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Spight   Listen
Spight  n., v.  Spite. (Obs.)

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Spight" Quotes from Famous Books

... passage cut through open field, And the full banks with Nectar swell'd Doe drowne the flowrie plaine. The glad Corne in the restles stalke Waves, and the fields as wee doe walke, So fruitfull reele, to any balke The Heat no spight doth owe. The Herdsmans Pipe to's wandring Goats, Provokes the Grashoppers hoarse notes; The tyred Herd with strayned throats, Makes Hills and ...
— The Odes of Casimire, Translated by G. Hils • Mathias Casimire Sarbiewski

... a shrewd temptation that the chopping-knife is so near. His weapons, ofter offensive, are a mess of hot broth and scalding water, and woe be to him that comes in his way. In the kitchen he will domineer and rule the roast in spight of his master, and curses in the very dialect of his calling. His labour is meer blustering and fury, and his speech like that of sailors in a storm, a thousand businesses at once; yet, in all this tumult, ...
— Microcosmography - or, a Piece of the World Discovered; in Essays and Characters • John Earle

... Rinaldo's speaking of the Conversation with his Heart, and found hers would be tattling to her, if she would give way to it; and yet the more she strove to avoid it, the more it importun'd her, and in spight of all her Resistance, would tell her, that Rinaldo had a thousand Charms: It tells her, that he loves and adores her, and that she would be the most cruel of her Sex, should she not be sensible of his Passion. She finds ...
— The Works of Aphra Behn - Volume V • Aphra Behn

... as necessary to real Happiness to love Wine, as it is to be Religious; and a Man of Euphranor's Capacity had a Mind to be Nicanor's Advocate, and maintain, that the Love of Wine was the Motive of his Industry, in Spight of all the Appearances to the Contrary; if, I say, a Man had a Mind to maintain this, and had Euphranor's Capacity, he might make a great Shew for his Client, without the Learning of Crito, and would certainly baffle ...
— A Letter to Dion • Bernard Mandeville

... his "long, dismal, Mercy-begging Face," to go on and apologise. Macklin then pretends to recognise him among the audience, and pokes fun at his anxieties, telling him that he had better have stuck to "honest Abram Adams," who, "in spight of Critics, can make his Readers laugh." The words "in spite of critics" indicate another distinction between Fielding's novels and plays, which should have its weight in any comparison of them. The censors of the pit, in the eighteenth century, ...
— Fielding - (English Men of Letters Series) • Austin Dobson

... in the houses dwell, A happie yeare, and every thing to spring and prosper well: Here have they peares, and plumbs, and pence, ech man gives willinglee, For these three nightes are alwayes thought, unfortunate to bee; Wherein they are afrayde of sprites and cankred witches' spight, And dreadfull devils blacke and grim, that then ...
— Christmas in Ritual and Tradition, Christian and Pagan • Clement A. Miles

... thy shirt on warm? will these moist trees That have out-liv'd the eagle, page thy heels, And skip when thou point'st out? will the cold brook, Candied with ice, caudle thy morning taste To cure thy o'er-night's surfeit? Call the creatures, Whose naked natures live in all the spight Of wreakful heav'n, whose bare unhoused trunks, To the conflicting elements expos'd, Answer mere nature, bid ...
— Characters of Shakespeare's Plays • William Hazlitt

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