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Werke   Listen
Werke, Werk  v.  See Work. (Obs.)

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Werke" Quotes from Famous Books

... HANBALI. Auszug aus dem Werke: Deutliche Darstellung ueber den erlaubten Gebrauch des Kaffee's; aus dem Arabischen von Sontheimer. Wissenschaftliche Annalen der gesammten ...
— All About Coffee • William H. Ukers

... called Strotbeker, by force of armes, and by the assistance of the men of Wismer and Rostok, and others of the Hans, did vpon the Sea neere vnto Norway, wickedly and vniustly take from Iohn Tutteburie, fiue pieces of waxe, foure hundred of werke, and halfe a last of osmundes, and other goods, to the value of ...
— The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, - and Discoveries of The English Nation, v5 - Central and Southern Europe • Richard Hakluyt

... Leib ein Wohl ergehen So treib es mich zum Dank dafur; Last du mich deine Werke sehen, So sey mein Ruhmen stets von dir; Und find ich in der Welt nicht Ruh, So steig mein Schmen ...
— We Two • Edna Lyall

... were one of the gentyll blode Conuayde to yomanry for nourysshement Dyscrecyon comen he sholde chaunge his mode Though he knewe not / his parentes verament Yet nature wolde werke / so by entendyment That he sholde folowe / the condycyons doubtles Of his true blode / by ...
— The coforte of louers - The Comfort of Lovers • Stephen Hawes

... y wyl I werke, And pass from joy to peyne and smerte. Now I am a devyl full derke, That was an angel bryght. Now to Helle the way I take, In endless peyn'y to be put; For fere of fyr apart I quake In Helle dongeon my dene ...
— The Parish Clerk (1907) • Peter Hampson Ditchfield

... or figures. Patrone, forme to werke by. Prompt. Parvul. MS. Harl. 221. There is probably here an allusion to the waxen or wooden effigies placed on the hearse ...
— A Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany, Volume One • Thomas Frognall Dibdin

... priest of Yorke, and now of Colchester, greeteth well Iohn Namelesse, and Iohn the Miller, and Iohn Carter, and biddeth them that they beware of guyle in borough, and stand together in Gods name, and biddeth Piers Ploweman goe to his werke, and chastise well Hob the robber, [probably the king,] and take with you Iohn Trewman, and all his fellows, and ...
— The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. IV. (of 12) • Edmund Burke

... 199 of Vol. I. begins a division of the work, entitled by the author "Chorische Werke." In previous chapters, Beethoven's pianoforte compositions-sonatas, trios, the quintett, etc., up to Op. 54, exclusive of the concertos for that instrument and orchestra-have been treated. In this we have a very pleasing account of the gradual progress of the composer from the concerto ...
— Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 5, No. 30, April, 1860 • Various

... Compare Cicero, Parad. VI. The dominant idea of the so-called Mercantile System is thus expressed in a Saxon pamphlet of 1530 (Muentzbelangende Antwort, etc.): "Money is the real watchword; where there is much money, there is wealth, it is clear." Compare Luther, Werke, Irmisch edition, XXII, p. 200 seq. See some excellent remarks in opposition hereto, in the Saxon pamphlet, Gemeyne Stimmen von der Muentz, 1530. Schroeder, Fuerstliche Schatz-und Rentkammer, 1686, ch XXIX. "A country ...
— Principles Of Political Economy • William Roscher

... us unrychteouse.—For yf any werke maid us unrychteouse, then the contrarie werkis wold maik us rychteouse. Butt it is provin, that no werkis can maik us righteouse: Ergo, no ...
— The Works of John Knox, Vol. 1 (of 6) • John Knox

... :notwork: /not'werk/ n. A network, when it is acting {flaky} or is {down}. Compare {nyetwork}. Said at IBM to have orig. referred to a particular period of flakiness on IBM's VNET corporate network, ca. 1988; but there are independent reports of ...

... Josaphathe, is a welle, that is clept Natatorium Siloe; and there was oure Lord wasshen, aftre his bapteme: and there made oure Lord the blynd man to see. And there was y buryed Ysaye the prophete. Also streghte from Natatorie Siloe, is an ymage of ston, and of olde auncyen werk, that Absalon leet make: and because there of, men clepen it the head of Absalon. And faste by, is zit the tree of eldre, that Judas henge him self upon, for despeyr that he hadde, whan he solde and betrayed oure Lord. ...
— The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries - of the English Nation. v. 8 - Asia, Part I. • Richard Hakluyt

... That as me tought by myn inspection I gan meruaylle hou god or werk of kynde Mighten of beaute suche a tresour fynde To yeuen hir so passing excellence For in good fait[h] thurg[h] her hye presence The temple was ensumyned enuyron And forto speke of her condicion ...
— The Temple of Glass • John Lydgate

... it seme to y^e reders a thing worthy to be loked on / & y^t your lordshyp & they think nat my labour take[n] in vayne: I wyll assay my selfe in y^e other partes / & so make & ac- co[m]plyssh y^e hole werk. But now I haue fo[-] lowed y^e facion of Tulli / who made a seue[-] rall werke of inuencion. And though ma- ny thynges be left out of this treatyse that ought to be spoken of / yet I suppose that this shall be sufficyent for ...
— The Art or Crafte of Rhetoryke • Leonard Cox

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