"Sopra" Quotes from Famous Books
... Italian Dissertations, tom. i. p. 444) che nell' anno 1727, una copia desso Caroccio in marmo dianzi ignoto si scopri, nel campidoglio, presso alle carcere di quel luogo, dove Sisto V. l'avea falto rinchiudere. Stava esso posto sopra quatro colonne di marmo fino colla sequente inscrizione, &c.; to the same purpose as the ... — The History of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire - Volume 6 • Edward Gibbon
... The chief harmony is here one of dark blue, myrtle green, and white, setting off flesh delicately rosy, the whole enframed in the luminous half-gloom of a background shot through here and there with gleams of light. Vasari described how Titian painted, ottimamente con un braccio sopra un gran pezzo d' artiglieria, the Duke Alfonso, and how he portrayed, too, the Signora Laura, who afterwards became the wife of the duke, che e opera stupenda. It is upon this foundation, and a certain real or fancied resemblance between the cavalier who in the background ... — The Earlier Work of Titian • Claude Phillips
... l'Ammiraglio dallo scoprimento di Cuba and di Giamaica, torno nella Spagnuola Bartolomeo Colon suo fratello, quello, che era gia andato a trattare accordo col Re d'Inghilterra sopra lo scoprimento delle Indie, come di sopra habiam detto. Questo poi, ritornando sene verso Castiglia con capitoli conceduti, haueua inteso a Parigi dal re Carlo di Francia, l'Ammiraglio suo fratello hauer gia scorperte l'Indie: per che gli souenne per poter far il Viaggio di cento scudi. ... — The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of The English Nation, Vol. XII., America, Part I. • Richard Hakluyt
... sources, the written record and tradition. To write books in explanation of their system of instruction does not seem to have occurred to the earliest exponents of the art of Voice Culture. The first published work on the subject was that of Pietro Francesco Tosi, Osservazione sopra il Canto figurato, brought out in Bologna in 1723. This was translated into English by M. Galliard, and published in London in 1742; a German translation by J. F. Agricola was issued in 1757. The present work will call for ... — The Psychology of Singing - A Rational Method of Voice Culture Based on a Scientific Analysis of All Systems, Ancient and Modern • David C. Taylor
... poi ci sara sul piu alto pinacolo del Prato Fiorite. Ma al pie del viattolo e un inciampo! e l'occhio sconfortato scorge la livrea di un groom e da un lato una sentimentale Lady, che si e arrampiccata piu lassa e prosaicamente seduta sulla sua sedia portatile sta scrivendo una lettera sopra un foglio a vignetta. L' Italiano continua ad ascendere ... e giunte alla vetta ... all' amplissima libera vista, il cuore dell' Italiano batte piu forte ... la mente s' esalta, e i piu energici pensieri vi bollono.... ... — Notes and Queries, Number 189, June 11, 1853 • Various
... necessary it was that the singer should be a bard. His verses ranged over a large field. They were philosophic, patriotic, amorous. There are odes, lyrics, satires, songs; many very beautiful and feeling; all noble and earnest. His three poems, "All' Italia," "Sopra il Monumento di Dante," "A Angelo Mai," gave him a national reputation. They touch the chords to which he always responded—patriotism, poetry, learning, a national idealism bearing aloft an enormous weight of ... — The Poems of Giacomo Leopardi • Giacomo Leopardi
... to want and ability to pay; and his deserves to be called the immediate predecessor of Hermann's remarkable theory. (Hermann, Staatsw. Untersuchungen, 66 ff.) For a peculiar theory of prices, see Paganini, Saggio sopra il giusto Pregio delle Cose, 189 ff. Neri, Osservazioni, 1751, 127. Gust. Menger, Grundsaetze, I, 179 ff., has made an interesting attempt to explain the formation of prices in its simplest shape, in the supposition ... — Principles Of Political Economy • William Roscher
... D. Sopra una frequente sofistcazione del caffe in polyere. Atti della reale Accademia dei Fisiocritici di Siena, ... — All About Coffee • William H. Ukers |