"Thumper" Quotes from Famous Books
... there would be something deeply attractive in the sombre, archaic style, and icy violence of Sallust. How thankful we ought to be that the historian, with his long sonorous words—flagitiosorum ac facinorosorum—did not make of our perfervid apothecary a mere tub-thumper of Corinthian prose! ... — Henrik Ibsen • Edmund Gosse
... and Yellow Champagne, Wilmot's Early Red, Golden Drop, Ironmonger, and Warrington Red for dessert; while for preserving and culinary purposes Old Rough Red, Conquering Hero, Favourite, Broom Girl, British Crown, Ironsides, Lady Leicester, Thumper, Green Walnut, Leader, and Moreton Hero may be classed among the leading varieties. When grown in bush form ample room must be allowed between each to enable one to get round the bushes to gather ... — Gardening for the Million • Alfred Pink |