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Solidify   Listen
Solidify  v. t.  (past & past part. solidified; pres. part. solidifying)  To make solid or compact. "Every machine is a solidified mechanical theorem."

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Solidify" Quotes from Famous Books

... Remember and ponder these three words, and you will in due time become a moral philosopher. Ponder and practise them, and you will become what is infinitely better—a moral man. For acts, often repeated, gradually become habits, and habits, long enough continued, settle and harden and solidify into character. And thus it is that the severe and laconic bishop has so often made us shudder as he demonstrated it to us that we are all with our own hands shaping our character not only for this world, but much more for the world to come, by ...
— Bunyan Characters - First Series • Alexander Whyte

... potash, and thus loses its latent heat; this is the heat that you now feel, and which is, therefore, produced not by the melting of the solid, but by the solidification of the fluid. But when there is more water than the potash can absorb and solidify, the latter then yields to the solvent power of the water; and if we do not perceive the cold produced by its melting, it is because it is counterbalanced by the heat ...
— Conversations on Chemistry, V. 1-2 • Jane Marcet

... night would be following each other so quickly that soon the day would only be a flicker of light, till, when the week became equal to one second of the Spectator's time, day and night would disappear as separate phenomena; then the week, the month, and the year would in turn flicker, solidify, or become continuous, and disappear with all the multitudinous events contained therein; human life would then be affected, would flicker, and follow the same course; to the Spectator the birth of each individual would become coincident ...
— Science and the Infinite - or Through a Window in the Blank Wall • Sydney T. Klein

... the utter blankness of oblivion he first dreamed that he was alternately swimming through a rough sea and rocking in a wave-tossed boat—— A gush of water dashed into his face—then the sea appeared to solidify into dry sand. He became conscious that Carmena was violently rolling him from side to side and slapping his face. She paused in this punishment to pump his arms above his head, forcing the air in and out ...
— Bloom of Cactus • Robert Ames Bennet

... truths, which have been held up by these reformers, that are gradually being accepted and infused into the life of modern society; and their recognition will help to solidify and purify democratic ...
— Household Papers and Stories • Harriet Beecher Stowe

... snowflakes of winter came. Needles of ice began to shoot across the surface of Red River, and gradually narrowed its bed. Crystalline trees formed upon the window-panes. Icicles depended from the eaves of the houses. Snow fell in abundance on the plains; liquid nature began rapidly to solidify, and not many weeks after the first frost made its appearance everything was (as the settlers expressed ...
— The Young Fur Traders • R.M. Ballantyne

... canals and consequently different organs; to cause these canals, as well as the organs, to vary on account of the diversity both of the movements and of the nature of the fluids which give rise to them; finally to enlarge, elongate, to gradually divide and solidify [the walls of] these canals and these organs by the matters which form and incessantly separate the fluids which are there in movement, and one part of which is assimilated and added to the organs, while the other is rejected ...
— Lamarck, the Founder of Evolution - His Life and Work • Alpheus Spring Packard

... the globe. All substances when heated occupy more space than they do when cold. Water, which expands when freezing, is the only exception to this rule. The first effect of cooling the surface of our planet must have been to solidify it, and thus to form a film or crust over it. That crust would shrink as the cooling process went on; in consequence of the shrinking, wrinkles and folds would arise upon it, and here and there, where the tension was too great, ...
— Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 11, No. 65, March, 1863 • Various

... carry the ford and to seize the long and deep defile on the left or east bank through which the main column would have to advance. Wright was to lead the infantry, closely followed by Emory, who, in order to solidify the movement, was instructed to take his orders from Wright after reaching the ford. Crook, coming in from his more distant position, would naturally fall in the rear of the others, and he was to mass his men in reserve, covering ...
— History of the Nineteenth Army Corps • Richard Biddle Irwin

... means of communication ashore, it is also a barrier. By winning command of the sea we remove that barrier from our own path, thereby placing ourselves in position to exert direct military pressure upon the national life of our enemy ashore, while at the same time we solidify it against him and prevent his exerting ...
— Some Principles of Maritime Strategy • Julian Stafford Corbett

... warring in their aims and desires than acting as one. Never have they acted as one. Organized labor represents but a fraction of labor as a whole. Some more or less spectacular action on the part of capital against labor always tends to solidify the organized workers. They are potentially like-minded in specific instances. Otherwise the interests of the carpenters' union tends to overshadow the interests of the A. F. of L. as a whole; the interests of the A. F. of L. tend most ...
— Working With the Working Woman • Cornelia Stratton Parker

... are, however, two pieces of chiaroscuro implied in the treatment of the pig. It is assumed that his curly tail would be light against the background—dark against his own rump. This little piece of heraldic quartering is absolutely necessary to solidify him. He would have been a white ghost of a pig, flat on the background, but for that alternative tail, and the bits of dark behind the ears. Secondly: Where the shade is necessary to suggest the ...
— Ariadne Florentina - Six Lectures on Wood and Metal Engraving • John Ruskin

... city grown stern and audible, grown verbose and insistent, speaks aloud in the courts. And here huddled on benches are the little troupes of mummers who have committed crimes. The mysterious sprinkling of marionettes not wound up by the watchmaker. Names that solidify for a moment into the ink headlines. Lusts, dreams, greeds, and manias sitting sad-faced and dolorous-eyed listening to a drone and a gurgle of words. Alas! The evil-doers and the doers of good bear a fatuous resemblance to each other. ...
— Erik Dorn • Ben Hecht

... also the remedy. Within a few months, under his direction, English troops were in every part of the world, and English ships of war were sailing every ocean, to recover the slipping elements and to solidify the British Empire. Just as Pitt was taking up his residence at Downing Street, Robert Clive was winning the Battle of Plassey in India, which brought to England territory of untold wealth. Two years later ...
— George Washington • William Roscoe Thayer

Words linked to "Solidify" :   natural philosophy, crystalize, jell, crystallize, solid, physics, consolidate, set, change integrity, freeze down, solidifying

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