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Archaism   Listen

The use of an archaic expression.  Synonym: archaicism.

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"Archaism" Quotes from Famous Books

... a lawful pride in "fall," America need not boast the use of "gotten." The termination, which suggests either wilful archaism or useless slang, adds nothing of sense or sound to the word. It is like a piece of dead wood in a tree, and is better lopped off. Nor does the use of "bully" prove a wholesome respect for the past. It is true ...
— American Sketches - 1908 • Charles Whibley

... light armed infantry, had no shields, nor bronze helmets, nor spears, but slings and bows (XIII. 714). Mr. Leaf suspects that this is a piece of "false archaism," but we do not think that early poets in an uncritical age are ever archaeologists, good or bad. The poet is aware that some men have larger, some smaller shields, just as some have longer and some shorter spears (XIV. 370-377); but this does not prove that the shields were of different types. ...
— Homer and His Age • Andrew Lang

... interpenetrated with the new—the domestic and scientific with the ideal and sentimental. He dares, in every page, to make use of modern words and notions, from which the mingled clumsiness and archaism of his compeers shrinks, as unpoetical. Though, as we just said, his stage is an ideal fairyland, yet he has reached the ideal by the only true method—by bringing the Middle Age forward to the Present one, and not by ignoring the Present to fall back on a cold and galvanised Medievalism; and ...
— Literary and General Lectures and Essays • Charles Kingsley

... numerous imitations of Dante can be traced in it; and that to an acute student of early Italian prose its palpable quattrocentismo is only slightly veiled by a persistent affectation of fourteenth-century archaism. This argument from style seems the strongest that can be brought against the genuineness of the 'Chronicle'; for while it is possible that Dino may have made innumerable blunders about the events in ...
— Renaissance in Italy, Volume 1 (of 7) • John Addington Symonds

Words linked to "Archaism" :   pibgorn, stay, small, innocent, meretricious, base, scrivened, verbal, menstruum, mellowly, apopemptic, away, forth, convenient, dighted, perchance, mulatto, dowerless, bosom, heartless, amort, acold, compass, impulsive, mellow, strait, adust, dusky, complexion, abide, gildhall, proportionable, colored person, by chance, control, octoroon, archaicism, meed, hold, ambages, scriptural, tearaway, frore, palfrey, the halt, empiric, negro, quintessence, archaise, screw, privily, brotherly, corroborant, quadroon, thrown and twisted, expression, alienism, Negress, colored, leal, simple, blackamoor, caitiff, muchness, backward, bide, puissant, madcap, ether, feebleminded, air, fardel, half-witted, careful, stockhorn, hence, brainish, horary, dark-skinned, hornpipe, oriental, oriental person, sublime, formulation, swarthy, sooth, baseborn, hotheaded, impetuous, thrown, slow-witted, instancy, swart, negroid, verily, fire, archaistic, earth, uplifted, off, archaize, water, empirical, commodious, curtal

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