"Abnormality" Quotes from Famous Books
... over again as she climbed the stairs to Ward C on the 30th of April, her heart glowing warm with the memory of this man who had first understood; who had freed her mind from the abnormality of her body and the stigma of her heritage; who had made it possible for her to live wholesomely and deeply; and who had set her feet upon a joyous mission. For the thousandth time ... — The Primrose Ring • Ruth Sawyer
... expression almost wholly to outside influences. Professor Morgan, for example, has found a strain of fruit flies whose offspring in cold weather are usually born with supernumerary legs. In hot weather they are practically normal. If this strain were bred only in the tropics, the abnormality would probably not be noticed; on the other hand, if it were bred only in cold regions, it would be set down as one characterized by duplication of limbs. The heredity factor would be the same in each case, the difference in appearance ... — Applied Eugenics • Paul Popenoe and Roswell Hill Johnson
... my brain. A madness descended upon me. It was the madness of abnormality. I saw Alan with two dwarfed figures clinging to him. But he threw them off, ... — Beyond the Vanishing Point • Raymond King Cummings
... it appears objectively more pernicious than the lying, but it is an expression of the same tendency. The most striking form of this type of conduct is, of course, self-accusation. Mendacious self- impeachment seems especially convincing of abnormality. Such falsification not infrequently ... — Pathology of Lying, Etc. • William and Mary Healy
... in an abnormal family environment, whether that abnormality arises from the birth of the child or the maladjusted personality of a parent, is the type of child which may later seek compensation in irregular sexual behaviour. But the child who, during its early years, lives in an environment where it feels secure, loved, ... — Report of the Special Committee on Moral Delinquency in Children and Adolescents - The Mazengarb Report (1954) • Oswald Chettle Mazengarb et al.
... order the better to enforce his argument, departs, if we may so express it, from his argument. In fact, the precept which makes it a rule sometimes to disregard rules, is a mystery of the art which it is not easy to make men understand who are absolutely without taste and whom a sort of abnormality of mind renders insensible to those ... — Prefaces and Prologues to Famous Books - with Introductions, Notes and Illustrations • Charles W. Eliot
... to the original circle. He saw the colossal selfishness of his act; but he could not beg off on the plea of abnormality. He had been ill; no matter about that: he recollected every thought that had led up to it and every act that had consummated ... — The Ragged Edge • Harold MacGrath
... antipathetic to its needs. Combative effort was grown impossible to him, as in time it will grow to you all. You drop from the world like dead flies from a wall. He could not physic his soul with woods, and groves, and waters. To his perceptions, life was become an abnormality—a disease of which he sickened, as you all must when the last of the fever of aggression has been diluted out of your veins. You die of your triumph, as the bee dies of his own weapon of offence; and you can find no antidote to the poison in the nature ... — At a Winter's Fire • Bernard Edward J. Capes
... the adults have abnormal feet. The most common and most striking abnormality is that known as "fa'-wing"; it is an inturning of the great toe. Fa'-wing occurs in all stages from the slightest spreading to that approximating forty-five degrees. It is found widely scattered among the barefoot mountain tribes of northern Luzon. The people ... — The Bontoc Igorot • Albert Ernest Jenks
... Thorndyke. "And that is just my position and my line of action. Here is a case which is perfectly regular and straightforward excepting in one respect. It has a single abnormal feature. And for that abnormality there is nothing ... — The Mystery of 31 New Inn • R. Austin Freeman
... disease; they may be supposed the weak links in the constitutional chain, and can no more be made stronger than the constitutional design than can the body as a whole. By whatever means brain power is lessened abnormality is incited in the weak parts; hence gradually from the original weakness there is a summing up, as a bronchial or nasal catarrh, or other acute or chronic local ... — The No Breakfast Plan and the Fasting-Cure • Edward Hooker Dewey
... Eben sipped brandy and indulged his abnormality. For him, weaving certainties out of the tenuous threads of hallucination, there developed the spaciousness and ... — The Tyranny of Weakness • Charles Neville Buck
... himself at Manresa. The psychological soundness of Loyola's method is found in his discovery that the best way to win a man to an ideal is to kindle his imagination. His own thought was imaginative to the verge of abnormality and the means which he took to awaken and artificially to stimulate this faculty in his followers were drastic in ... — The Age of the Reformation • Preserved Smith |
Words linked to "Abnormality" : hypervitaminosis, acephaly, megalohepatia, foetal distress, microcephaly, hydrocephalus, retardation, aneuploidy, deviation, brachydactyly, pneumothorax, lagophthalmos, wryneck, fetal distress, microbrachia, dysplasia, gynecomastia, regression, acromikria, anomaly, mental retardation, hydrocephaly, microcephalus, pachycheilia, hepatomegaly, untypicality, cryptorchidy, subnormality, atresia, acardia, phimosis, varix, strangeness, megacephaly, sequela, spinal curvature, palmature, feeblemindedness, inversion, aberrancy, transposition, asynclitism, anomalousness, megalocephaly, misbehaviour, heterotaxy, retroversion, irritation, squint, abnormal, progeria, ectrodactyly, acephalia, fixation, physiological state, unfamiliarity, misbehavior, mental abnormality, retroflection, obliquity, infantile fixation, strabismus, deviated septum, acromicria, acromphalus, torticollis, amastia, anorchism, anorchidism, physical condition, aberration, hydatid mole, slowness, infantilism, hypospadias, normality, nanocephaly, backwardness, aberrance, cryptorchism, hydatidiform mole, deviance, dextrocardia, atypicality, anorchia, arrested development, molar pregnancy, brachydactylia, hydramnios, physiological condition, nanophthalmos, erethism, acorea, abrachia, macrocephaly, irregularity, freakishness, macrencephaly, acephalism, cryptorchidism, retroflexion, misdeed, cyclopia |
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