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Font   /fɑnt/   Listen

A specific size and style of type within a type family.  Synonyms: case, face, fount, typeface.
Bowl for baptismal water.  Synonyms: baptismal font, baptistery, baptistry.

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"Font" Quotes from Famous Books

... had better hopes of the babes than Sibby, but this wish of his was one not to be withstood for a moment; and she went to make ready, while Mr. Audley went down for the little Parian font, and Felix and Sibby arranged the pillows and coverings. Mr. Underwood looked very bright and thankful. 'Birthday gifts,' he said, 'what are they? You have not told ...
— The Pillars of the House, V1 • Charlotte M. Yonge

... sovereign and appeared in public with the emblems of empire. He felt that he was no longer in spirit the Knight of the Holy Ghost, and he required for self-persuasion the conference of the outward honours of knighthood. He purified himself according to the rites of chivalry in the font of the Lateran Baptistry, consecrated by the tradition of Constantine's miraculous recovery from leprosy, he watched his arms throughout the dark hours, and received the order from the sword of an honourable nobleman. The days of the ...
— Ave Roma Immortalis, Vol. 2 - Studies from the Chronicles of Rome • Francis Marion Crawford

... Review of the Memoirs of Mirabeau, we have the following anecdote, illustrative of the character of a "grandmother" of the Count. "Fancy the dame Mirabeau sailing stately towards the church font; another dame striking in to take precedence of her; the dame Mirabeau despatching this latter with a box on the ear, and these words, 'Here, as in the army, THE BAGGAGE goes last!'" Let those who justify the negro-pew-arrangement, throw ...
— The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus • American Anti-Slavery Society

... beyond it very rapidly, according to Matthew. Though, like John, he became an itinerant preacher, he departed widely from John's manner of life. John went into the wilderness, not into the synagogues; and his baptismal font was the river Jordan. He was an ascetic, clothed in skins and living on locusts and wild honey, practising a savage austerity. He courted martyrdom, and met it at the hands of Herod. Jesus saw no merit either in asceticism ...
— Preface to Androcles and the Lion - On the Prospects of Christianity • George Bernard Shaw

... bien[L]"—"You have travelled much in Italy, do you like that better?"—"Ah, Dieu ne plaise, madame, je n'aime gueres messieurs les Italiens[M]." "What do they do to make you hate them so?"—"Mais c'est que les Italiens se tuent l'un l'autre (replied the fellow), et les Anglois se font un plaisir de se tuer eux mesmes: pardi je ne me sens rien moins qu'un vrai gout pour ces gentillesses la, et j'aimerois mieux me trouver a ...
— Observations and Reflections Made in the Course of a Journey through France, Italy, and Germany, Vol. I • Hester Lynch Piozzi

... received at the baptismal font the name of the heroic missionary to the Indies, Francois-Xavier. To this saint and to the founder of the Franciscans, Francois d'Assise, he devoted throughout his life an ardent worship. Of his youth we hardly know ...
— The Makers of Canada: Bishop Laval • A. Leblond de Brumath

... victim at the expense of the aggressor, in order that society, having suffered once for the crime, should not be obliged to suffer pecuniarily for the detention of the offender, solely in homage to a theoretical principle that no one believes in, according to which prison is a kind of baptismal font in whose waters sin of ...
— Criminal Man - According to the Classification of Cesare Lombroso • Gina Lombroso-Ferrero

... sacred Font Saint Edward first receaved, From womb to grace, from grace to glory went His virtuous life. To this fayre isle beqveth'd. Prase ... and to vs bvt lent. Let this remaine the trophies of his fame; A King baptized from hence a ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 191, June 25, 1853 • Various

... had been one of the favorite captains of Frederic II. in the numerous wars which desolated Europe in that dark age. He was often at court, and the emperor even condescended to present his son Rhodolph at the font for baptism. As the child grew, he was trained to all athletic feats, riding ungovernable horses, throwing the javelin, wrestling, running, and fencing. He early gave indications of surprising mental and bodily vigor, and, at an age when most lads are considered merely children, he accompanied ...
— The Empire of Austria; Its Rise and Present Power • John S. C. Abbott

... say, suche whiche may serve without any faulte, as do trouuer, cest a dire, telles que puissent seruir infalliblement, comme font ...
— An Introductorie for to Lerne to Read, To Pronounce, and to Speke French Trewly • Anonymous

... have a name, a little name, Uncadenced for the ear, Unhonored by ancestral claim, Unsanctified by prayer and psalm The solemn font anear. ...
— Atlantic Monthly, Volume 8, No. 47, September, 1861 • Various

... numerous, but large families are the best sign of vigor in a nation. Impurity, not chastity, is the enemy of the race. Instead of warring against those whose lives are pure, why not destroy that monster that is gnawing at the very vitals of the race, sapping its strength at the very font of life, that modern Moloch, to whom fashionable society offers sacrifice more abominable than the hecatombs of Carthage. This iniquity, rampant wherever the sense of God is absent, and none other, is the cause which ...
— Explanation of Catholic Morals - A Concise, Reasoned, and Popular Exposition of Catholic Morals • John H. Stapleton

... tous, les mains jointes, ils adressent les paroles suivantes: "O Brahma, un rakshasa, nomme Ravana, tourne su mal les graces, qu'il a recues de toi. Dans son orgueil, il nous opprime tous; il opprime avec nous les grands anchoretes, qui se font un bonheur des macerations: car jadis, ayant su te plaire, O Bhagavat, il a recu de toi ce don incomparable. 'Oui, as-tu dit, exaucant le voeu du mauvais Genie; Dieu. Yaksha ou Demon ne pourra jamais causer ta mort!' Et nous, par qui ...
— The Ramayana • VALMIKI

... called all his neophytes after the celebrities of earlier days, regardless of the names given them at the font—"have I not told thee thou must wait a year? Do not be impatient, my son. She will keep. Women are like apples: when they are too young, they set the teeth on edge; when ripe and mellow, they please every sense; when they wither and turn brown, it is time to fall from the ...
— The Splendid Idle Forties - Stories of Old California • Gertrude Atherton

... vines; and on each side of the communion-table were tall sheaves of purple asters and golden-rod. Two children were to be baptized at noon, and on a little table, at the right of the pulpit, stood the small silver baptismal font, wreathed with white asters and the pale feathery green of the ...
— Saxe Holm's Stories • Helen Hunt Jackson

... missionnaires dont l'occupation perpetuelle est de porter les esprits au fanatisme et a la vengeance.... Je ne puis supporter dans nos pretres ces odieuses declamations qu'ils font tous les jours aux sauvages: 'Les Anglois sont les ennemis de Dieu, les compagnons du Diable.'" Pichon, Lettres et Memoires pour servir a l'Histoire du Cap-Breton, ...
— Montcalm and Wolfe • Francis Parkman

... to consist of an old, damaged press and a small font of worn-out English letters, with which he himself was at work upon an elegy upon Aquilla Rose, an ingenious young man and of excellent character, highly esteemed in the town, Secretary to the Assembly and a very tolerable poet. ...
— True to His Home - A Tale of the Boyhood of Franklin • Hezekiah Butterworth

... putting an arm about her shoulders, stooped to kiss her wrinkled cheek. "The grandson," she cried, turning on the others with an air of pride and tender triumph, "of my dear mistress, Lady De Blacquaire. I nursed Mr. Ferdinand in his infancy. I bore him to the font, and in my arms he received ...
— Aunt Rachel • David Christie Murray

... places. The pews were much higher on the sides than ours, and were unpainted and roughly put together; while the pulpit was a rude square box, and was placed in the corner. Near the door stood an ancient stone font, of ...
— The Attache - or, Sam Slick in England, Complete • Thomas Chandler Haliburton

... a golden lamp for the Temple of Minerva at Athens, with a wick composed of asbestos, which burned day and night for a year without trimming or replenishing with oil. If this was true, the font of the lamp must have been large enough to have contained a year's supply of oil; for, though some profess that the economical inventions of the ancients have been forgotten, the least knowledge in chemistry proves that oil in burning must be consumed. The perpetual ...
— Anecdotes of Painters, Engravers, Sculptors and Architects, and Curiosities of Art, (Vol. 2 of 3) • Shearjashub Spooner

... and ended by astonishing themselves. They went forth in pursuit of a name, and lost the only one they were known by. Who can recognise Newman in Father Ignatius, who, while searching for truth, embraced error? or Baptist Noel in the strolling preacher, who uses a horse-pond instead of a font, baptizes adults instead of infants, and, unlike his Master, 'will not suffer little children to come unto him?' Ah, Doctor, there are texts neither of these men know the meaning of, 'Vanity of vanities, all is vanity.' One of them has yet to learn that pictures, ...
— Nature and Human Nature • Thomas Chandler Haliburton

... unsought till then, but now Let favor choose if she may hold the power Drawn from the font of pleasure to supply Enticing sweets, which, though you took, rebelled. Reigned o'er the scene the silvery moon, which smiled, Together with the stars, in silent joy. Of that she deemed no harm, was sweetly pleased! Neptune breathed ...
— A Leaf from the Old Forest • J. D. Cossar

... the rafters brown with time and weather: but the structure was solid and sound; the fallen tiles lay undisturbed beneath the eaves; not a brick, not a beam, not a gravestone had been stolen, not even to build the new church: of the diamond panes full half remained; the stone font was still in its place, with its Gothic cover, richly carved; and four brasses reposed in the chancel, one of them ...
— Put Yourself in His Place • Charles Reade

... gone! There will be no hearing the catechism on Sundays!" cried Ralph Wilkes, making a leap over the broken font. ...
— Under the Storm - Steadfast's Charge • Charlotte M. Yonge

... Thespiads' bright prophetic font, Methinks I see our Liege rise from her throne, Her ears and thoughts in steep amaze erect, At the most rare endeavour of her power; And now she blesses with her wonted graces The industrious knight, the soul of this exploit, Dismissing him ...
— Raleigh • Edmund Gosse

... using the Anglo-Saxon thorn ( or , equivalent of "th"), which should display properly in most text viewers. The Anglo-Saxon yogh (equivalent of "y," "i," "g," or "gh") will display properly only if the user has the proper font, so to maximize accessibility, the character "3" is used in this e-text ...
— A Righte Merrie Christmasse - The Story of Christ-Tide • John Ashton

... paid great attention to all he had to say. Although a good deal was quite unintelligible, the following are some of the most interesting facts. Entering at the small side door, immediately within stands a curious and very old benitier (font), with two curious individuals carved in the stone supporting the basin. These are supposed to represent two "Cagots," a despised race for whom the font itself was constructed. Very few people know anything about their origin, but they were greatly detested by the inhabitants of the ...
— Twixt France and Spain • E. Ernest Bilbrough

... After dinner, my wife and Mercer by coach to Greenwich, to be gossip to Mrs. Daniel's child. My wife much pleased with the reception she had, and she was godmother, and did hold the child at the font, and it is called ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 235, April 29, 1854 • Various

... he had reason to welcome it. He had been unfortunate at the font. His parents, at the time of his birth, lived in Ladbroke Crescent, XV. They must have been an extraordinarily unimaginative couple, for they could think of no better name for their child than Ladbroke. This was all very well for him till he went to school. But you can fancy the indignation ...
— Seven Men • Max Beerbohm

... Biscornette's Doors at Paris Wrought Iron from the Bargello, Florence Moorish Keys, Seville Armour. Showing Mail Developing into Plate Damascened Helmet Moorish Sword Enamelled Suit of Armour Brunelleschi's Competitive Panel Ghiberti's Competitive Panel Font at Hildesheim, 12th Century Portrait Statuette of Peter Vischer A Copper "Curfew" Sanctuary Knocker, Durham Cathedral Anglo-Saxon Crucifix of Lead Detail, Bayeux Tapestry Flemish Tapestry, "The Prodigal Son" Tapestry, Representing Paris in the 15th Century ...
— Arts and Crafts in the Middle Ages • Julia De Wolf Addison

... the many Bransles is the 'Branle de la Haye,' the Hay of Shakespeare. Arbeau says—first the dancers dance alone, each separately; then together so as to interlace, 'et font la haye les uns parmy les aultres.' That is, during each batch of 4 steps, the dancers change places one with another, so that if there are three dancers, A, B, C, in the first 4 steps, B and A change places, and make B, A, C; in the next 4 steps, C and A change places, ...
— Shakespeare and Music - With Illustrations from the Music of the 16th and 17th centuries • Edward W. Naylor

... Festival of Flowers in North Adams. You may be in some of the great cities, or on the broad prairies, or among the park-like forests of the Sierra, or in Puget Sound, but you will never forget this day. These familiar walls; this pulpit and font and chancel decked with flowers; this service, made for you and in part by you—you will never forget it. And because you will always remember it, I want to have it throughout just as beautiful, ...
— Bible Stories and Religious Classics • Philip P. Wells

... was the child—now grown up to woman's height. Clinging to the horns of the altar, there she stood—sinking, rising, trembling, fainting—raving, despairing; and behind the volume of incense that, night and day, streamed upwards from the altar, was seen the fiery font, and dimly was descried the outline of the dreadful being that should baptize her with the baptism of death. But by her side was kneeling her better angel, that hid his face with wings; that wept and pleaded ...
— Miscellaneous Essays • Thomas de Quincey

... within the cathedral. A sudden pang of piety moved him; he followed. 'Tite Poulette was already kneeling in the aisle. Zalli, still in the vestibule, was just taking her hand from the font ...
— Old Creole Days • George Washington Cable

... include several important and costly gifts. The chief of these were: the carved panels above the stalls, supplied by individual donors; a pinnacle at the south-east corner of the choir (Mr. Beresford Hope); the reredos (Mr. J. Dunn Gardner); the font (Canon Selwyn); the gates of aisles of presbytery (Mr. Lowndes and Dean Peacock); the brass eagle lectern (Canon E. B. Sparke); and the monumental effigies of Bishop Allen and Dr. Mill. Canon E. B. Sparke had also contributed to the restoration of the south transept; Mr. H. R. Evans, sen., ...
— Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Ely • W. D. Sweeting

... font is perfectly beautiful and I want the Suckling sprinkled from it first. If you don't hurry she will get old enough to misbehave herself. I know I promised, but I have decided that I can never have the others baptized ...
— The Heart's Kingdom • Maria Thompson Daviess

... excite Mr. Richards' concupiscence: I looked into the empty huts, and in the largest found a lot of old church gear, the Virgin (our Lady of Pinda), saints, and crucifixes, a tank-like affair of iron that acted as font, and tattered bundles of old music-scores in black and red ink. In Captain Tuckey's day some of the Sonho men could read the Latin Litany; there was a priest ordained by the Capuchins of Loanda, a bare-footed ...
— Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo Volume 2 • Richard F. Burton

... covered, but buried for years under a false bottom. A semicircular apse was, apparently at the time of its conversion into a church, thrown out from the east wall. In the middle is the cavity of the old baptismal font. The walls and vaults are covered with traces of extremely archaic frescos, attributed, I believe, to the twelfth century. These vague, gaunt, staring fragments of figures are, to a certain extent, a reminder of some of the early Christian churches in Rome; they even ...
— A Little Tour in France • Henry James

... for their capacity and trained to the exercise of their highest faculties? Yet there have never lacked such men to serve the Order; and as one of our enemies has said—our noblest enemy, the great Pascal—'je crois volontiers aux histoires dont les temoins se font egorger.'" ...
— The Valley of Decision • Edith Wharton

... hope for obtaining the least office; and since many a one, after the best years of his youth are passed, tired of waiting, and fearful of not having in his old age any means of support, finds in the baptismal font the last anchor of his shattered hopes. How much more must this consideration have weight in Russia? Nicholas, instead of encouraging the Jews to study, ordered, on the contrary, that all such of them as held offices and insignia ...
— The Haskalah Movement in Russia • Jacob S. Raisin

... up the right aisle. The first chapel is the Baptistery, containing the font and a modern statue of the boy Baptist. Third chapel, St. Antony of Padua. The fourth chapel contains a curious Holy Sepulcher, with quaint life-size terra-cotta figures of the 16th century. Fifth ...
— Seeing Europe with Famous Authors, Volume 3 • Various

... I had held at the font as the son of the actor Daturi was possibly my own son. He had come to London with a troupe of jugglers to play the illustrious part of clown, or pagliazzo, but having quarrelled with the company he had lost his place and had got ...
— The Memoires of Casanova, Complete • Jacques Casanova de Seingalt

... is half-sister to the wife of Phineas Cophagus by a second marriage, and a maiden, who was named Susannah Temple at the baptismal font; but I will go to Phineas Cophagus and acquaint him of your waking, for such were ...
— Japhet, In Search Of A Father • Frederick Marryat

... be elevated, the incense diffuse its fragrance, the confessionals be open to receive the penitents. I saw a father entering with two little bits of boys, just big enough to toddle along, holding his hand on either side. The father dipped his fingers into the marble font of holy water,—which, on its pedestals, was two or three times as high as those small Christians, —and wetted a hand of each, and taught them how to cross themselves. When they come to be men it will be ...
— Passages From the French and Italian Notebooks, Complete • Nathaniel Hawthorne

... high-road. The church was big enough to hold the whole population, were people minded to go to church, and indeed a large proportion did go, and all who married were married in it, and everybody, to begin with, was christened at its font and buried at last in its yew-shaded graveyard. Everybody knew everybody in the place. It was, in fact, a definite place and a real human community in those days. There was a pleasant old market-house in the middle of the ...
— The New Machiavelli • Herbert George Wells

... water the walk. A flagged avenue, closed by two gateways, divides this court from the basilica, properly so called, which is reached by a staircase between two columns. The staircase leads to the atrium decorated by a Corinthian portico. In the centre is the font for purifications, a huge monolithic bason in the shape of a four-leaved clover. Three doors give entrance from the atrium to the basilica, which is divided by rows of green marble columns into three aisles. The galleries spread out along the side aisles. ...
— Saint Augustin • Louis Bertrand

... two words inflicted on us the following dialogue:—"Is it all one name?" asked the clerk, without deigning to glance at the unfortunate owner of these syllables. "Two names," said the man, timidly, as if he were fully aware of the disgrace inflicted upon him at the baptismal font. "Did you say Antoine?" said the clerk. "Sidoine, Monsieur." "Is it your Christian name?" "'Tis the name of my godfather, Saint Sidoine, 23 of August." "Ah! there is a Saint Sidoine, is there? Well, Sidoine ... Sidoine—what else?" ...
— The Cross of Berny • Emile de Girardin

... time by the splendid pageant of the baptism of the child. Embassadors came from all the important courts of the Continent to do honor to the occasion. Elizabeth sent the Earl of Bedford as her embassador, with a present of a baptismal font of gold, which had cost a sum equal to five thousand dollars. The baptism took place at Stirling, in December, with every possible accompaniment of pomp and parade, and was followed by many days of festivities and rejoicing. The ...
— Mary Queen of Scots, Makers of History • Jacob Abbott

... free speech and performance, phrased in the language of the period. Gray, John Hay, Twichell, and others who had a chance to see it thought highly of it, and Hay had it set in type and a few proofs taken for private circulation. Some years afterward a West Point officer had a special font of antique type made for it, and printed a hundred copies. But the present-day reader would hardly be willing to include "Fireside Conversation in the Time of Queen Elizabeth" ...
— Innocents abroad • Mark Twain

... Burgundian Princes. At Ghent it is the personality of Charles V., the great emperor who cumulated in his own person the sovereignties of Germany, the Low Countries, Spain and Burgundy, that meets us afresh at every turn. He was born here in 1500 and baptized in a font, otherwise uninteresting, which still stands in the north transept of the Cathedral. Ghent was really, for the greater part of his life, his practical capital, and he never ceased to ...
— Seeing Europe with Famous Authors, Volume 4 (of 10) • Various

... On each side of the church are the figures of the twelve apostles, placed against the walls at equal distances, so as to include the whole extent. In the middle of the choir, in front of the altar, is the figure of an angel, holding a baptismal font, in the shape of a shell, which some call Thorwaldsen's masterpiece. In the sacristy of the church are several other works of the great sculptor, who was first interred in this place, before the museum was ready to ...
— Up The Baltic - Young America in Norway, Sweden, and Denmark • Oliver Optic

... snapdragon, that shone in the clear dimness of the twilight like little coloured lamps about the crevices of the old stones. It is uncertain whether Montaigne was christened here or in the family chapel. It was a strange christening wherever it took place, for we are told that he was 'held over the font' by persons of most humble condition, his father's motive in this matter being, according to the printers of the early edition of the 'Essays' already referred to, 'to attach him to those who might have need of him rather than to those of whom he might have need.' It was Papessu, ...
— Two Summers in Guyenne • Edward Harrison Barker

... collect for worship stared with surprise at seeing so unusual a number of sailors collected together; and more so when the service was over, to see Paul Pringle, acting as best man, lead his friend Freeborn, and the two nurses, and the rest of his shipmates, up to the font. ...
— True Blue • W.H.G. Kingston

... in the pretentious titles which he assumed and in the gorgeous pomp with which he was accompanied on public and even on private occasions. On August 15th, after bathing in the porphyry font in which the emperor Constantine had been baptized, he was crowned with seven crowns representing the seven gifts of the Holy Ghost. His most loyal admirer prophesied disaster when the Tribune ventured on this occasion to ...
— The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 07 • Various

... Cordelier in question, a man who, grown grey in study, still preserved the cheerful, facile humour of a simple, unlettered countryman. He was very willing to converse; and I greatly relished his bland speech, his cultivated yet artless way of thought, his look of old Silenus purged at the baptismal font, the play of his passions at once keen and refined, the strange, alluring personality that informed the whole man. Assiduous at the library, he was also a frequent visitor to the marketplace, halting for choice in front of the peasant girls who sell oranges, and listening to their unconventional ...
— The Well of Saint Clare • Anatole France

... and that he spent a more useful and practical life. If the Bethlehem newspapers had been as enterprising as our journals they would have given us some pictorial representations of Obed on Naomi's lap, or at the baptismal font, or in the arms of Boaz, who, like Napoleon, stood contemplating in ...
— The Woman's Bible. • Elizabeth Cady Stanton

... us appeal to enlightened and disinterested judges. None is more so than Vattel. He says, L. 3, 8, 104. 'Tant qu'im peuple neutre veut jouir surement de cet etat, il doit montrer en toutes choses une exacte impartialite entre ceux qui se font la guerre. Car s'il favorise l'un au prejudice de l'autre, il ne pourra pas se plaindre, quand celui-ci le traitera comme adherent et associe de son ennemi. Sa neutralite seroit une neutralite frauduleuse, ...
— Memoir, Correspondence, And Miscellanies, From The Papers Of Thomas Jefferson - Volume I • Thomas Jefferson

... an oyster of extraordinary dimensions, a titanic giant clam, a holy-water font that could have held a whole lake, a basin more than two meters wide, hence even bigger than the one adorning ...
— 20000 Leagues Under the Seas • Jules Verne

... have an asterisk at the start and end *of the phrase* and of the explanation *like this* Sometimes these glosses wrap onto the next line, still in the right margin. If you read this e-text using a monospaced font (like Courier in a word processor such as MS Word, or the default font in most text editors) then the marginal notes are right-justified. 2. In the prose tales, they have been imbedded into the text in square brackets after the word or phrase they refer to [like ...
— The Canterbury Tales and Other Poems • Geoffrey Chaucer

... Whatever was the misery of the country, the ordinary family ties still bound the people to the universal Christian church, whether the priest were Norman or English. The new-born infant was dipped in the great Norman font, as the children of the Confessor's time had been dipped in the ruder Saxon. The same Latin office, unintelligible in words, but significant in its import, was said and sung when the bride stood at the altar and the father was laid in his grave. The vernacular tongue gradually melted into one dialect; ...
— The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 5 • Various

... "Nous avons demontre l'inanite des theories qui le font naitre a Pradello, a Cuccaro, a Cogoleto, a Savona, a Nervi, a Albissola, a Bogliasco, a Cosseria, a Finale, a Oneglia, voire meme en Angleterre ou dans l'isle de Corse." Harrisse, tom. i. p. 217. In Cogoleto, about sixteen miles west of Genoa ...
— The Discovery of America Vol. 1 (of 2) - with some account of Ancient America and the Spanish Conquest • John Fiske

... miles from Worcester, and four and a half from Shrewsbury, lies a short distance from the station. Its church has many points of interest, being of Anglo-Norman and Early English architecture; it also possesses a fine Norman font, and a curious monumental figure of a cross-legged knight, ...
— Handbook to the Severn Valley Railway - Illustrative and Descriptive of Places along the Line from - Worcester to Shrewsbury • J. Randall

... Bunyan. The pulpit—if it has survived the recent restoration—is the same from which Christopher Hall, the then "Parson" of Elstow, preached the sermon which first awoke his sleeping conscience. The font is that in which he was baptized, as were also his father and mother and remoter progenitors, as well as his children, Mary, his dearly- loved blind child, on July 20, 1650, and her younger sister, ...
— The Life of John Bunyan • Edmund Venables

... of preparation (June 2009), Saxon letters had been assigned Unicode values, but font support was extremely limited. Your text reader will probably not be able to ...
— Animaduersions uppon the annotacions and corrections of some imperfections of impressiones of Chaucer's workes - 1865 edition • Francis Thynne

... our fated race Holds strange connexion with the sons of men. The star that rose upon the House of Avenel, When Norman Ulric first assumed the name, That star, when culminating in its orbit, Shot from its sphere a drop of diamond dew, And this bright font received it—and a Spirit Rose from the fountain, and her date of life Hath co-existence with the House of Avenel, And with the ...
— The Monastery • Sir Walter Scott

... lives in me. To him I brought a dish of fruit one day, And in the middle placed my heart. But he (I sigh to say) Look'd on a servant, who did know his eye, Better than you know me, or (which is one) Than I myself. The servant instantly, Quitting the fruit, seiz'd on my heart alone, And threw it in a font, wherein did fall A stream of blood, which issued from the side Of a great rock: I well remember all, And have good cause: there it was dipt and dyed, And wash'd, and wrung: the very wringing yet Enforceth tears. "Your heart was foul, I fear." Indeed 'tis true. I ...
— Biographia Literaria • Samuel Taylor Coleridge

... paragraphs immediately before and after "SECTION 2. PHYLACIA." were rendered in smaller font in the original text. The context does not seem to indicate an intent to block quote (see "SPECULATION" later in text), so this has ...
— Synopsis of Some Genera of the Large Pyrenomycetes - Camilla, Thamnomyces, Engleromyces • C. G. Lloyd

... behind the bicycles, to a small room, with the font. Holy water was poured into a bowl. The old priest, muttering, put his thumb into the water, and then behind each ear of the baby, and at the nape of the neck. At the touch on the neck "Pervyse" howled. ...
— Young Hilda at the Wars • Arthur Gleason

... you?" said Winona suspiciously. "Leave those hymn-books alone, and tell Dorrie she's not to touch the font, or I'll stick her inside and pop the lid on her. Go and sit down, all of you, in that pew, while I take ...
— The Luckiest Girl in the School • Angela Brazil

... to the interior were made in 1836, and in 1882 it was restored to its ancient character, but the high old-fashioned wineglass pulpit of 1770 remains, as does the font. A silver bowl, weighing more than five pounds, presented in 1712 by Colonel Quarry of the British Army, is still in use, while a set of communion plate presented by Queen Anne in 1708 is brought forth on special occasions. The brass chandelier for ...
— The Colonial Architecture of Philadelphia • Frank Cousins

... line numbers all end in col. 65. View this e-text in a monospaced font such as Courier and they will all line up in the ...
— Hudibras • Samuel Butler

... pensive quality and the solidity of touch which combine to form such a passage as the following account of a watch at Azannes (August 14, 1914):—"La nuit est claire, rayee par les feux des projecteurs de Verdun qui font des barres d'or dans le ciel; merveilleuse nuit de mi-aout, infiniment constellee, egayee d'etoiles filantes qui laissent ...
— Three French Moralists and The Gallantry of France • Edmund Gosse

... passed over Thornton since that village had the honour of becoming the birthplace of Charlotte Bronte. The visitor of to-day will find the Bell Chapel, in which Mr. Bronte officiated, a mere ruin, and the font in which his children were baptized ruthlessly exposed to the winds of heaven. {56a} The house in which Patrick Bronte resided is now a butcher's shop, and indeed little, one imagines, remains the same. But within the new church one may still overhaul the registers, and find, ...
— Charlotte Bronte and Her Circle • Clement K. Shorter

... *The Font*, of late Norman design, probably twelfth century, is in the second bay of the south aisle ...
— Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Hereford, A Description - Of Its Fabric And A Brief History Of The Episcopal See • A. Hugh Fisher

... always at morning service, sitting in the South Transept near the Font. He loved the Sunday School, and right joyously rang his sweet, childish treble in the chants and hymns; but when it came to the hymn, "Just as I am, I come," then his whole soul seemed afire, and the thrilling, rapturous music gushed from his little throat and ascended ...
— Irish Ned - The Winnipeg Newsy • Samuel Fea

... fine fencer at all, will expect to meet the ordinary English squire in me. I have seen her at the baptismal font! It is inconceivable. She will fancy that at least she is ten times more subtle than I. When I get the mastery—it is unlikely to make me the master. What may happen is, that the nature of the girl will declare itself, under the hard light of intimacy, vulgar. Charles ...
— The Shaving of Shagpat • George Meredith

... may be linked to the symbol of the font in the centre of the cup, showing that the consultant may expect news of a birth; the carving indicates that the news will give much satisfaction; the wine-cup, with the leg in conjunction, points out that the ambitions of the consultant will certainly be realised in the future. That ...
— Telling Fortunes By Tea Leaves • Cicely Kent

... State Papers, 1815-16, iii. 201. The second article is the most characteristic:—"Les trois Princes ... confessant que la nation Chretienne dont eux et leurs peuples font partie n'a reellement d'autre Souverain que celui a qui seul appartient en propriete la puissance ... c'est-a-dire Dieu notre Divin Sauveur Jesus Christ, le Verbe du Tres Haut, la parole de vie: leurs Majestes recommandent ... a leurs peuples ... de se fortifier ...
— History of Modern Europe 1792-1878 • C. A. Fyffe

... wooden chapel, two or three weeks after the event, the colonists assembled one bright day to attend the baptism and christening of the little stranger. The font was the family's silver wash ewer, and the sponsor was Governor White himself, the baby's grandfather. Thereafter she was known as Virginia Dare, a sweet and appropriate name for this pretty little wild flower that bloomed all alone on that desolate coast. About the time that ...
— The Land We Live In - The Story of Our Country • Henry Mann

... English text was printed in a black-letter font. Some of the letters used are not found on a typewriter. In the e-text those letters that have no modern equivalent are transcribed with their meaning. For example, there is a letter that looks like a "w" with a "t" over it. This means with. You will ...
— The Interlude of Wealth and Health • Anonymous

... intoning priests shuffle by to go to some altar in one of the side-chapels for some particular service. Sometimes it is a baptism, and the peasants whose babies are going to be baptized stand in an awed group around the font. Everything is done in a most matter-of-fact way. I look at the splendid carvings and filigree of marble and wonder how any one mountain can have furnished so much marble, since it started furnishing hundreds ...
— The Sunny Side of Diplomatic Life, 1875-1912 • Lillie DeHegermann-Lindencrone

... harsh.[2] And when it was created, his mind was so replete with living virtue, that in his mother it made her a prophetess.[3] After the espousals between him and the faith were completed at the sacred font, where they dowered each other with mutual safety, the lady who gave the assent for him saw in a dream the marvellous fruit which was to proceed from him and from his heirs;[4] and in order that he might be spoken of as he was,[5] a spirit went forth from here[6] to name him ...
— The Divine Comedy, Volume 3, Paradise [Paradiso] • Dante Alighieri

... has never painted, to watch Rembrandt paint the Burgomaster Six, and he will no more understand how Rembrandt can have done it, than we can understand how the amoeba makes its test, or the protoplasm cements two broken ends of a piece of bone. Ces choses se font mais ne s'expliquent pas. So some denizen of another planet looking at our earth through a telescope which showed him much, but still not quite enough, and seeing the St. Gothard tunnel plumb on end so that ...
— Luck or Cunning? • Samuel Butler

... Tionnontateronnons, autrement Nation du Petun; des Attiwendaronk, qu'on appelloit Neutres, quand ils estoient sur pied; des Riquehronnons, qui sont ceux de la Nation des Chats; des Ontwaganha, ou Nation du Feu; des Trakwaehronnons, et autres, qui, tout estrangers qu'ils sont, font sans doute la plus grande et la meilleure parties des Iroquois." Ret. de 1660, p. 7. Yet, it was this "conglomeration of divers peoples" that, under the discipline of Iroquois institutions and the guidance of Iroquois statesmen and commanders, ...
— The Iroquois Book of Rites • Horatio Hale

... modern. For many years it was used as a flower pot in one of the prebendal gardens, whence it was rescued by Dean Monk and ultimately restored to its original use in the south end of the western transept. It was placed where it is in 1920. Another font had been erected in 1615, as appears by an entry in the cathedral register of that date, when the son of one of the prebendaries was baptized "in the new font in the bodye of ...
— The Cathedral Church of Peterborough - A Description Of Its Fabric And A Brief History Of The Episcopal See • W.D. Sweeting

... moitie de la hauteur du Grande Saleve. Celles qui touchent immediatement la montagne, sont le plus inclinees; on en voit la de verticales et meme quelque fois de renversees en sens contraire, qui sont soutenues par le plus exterieures. Celle ci font avec l'horizon un angle de 60 a 65 degres. Ces couches sont souvent tres etendues, bien suivies, et continues a de tres-grandes distances. Leur assemblage forme une epaisseur considerable au pied ...
— Theory of the Earth, Volume 2 (of 4) • James Hutton

... good editorial work," she said mendaciously, "but, after all, you are only playing at journalism. The real journalist—as I know him—is a Bohemian; a font of cleverness running to waste; a reckless, tender-hearted, jolly, careless ne'er-do-well who works like a Trojan and plays like a child. He is very sophisticated at his desk and very artless when he dives into the underworld for ...
— Aunt Jane's Nieces on Vacation • Edith Van Dyne

... though they could ride, had never been drilled to walk: 'de belles femmes, oui; seulement, tenez, je n'admire ni les yeux de vache, ni de souris, ni mime ceux de verre comme ornement feminin. Avec de l'embonpoint elles font de l'effet, mais maigre il ...
— The Shaving of Shagpat • George Meredith

... to Hoxne village, and we passed the place where the church had been. There, amid the blackened ruins of the walls and roof, stood the font of stone, fire reddened and chipped, yet with the cross graven on its eastward face plain to be seen. And to that place Raud led us, none ...
— Wulfric the Weapon Thane • Charles W. Whistler

... be allowed me to have a chapel in my castle of Walderne, at my own expense, to be served by the parish priest as chaplain; without either font or bell." ...
— The House of Walderne - A Tale of the Cloister and the Forest in the Days of the Barons' Wars • A. D. Crake

... division of Essex, England, 43 m. E. by N. from London on a branch of the Great Eastern railway. Pop. (1901) 2919. The church of St Mary is principally late Perpendicular, a good example; it has Decorated portions and a Norman font. There are extensive oyster beds in the Crouch estuary. Burnham lies 6 m. from the North Sea; below it the Crouch is joined on the south side by the Roch, which branches into numerous creeks, and, together with the main estuary, forms Foulness, Wallasea, Potton and other low, flat islands, embanked ...
— Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 - "Bulgaria" to "Calgary" • Various

... world, that beheld the revelation, how evanescent! of her pure existence, was called the "Holy Child!" The taint of sin—inherited from those who disobeyed in Paradise—seemed from her fair clay to have been washed out at the baptismal font, and by her first infantine tears. So pious people almost believed, looking on her so unlike all other children, in the serenity of that habitual smile that clothed the creature's countenance with a wondrous beauty, at an age when on other infants is but faintly seen the ...
— The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction - Volume 17, No. 476, Saturday, February 12, 1831 • Various

... of John Smith, Esq. was baptized on the thirteenth daye of Januarie, 1660, by John Case, Vicar. The first that hath been baptized at the font since it was re-erected by the appoynm't of the said Mr. Smith, being full sixteene yeers paste. One Thomas Scoone, an elder, having, out of his blinde zeale, defaced and pulled it downe, w't other ornaments belonging ...
— Notes and Queries 1850.03.23 • Various

... embattled Perpendicular parapet. The tower opens on the nave with a lofty arch, having pilaster buttresses, which terminate above the uppermost of two strings; the base is raised above the nave by three steps, the font being on a projection of the first step. This lower portion of the tower is the oldest part of the church, dating from the Early English period. The chamber where the bells are hung is, by the modern arrangement, above this lower compartment, ...
— A History of Horncastle - from the earliest period to the present time • James Conway Walter

... and curve of her lips stung him. He flung himself desperately into his mad love-making. "'Belle Marquise, vos beaux yeux me font mourir d'amour,'" he quoted from Moliere. "'Tis true, Aileen; I die of love; it burns me up," he added passionately, hungry eyes devouring the flying colours of her cheek, the mass of rippling hair, the fresh, sweet, subtle fragrance of ...
— A Daughter of Raasay - A Tale of the '45 • William MacLeod Raine

... to them thine old morality, and how gravely didst thou teach the lesson of the Roses! Well didst thou know it, well didst thou love the Rose, since thy nurse, carrying thee, an infant, to the holy font, let fall on thee the sacred water brimmed with floating ...
— Letters to Dead Authors • Andrew Lang

... should have given you, in which I told you I was with child. That was in January, 1744, and in six months my daughter will be seventeen. My late husband gave her the names of Leonilda Giacomina at the baptismal font, and when he played with her he always called her by the latter name. This idea of your marrying her horrifies me, but I cannot oppose it, as I am ashamed to tell the reason. What do you think? Have you still the ...
— The Memoires of Casanova, Complete • Jacques Casanova de Seingalt

... the whiteness of our skins. They asked us where we came from, and we gave them to understand that we came from heaven, with the view of visiting the world, and they believed us. In this country we established a baptismal font, and great numbers were baptized. They called us, in their language, Carabi, which means men of great wisdom. The natives call this province Lariab. We left the port and sailed along the coast, in sight of land, until we had run, calculating ...
— Amerigo Vespucci • Frederick A. Ober

... that, the general style and the types were quite different One was printed in a well-known broad but somewhat used type, such as could be seen in Green's printing, and the other in a finer font with much italic. There was no possibility of confusing the two issues. Only one conclusion was possible. I had in this volume the publication by Green, and the original issue by Marmaduke Johnson, but with Green's title-page. So for we seem to rest upon solid ground. ...
— The Isle Of Pines (1668) - and, An Essay in Bibliography by W. C. Ford • Henry Neville

... room, with white pillars, some eighteen years later, the baby Princess, become a maiden Queen, held her first Council, surrounded by kindred who had stood at her font—hoary heads wise in statecraft, great prelates, great lawyers, a great soldier, and she an innocent girl at their head. No relic could leave such an impression as this room, with its wonderfully pathetic scene. But, indeed, ...
— Life of Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen V.1. • Sarah Tytler

... recross the ocean, and to take with him his young wife, who had spent four years in Quebec. Emery de Caen was given the command of the settlement in the absence of Champlain. On August 18th two ships sailed from Tadousac, having on board Champlain, Helene Boulle, Font-Grave, Guillaume de Caen, Father Piat, Brother Sagard, J.B. Guers, Joubert, and Captain de la Vigne. At Gaspe, Raymond de la Ralde and a pilot named Cananee joined the party. The voyage was brief and pleasant to Champlain's party, ...
— The Makers of Canada: Champlain • N. E. Dionne

... autant que celle de n'importe quelle nation. Il faut croire que ces plaisirs sont les plus appropries a la caste oisive et riche, a qui il a suffi de naitre pour etre—ou paraitre—quelque chose. Au reste, il n'y aurait guere a s'en plaindre: ils font office d'agents de selection; ils eliminent—dans la sterilite ou imbecillite—des etres imbeciles et malfaisants, et ils remettent en circulation des richesses qui n'ont souvent ete accumulees qu'a coups de rapines, ou par une perseverante ...
— Collections and Recollections • George William Erskine Russell

... no tragedy in the world but hers: and when at last the voice of the piper, grown gentle with the wisdom of old romance, was silent, and his rheumatic steps had toiled upstairs and to bed, and Costello had dipped his fingers into the little delf font of holy water and begun to pray to Mary of the Seven Sorrows, the blue eyes and star-covered dress of the painting in the chapel faded from his imagination, and the brown eyes and homespun dress of Dermott's daughter Winny came in ...
— The Secret Rose • W. B. Yeats

... driving north towards the Uchaux Mountains, the classic home of superb Turonian fossils. We next turn back towards Serignan, by the Piolenc Road. A halt is made by the stretch of country known as Font-Claire, the distance from which to the village is about one mile and five furlongs. The reader can easily follow my route on the ordnance-survey map; and he will see that the loop described measures not far short of five ...
— The Mason-bees • J. Henri Fabre

... breathes through the direst tragedies of noblest souls. On—on she floats through the wide world, everywhere present, everywhere welcome, refining, and consecrating our dull life from the Baptismal Font to ...
— The Continental Monthly, Vol. IV. October, 1863, No. IV. - Devoted to Literature and National Policy. • Various

... welchen Arabischen auch disz Kunst entsprungen ist." [Ain nerv geordnet Rechenbiechlin, Augsburg, 1514, fol. 13 of the 1531 edition. The printer used the letters rv for w in "new" in the first edition, as he had no w of the proper font.] ...
— The Hindu-Arabic Numerals • David Eugene Smith

... version of this text includes Windows font characters. These may be lost in 7-bit versions of the text, or when viewed with ...
— History of Phoenicia • George Rawlinson

... lifted us forth from the melly, Thou hast told, with thick heavings of pride, Of the Package in Jonadge's belly, And the Camel that rich folks may ride; From the mire and the murk of a stern Age In the Font of St. Polge we are clean, O Gold as has passed through the Furnage, Our Lady ...
— Rhymes of the East and Re-collected Verses • John Kendall (AKA Dum-Dum)

... as anchorite or devotional cells, and some of them still show rudely cut altars, crosses, etc.—as the so-called cave of St. Columba on the shores of Loch Killesport in North Knapdale, with an altar, a font or piscina, and a cross cut in the rock (Origines Parochiales, vol. ii. p. 40); the cave of St. Kieran on Loch Kilkerran in Cantyre (Ibid. vol. ii. p. 12); the cave of St. Ninian on the coast of Wigtonshire (Old ...
— Archaeological Essays, Vol. 1 • James Y. Simpson

... perhaps, of those who inhabited the Priory of St. Melaine of Rennes, to which the church originally belonged. The basin for holy water between the porches has a very interesting cover; but still more remarkable is the cover to the font, an imposing and elegantly sculptured octagonal work of art of the Renaissance period, raised and lowered by means of pulleys. The organ case is also good; and having said so much, there is nothing left to record in favour of St. Melaine. The general effect of the church is poor and mean, and ...
— The Argosy - Vol. 51, No. 4, April, 1891 • Various

... requests. The whole town was in a commotion. Every one of its inhabitants wished to claim him as their cousin; and from the-prodigious number of his pretended godsons and goddaughters, it might have been supposed that he had held one-fourth of the children of Ajaccio at the baptismal font. ...
— The Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte • Bourrienne, Constant, and Stewarton

... "briny tides" of that sea, amid turmoil and perplexity and the saddest of mysteries, it preserves its earliest gentleness, and its inward, noiseless peace, till once more it gushes up toward the sweet heaven through the Arethusan font of death. Easily, then, is it to be seen why De Quincey himself continually reverted, both in his conscious reminiscences and through the subconscious relapses of dreams, from a life clouded and disguised in its maturer years, to the unmasked purity of its earliest heaven. And what from the ...
— Atlantic Monthly, Vol. XII. September, 1863, No. LXXI. - A Magazine Of Literature, Art, And Politics • Various

... dirai pas exactement s'il avait soupe et s'il se coucha sans manger comme font quelques faiseurs de romans qui reglent toutes les heures du jour de leurs heros, les font se lever de bon matin, confer leur histoire jusqu'a l'heure du diner, reprendre leur histoire ou s'enfoncer dans un bois pour y aller parler tout seuls, si ce n'est quand ils out quelque ...
— The English Novel in the Time of Shakespeare • J. J. Jusserand

... The curiously carved font, whereon are depicted symbolical figures and incidents from the legendary life of St. Nicholas of Myra, bears much similarity to three others found in Hampshire—at St. Michaels', Southampton; East Meon; and St. Mary Bourne. They are ...
— Winchester • Sidney Heath

... especially. She promised one who went away to be wedded that she would be godmother to her first little daughter, but ere the daughter was born the saintly Edith had died. The babe was carried to be christened in the font at Winchester Cathedral, and by a great and holy man, no other than Alphegius, who was then Bishop of Winchester, but was made Archbishop of Canterbury, ...
— Grisly Grisell • Charlotte M. Yonge

... great yearning for it, and said to the mouse, "I want to tell you something, little mouse; my cousin has brought a little son into the world, and has asked me to be godmother; he is white with brown spots, and I am to hold him over the font at the christening. Let me go out to-day, and you look after the house by yourself." "Yes, yes," answered the mouse, "by all means go, and if you get anything very good, think of me, I should like a drop of sweet red christening wine too." All this, however, ...
— Household Tales by Brothers Grimm • Grimm Brothers

... almost destroyed by three sycamore trees about a century old. The Church of St. John the Baptist is largely Perp. with earlier portions, and is worth a visit, if only for the oaken nave-roof, believed to date from about 1480, and for the font of Purbeck marble, probably 750 years old. An object of greater interest in some eyes is the fine parish chest, formed from one massive piece of oak nearly ten feet in length, and furnished with iron clamps and hinges of great size; ...
— Hertfordshire • Herbert W Tompkins

... and regimental commanders were busy in collecting stragglers, regaining lost property, in burying dead men and horses, and in providing for their wounded. Some few new regiments came forward, and some changes of organization became necessary. Then, or very soon after, I consolidated my font brigades into three, which were commanded: First, Brigadier-General Morgan L: Smith; Second, Colonel John A. McDowell; Third, Brigadier-General J. W. Denver. About the same time I ...
— The Memoirs of General W. T. Sherman, Complete • William T. Sherman

... a specialized font to indicate pronunciation. Italics are used to specify words or syllables in the text. The approximations given here retain only the emphasis (accent). See the DOC or PDF ...
— McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book • W. H. McGuffey

... if Clotilda's God gave him victory he would become a Christian. The Franks won, and Clovis, faithful to his vow, had himself baptized by St. Remi, bishop of Reims. "Bow down thy head," spoke the bishop, as the Frankish king approached the font, "adore what thou hast burned, burn what thou has adored." [9] With Clovis were baptized on that same day three thousand of ...

... liberties from the pope in the church of Durham, by vertue of which grant they which were excommunicate (and might not inioy the priuilege of any sacraments, in other places throughout the bishoprike) should yet baptise their children in a font of that church, in an especiall place appointed therefore, and also receiue the other sacraments there to be administred vnto them. He died the eight and twentith of Nouember in the yeare of our redemption 1437, and was buried in the church of Durham in the chanterie which he had before erected. ...
— Chronicles (3 of 6): Historie of England (1 of 9) - Henrie IV • Raphael Holinshed

... soon as he heard him so speak, was the best pleased man that ever was in the world. So taking Abraham with him to Notre Dame he prayed the clergy there to baptise him. When they heard that it was his own wish, they forthwith did so, and Jehannot raised him from the sacred font, and named him Jean; and afterwards he caused teachers of great eminence thoroughly to instruct him in our faith, which he readily learned, and afterwards practised in a good, a virtuous, ...
— The Decameron, Volume I • Giovanni Boccaccio

... L, e, , OE, , '0, and n "Larsen" encodes. eS superscripted e (16th cent. english on p9 needs proofed!) denotes words in 'olde englishe font' "Emphasis" italics have a * mark. Footnotes [] have not been re-numbered, they are moved to EOParagraph. Greek letters are encoded in brackets, and the letters are ...
— Enemies of Books • William Blades

... reformers remind us instantly of the Pleiade, whose work in the sixteenth century in attempting to perfect the French language was of a very similar character. It is certain, however, that the seven poets who inaugurated their work at the Chateau of Font-Segugne, had no thought of imitating the Pleiade either in the choice of the number seven or in the reformation they were ...
— Frederic Mistral - Poet and Leader in Provence • Charles Alfred Downer

... walnut, inlaid with lapis-lazuli and amber. The fireplace was a masterpiece of cabinet work, with high narrow shelves, and curious recesses holding priceless jars of Oriental enamel. The deep hearth was filled with arum lilies and azalias, like a font ...
— Phantom Fortune, A Novel • M. E. Braddon

... Harrison, as my literary godfather, who had held me at the Font of the Muses, and was answerable to the company for my moral principles and my syntax, always made "the speech"; my father used most often to answer for me in few words, but with wet eyes: (there was a general understanding that any good or sorrow that might come to me in ...
— On the Old Road Vol. 1 (of 2) - A Collection of Miscellaneous Essays and Articles on Art and Literature • John Ruskin

... the wedding train To the altar slowly move, And the solemn words are said that seal The sacrament of love. Anon at the font he meets once more The tremulous youthful pair, With a white-robed cherub crowing response To ...
— The World's Best Poetry Volume IV. • Bliss Carman

... consequence. It is a great sin to create in such a way creatures who cannot be baptised and who never could have a part in the eternal blessings. You cannot suppose that M. d'Asterac carried those grotesque figures to a priest in their bottles to hold them over the christening font. No godmother could have ...
— The Queen Pedauque • Anatole France

... the church has remained unaltered for ages. As George Herbert new roofed the sacred edifice throughout, we may infer this was the chief structural repair necessary. He also erected the present tower, the font, put four windows in the chancel, and reseated the parts ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 71, March 8, 1851 • Various

... merged into the dunce. Back, back to Yale! and, grown with years discreet, The course a virgin's lust cut short, complete. Go drink again at the Pierian pool, And learn—at least to better play the fool. No longer scorn the draught, although the font, Unlike ...
— Black Beetles in Amber • Ambrose Bierce

... features of printing types; their sizes, font schemes, etc., with a brief description of their manufacture. 44 pp.; illustrated; 74 ...
— Compound Words - Typographic Technical Series for Apprentices #36 • Frederick W. Hamilton

... the Val d'Arno. There the northern and southern nations meet; there they lay down their enmities; there they are first baptized unto John's baptism for the remission of sins; there is born, and thence exiled,—thought faithless, for breaking the font of baptism to save a child from drowning, in his 'bel San Giovanni,'—the greatest of Christian poets; he who had pity even for ...
— Ariadne Florentina - Six Lectures on Wood and Metal Engraving • John Ruskin

... the little ones outside. "Oh, but look at them! Elles font les quatre cents coups!" which is equivalent to "cutting ...
— Balcony Stories • Grace E. King

... containing 700 persons. The roof was partly open at the top; and, though the weather was still cold, there was no fire, A simple table, covered with a white cloth, upon which stood three hand-basins of water, served for the font, and I officiated in a surplice. Thus there was nothing to impress the senses, no colour, or ornament, or church decoration, or music. The solemnity of the scene—was produced by the earnest sincerity and serious purpose with which these children of the Far West were prepared to offer themselves ...
— Metlakahtla and the North Pacific Mission • Eugene Stock

... all from that great sin! May He awaken each and every one of you to know the glory and honour which Jesus Christ brought for you when He was born at Bethlehem—the glory and honour which was proclaimed to belong to you when you were christened at that font! May He awaken you to know that you are the sons of God, and to look up to Him with loving, trustful, obedient souls, saying from your hearts, morning and night 'Our Father which art in heaven,' and feeling that those words give you daily strength to conquer your ...
— Sermons for the Times • Charles Kingsley

... added in the margin, "by the midwife, at the font, called a boy, and named by the godfather, Thomas, but proved ...
— The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction, Vol. 19, - Issue 553, June 23, 1832 • Various

... soon returned, and the former commenced the usual prayers. What was his astonishment, when he beheld the dead body rise from the coffin, and advance towards him. Terrified in the extreme, the priest flew to the font; and, conjuring the corpse to return to its proper station, showered holy water on him in abundance. But the obstinate and evil-minded spirit, disregarding the power of holy water, seized the unfortunate priest, threw him to the ground, ...
— Apparitions; or, The Mystery of Ghosts, Hobgoblins, and Haunted Houses Developed • Joseph Taylor

... out of the earth of their flesh, being freed from the tares of sin and from the noxious weeds of vice by the ploughshare of evangelic and apostolic learning, and being fruitful in the growth of all virtues, did they, as the best and richest fruit, bring forth a son, whom, when he had at the font put off the old man, they caused to be named Patritius, as being the future father and patron of many nations; of whom, even at his baptism, the God that is Three in One was pleased by the sign of a threefold miracle ...
— Bolougne-Sur-Mer - St. Patrick's Native Town • Reverend William Canon Fleming

... of thirty different languages. At the present day it is furnished with all the recent appliances; and from this press has issued works distinguished as much for their typographical beauty as for the area they cover in the mission field. Its font of Oriental types is specially rich. We were shown specimens of the Paternoster in all the known languages; and my friend had an opportunity of inspecting some theological works in the obscure dialects of India. The productions of the Propaganda press are very widely diffused. There is a bookseller's ...
— Roman Mosaics - Or, Studies in Rome and Its Neighbourhood • Hugh Macmillan

... Crowell, where I lived; to whose favour I held myself entitled in a twofold respect, both as my mother was nearly related to his lady, and as he had been pleased to bestow his name upon me, when he made large promises for me at the font. He was a person of great honour and virtue, and always gave me a kind reception at his table, how often soever I came. And I have cause to think I should have received from this lord some advantageous preferment in this world, as soon as he had found me capable of it (though betwixt him and my ...
— The History of Thomas Ellwood Written by Himself • Thomas Ellwood

... to present objective truths in a devotional spirit. We meet in these a Christian who humbly and prayerfully accepts the whole mystery of God. For centuries these rugged songs have served to express the sentiments of millions as they met at the baptismal font or knelt before the altar. The following is one of the most favored baptismal hymns both in the Danish ...
— Hymns and Hymnwriters of Denmark • Jens Christian Aaberg

... Les memes causes empechent les moirs qui vivent a la compagne d'avoir des plantations etendues; celles qu'ils cultivent sont bornees, mais generalement assez bien cultivees: de bons habits, une log house, ou maison de bois en bon etat, des enfans plus nombreux les font remarquer des Europeens voyageurs, et l'oeil du philosophe se plait a considerer ces habitations, ou la tyrannie ne fait point verser de pleurs. Dans cette partie de l'Amerique, les noirs sont certainement heureux; mais ...
— The Journal of Negro History, Vol. I. Jan. 1916 • Various

... disciplinez ny armez, et de surplus sont de grands voleurs." "La plupart de ces regimens sont levez par des gentilshommes qui n'ont jamais este a l'armee. Ce sont des tailleurs, des bouchers, des cordonniers, qui ont forme les compagnies et qui en sont les Capitaines." "Jamais troupes n'ont marche comme font celles-cy. Ils vent comme des bandits, et pillent tout ce qu'ils trouvent en chemin." "Quoiqu'il soit vrai que les soldats paroissent fort resolus a bien faire, et qu'ils soient fort animez contre les rebelles, neantmoins ...
— The History of England from the Accession of James II. - Volume 3 (of 5) • Thomas Babington Macaulay

... the kingdom of heaven, to which all are invited.] Thus comparisu{n}e[gh] kryst e kyndom of heue, To is frelych feste at fele arn to called, For alle arn laed luflyly, e lu{er} & e bett{er}, at eu{er} wern ful[gh]ed i{n} font at fest to haue. 164 [Sidenote: See that thy weeds are clean.] Bot war e wel, if {o}u wylt, y wede[gh] ben clene, & honest for e haly day, lest {o}u harme lache, For aproch {o}u to at prynce of parage ...
— Early English Alliterative Poems - in the West-Midland Dialect of the Fourteenth Century • Various

... a vegetable dill, composed of the footstocks and midrib of artichokes, cardoons, or white beets. The "very good roots," des racines qui font bonnes, were Jerusalem Artichokes, Helianthus tuberofus, indigenous to the northern part of this continent. The Italians had obtained it before Champlain's time, and named it Girasole, their word for sunflower, of which the artichoke is a species. This word, girasole, has been singularly ...
— Voyages of Samuel de Champlain, Vol. 2 • Samuel de Champlain

... dignity of Mars himself; perhaps some Croesus with his gold, drawn by the spell of Wisdom's enchantment into the magic circle; and this your humble disciple of Thucydides, sitting spellbound under the drippings of the sacred font, getting the material for these pages. That was the Golden Age; there ...
— A Certain Rich Man • William Allen White

... the spoils, it is stated, that the furniture and library in the Palace of Holyrood were carried off; including a fine brazen font from the Abbey. (See Archaeologia Scotica, vol. iv. p. 13.) But some of the books and furniture had previously been removed by the Governor to Hamilton Palace, where probably they are still preserved. On the 8th ...
— The Works of John Knox, Vol. 1 (of 6) • John Knox

... laurel-leaves that make collars round the pillars' stout necks; on the fresh moss-beds, vividly green, in the windows; on the dull, round holly-berries. In the glow, the ivy twines in cunning garlands round the rough-sculptured font, and the oak lectern; and, above God's altar, a great white cross of hot-house flowers blooms delicately, telling of summer, and matching the words of old good news beneath it, that brought, as some say, summer, or, at least, the hope of summer, ...
— Nancy - A Novel • Rhoda Broughton

... rapiro, skermilo. Fold faldi. Fold (sheep) sxafejo. Folding-screen ventosxirmilo. Foliage foliaro. Follow sekvi. Following, the sekvanta. Follows, that which jena. Folly malspriteco. Fond ama. Foment vivigi. Fondle dorloti. Fondness ameco. Font baptakvujo. Food nutrajxo. Fool simplanimulo. Foolish malsagxa. Foolishness malsagxeco. Foot piedo. Foot (measure) futo. Foot, on piedire. Foot-bridge piedponto. Footman lakeo. Footpath ...
— English-Esperanto Dictionary • John Charles O'Connor and Charles Frederic Hayes

... permit me to state I have ordered a font of types, cut expressly on purpose, at an expense of near L1,000, and have engaged a very large number of compositors for no ...
— A Publisher and His Friends • Samuel Smiles

... abhorrence. The unbelieving Jew? He despises it as hypocrisy and phrase-mongering. The Jew who really desires to break with his national past and to be absorbed by his Christian surroundings? For that Jew, Reform Judaism does not suffice; he goes a step farther, the step that leads to the baptismal font. Still less does it satisfy the Jew who desires to guard Jewdom against destruction and to preserve it as an ethnical individuality. For to him an openly expressed abandonment of all national aspirations is synonymous with a self-condemnation of the Jewish people ...
— Zionism and Anti-Semitism - Zionism by Nordau; and Anti-Semitism by Gottheil • Max Simon Nordau

... is a strong, stone room, in which are kept the crown jewels, regalia, such as the golden orb, the golden sceptre with the dove, St. Edward's staff, State salt-cellar, sword of mercy, golden spurs, the golden eagle and golden spoons, also the silver font used at the baptism of the royal family, the State crown worn by her Majesty in Parliament. A large collection of ancient plate ...
— Our Young Folks at Home and Abroad • Various

... friend Corvisart, who did not for a single instant leave Maria Louisa during her long and painful labour, removed from my mind every doubt on the subject. It is as true that the young Prince, for whom the Emperor of Austria stood sponsor at the font, was the son of Napoleon and the Archduchess Maria Louisa as it is false that Bonaparte was the father of the first child of Hortense. The birth of the son of Napoleon was hailed with general enthusiasm. The ...
— Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte, Complete • Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne

... with a promise to continue in the same way another century or two, were deftly hidden from the eye of those unversed in such technicalities. In the hollow at the foot of the stairs was what I took to be a very old and rough christening font, such as I had seen in village churches. But it was not that; it was called a pierre a l'huile. Its purpose a long time ago was to receive the oil taken from the first pressing of walnuts after the annual gathering. Then the ...
— Two Summers in Guyenne • Edward Harrison Barker

Words linked to "Font" :   boldface, type, gothic, Helvetica, unicameral script, type family, black letter, bold face, sans serif, bicameral script, italic, basin, bold

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