Words linked to "Archaicism" : Negress, horary, oriental person, archaistic, by chance, gildhall, forth, muchness, the halt, ether, backward, convenient, verily, meed, octoroon, water, meretricious, empirical, quadroon, control, strait, sublime, commodious, expression, oriental, stay, compass, feebleminded, pibgorn, hence, apopemptic, amort, away, puissant, colored person, simple, alienism, scriptural, half-witted, sooth, hold, thrown, mulatto, curtal, madcap, corroborant, perchance, menstruum, thrown and twisted, innocent, mellowly, archaism, scrivened, caitiff, swart, impetuous, air, off, verbal, careful, frore, ambages, brotherly, acold, dighted, hornpipe, proportionable, base, privily, bide, fire, complexion, colored, formulation, palfrey, mellow, bosom, stockhorn, uplifted, empiric, dowerless, quintessence, tearaway, leal, fardel, earth, adust, baseborn, slow-witted, abide, impulsive, brainish, swarthy, hotheaded, dusky, dark-skinned, small, heartless |