"Strychnos" Quotes from Famous Books
... Gardenia ? sp Pavetta ? sp. Canthium, cf. C. Heudelotii, cf. Virecta procumbens, Hiern.; Sm. Seven imperfect Rubiaceae (Mussaendae, & c.). Diospyros sp.? (corolla wanting). Ranwolfia Senegambiae, A. DC. Tabernaemontana sp. in fruit. Apocynacea, fragment, in fruit. Two species of Strychnos in fruit: one with 1-seeded fruit singular and probably new; the other a plant collected by Barter. Ipomaea paniculata, Br. Physalis minima, L. Datura Stramonium ? scrap. Clerodendronscandens, Beauv. Brillantaisia owariensis, Beauv. Lankesteria Barteri, ... — To The Gold Coast for Gold, Vol. II - A Personal Narrative • Richard Francis Burton and Verney Lovett Cameron |