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English Dictionary      examples: 'day', 'get rid of', 'New York Bay'

Drop   /drɑp/  /drɔp/   Listen

(past & past part. dropped or dropt; pres. part. dropping)
Let fall to the ground.
To fall vertically.
Go down in value.
Fall or descend to a lower place or level.  Synonyms: drop down, sink.
Terminate an association with.
Utter with seeming casualness.  "Drop names"
Stop pursuing or acting.  Synonym: knock off.  "Knock it off!"
Leave or unload.  Synonyms: discharge, drop off, put down, set down, unload.  "Drop off the passengers at the hotel"
Cause to fall by or as if by delivering a blow.  Synonyms: cut down, fell, strike down.  "Lightning struck down the hikers"
Lose (a game).
Pay out.  Synonyms: expend, spend.
Lower the pitch of (musical notes).  Synonym: flatten.
Hang freely.  Synonyms: dangle, swing.  "The light dropped from the ceiling"
Stop associating with.  Synonyms: dismiss, send away, send packing.
Let or cause to fall in drops.  Synonyms: dribble, drip.
Get rid of.  Synonyms: cast, cast off, shake off, shed, throw, throw away, throw off.  "Shed your clothes"
Take (a drug, especially LSD), by mouth.
Omit (a letter or syllable) in speaking or writing.
Leave undone or leave out.  Synonyms: leave out, miss, neglect, omit, overleap, overlook, pretermit.  "The workers on the conveyor belt miss one out of ten"
Change from one level to another.
Fall or sink into a state of exhaustion or death.
Grow worse.  Synonyms: degenerate, deteriorate, devolve.  "Conditions in the slums degenerated" , "The discussion devolved into a shouting match"
Give birth; used for animals.

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"Drop" Quotes from Famous Books

... billets," said the R.A.M.C. man who looks after infectious diseases. "I've been on the trail of a typhoid epidemic at La Croix Farm, where a company of the Downshires are billeted, and it made me sad. They had their filters with them and they swore they hadn't touched a drop of impure water, and that they treasured our regulations like the book of Leviticus. And yet the trail of that typhoid was all over my spot chart, and the thing was spreading like one of the seven plagues of Egypt. At last I tracked it down to an Army cook; the rotter had had typhoid about five ...
— Leaves from a Field Note-Book • J. H. Morgan

... Baron Stockmar had long advised her to act as she was prepared to do. She spoke of her intercourse with the Orleans family, on which the French ambassador in London had laid stress as likely to displease the Emperor. She said they were her friends and relations, and that she could not drop them in their adversity, but that politics were never touched upon between her and them. He professed himself perfectly satisfied, and sought in his turn to explain his conduct in the confiscation and forced sale of the ...
— Life of Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen, (Victoria) Vol II • Sarah Tytler

... subject was in the air, he had with laconic firmness announced a toast: "Our federal union; it must be preserved." When two years later the open challenge came from South Carolina, he replied that he would enforce the law, saying with his frontier directness: "If a single drop of blood shall be shed there in opposition to the laws of the United States, I will hang the first man I can lay my hands on engaged in such conduct upon the first tree that I can reach." He made ready to keep his word by preparing ...
— History of the United States • Charles A. Beard and Mary R. Beard

... view of a kitchen table with drop leaf, showing the skirting board scribed to the solid side. A table of this type is fastened to the wall with two iron holdfasts which engage the ends of the table. The hinged bracket frame shows the application of the ...
— Woodwork Joints - How they are Set Out, How Made and Where Used. • William Fairham

... their lower, they bore under the plant, and so eat the root off upwards, leaving the tuft of leaves untouched. In this respect they are serviceable, as they destroy a very troublesome weed; but they deface the waffles in some measure by digging little round holes. It appears, by the dung that they drop upon the turf, that beetles are no inconsiderable part of their food. In June last I procured a litter of four or five young hedge-hogs, which appeared to be about five or six days old; they, I find, like puppies, are ...
— The Natural History of Selborne • Gilbert White

... said at last. Rising from the log, he moved to the side of the kneeling figure. "Let the violets rest, Evelyn, while we reason together. You are too clear-eyed. Since they offend you, I will drop the idle compliments, the pretty phrases, in which neither of us believes. What if this tinted dream of love does not exist for us? What if we are only friends—dear and ...
— Audrey • Mary Johnston

... decanter. It must be kirsch, I thought, from its diamond clearness. Well, I'll try a glass of kirsch; I like its perfume, its bitter and wild perfume that reminds me of the forest. And so, like an epicure, I slowly poured out, drop by drop, the beautiful clear liquid. I raised the glass to my lips. Oh, horror, it was only water. What a grimace I made. Suddenly a duet of laughter resounded from a black coat and a pink dress that I had not perceived flirting in the corner, and who were amused ...
— The Best of the World's Classics, Restricted to Prose, Vol. VIII (of X) - Continental Europe II. • Various

... disposition: he put all his doubts, queries, and paradoxes deferentially, contended without unpleasant heat and only with a sonorous eagerness against the personality of Homer, expressed himself civilly though firmly on the origin of language, and had tact enough to drop at the right moment such subjects as the ultimate reduction of all the so-called elementary substances, his own total scepticism concerning Manetho's chronology, or even the relation between the magnetic condition of the earth and the outbreak of revolutionary ...
— Impressions of Theophrastus Such • George Eliot

... fellow. I'm not going to live long anyhow. It's on my chest ... Do you hear it rattle, old boy? Listen! Just listen! Listen to me, not to my dearie. When we're dead, we're out of it! We'll not get another drop! An' then we'll sleep till judgment day in the pitch-dark grave. Then you'll be ...
— The German Classics, v. 20 - Masterpieces of German Literature • Various

... quartern of good wheat and clean grain and grind it in this mill and I will make thee a platter of bread from handrubbed flour[FN471] which I will send to thee on the morrow." Asked he, "How shalt thou know the field?" and she answered, "Carry with thee a basket of bran and drop the contents as thou walkest along the highway; then leave it hard by the land belonging to thee and I will follow the traces and find thee a-field; and so do thou remain at rest." All this and the scald-head boy was standing behind the ...
— Supplemental Nights, Volume 5 • Richard F. Burton

... him again. It wasn't for anything he had done to me; it was for what he had done to the Mulvilles. Adelaide cried about it for a week, and her husband, profiting by the example so signally given him of the fatal effect of a want of character, left the letter, the drop too much, unanswered. The letter, an incredible one, addressed by Saltram to Wimbledon during a stay with the Pudneys at Ramsgate, was the central feature of the incident, which, however, had many features, each more painful than whichever other we compared it with. The Pudneys had behaved shockingly, ...
— The Coxon Fund • Henry James

... le Biffon; "he is a pretty chap too. What a pity to drop your nut" (eternuer dans le ...
— Scenes from a Courtesan's Life • Honore de Balzac

... Bereuguela's plans miscarry. But in this he reckoned without his host. Berenguela conducted her affairs with the utmost discretion, conciliated the Leonese nobility, caused her son to be proclaimed king, and brought about a permanent union of the two countries without the loss of a single drop of blood. Having accomplished this task, her next care was to provide in some suitable way for Alfonso's two daughters. This she was under no obligation to do, but her sense of justice left no other course of conduct ...
— Women of the Romance Countries • John R. Effinger

... to stay on this case until I tell you to drop it," said the detective. "And remember, if anything unusual occurs, let me know as soon as you can ...
— The Mansion of Mystery - Being a Certain Case of Importance, Taken from the Note-book of Adam Adams, Investigator and Detective • Chester K. Steele

... to a meal of roasted fowl, very tasty, and a very good drop of spirits to it, and I would be laughing inside of myself because of the boldness of McKinnon to be praising his wife's cooking before his ain mother, and Mirren was greatly pleased too; indeed, many's the time I will be thinking ...
— The McBrides - A Romance of Arran • John Sillars

... always ascribe to Him? Fondly do we hope—fervently do we pray that this mighty scourge of woe may speedily pass away. Yet if God wills that it continue until all the wealth piled up by the bondsman's two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said, 'The judgments of the Lord are true and ...
— Slavery and Four Years of War, Vol. 1-2 • Joseph Warren Keifer

... at least three of the plantations in the vicinity were owned or operated by Minorcans. She says that the Minorcans were popularly referred to in the section as "Turnbull's Darkies," a name they apparently resented. This caused many of them, she claims, to drop or change their names ...
— Slave Narratives: A Folk History of Slavery in the United States - From Interviews with Former Slaves - Florida Narratives • Works Projects Administration

... private, professed others in public, and played with the destinies of mankind as if they were but counters to mark a mercenary game. This led me to examine your character with more searching eyes; and I found it one I could no longer trust. With respect to the Dead, let the pall drop over that early grave,—I acquit you of all blame. He who sinned has suffered more than would atone the crime! You charge me with my love to Evelyn. Pardon me, but I seduced no affection, I have broken no tie. Not till she was free in heart and in hand to choose ...
— Alice, or The Mysteries, Complete • Edward Bulwer-Lytton

... trembled, and when urged by the spur dashed forward as if running a race for their lives; indeed, it was no easy matter to sit them, as they sprang now on one side, now on the other. In a short time the rain came down in torrents, every drop, as the dominie declared, "as big as a hen's egg." As a natural consequence, in a few seconds we were wet to the skin, ...
— In New Granada - Heroes and Patriots • W.H.G. Kingston

... (two or three hours) I could hear distinctly a passage of Scripture: 'My grace is sufficient for thee.' Every time my thoughts turned to the trouble I could hear this quotation. I don't think I ever doubted the existence of God, or had him drop out of my consciousness. God has frequently stepped into my affairs very perceptibly, and I feel that he directs many little details all the time. But on two or three occasions he has ordered ways for me very contrary to my ambitions ...
— The Varieties of Religious Experience • William James

... the pitcher the drop stoneware feverish the reply to shrug one's shoulders it is no good telling him not to do it.. why do you ...
— Le Petit Chose (part 1) - Histoire d'un Enfant • Alphonse Daudet

... field mangled, for him hath Jove Exalted high, and given him great renown. But haste, now take refreshment; though, in truth 245 Might I direct, the host should by all means Unfed to battle, and at set of sun All sup together, this affront revenged. But as for me, no drop shall pass my lips Or morsel, whose companion lies with feet 250 Turn'd to the vestibule, pierced by the spear, And compass'd by my weeping train around. No want of food feel I. My wishes call For carnage, blood, and agonies and groans. But him, excelling in ...
— The Iliad of Homer - Translated into English Blank Verse • Homer

... it from me!"? said Lydgate, laying his hand tenderly on both of hers. "Don't I see a tiny drop on one of the lashes? Things trouble you, and you don't ...
— Middlemarch • George Eliot

... You don't know Myra Willard! Sibyl, herself, can pick a squirrel out of the tallest pine in the mountains with her six-shooter. Will and I taught her all we knew, as she grew up. Besides, you see, I drop in every day or so, to see that they're all right." He laughed meaningly as he added,—to Conrad Lagrange for the artist's benefit,—"I'm going to tell them, though, that Sibyl must be careful how she goes dancing around these hills—now ...
— The Eyes of the World • Harold Bell Wright

... comfort and satisfaction to me to call the daughters to a private meeting of the Board again and say, "You need not worry any more; our outgo is only a third more than our income; in a few months your mother will be out of her bed and on her feet again—then we shall drop back to normal ...
— Innocents abroad • Mark Twain

... at it in consternation. How had he come to draw it? With difficulty he traced his thoughts backward, but could not find any that was accountable for his act. He discovered, however, that he had a remarkable tendency to drop his hand to his gun. That might have come from the habit long practice in drawing had given him. Likewise, it might have come from a subtle sense, scarcely thought of at all, of the late, close, and inevitable relation between that weapon and himself. ...
— The Lone Star Ranger • Zane Grey

... drop anything so precious for all the world, dear Felicia," said Stephen, who now walked on air for several blocks, and what was said during that walk is private correspondence that we have no right to read. Only it is a matter of history that day that the basket never reached its destination, and ...
— In His Steps • Charles M. Sheldon

... never be slain by you, Roderic MacAlpin," said Elspeth. "For though you follow him over half the world, as you followed Rapp the Icelander, yet shall you never draw one drop of blood ...
— The Thirsty Sword • Robert Leighton

... hopes now nor ever I had before. A boundary man he give me a little bottle o' stuff the other day; an' it seems to be about the correct thing. Jist feels like a spoonful o' red-hot ashes in your eye; an' if a drop falls outside, it tums your skin black. That ought to cut away the sort o' glassy phlegm off o' the ...
— Such is Life • Joseph Furphy

... however, threw the time-table out of joint, and not even the restless energy of the Supreme Governor could make up this loss for nearly four weeks. In the meantime the cold became so intense that the British contingent, being only B1 men, had to drop out. General Gaida, with his divisional generals, Galitzin, Pepelaieff, and Verzbitzky, pressed forward their preparations, and after a splendid series of movements captured Perm with 31,000 prisoners and an enormous booty of war material. The ...
— With the "Die-Hards" in Siberia • John Ward

... precedes it may drop the final syllable. When grande (or gran) precedes it generally refers more to quality than to size, but this rule is not strict at all, as much is left to the tone of the voice and ...
— Pitman's Commercial Spanish Grammar (2nd ed.) • C. A. Toledano

... are thrown from the bow And the watch climbs up the shroud; When the dim mast dips as the vessel slips Through the foam that seethes aloud; I know that the years of our life are few, And fain as a bird to flee, That time is as brief as a drop of dew — But you ...
— The Little Book of Modern Verse • Jessie B. Rittenhouse

... thing," Ford snorted. "If you decide to drop the ship any closer to this mad planet you're going to have trouble ...
— Unthinkable • Roger Phillips Graham

... multiplication by division may still be regarded as a process of growth, which differs from the previous growth of the individual cell in being attended by a severance of continuity. If we take a suspended drop of gum, and gradually add to its size by allowing more and more gum to flow into it, a point will eventually be reached at which the force of gravity will overcome that of cohesion, and a portion of the drop will fall away from the remainder. Here we have a rough ...
— Darwin, and After Darwin (Vol. 1 and 3, of 3) • George John Romanes

... carried hers to her mouth. As it was almost empty she bent back to drink, her head thrown back, her lips pouting, her neck on the strain. She laughed at getting none of it, while with the tip of her tongue passing between her small teeth she licked drop by drop the bottom of ...
— Madame Bovary • Gustave Flaubert

... few days Philip received a note from Mrs. Mavick—not an effusive note, not an explanatory note, not an apologetic note, simply a note as if nothing unusual had happened—if Mr. Burnett had leisure, would he drop in at five o'clock in Irving Place for a ...
— Baddeck and That Sort of Thing • Charles Dudley Warner

... rich, and the poor man in Abraham's bosom simply because he was poor; it can scarcely add, one may remark, to the pleasure of heaven for the Lazaruses all to look at the Diveses, and be unable to reach them, even to give them a single drop of water. ...
— The Freethinker's Text Book, Part II. - Christianity: Its Evidences, Its Origin, Its Morality, Its History • Annie Besant

... the folks to-morrow that they've changed their minds. Do drop in again some time. I've enjoyed your visit, and don't forget to tell Miss Bangs to be ...
— Ainslee's, Vol. 15, No. 6, July 1905 • Various

... journey very thoroughly, taking provisions, oars, and even wings, for propulsion in case of need. He took so much, in fact, that as soon as the balloon lifted clear of the ground the whole of the ballast had to be jettisoned, lest the balloon should drop into the sea. Half-way across the Channel the sinking of the balloon warned Blanchard that he had to part with more than ballast to accomplish the journey, and all the equipment went, together with certain books and papers that ...
— A History of Aeronautics • E. Charles Vivian

... other animals, are maintained in multitudes, where the necessaries of life are amassed, and the store of wealth is enlarged, we drop our regards for the happiness, the moral and political character of a people; and, anxious for the herd we would propagate, carry our views no farther than the stall and the pasture. We forget that the few ...
— An Essay on the History of Civil Society, Eighth Edition • Adam Ferguson, L.L.D.

... palm to the left, forearm inclined at about 45 deg., hand and wrist straight. Continue to look the officer you are saluting straight in the Eye and keep your hand in the position of salute until the officer acknowledges the salute or until he has passed. Then drop the hand smartly to the side. The salute is given with ...
— Manual for Noncommissioned Officers and Privates of Infantry • War Department

... one ever expects to pay anything for a bottle—that is thrown in with everything liquid you buy. The manufacturer's got to make his little profit somewhere an' in a cheap bottle he makes it by employin' young boys cheap an' workin' 'em till they drop." ...
— The Boy With the U.S. Census • Francis Rolt-Wheeler

... milk-drinking races, prefer the artificially soured to the sweet, choosing the fermentation to take place outside rather than inside their stomachs. Amongst the Somal I never saw man, woman or child drink a drop of fresh milk; and they offered considerable opposition to our heating ...
— The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, Volume 7 • Richard F. Burton

... faculties Princess Mary looked at him. The comic efforts with which he moved his tongue made her drop her eyes and with difficulty repress the sobs that rose to her throat. He said something, repeating the same words several times. She could not understand them, but tried to guess what he was saying and inquiringly repeated ...
— War and Peace • Leo Tolstoy

... nature, if none other, to recommend it. Fortunately the curtain fell then, and I was carried to my dressing-room to finish my fit in private. The last act of that play gives me such pains in my arms and legs, with sheer nervous distress, that I am ready to drop down with exhaustion at the end of it; and this reminds me of the very difficult question which you expect me to answer, respecting the species of power which is called into play in the act, ...
— Records of a Girlhood • Frances Anne Kemble

... Indian could fix another arrow had felled him to the earth with his sword. The next moment a large party of Indians appeared on the top of the ridge, and a shower of arrows fell close to us: happily, none took effect, and I saw my uncle drop so as to conceal himself behind a log, while he levelled his rifle over it at the Indians. As he saw the Indians about to shoot, Tim pulled me behind the nearest tree, and probably saved me and himself from being wounded by the arrows,—which, as it was, whistled close to our ...
— The Young Llanero - A Story of War and Wild Life in Venezuela • W.H.G. Kingston

... urging and leading them as heretofore, lay still on his little cottage-couch, laughing in his sleeve, and sneering with every feature of his pale, foreign face, they considered better of it, and after fulfilling certain indispensable forms, prudently resolved to let the matter quietly drop, which they did. ...
— Shirley • Charlotte Bronte

... you do know me, and see that I mean to go to Ousebank, perhaps you'll drop that stone—it might have killed me if it had fallen on my head—and let me walk beside you ...
— Sarah's School Friend • May Baldwin

... I know that one so morally deformed is no less to be pitied than a physical cripple; but in our pitying let us drop a tear, too, for the men who are striving to carry on a great enterprise, whose working hours are not limited by the whistle, and whose hair is fast turning white through the struggle to hold in line dowdy indifference, slipshod imbecility, and the heartless ingratitude which, ...
— A Message to Garcia - Being a Preachment • Elbert Hubbard

... 6. sect. 6, and B. XV. ch. 4. sect. 2, that the only balsam gardens, and the best palm trees, were, at least in his days, near Jericho and Kugaddi, about the north part of the Dead Sea, [whereabout also Alexander the Great saw the balsam drop,] show the mistake of those that understand Eusebius and Jerom as if one of those gardens were at the south part of that sea, at Zoar or Segor, whereas they must either mean another Zoar or Segor, which was between Jericho and Kugaddi, agreeably to Josephus: which yet they do not appear to do, or ...
— The Antiquities of the Jews • Flavius Josephus

... the grave of Osiris. We bear that the Indians in Ecuador used to sacrifice men's hearts and pour out human blood on their fields when they sowed them; the Pawnee Indians used a human victim the same, allowing his blood to drop on the seed-corn. It is said that in Mexico girls were sacrificed, and that the Mexicans would sometimes GRIND their (male) victim, like corn, between two stones. ("I'll grind his bones to make me bread.") Among the Khonds of East India—who were particularly given to this ...
— Pagan & Christian Creeds - Their Origin and Meaning • Edward Carpenter

... had a drop to drink, unless you count water, and on the third morning the captain was quite drunk It stood to reason they all had a glass or two then, except the man at the wheel; and towards evening the man at the wheel could bear ...
— Tales of Wonder • Lord Dunsany

... friend," said the general, willing to drop the disagreeable subject, "I am afraid we shall both find it more difficult to control the affections of our children than we ...
— Precaution • James Fenimore Cooper

... cheered, the harbour cleared, Merrily did we drop Below the kirk, below the hill, Below the ...
— The Children's Garland from the Best Poets • Various

... words King Loc turned his head away. However he opened a third coffer and showed the young girl a crystal in which a drop of water had been imprisoned since the beginning of time; and when the crystal was moved the drop of water could be seen to stir. He also showed her pieces of yellow amber in which insects more brilliant than jewels had been imprisoned for thousands of years. One could distinguish their delicate ...
— Honey-Bee - 1911 • Anatole France

... ever have the grande passion? Did you ever feel a fluttering here?" and she placed her hand upon her small chest, and sighed quaintly; "a kind of distaste for bonbons and caramels, when the world seemed as tasteless and hollow as a broken cordial drop?" ...
— The Luck of Roaring Camp and Other Tales • Bret Harte

... adorn each statesman's bust And strew their laurels o'er each warrior's dust, Alike immortalise, as good and great, Him who enslaved as him who saved the State, Surely the Muse (a rustic minstrel) may Drop one wild flower upon a poor man's clay. This artless tribute to his mem'ry give Whose life was such as heroes seldom live. In worldly knowledge, poor indeed his store— He knew the village, and he scarce ...
— The Parish Clerk (1907) • Peter Hampson Ditchfield

... wedding day. He then took from the butler's hand a large bottle covered with a venerable dust, bespeaking great age. He told us, not without a certain pride, that this wine was a hundred years old; he emptied all the contents into the cup, leaving not a single drop, but as the goblet was not yet full, he poured more of the same wine into it from another bottle, and finally drank it off to the prosperity of the married pair. The toast was enthusiastically received; the music again began to play and the cannon ...
— Continental Monthly, Vol. 4, No 3, September 1863 - Devoted to Literature and National Policy • Various

... vulgaris. THYME. The Leaves and Flowers.—A tea made of the fresh tops of thyme is good in asthmas and diseases of the lungs. It is recommended against nervous complaints; but for this purpose the wild thyme is preferable. There is an oil made from thyme that cures the tooth-ache, a drop or two of it being put upon lint and applied to the tooth; this is commonly ...
— The Botanist's Companion, Vol. II • William Salisbury

... drop, but he answered sneeringly, "I can carry a sunshade, you know." Then he turned suddenly and fiercely upon him. "Look here, Paul, you'll keep out of this if you know ...
— Moon-Face and Other Stories • Jack London

... summon a few old gentlemen to a solemn tasting of the wines old and new. Of this, Mr. Wholesome told me one day, and thought I had better remain to go through the cellars and drive out the bungs and drop in the testers, and the like. "I will also stay with thee," he added, "knowing perhaps better than ...
— Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science - Vol. XVII, No. 102. June, 1876. • Various

... is soon full of the little crouching women, with their tiny slit eyes vaguely smiling; their beautifully dressed hair shining like polished ebony; their fragile bodies lost in the many folds of the exaggerated, wide garments, that gape as if ready to drop from their little tapering backs and reveal the exquisite napes of ...
— Madame Chrysantheme Complete • Pierre Loti

... rooms and two for women. The men's rooms have belonged to men, and therefore they suit other men, who drop into them and use their belongings, and tell me they were never more comfortable. The third room is for one after another of the girls and women who visit me. The ...
— A Court of Inquiry • Grace S. Richmond

... depend on obedience of law alone as the means of co-operation. Administration and orders will be based on conscientious realization and no one will be allowed to treat the form of State as material for experiment. At this time of exhaustion when its vitality is being wasted to the last drop and the existence of the country is hanging in the balance, we, as if treading on thin ice over deep waters, dare not in the slightest degree indulge in license on the principle that the Sovereign ...
— The Fight For The Republic in China • Bertram Lenox Putnam Weale

... last Friday, to the Sabbath feast. On one table there was a dish of meat, on the other a bowl of milk which my wife had boiled for the younger children. My wife ladled out the milk for the children, when her hand shook and a drop of milk fell ...
— An Obscure Apostle - A Dramatic Story • Eliza Orzeszko

... gave such a start that she ran, her needle into her thumb, and a tiny drop of blood spurted out. She did not know that Uncle Darcy had a son. She had never heard his name mentioned before. She had been at his house many a time, and there never was anyone there besides himself except his wife, "Aunt Elspeth" (who was so old and feeble that she stayed in bed most ...
— Georgina of the Rainbows • Annie Fellows Johnston

... question drop, and they went on their way in silence; rising now by another steep ascent on the other side of the brook, having crossed the bridge. The hill was steep enough to give their lungs play without talking. At the top of the hill the road forked; one branch turned off southwards; ...
— What She Could • Susan Warner

... front gallery all settled themselves comfortably to watch the sunset. Already the sun was low in the west, a huge ball of fire just ready to drop into the sea of ...
— The Sunbridge Girls at Six Star Ranch • Eleanor H. (Eleanor Hodgman) Porter

... waited till Day was gone, and Earth had spread out her great black board to catch the wax that might drop from the tapers of Night. Then the fox, as soon as he saw all the birds fast asleep on the branches, stole up quite softly, and one after another, throttled all the linnets, larks, tomtits, blackbirds, woodpeckers, thrushes, ...
— Stories from Pentamerone • Giambattista Basile

... "Let us drop the subject, then," I said hastily. "At least, if you persist in your hallucination, I hope you will believe this. I have never spoken a word of what could be called love-making to the child ...
— The Master Mummer • E. Phillips Oppenheim

... of view the two following days were very unsatisfactory. Not an ounce of tobacco nor a drop of drink was sold, in spite of the fact that several fishing-boats were met. Growing reckless, the skipper determined to approach the English coast, so as to meet the boats coming out ...
— Chatterbox, 1905. • Various

... grumbled the coachman. "Reason enough for overlooking her spots. Who's that man?" he grunted, with a drop of his lantern jaws, and a slight gesture towards ...
— The House of the Whispering Pines • Anna Katharine Green

... o' tho't you might drop in," she said with averted eyes. "But as you didn't—" She paused and summoned to her face a look which she believed would adequately reflect a knowledge of the proprieties. "O' course," she tittered out, "it wa'n't ...
— The Girl of the Golden West • David Belasco

... the foul mud of the by-way into which they have strayed—an empty street without a thoroughfare giving on the dark gardens of the Hospital—the lady would drop in her passionate entreaty, but ...
— No Thoroughfare • Charles Dickens and Wilkie Collins

... of my metaphysics, as you call them. Well, I'll drop the metaphysics and speak the honest truth." He stopped and faced round towards her, standing on the garden path. "Only, you must make ...
— Somehow Good • William de Morgan

... declare I object only to a connoisseur in swearing,—as I would do to a connoisseur in painting, &c. &c. the whole set of 'em are so hung round and befetish'd with the bobs and trinkets of criticism,—or to drop my metaphor, which by the bye is a pity—for I have fetch'd it as far as from the coast of Guiney;—their heads, Sir, are stuck so full of rules and compasses, and have that eternal propensity ...
— The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman • Laurence Sterne

... all the work while their ungallant lords and masters lie buried in sloth, the gentle sex in the valley of Typee were exempt from toil, if toil it might be called that, even in the tropical climate, never distilled one drop of perspiration. Their light household occupations, together with the manufacture of tappa, the platting of mats, and the polishing of drinking-vessels, were the only employments pertaining to the ...
— Typee - A Romance of the South Sea • Herman Melville

... extinguished the night was black as the pit Rahero set him to row, never a word he spoke, And the boat sang in the water urged by his vigorous stroke. - "What ails you?" the woman asked, "and why did you drop the brand? We have only to kindle another as soon as we come to land." Never a word Rahero replied, but urged the canoe. And a chill fell on the woman.—"Atta! speak! is it you? Speak! Why are you silent? Why do you bend aside? Wherefore steer to the seaward?" thus she panted and cried. ...
— Ballads • Robert Louis Stevenson

... goes well, but not for long. The position of the arms becomes fatiguing. You withdraw one from the book and commence again. But the utilized arm speedily grows weary, and the chances are that you drop the volume and go off to sleep, leaving gas, lamp, or candle alight—which is not very safe and not very healthy—nay, is positively unhealthy and unsafe. Perchance you try the effect of reclining on one side, leaning on one arm, and holding the book by means of the other. That, also, ...
— By-ways in Book-land - Short Essays on Literary Subjects • William Davenport Adams

... never shall one cooling drop To quench their burning tongues be giv'n. But I will praise thee here, and hope Thus to employ my tongue ...
— Divine Songs • Isaac Watts

... both hungry and thirsty, ate a little morsel of porridge out of each plate, and drank a drop or two of wine out of each mug, for she did not wish to take away the whole share of anyone. After that, because she was so tired, she laid herself down on one bed, but it did not suit; she tried another, but that ...
— Favorite Fairy Tales • Logan Marshall

... of her manner only added to Martha's anxiety and, as the afternoon wore on, she watched Lady Barbara's every move with ever-increasing alarm. Now and then her poor mistress would drop her needle, turn her face to the window, and look out into vacancy, her mouth quivering as if with some inward thought which she had neither the will nor the desire ...
— Felix O'Day • F. Hopkinson Smith

... those of "the perspiring frog" of Count Smorltork) to imitate his mercurial friend, and would finally drop exhausted ...
— The Adventures of Mr. Verdant Green • Cuthbert Bede

... become a serious question in aesthetics how far the spellbound reader may be tortured with an interest which the power awakening it is not adequate to gratify. Is it generous, is it just in a novelist, to lift us up to a pitch of tragic frenzy, and then drop us down into the last scene of a comic opera? We refuse to be comforted by the fact that the novelist does not, perhaps, consciously ...
— The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 18, No. 110, December, 1866 - A Magazine of Literature, Science, Art, and Politics • Various

... but a little green, flabby lump which no longer moved or spoke. Then she wrapped it in a cloth, as in a shroud, and she went out in her nightgown, barefoot; she crossed the dock, against which the choppy waves of the sea were beating, and she shook the cloth and let drop this little dead thing, which looked like so much grass. Then she returned, threw herself on her knees before the empty cage, and, overcome by what she had done, kneeled and prayed for forgiveness, as if she ...
— Une Vie, A Piece of String and Other Stories • Guy de Maupassant

... likeness between the two men—perhaps increased by the fact that the hooded lamps on the table left the figure behind the chair in shadow— struck Faxon the more because of the strange contrast in their expression. John Lavington, during his nephew's blundering attempt to drop the wax and apply the seal, continued to fasten on him a look of half-amused affection; while the man behind the chair, so oddly reduplicating the lines of his features and figure, turned on the boy a face ...
— Short Stories for English Courses • Various (Rosa M. R. Mikels ed.)

... Square. Walk along the right side of the square until you reach No. 219. You will read the number over the fanlight. Open the door and it will yield to you; there is no occasion to knock. The first door inside the hall leads to the dining-room. Walk into there and wait. Drop this card down the gutter ...
— The Crimson Blind • Fred M. White

... in an artificial tone, but taking a whip from the table and beating the butt-end of it on his palm. "You've a very good chance. I'd advise you to creep up her sleeve again: it 'ud be saving time, if Molly should happen to take a drop too much laudanum some day, and make a widower of you. Miss Nancy wouldn't mind being a second, if she didn't know it. And you've got a good-natured brother, who'll keep your secret well, because you'll be so very obliging ...
— Silas Marner - The Weaver of Raveloe • George Eliot

... but paused to look down at the loosened laces of her small white shoe. She heard Harry's racquet drop and saw him hurdle the net. In another instant he was at her feet ...
— The Perils of Pauline • Charles Goddard

... released and had to go to the house of the stranger, who was really the king of a neighbouring country, and be his servant. Before he had gone very far he met a woman carrying a child, which was crying from hunger. The prince took it from her, and fed it with his last crust of bread and last drop of water, and then gave it back to its mother. The woman thanked him gratefully, ...
— The Violet Fairy Book • Various

... and was willing to persevere to the last in the discharge of his duty, although he was by this time far advanced in life, and oppressed with deep grief But it appears as if the people had been bent upon emptying, to the last drop, the cup of divine wrath. Gedaliah is assassinated. Even those who did not partake in the crime fled to Egypt, disregarding the word of the Lord through the Prophet, who announced a curse upon them if they fled, but ...
— Christology of the Old Testament: And a Commentary on the Messianic Predictions. Vol. 2 • Ernst Hengstenberg

... extremely rapid circulation of air within the dry kiln itself and yet have stagnation within the individual piles, the air passing chiefly through open spaces and channels. Wherever stagnation exists or the movement of air is too sluggish the temperature will drop and the humidity increase, perhaps ...
— Seasoning of Wood • Joseph B. Wagner

... You could run the airship over some lake, or river, lower it as close as possible, and we could drop into the water. We can all swim and dive. You could drop us near shore, we could get out and make our way to the nearest town. That would leave you ...
— Dick Hamilton's Airship - or, A Young Millionaire in the Clouds • Howard R. Garis

... stress of storm and tragedy. But so fierce is the tempest that we wonder how the glad mood can prevail. And the sad envoi returns and will not be shaken off. The sharp clash of fugue is rung again and again, as if the cup must be drained to the drop. Indeed, the serious later strain does prevail, all but the final blare of the saucy call ...
— Symphonies and Their Meaning; Third Series, Modern Symphonies • Philip H. Goepp

... world. It made his fall less hideously intolerable to himself. In the bottom of his heart he knew that when drink and no money should finally force him to release his relaxing hold upon his fashionable clubs, upon luxurious attire and habits, he would suddenly and with accelerated speed drop into the abyss—We have all caught glimpses of that abyss—frayed fine linen cheaply laundered, a tie of one time smartness showing signs of too long wear, a suit from the best kind of tailor with shiny spot glistening here, patch peeping there, ...
— The Grain Of Dust - A Novel • David Graham Phillips

... jest and bitterness, has given him the sum of her musings on that moment when he decided to drop the nosegay. ...
— Browning's Heroines • Ethel Colburn Mayne

... in the cradle, put the baby in it, and drew it to the window and there she sat beside it, the night through, her hand on the broken hood. She had chosen a high, straight chair, so that she might be too uncomfortable to sleep, but she had no temptation to drop off. All her nerves were taut, her senses broad awake. She was ready, she knew, for anything. The night was peaceful, thrilled by little sounds of stirring life, and the house, whatever it guessed, had forgotten all about her. Toward three o'clock she suddenly lost her sense of vitality. She ...
— Old Crow • Alice Brown

... ourselves from turning and following it. A man can always choose his path if he cannot at every moment determine his company. And as a man goes onward and upward steadfastly toward the City of Light, the evil things fall off and drop behind, and God shall bring him where no evil thing dare follow, and where no ravenous beast shall ...
— The Threshold Grace • Percy C. Ainsworth

... down their arms and submit to the terms? Who shall believe that the free, proud American blood, which courses with as quick pulsation through their veins as our own, will not be spilled to the last drop ...
— The Great Conspiracy, Complete • John Alexander Logan

... "I'd been told that English people dropped their h's; but Brother Manby was the first I'd heard doing it, and it seemed too good to be true. You don't drop your h's; and nor ...
— Brother Copas • Sir Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch

... years after, it did not occur to Clare as strange that there should be even a drop of water in that water-but. Whence was it fed? There was no roof near, from which the rain might run into it. If there had ever been a pipe to supply it, surely, in a house so long forsaken, its continuity must have ...
— A Rough Shaking • George MacDonald

... in touch with people, Mr. Hodder," he managed to say. "I've been out of town a good deal this summer—putting on a little flesh, I'm sorry to admit. But I've been meaning to drop into the parish house and talk over those revised plans with you. I will drop in—in a day or two. I'm interested in the work, intensely interested, and so is Mrs. Plimpton. She'll help you. I'm sorry you can't ...
— The Crossing • Winston Churchill

... tears rained down his cheeks as he knelt before the great fierce-looking idol. "Alas! I am a dead man!" he moaned between his prayers; "a dead man, for now there is no hope. Would that I had never touched a drop of wine!" ...
— A Chinese Wonder Book • Norman Hinsdale Pitman

... supported by exports to the EU, primarily to Germany, and a strong recovery of foreign and domestic investment. Domestic demand is playing an ever more important role in underpinning growth as interest rates drop and the availability of credit cards and mortgages increases. Current account deficits of around 5% of GDP are beginning to decline as demand for Czech products in the European Union increases. Inflation is under control. ...
— The 2005 CIA World Factbook • United States. Central Intelligence Agency

... for the sake of Himself; it was a view old as the hills and the earth they were made of, being the paternal side of the simple primeval attitude of the man to the woman. And, seeing that the little property was a mere drop in the ocean of the Colonel's egoism, this view might be said to include the other as the greater includes the less. On either theory Frida Tancred was not supposed to have any rights, or, indeed, any substantial ...
— The Return of the Prodigal • May Sinclair

... "She would drop us down, very gently, at the nearest port, and make for the Unexplored! And yet, I don't know. That's the lovely and fascinating thing about Frida—that ...
— The Return of the Prodigal • May Sinclair

... sitting-room through the cocoanut matting and the thick carpet that covered it, which it defaced in great patches. Close to the fire the wires of the piano rusted, and had to be rubbed and rubbed every day, or half the notes went dumb. The paper, a rare luxury in those parts, began to drop from the walls. Great turf-fires were constantly kept up, but the damp stole a march on them when they smouldered in the night, and made mildew-marks ...
— The Beth Book - Being a Study of the Life of Elizabeth Caldwell Maclure, a Woman of Genius • Sarah Grand

... marvellous Quixotic antics dressed in satin and pearls and false hair as Queen Venus, and jousting in this costume with every knight between Venice and Styria, all for her honour and glory; pulls the gallant in a basket up to her window, and then lets him drop down into the moat which is no better than a sewer; this grotesque and tragically resented end of Ulrich's first love service speaks volumes on the point. The stones in Nostradamus' "Lives of the Troubadours," the incidents in Gottfried's "Tristan und ...
— Euphorion - Being Studies of the Antique and the Mediaeval in the - Renaissance - Vol. II • Vernon Lee

... advised you to do. That's why I have come. I told you yesterday, 'Make a row, act, scream. It is impossible that your father be alone guilty; attack M. de Thaller.' To-day, after mature deliberation, I say, 'Keep quiet, hide yourself, let the scandal drop.'" ...
— Other People's Money • Emile Gaboriau

... Rochefoucauld know what had happened to his books: it may well be believed that he also was astonished. This affair made great noise. My father, having truth on his side, wished to obtain public satisfaction from M. de la Rochefoucauld. Friends, however, interposed, and the matter was allowed to drop. But M. de la Rochefoucauld never pardoned my father; so true it is that we less easily forget the injuries we inflict than ...
— The Memoirs of Louis XIV., His Court and The Regency, Complete • Duc de Saint-Simon

... died for freedom. And yet no victim of those days, sleeping under the green sod, is more truly a martyr of Liberty than every murdered man whose bones lie bleaching in this summer sun upon the silent plains of Kansas. And so long as Liberty has one martyr, so long as one drop of blood is poured out for her, so long from that single drop of bloody sweat of the agony of humanity shall spring hosts as countless as the forest leaves and mighty as ...
— A Political History of the State of New York, Volumes 1-3 • DeAlva Stanwood Alexander

... the influence of liquor. When he left home that evening he had sworn to Annie that he would not touch a drop, but by the time he reached the Astruria his courage failed him. He rather feared Underwood, and he felt the need of a stimulant to brace him up for the "strike" he was about to make. The back door of a saloon was conveniently ...
— The Third Degree - A Narrative of Metropolitan Life • Charles Klein and Arthur Hornblow

Words linked to "Drop" :   forget, log, squander, plank down, sack, can, slump, misspend, drop forge, slough, hang, cast, precipitation, move, give birth, flump, recuperate, verbalise, skip over, depositary, exuviate, terminate, descent, discontinue, sphere, decrease, do drugs, come down, fatigue, verbalize, take away, give tongue to, wanton away, cut, quit, weary, bear, tear, pass over, plummet, poleax, express, displace, eat up, lumber, correction, autotomise, change posture, penny-pinch, curtain, economize, autotomize, plop, fall off, repository, jade, chop down, exhaust, waste, dump, depository, blow, formation, drug, withdraw, trifle away, deliver, fire, hiding place, remove, fade, put, molt, afford, deplete, tumble, sharpen, worsen, flump down, precipice, change, wharf, jump, piddle away, place, pall, athletics, alter, underspend, exfoliate, use up, sport, decrement, give the sack, take, elide, lose, force out, pay, plump down, sag down, ware, commit, wipe out, attend to, drape, utter, flag, plump, small indefinite amount, drop earring, lay out, swag, geological formation, mantle, deposit, descend, crag, stop, languish, gravitation, have, modify, plunge, eye-drop, cease, sag, eat, invest, skip, drop zone, nickel-and-dime, run through, loll, lay off, save, drapery, economise, poleaxe, pour, nolle pros, give the axe, abscise, music, nolle prosequi, birth, consume, give notice, tire, nol.pros., rot, small indefinite quantity, decline, plonk down, trifle, go down, droop, piddle, fall open, give up, wane, moult, wanton

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