"Dal" Quotes from Famous Books
... The latter is not much more than a handsome, over-plump young gondolier stripped and painted as he was—contemplating, if anything, himself. The figure is just as Vasari describes it, ritratto dal' vivo e senza artificio niuno. The royal saint of Alexandria is a sister in refined elegance of beauty and costume, as in cunning elaboration of coiffure, to the St. Catherine of the Madonna del Coniglio, and the not dissimilar figure in our own Holy Family with St. ... — The Earlier Work of Titian • Claude Phillips
... existence, being mentioned as officers of importance in the statutes of Westminster in the reign of Edward I. The art of accountancy on a scientific principle must certainly have been understood in Italy before 1495, when Friar Luca dal Borgo published at Venice his treatise on book-keeping; but the first known English book on the science was published in London by John Gouge or Gough in 1543. It is described as A Profitable Treatyce ... — Project Gutenberg Encyclopedia
... questi libri e alia mano sinistra di chi entra nel Palazzo contigua al vestibolo, o andito ... le fenestre ha volte a Tramontana, le quali per esser alte dal pavimento, ed in testa della stanza, e volte a parte di cielo che non ha sole, fanno un certo lume rimesso, il quale pare col non distraer la vista con la soverchia abbondanza della luce, che inviti ed inciti coloro rhe v'entrano ... — The Care of Books • John Willis Clark
... left the green bay tree behind. "Anyhow, I'd been devout enough, as far as sinning goes, for forty years. I wasn't even blessed with the chance to be anything else. Then a new parson came, an underdone young man with new fal-da-dal ideas. I wonder how soon he'd become a gargoyle? I defy him to stand out long against the cast-iron nonentity of that village. But he didn't take kindly either to me or my music. Hadn't any sens of humour at all. I don't know what I ever knew a clergyman who ... — Winding Paths • Gertrude Page
... to take a traveler to Lake Tinn, and as he didn't start until very late, I do not think he can get back to Dal before to-morrow." ... — Ticket No. "9672" • Jules Verne
... whole wreath of hills that went round the parish was made up of smaller and larger stones. In all the crevices she had planted forests of little spruce twigs, and with two jagged stones she had erected Klack Mountain and Olaf's Peak on either side of the Dal River. The long valley in between the mountains had been covered with mould taken from one of her mother's flowerpots. So far everything was all right, only she had not been able to make the galley blossom. But she comforted herself by pretending it was ... — Jerusalem • Selma Lagerlof
... several trips in the SHIKARAS or houseboats, shaded by red-embroidered canopies, coursing along the intricate channels of Dal Lake, a network of canals like a watery spider web. Here the numerous floating gardens, crudely improvised with logs and earth, strike one with amazement, so incongruous is the first sight of vegetables and melons growing in the midst of vast waters. ... — Autobiography of a YOGI • Paramhansa Yogananda
... l'etablissement de la vraie religion, et le mettent en droit d'exercer un pouvoir encore plus grand que celui qu'ont les role Catholiques sur les affaires ecclesiastiques dans les autres pays."—Barillon, July 12/22. 1686. To Adda His Majesty said, a few days later, "Che l'autorita concessale dal parlamento sopra l'Ecclesiastico senza alcun limite con fine contrario fosse adesso per servire al vantaggio de' medesimi ... — The History of England from the Accession of James II. - Volume 2 (of 5) • Thomas Babington Macaulay
... ystre Ystre ragno ar y anghat Angat gynghor e leuuer cat Cangen gaerwys Keui drillywys Tymor dymhestyl tymhestyl dymor E beri restyr rac riallu O dindywyt yn dyvu Wyt yn dy wovu Dwys yd wodyn Llym yt wenyn Llwyr genyn llu Ysgwyt rugyn Rac tarw trin Y dal vriw vu ... — Y Gododin - A Poem on the Battle of Cattraeth • Aneurin
... le 7,30, mentre Giuseppe Sciatti, di anni 55, di Casellina e Torri, passava dal Ponte Vecchio, stando seduto sopra un barroccio carico di verdura, perse l' equilibrio e cadde al suolo, rimanendo con la gamba destra sotto una ... — Innocents abroad • Mark Twain
... thereby thousands and thousands. Who lives not again in the heart of Alexander because of his royal beneficence? Who lives not again in the good King of Castile, or Saladin, or the good Marquis of Monferrat, or the good Count of Toulouse, or Beltramo dal Bornio, or Galasso da Montefeltro, when mention is made of their noble acts of courtesy and liberality? Certainly not only those who would do the same willingly, had they the power, but those even who would die before they would do it, bear love to ... — The Banquet (Il Convito) • Dante Alighieri
... but I must describe this lovely scene in the melodious language of the south. "Ciascuno di essi (says Cancellieri) recava in mano una di queste palme di color d'oro altissime e cadenti come tante vaghissime piume. Sei zitelle sostenevano de'galanti panieri di freschissimi fiori pendenti dal loro collo, con nastri bianchi e gialli, relativi allo stendardo Pontificio. Quindi tutti si schierarono in buon ordine sulle due ale delta strada, e mentre le ragazze versavano graziosamente a mani piene da' loro canestrelli la verzura ed i fiori, ... — The Ceremonies of the Holy-Week at Rome • Charles Michael Baggs
... hysgwyddau, fel codi Marchog Sir; ac yna ymaith a ni fel y gwynt, tros dai a thiroedd, dinasoedd a theyrnasoedd, a moroedd a mynyddoedd, heb allu dal sylw ar ddim, gan gyflymed yr oeddynt ... — Welsh Folk-Lore - a Collection of the Folk-Tales and Legends of North Wales • Elias Owen
... Facil declinazione; La vita poi in pratica, Storta congiugazione: Della vita lo spello dal mondo sciolto, Al mondo vivi, ... — The Eureka Stockade • Carboni Raffaello
... segue Pietro Nenni che invita i cittadini americani graditi e amati ospiti di Bologna a far conoscere ei loro connazionali il vero sentimento del populo d'Italia la sua fermezza nei pretendere cio che gli spetta di diritto. In attesa che quella giustizia che ci nega Wilson—conclude—ci venga dal popolo della libera America, noi gridiamo; Guai a chitocco i tre colori della bandiera italiana. * ... — Chit-Chat; Nirvana; The Searchlight • Mathew Joseph Holt
... takes a south-east bend and receives a river running into it at that bend. About one-quarter mile from it and nearer our camp another large running creek joins the Burdekin which I have called the Campbell after Dal. Campbell, Esquire, Melbourne. The larger one below, which is about one-third the width of the Burdekin but down which quite as great a supply of water is running, I have taken the liberty of calling the Bowen after His Excellency Sir G. Bowen, Governor of Queensland. ... — McKinlay's Journal of Exploration in the Interior of Australia • John McKinlay |