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Family Solanaceae   Listen
Family Solanaceae

Large and economically important family of herbs or shrubs or trees often strongly scented and sometimes narcotic or poisonous; includes the genera Solanum, Atropa, Brugmansia, Capsicum, Datura, Hyoscyamus, Lycopersicon, Nicotiana, Petunia, Physalis, and Solandra.  Synonyms: potato family, Solanaceae.

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Words linked to "Family Solanaceae" :   genus Cyphomandra, Brunfelsia, genus Brunfelsia, Brugmansia, genus Petunia, genus Lycopersicon, Streptosolen, genus Hyoscyamus, potato family, genus Browallia, Physalis, Lycium, genus Solanum, genus Salpiglossis, Scopolia, genus Fabiana, Lycopersicum, Atropa, Nicotiana, genus Scopolia, genus Nierembergia, genus Lycium, order Polemoniales, capsicum, Polemoniales, genus Physalis, genus Nicotiana, genus Lycopersicum, genus Cestrum, genus Mandragora, Mandragora, asterid dicot family, genus Brugmansia, Datura, genus Atropa, Solanaceae, Lycopersicon, Nicandra, Fabiana, Cestrum, Solanum, Cyphomandra, Hyoscyamus, genus Schizanthus, genus Datura, Solandra, genus Salpichroa, Salpichroa, genus Solandra, genus Capsicum, genus Nicandra, petunia, genus Streptosolen

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