooks, Complete • Nathaniel Hawthorne

... of a 'Mossoo' who manifests deep sorrow at the death of an old hare, slain by an English visitor. 'Helas! il est mort enfin! Mon pauvre vieux! I have shot at him for years! He was all the ...
— The History of "Punch" • M. H. Spielmann

... acquaintance to be best man, and he consented. The morning of my wedding there was a garcon brushing the waxed oak floor on the landing near my door. I had a flowered white silk waistcoat, and the man said: "Monsieur est bien beau ce matin; on dirait qu'il va a une noce." I answered: "Vous avez bien devine; en effet, je vais a une noce." It was unnecessary to give ...
— Philip Gilbert Hamerton • Philip Gilbert Hamerton et al

... arguments in rapid lectures of this kind. The criticisms have to be as abstract as the arguments, and in exposing their unreality, take on such an unreal sound themselves that a hearer not nursed in the intellectualist atmosphere knows not which of them to accuse. But le vin est verse, il faut le boire, and I must cite a couple more instances ...
— A Pluralistic Universe - Hibbert Lectures at Manchester College on the - Present Situation in Philosophy • William James

... Roi de grand savoir N'a pas trouve bon de me voir, En voici la cause infallible; C'est que ravi de mon ecrit Il cout que j'etois tout esprit Et par ...
— The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction - Volume 14, No. 384, Saturday, August 8, 1829. • Various

... night. Still we all chatted and smiled and made little jokes. Once during that long night in the cellar I heard one wounded man say to another as he rolled himself round on his mattress, "Que les anglais sont comme il faut." ...
— My War Experiences in Two Continents • Sarah Macnaughtan

... poet, as Parliamentarian, as controversialist, we shall see the travelled man. Certainly no one ever more fully grasped the sense of the famous sentence given by Wotton to Milton, when the latter was starting on his travels: "I pensieri stretti ed il ...
— Andrew Marvell • Augustine Birrell

... in the text at this point a play upon words which it is impossible to render in English. "Les toilettes terminees, le dejeuner fini, pris sur le pouce—et sur le pouce de ces demoiselles vous pensez ce qu'il peut tenir," etc., that is to say: "the breakfast at an end, taken upon the thumb—and you can imagine how much the thumbs of those young ladies would hold." To eat sur le pouce (eat upon the thumb) means to eat hastily, without taking ...
— The Nabob, Vol. 2 (of 2) • Alphonse Daudet

... vous etes fait chasser de la Suisse, pays tant vante dans vos ecrits; la France vous a decrete. Venez donz chez moi; j'admire vos talens; je m'amuse de vos reveries, qui (soit dit en passant) vous occupent trop, et trop long tems. Il faut a la fin etre sage et heureux. Vous avez fait assez parler de vous par des singularites peu convenables a un veritable grand homme. Demontrez a vos ennemis que vous pouvez avoir quelquefois le sens commun: cela les fachera, sans vous faire tort. Mes ...
— Letters of Horace Walpole - Volume II • Horace Walpole

... il monte e il mar, povero lembo Di terra e poche iznude isole sparte, O Patria mia, sarai; ma la rinata Serbia (guerniera mano e mite spirto) E quanti campi, all' italo sorriso Nati, impaluda l'ottoman letargo, Teco una ...
— The Birth of Yugoslavia, Volume 1 • Henry Baerlein

... these scandals are now in a course of revival that I advert to this matter at such length. The subject is worthy the attention of M. Carlier, the Prefet of Police, and of wiser heads than M. Carlier. "Selon qu'il est conduit," said Richelieu, and he knew his nation well; "Selon qu'il est conduit le peuple Francais est capable de tout." I am no enemy of innocent recreation, as you are well aware, or of harmless, convivial, social, ...
— The International Magazine, Volume 2, No. 3, February, 1851 • Various

... to Horton, in Buckinghamshire, where his father had bought a small country seat. Between the years 1632 and 1638 he studied all the best Greek and Latin authors, mathematics, and science; and he also wrote L'Allegro and Il Penseroso, Comus, Lycidas, and some shorter poems. These were preludes, or exercises, towards the great poetical work which it was the mission of his life to produce. In 1638-39 he took a journey to the Continent. ...
— A Brief History of the English Language and Literature, Vol. 2 (of 2) • John Miller Dow Meiklejohn

... "Il parait que ce natrum etait un alkali fixe, et pas du tout du nitre comme quelques auteurs l'ont pense; ce qui semblerait appuyer cette opinion, c'est que lea femmes egyptiennes se servaient de natrum pour faire leur lessive, comme on as sert ...
— Practical Taxidermy • Montagu Browne

... Possibly suggested by Homer's expression, [Greek: ana ptolemoio gephuras], 'Il'., viii., 549, and elsewhere; but Homer's and Tennyson's meaning can hardly be the same. In Homer the "bridges of war" seem to mean the spaces between the lines of tents in a bivouac: in Tennyson the meaning is ...
— The Early Poems of Alfred Lord Tennyson • Tennyson

... in discreetly chosen positions. There were at the last thirty-five tons of it in the inner chamber. And while the boring machines bored and the work went on, Lieutenant Malvezzi was carefully working out the problem of "il massimo effetto dirompimento" and deciding exactly how to pack and explode his little hoard. On the eleventh of July, at 3.30, as he rejoices to state in his official report, "the mine responded perfectly both in respect of the calculations ...
— War and the Future • H. G. Wells

... 1674. The letter is a complete summary of the contents of Colbert's recent despatch to Frontenac. Then follows the injunction to secrecy, "estant de tres-grande consequence que l'on ne sache pas que l'on aye rien appris de tout cela, sur quoi neanmoins il est bon que l'on agisse et que l'on me donne tous les ...
— Count Frontenac and New France under Louis XIV • Francis Parkman

... weekly newspaper, (de Post van den Neder-Rhein) which for about two years has produced a wonderful impression on the nation. This is a brilliant victory of the patriots over their enemies. Some of the expressions, which have given offence were, la brouette va de travers, qu'il-y-a une main ...
— The Diplomatic Correspondence of the American Revolution, Vol. IX • Various

... which it commonly expends its strength. In itself it is the foundation of the best hopes for the general improvement of mankind. It has been acutely remarked that whenever any thing goes amiss, the habitual impulse of French people is to say, "Il faut de la patience;" and of English people, "What a shame!" The people who think it a shame when any thing goes wrong—who rush to the conclusion that the evil could and ought to have been prevented, are those who, in the long run, do most to make the world better. If ...
— Considerations on Representative Government • John Stuart Mill

... 2700), under Ur-Gur and Bungi, which has hitherto been known as "the first dynasty of Ur," is thus dethroned from its position, and becomes the second. The succeeding dynasty, which also made Ur its capital, and whose kings, Ine-Sin, Pur-Sin IL, and Gimil-Sin, were the immediate predecessors of the first dynasty of Babylon (to which Kharnmurabi belonged), must henceforth be termed ...
— History Of Egypt, Chaldaea, Syria, Babylonia, and Assyria, Volume 1 (of 12) • G. Maspero

... whom he proposed to marry, belonged to a family of the Formica species. It sailed through society all a-taut with convention, and was comme il faut from stem to stern. Lily and Osgood had always known each other. They passed through the season of hoop and ball, dancing-school, tableaux, and charades together; sympathized in each other's embryonic flirtations; and were such fast friends ...
— Stories by American Authors, Volume 8 • Various

... are quite comme il faut in their personal and business relations. Dr. Hartel came to Weymar to hear "Lohengrin", and I am delighted to hear that his impression has been confirmed by an imprimatur. As you ask my advice about what you had better do, accept his proposition ...
— Correspondence of Wagner and Liszt, Volume 1 • Francis Hueffer (translator)

... is rending, Falls the Mullah on his knee, To the Lord of Light bows he, To the Prophet he is bending: Like a shaft his prayer ascending, Upward flies to Allah's throne— Il-Allah! O save thine own!" ...
— Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - April 1843 • Various

... de tous les maux necessaires, soit relativement a ceux qui l'endurent, soit par rapport a ceux qui sont contraints d'en employer les victimes, existe dans toute l'etendue des deux Louisianes. Il ne seroit pas facile de determiner pendant combien d'annees la partie septentrionale en aura besoin; mais on peut assurer qu'il doit exister bien des siecles encore dans le Midi si le Gouvernement veut y encourager l'agriculture, qui est son unique ...
— The Journal of Negro History, Volume 2, 1917 • Various

Words linked to "Il" :   Carbondale, Decatur, Little Wabash, USA, cardinal, Illinois, U.S., American state, champaign, Midwest, Windy City, Urbana, United States of America, Springfield, Rockford, comme il faut, Chicago, midwestern United States, United States, Land of Lincoln, U.S.A., middle west, Il Duce, forty-nine, 49, US, America, Prairie State, Peoria, East Saint Louis, the States, Cairo, Moline, Little Wabash River, Rock Island

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