"Tenpenny" Quotes from Famous Books
... girl. She could cook anything on earth or in the waters underneath the earth, and she proved it by trying to mix tenpenny nails with the ... — You Should Worry Says John Henry • George V. Hobart
... of authority, he endeavoured to loosen her hold from the carriage, that they might escape from her by driving on. This, however, could hardly be achieved without some degree of violence; Madge held fast, and renewed her frantic entreaties to be permitted to cut down her mother. "It was but a tenpenny tow lost," she said, "and what was that to a woman's life?" There came up, however, a parcel of savage-looking fellows, butchers and graziers chiefly, among whose cattle there had been of late a very general and fatal distemper, which their wisdom imputed to witchcraft. ... — The Heart of Mid-Lothian, Complete, Illustrated • Sir Walter Scott |