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Sine   Listen
Sine  n.  (Trig.)
The length of a perpendicular drawn from one extremity of an arc of a circle to the diameter drawn through the other extremity.
The perpendicular itself. See Sine of angle, below.
Artificial sines, logarithms of the natural sines, or logarithmic sines.
Curve of sines. See Sinusoid.
Natural sines, the decimals expressing the values of the sines, the radius being unity.
Sine of an angle, in a circle whose radius is unity, the sine of the arc that measures the angle; in a right-angled triangle, the side opposite the given angle divided by the hypotenuse. See Trigonometrical function, under Function.
Versed sine, that part of the diameter between the sine and the arc.

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"Sine" Quotes from Famous Books

... dicunt malivoli, homines nobiles hunc adiutare adsidueque una scribere, quod illi maledictum vehemens esse existumant: eam laudem hic ducit maxumam, quom illis placet qui vobis univorsis et populo placent, quorum opera in bello, in otio, in negotio suo quisque tempore usust sine superbia." ...
— The Student's Companion to Latin Authors • George Middleton

... if he demand attention from any mathematician, is bound to produce, from his construction, an expression for the sine or cosine of the third part of any angle, in terms of the sine or cosine of the angle itself, obtained by help of no higher than the square root. The mathematician knows that such a thing cannot be; but the trisector virtually says ...
— A Budget of Paradoxes, Volume II (of II) • Augustus de Morgan

... pertinence in this couplet: but that is not a sine qua non amongst Arabs. Perhaps, however, the Princess understands that she is in a gorgeous prison and relieves her heart by a ...
— Supplemental Nights, Volume 5 • Richard F. Burton

... porticu cingitur. Parietes ejus intrinsecus vestiti crustis marmoris varii quadratis, ita inter se conjunctis ut distinguantur ab immo sursum versus modulis astragalorum, aliorum baccatorum, aliorum ter etiam sine baccis. Supra quadratas crustas discurrunt tres fasciae et tres velut astragali, quorum duo teretes, supremus quadratus velut regula. Supra fasciam, denticuli; supra denticulos, folia Corinthia. Denique marmor sic mensulis distinguitur ut in commissuris ...
— Byzantine Churches in Constantinople - Their History and Architecture • Alexander Van Millingen

... nevertheless persisted in it doggedly. "I know I'm a fool," said he; "and what's more, the girl does not care for me; but marry her I must, or I think I shall just die: and marry her I will." For very much to the credit of Miss Catherine's modesty, she had declared that marriage was with her a sine qua non, and had dismissed, with the loudest scorn and indignation, all propositions of ...
— Catherine: A Story • William Makepeace Thackeray

... granted away his Right; then is he said to be OBLIGED, or BOUND, not to hinder those, to whom such Right is granted, or abandoned, from the benefit of it: and that he Ought, and it his DUTY, not to make voyd that voluntary act of his own: and that such hindrance is INJUSTICE, and INJURY, as being Sine Jure; the Right being before renounced, or transferred. So that Injury, or Injustice, in the controversies of the world, is somewhat like to that, which in the disputations of Scholers is called Absurdity. For as it ...
— Leviathan • Thomas Hobbes

... Mr. Parr glanced at Nelson Langmaid as he sat down. Innumerable had been the meetings of financial boards at which Mr. Parr had glanced at Langmaid, who had never failed to respond. He was that sine qua non of modern affairs, a corporation lawyer,—although he resembled a big and genial professor of Scandinavian extraction. He wore round, tortoise-shell spectacles, he had a high, dome-like forehead, and an ample light brown beard which he stroked from time to time. ...
— The Crossing • Winston Churchill

... their own members or outsiders, provided that the person chosen was a voter and twenty-five years of age. When the Parliament met, which it did on the first day of January, and adjourned on the first of March, sine die, the Ministers presented their reports of their work for the previous two years, and if the Parliament approved them, they continued in office; but if the Parliament by a majority vote disapproved of any of them, then the Minister resigned and the ...
— Eurasia • Christopher Evans

... medium Sol attigit orbem, Et totum jubar explicuit: quum creber ad auras Auditur fragor, et volucres per inania coeli Hinc atque hinc fugiunt nubes: dant flumina murmur Insolitum, vastaeque tremunt sine flamine sylvae. Obstupuere omnes: subito quum lumine nimbus Signat iter coelo, et radiis totum aethera complet: Collesque fluviique micant, pulsisque tenebris Laetantur sylvae: veluti quum Luna coruscam Extendit per aperta facem. Sacer erubuit Sol, Agnovitque Deum, densisque ...
— Gustavus Vasa - and other poems • W. S. Walker

... double alternation; a change from one direction to the other and back again to the original phase. A symbol derived from its graphic representation by a sine curve is used to indicate it. The ...
— The Standard Electrical Dictionary - A Popular Dictionary of Words and Terms Used in the Practice - of Electrical Engineering • T. O'Conor Slone

... gradus est obedientia sine mora. Haec convenit iis, qui nihil sibi Christo carius aliquid existimant: propter servitium sanctum, quod professi sunt, seu propter metum gehennae, vel gloriam vitae aeternae, mox ut aliquid imperatum a majore ...
— Continental Monthly, Volume 5, Issue 4 • Various

... the conclusion of Col. Nugent's address the resolutions were adopted unanimously and the convention adjourned sine die. ...
— The Journal of Negro History, Volume 4, 1919 • Various

... follows in a letter from "Boonvill Missouria" to the governor of Georgia: "Mr. Coob Dear Sir I have Embrast this oppertuniny of Riting a few Lines to you to inform you that I am sold as a Slave for 14 hundard dolars By the man that came to you Last may and told you a Pack of lies to get you to Sine the warrant that he Brought that warrant was a forged as I have heard them say when I was Coming on to this Countrey and Sir I thought that I would write and see if I could get you to do any thing for me in the way of Getting me my ...
— American Negro Slavery - A Survey of the Supply, Employment and Control of Negro Labor as Determined by the Plantation Regime • Ulrich Bonnell Phillips

... morning evacuation is considered, in the East, a sine qua non of health; and old Anglo-Indians are unanimous in their opinion of the "bard fajar" (as they mispronounce the dawn-clearance). The natives of India, Hindus (pagans) and Hindis (Moslems), unlike Europeans, accustom themselves to evacuate twice a day, evening ...
— The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, Volume 3 • Richard F. Burton

... even if the last is more natural to the soil. For, as Dr. Rochecliffe informed her afterwards for her edification, promising, as was his custom, to explain the precise words on some future occasion, if she would put him in mind—Virtus rectorem ducemque desiderat; Vitia sine magistro discuntur. [Footnote: The quotations of the learned doctor and antiquary were often left uninterpreted, though seldom incommunicated, owing to his contempt for those who did not understand the learned ...
— Woodstock; or, The Cavalier • Sir Walter Scott

... a tea-wreath shall twine for us all— The fairest of females looks far more divine at tea; If we conquer, we'll drink twenty cups; if we fall, Why—"nec possum vivere cum te, nec sine te." ...
— The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction - Volume 19, No. 528, Saturday, January 7, 1832 • Various

... translated) as long ago as the fourth century, in classic terms prophetic of later times, Simplicium medicamentorum et facultatum quoe in eis insunt cognitio ita necessaria est ut sine ea nemo ...
— Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure • William Thomas Fernie

... words are scrinia sine clave, which seems to mean "having no key." But the circumstances forbid the idea of ...
— Collected Essays, Volume V - Science and Christian Tradition: Essays • T. H. Huxley

... in longinquioribus partibus alicujus ferocitas talis emerserit, omnis ejus causae edictio ad Metropolitae in eadem Provincia Episcopi deduceretur examen. Vel si ipse Metropolitanus est, Romam necessario, vel ad eos quos Romanus Episcopus judices dederit, sine delatione contendat.——Quod si vel Metropolitani Episcopi vel cujuscunque sacerdotis iniquitas est suspecta, aut gratia; ad Romanum Episcopum, vel ad Concilium quindecim finitimorum Episcoporum accersitum liceat provocare; modo ne post examen habitum, quod definitum fuerit, ...
— Observations upon the Prophecies of Daniel, and the Apocalypse of St. John • Isaac Newton

... Casali (Arbor vitae crucifixae, Venice, 1485, lib. v., cap. iii.) tells a curious story in which he depicts the indignation of the prelates against Francis. Quaenam haec est doctrina nova quam infers auribus nostris? Quis potest vivere sine temporalium possessione? Numquid tu melior es quam patres nostri qui dederunt nobis temporalia et in temporalibus abundantes ecclesias possiderunt? Then follows the fine prayer inserted by Wadding in Francis's works. The central idea is the same as ...
— Life of St. Francis of Assisi • Paul Sabatier

... powers of invective and depreciation he has submitted to his readers a sample of his own workmanship. He persists in writing "Zobeyda," "Khalifa," "Aziza" (p. 194) and "Kahramana" (p. 199) without the terminal aspirate which, in Arabic if not in Turkish, is a sine qua non (see my Suppl. vol. v. 302). He preserves the pretentious blunder "The Khalif" (p. 193), a word which does not exist in Arabic. He translates (p. 181), although I have taught him to do better, "Hadimu 'I-Lizzati wa Mufarriku 'l-Jama'at," by "Terminator of Delights and ...
— Supplemental Nights, Volume 6 • Richard F. Burton

... 'MusĀ¾um Septalianum, Manfredi SeptalĀ¾, Patricii Mediolanensis, industrioso labore constructum' (Tortona, 1664, p. 44), "Labant philosophorum mentes sub horum lapidum ponderibus; ni dicire velimus, lunan terram alteram, sine mundum esse, ex cujus montibus divisa frustra in inferiorem nostrum hunc orben dela bantur." Without any previous knowledge of this conjecture, Olbers was led, in the year 1795 (after the celebrated fall at Siena on the 16th of June, 1794), into an ...
— COSMOS: A Sketch of the Physical Description of the Universe, Vol. 1 • Alexander von Humboldt

... de me ero beatus. Tu es sola puella quam amo, et semper eris. Alias puellas non amavi. Forte olim amabis me, sed sum indignus. Sine te sum miser, cum tu es prope mea vita omni ...
— New Chronicles of Rebecca • Kate Douglas Wiggin

... Angliae, qui nominatur Sterlingus, rotundus sine tonsura, ponderabit 32 grana in medio spicae. Sterlingus et Denarius sont tout un. Le Shilling consistoit de 12 sterlings. Le substance de cest denier ou sterling peny al primes fuit vicessima pars unicae."—Indentures of the Mint, Ed. ...
— Notes & Queries, No. 26. Saturday, April 27, 1850 • Various

... foreign agents, who, now convinced that the Vraibleusians could not exist without their presence, would be more arrogant and ambitious and turbulent than ever. Indeed, the Aboriginal feared that the management of the Statue would be the sine qua non of negotiation with the Prince. If this were granted, it was clear that Vraibleusia must in future only rank as a dependent state of a foreign power, since the direction of the whole island would actually be at the will of the supplier of pine-apples. Ah! this mysterious taste for ...
— The Voyage of Captain Popanilla • Benjamin Disraeli

... thrown out. For this reason alone, if guano had no other value, farmers in some sections of the country where the soil is peculiarly affected by this difficulty, would find their account in the use of an article which would enable them to grow clover, for clover is manure, and it should be a sine qua non with every farmer to avail himself of all the means within his reach to increase the supply of manure from the products of his farm. Let him not depend alone upon the purchase of guano, but rather upon the means which that brings within his ...
— Guano - A Treatise of Practical Information for Farmers • Solon Robinson

... any Barbarian usurper have taken possession of a Roman farm since the time when we, through God's grace, crossed the streams of the Isonzo, when first the Empire of Italy received us[229], and if he have no documents of title [sine delegatoris cujusquam pyctacio] to show that he is the rightful holder, then let him without delay restore the property to its former owner. But if he shall be found to have entered upon the property before the ...
— The Letters of Cassiodorus - Being A Condensed Translation Of The Variae Epistolae Of - Magnus Aurelius Cassiodorus Senator • Cassiodorus (AKA Magnus Aurelius Cassiodorus Senator)

... aa koste taarur um ein spelar det retteleg. Faer eg spela det, so lyt nok dei som ser paa, sjaa til kvar dei hev augo sine; eg skal grote steinen, eg skal jamre so faelt so. For resten, mi gaave ligg best for ein berserk. Eg skulde spela herr Kules fraamifra—eller ein rolle, der eg kann klore og bite og slaa all ting i mol og mas: Og sprikk det fjell med toresmell, ...
— An Essay Toward a History of Shakespeare in Norway • Martin Brown Ruud

... of Cato's speech de Dotibus, in which the following sentences occur: "Si quid perverse taetreque factum est a muliere, multitatur: si vinum bibit, si cum alieno viro probri quid fecerit, condempnatur. In adulterio uxorem tuam si prehendisses sine indicio impune necares: illa te, si adulterares sive tu adulterarere, digito non auderet contingere, neque ius est." Under such circumstances a bold woman ...
— Social life at Rome in the Age of Cicero • W. Warde Fowler

... rex Scoti & barones sui prnominati assecurauerunt, quod ipsa bona fide, & sine malo ingenio, & sine occasione facient vt episcopi & barones & cteri homines terr su, qui non affuerunt quando rex Scoti cum domino rege finiuit: eandem ligiantiam & fidelitatem domino regi & Henrico filio suo quam ipsi fecerunt, & vt barones, & homines qui ...
— Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (5 of 12) - Henrie the Second • Raphael Holinshed

... in the auld kirk-yard at Stra'von, beside my mither. I couldna rest in peace among unco folk, in the dirt and smoke o' Glasgow." "Weel, weel, Jenny, my woman," said John soothingly, "we'll just pit you in the Gorbals first, and gin ye dinna lie quiet, we'll try you sine ...
— Reminiscences of Scottish Life and Character • Edward Bannerman Ramsay

... bull, and the king's licence to proceed upon it are printed in Rymer, Vol. VI. Part II. pp. 8 and 17. The latter is explicit on Wolsey's personal liberality in establishing this foundation. Ultro et ex propria liberalitate et munificentia, nec sine gravissimo suo sumptu et impensis ...
— History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Death of Elizabeth. Vol. II. • James Anthony Froude

... incredulous. Forty thousand pounds! Ten times as much as "pa" had given for a paid-up selection he had lately bought. They told me it was no use of me trying to tell them fibs. No one would give a woman anything to sine, not even one pound. Why, Susie Duffy was the best singer on the Murrumbidgee, and she would sing for any one who asked her, ...
— My Brilliant Career • Miles Franklin

... d: Lactantius de origine erroris. lib. 2. cap. 17. And citeth the testimony of Sibilla Erithraea for proofe hereof. Gratianus Decretorum part. 2. causa 26 quaest. 2. Canone sine saluatore, & inuentas esse has artes pros ap..en eleeinon anthropon ton rhadios hupokleptomenon eis tauta hupo tou diabolou. ...
— A Treatise of Witchcraft • Alexander Roberts

... McEwan at last, more quietly. "I'll be going o'er to enlist. I would ha' gone long sine, but that me poor girl would ha' thocht I'd desairted her. She doesna' need me now, and there's eno' left for the lad. Aye, this is me call. I was ay a slow man to wrath, Mary, but now if I can but kill one German ...
— The Nest Builder • Beatrice Forbes-Robertson Hale

... versatissimum, Subsenescallum nostrum et Consiliarium fidissimum, Gradu Doctoris in Jure Civili insignire. Cujus quidem haec praecipua ac prope singularis et est, et semper fuit, quod propriis ingenii et industriae suae viribus innixus Aulici favoris nec appetens, nec particeps, sine ullo magnatum patrocinio, sine turpi Adulantium aucupio, ad summam tamen in Foro, in Academia, in Senatu, tum gloriam, tum etiam authoritatem facilem sibi et stabilem munivit viam, Fortunae suae si quis alius ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 186, May 21, 1853 • Various

... Capitol; the solemn mass was sung in the church of the Aracoeli, while the banquet took place in the Palazzo dei Conservatori. The convivial feast of 1501 was not a success. Burckhardt describes it as satis feriale et sine bono vino (commonplace and with no ...
— Pagan and Christian Rome • Rodolfo Lanciani

... hills, the Maiden Paps, the Eildons cloven in three, the Dunion, the Windburg, and so to the distant Cheviots, and Smailholm Tower, where Scott lay when a child, and clapped his hands at the flashes of the lightning, haud sine ...
— Adventures among Books • Andrew Lang

... with c as a centre, is opposite to the arc described by the point g with d as a centre. The rod d g is, therefore, drawn back horizontally by the arc described at d to an extent equal to the versed sine of the arc described at g, or, in other words, the line described by the point g becomes a straight line instead of ...
— A Catechism of the Steam Engine • John Bourne

... prevent his invasion, still pretended to fight for their liberties, and to oppose his descent on their island. [Footnote: Caesar questus, quod quum ultro in continentem legatis missis pacem a se petissent, bellum sine causa ...
— An Essay on the History of Civil Society, Eighth Edition • Adam Ferguson, L.L.D.

... Saxe-Holt married her when he was hazy and is taming her. That old chap, who eats like a mule, is Lord Whippingham. He hasn't got a sixpence, and if you ask me how he lives—well, there are ways and means foreign to your young and virgin mind. The old geezer used to run after little Betty Sine at the Apollo—but she put an ice down his back at supper here one night and then there were partings. Some day I'll take you to the Blenheim and show you England's aristocracy in arm-chairs—we haven't time ...
— Aladdin of London - or Lodestar • Sir Max Pemberton

... scribens referre omiseram, esse mihi ex XXII. libris ab Academia Veneta, della Fama dicta, editis XV. Omnes adeo sunt rari, ut vel instructissimae bibliothecae vix aliquot eorum habeant. Addo germanicam Sixti Papae Bullae datae 1474 versionem, sine dubio Vlmae eodem anno impressam, et quinque foliis ...
— A Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany, Volume Three • Thomas Frognall Dibdin

... sabinae est Selago appellata. Legitur sine ferro dextra manu per tunicam, qua sinistra exuitur velut a furante, candida veste vestito, pureque lotis nudis pedibus, saero facto priusquam legatur, pane vinoque. Fertur in mappa nova. Hanc contra omnem perniciem habendam ...
— Notes & Queries 1850.02.09 • Various

... wery papists heir punisheth greivously the sine of blasphemy and horrid swearing. Mr. Daille saw him selfe at Bordeaux a procureurs clerk for his incorrigibleness in his horrid swearing after many reproofes get his tongue boored thorow wt ...
— Publications of the Scottish History Society, Vol. 36 • Sir John Lauder

... speciosa locis, morataque recte Fabula nullius Veneris, sine pondere et Arte, Valdius oblectat populum, meliusque moratur, Quam versus inopes rerum, ...
— The Spectator, Volumes 1, 2 and 3 - With Translations and Index for the Series • Joseph Addison and Richard Steele

... anybody but her. No, not a princess, though they would have me do it ever so. If Beatrix will wait for me, her Blandford swears he will be faithful.' And he wrote a paper (it wasn't spelt right, for he wrote 'I'm ready to SINE WITH MY BLODE,' which, you know, Harry, isn't the way of spelling it), and vowing that he would marry none other but the Honorable Mistress Gertrude Beatrix Esmond, only sister of his dearest friend Francis James, fourth Viscount Esmond. And so I ...
— The History of Henry Esmond, Esq. • W. M. Thackeray

... and elevation of every part of a hill on a map so as to be taken in at a glance. The force required to move the thing up a slope is directly proportional not to the angle, but to the trigonometrical sine of that angle. To measure this, place the tricycle, or Otto—a bicycle will not stand square to the road, and therefore cannot be used—pointing in direction at right angles to the slope of the hill, so that it will not tend to move. Clip on the top of the wheel a level, and mark that part of the ...
— Scientific American Supplement, No. 447, July 26, 1884 • Various

... communiter uteretur. Mihi quidem ita iucunda huius libri confectio fuit, ut non modo omnis absterserit senectutis molestias, sed effecerit mollem etiam et iucundam senectutem. Numquam igitur laudari satis digne philosophia poterit cui qui pareat omne tempus aetatis sine molestia possit degere. 3 Sed de ceteris et diximus multa et saepe dicemus: hunc librum ad te de senectute misimus. Omnem autem sermonem tribuimus non Tithono, ut Aristo Cius, parum enim esset auctoritatis in fabula, sed M. Catoni seni, ...
— Cato Maior de Senectute • Marcus Tullius Cicero

... mind to preserve her rectitude without deviation, and her efforts were crowned by divine Providence with success. She is justly considered one of the most illustrious female rulers in history. Her renown even reached the Byzantine emperor Emanuel Palaeologus, who called her Regina sine exemplo maxima. But under her successors—destitute of her high sense of duty, great ability, and consistent virtue—her triumphs proved a snare instead of a blessing. The great union she created dissolved in a short time, and its downfall was as sudden as its ...
— The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 07 • Various

... "but with the morning cool reflection came" [Scott]; flosculi sententiarum[Lat]; les affaires font les hommes[Fr]; mas vale saber que haber[Sp]; mas vale ser necio que profiadol nemo solus sapit [Lat][Plautus]; nosce te[Lat]; <gr/gnothi seauton/gr>[Grk]; nullum magnum ingenium sine mixtura dementiae fuit [Lat][Seneca, from Aristotle]; sapere aude [Lat][Horace]; victrix ...
— Roget's Thesaurus

... tractamus et fide nos consolamur simul est efficax Spiritus Sanctus." (354.) For the words of the 18th Article: "sed haec fit in cordibus, cum per Verbum Spiritus Sanctus concipitur," the Variata substitutes: "Et Christus dicit: Sine me nihil potestis facere. Efficitur autem spiritualis iustitia in nobis, cum audiuvamur a Spiritu Sancto. Porro Spiritum Sanctum concipimus, cum Verbo Dei assentimur, ut nos fide in terroribus consolemur." (362.) Toward the end of the same article we read: ...
— Historical Introductions to the Symbolical Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church • Friedrich Bente

... 1371, and this was confirmed by several of his successors, (3 Dulaire Hist. de Par., 546; Broud. Cout. de Par., 21,) and the ordinance of Toulouse is preserved as follows: "Civitas Tholosana fuit et erit sine fine libera, adeo ut servi et ancillae, sclavi et sclavae, dominos sive dominas habentes, cum rebus vel sine rebus suis, ad Tholosam vel infra terminos extra urbem terminatos accedentes acquirant libertatem." (Hist. de Langue, tome 3, p. 69; Ibid. 6, p. 8; Loysel ...
— Report of the Decision of the Supreme Court of the United States, and the Opinions of the Judges Thereof, in the Case of Dred Scott versus John F.A. Sandford • Benjamin C. Howard

... despaired till John took his turn in that direction," said Allen. "Bobus could really have done better than any of us, I fancy, but he would not have fulfilled the religious condition, as sine qua non." ...
— Magnum Bonum • Charlotte M. Yonge

... ante altaria diuum Hic resident, quarum lumine capta prior Signa potestatis summ[ae], sanctiq[ue] senatus, Thebanis fuerant ista reperta viris. Cur resident? Quia mente graues decet esse quieta Iuridicos, animo nec variare leui. Cur sine sunt manibus? Capiant ne xenia, nec se Pollicitis flecti muneribus ve sinant. Cecus est princeps quod solis auribus, absq[ue] ...
— A booke called the Foundacion of Rhetorike • Richard Rainolde

... look for a retired spot, inoffensive from its obscurity, safe in its remoteness from the haunts of despots, where the little church of Leyden might enjoy freedom of conscience? Behold the mighty regions over which in peaceful conquest—victoria sine clade—they have borne ...
— The United States in the Light of Prophecy • Uriah Smith

... but phenomena as opposed to the thing-in-itself is confirmed, exemplified, and made clear by the fact that the conditio sine qua non of our existence is a continual flowing off and flowing to of matter which, as nourishment, is a constant need. So that we resemble such phenomena as smoke, fire, or a jet of water, all of which die out ...
— Essays of Schopenhauer • Arthur Schopenhauer

... labentia signa Quae mare navigerum, quae terras frugiferenteis Concelebras . . . . . . . Quae quondam rerum naturam sola gubernas, Nec sine te quidquam dias in luminis oras Exoritur, neque fit laetum neque amabile quidquam; ...
— The Education of Henry Adams • Henry Adams

... "infirmity" of the flesh, that pertains to the fomes, is indeed to holy men an occasional cause of perfect virtue: but not the "sine qua non" of perfection: and it is quite enough to ascribe to the Blessed Virgin perfect virtue and abundant grace: nor is there any need to attribute to her every ...
— Summa Theologica, Part III (Tertia Pars) - From the Complete American Edition • Thomas Aquinas

... Camique humeros agnoscere latos Immanesque artus atque ora hirsuta videbar: Mox lacrymas inter tales dedit ore querelas— "Nate," inquit, "tu semper enim pius accola Cami, Nate, patris miserere tui, miserere tuorum! Quinque reportatis tumet Isidis unda triumphis: Quinque anni videre meos sine laude secundo Cymbam urgere loco cunctantem, et cedere victos. Heu! quis erit finis? Quis me manet exitus olim? Terga boum tergis vi non cedentia nostri Exercent iuvenes; nuda atque immania crura, ...
— Sagittulae, Random Verses • E. W. Bowling

... parte dicendi tyranni saevissimi, arrogaverunt sibi tirannice electionem Romanorum pontificum. Quot tunc ab eis, proh pudor! proh dolor! in eandem sedem, angelis reverandam, visu horrenda intrusa sunt monstra! Quot ex eis oborta sunt mala, consummatae tragediae! Quibus tunc ipsam sine macula et sine ruga contigit aspergi sordibus, putoribus infici, quinati spurcitiis, ex ...
— The Priest, The Woman And The Confessional • Father Chiniquy

... remaining in the flask. "Good-bye to our fortune, and bad luck go with her—I puff the prostitute away—Si celeres quatit pennas, you remember what we used to say at Grey Friars—resign quae dedit, et mea virtute me involve, probamque pauperiem sine dote quaero." And he pledged his father, who drank his wine, his hand shaking as he raised the glass to his lips, and his kind voice trembling as he uttered the well-known old school words, with an emotion that was as sacred as a prayer. Once more, and with hearts full of ...
— The Newcomes • William Makepeace Thackeray

... only after the wrath of God had been manifested in deeds, that the stream of promise brake forth without hindrance. Hosea, nevertheless, does not belie his name, by which he had been dedicated to the helping and saving God, and which he had received, non sine numine. ([Hebrew: hvwe], properly the Inf. Abs. of [Hebrew: iwe], is, in substance, equivalent to Joshua, i.e., the Lord is help.) Zeal for the Lord fills and animates him, not only in the energy of his threatenings, but also in the intensity ...
— Christology of the Old Testament: And a Commentary on the Messianic Predictions, v. 1 • Ernst Wilhelm Hengstenberg

... Prax., cap. ii. "Per quem omnia facta sunt, et sine quo factum est nihil. Hunc missum a Patre in Virginem, et ex ea natum, Hominem et Deum, Filium hominis et Filium Dei, et cognominatum ...
— The Virgin-Birth of Our Lord - A paper read (in substance) before the confraternity of the Holy - Trinity at Cambridge • B. W. Randolph

... A B H express algebraically the value of the sine, co-sine, tangent, and co-tangent of angle A in terms of a, b, and h, they being the altitude, base, and ...
— Scientific American Supplement, No. 561, October 2, 1886 • Various

... "Nam cum ad urbem ex Hispania rediens libros injussu meo typis excusos reperissem, toto volumine amicorum studio et opera non sine ejus auctoritate qui jus imperandi haberet in plures libros disposito quod ego non feceram quippe qui de ...
— The Reign of Mary Tudor • James Anthony Froude

... impossible to move the ivory. Thus, in spite of my orders given to Abou Saood about ten months previous, the opportunity of moving had been lost, and the time of departure was reduced to sine die. This was a hopeless condition of affairs. There were no cattle in Abou Saood's possession, and without cows the ivory could not be moved. At the same time, it would be impossible for me to permit him to make razzias upon distant countries, as I had arrived ...
— Ismailia • Samuel W. Baker

... Roman Empire, that this was the essential and unalterable Gospel received by them from their predecessors in all the churches as the [Greek text which cannot be reproduced] cui, says Irenaeus, assentiunt multae gentes eorum qui in Christum credunt sine charta et atramento, scriptam habentes per Spiritum in cordibus suis salutem, et veterum traditionem diligenter custodientes. Let the attention of such as have been shaken by the assaults of infidelity be thus directed, and then ...
— Confessions of an Inquiring Spirit etc. • by Samuel Taylor Coleridge

... of Writing; comparing those with these, and the Wits of our Nation with those of others. 'Tis true, they differed in their opinions, as 'tis probable they would; neither do I take upon me to reconcile, but to relate them, and that, as TACITUS professes of himself, sine studio partium aut ira, "without passion or interest": leaving your Lordship to decide it in favour of which part, you shall judge most reasonable! And withal, to pardon the many ...
— An English Garner - Critical Essays & Literary Fragments • Edited by Professor Arber and Thomas Seccombe

... their memory of their previous developments, were not participators in any previous development and cannot therefore remember it. They cannot remember even a single development, much less can they remember that infinite series of developments the recollection and epitomisation of which is a sine qua non for the unconsciousness which we note in normal development. I see no way of getting out of this difficulty so convenient as to say that a memory is the reproduction and recurrence of a rhythm communicated ...
— The Note-Books of Samuel Butler • Samuel Butler

... magnets. When transformers are used, the field magnets are weak, while the condenser current rises to 40 amperes. Mr. Blakesley's method of determining losses was, he said, inapplicable except where the currents were sine functions of the time; and consequently could not be used to determine loss due to hysteresis in iron, ...
— Scientific American Supplement, No. 795, March 28, 1891 • Various

... suit me well. If I can coax myself into an idea that it is purely voluntary, it may go on—Nulla dies sine linea. But never a being, from my infancy upwards, hated task-work as I hate it; and yet I have done a great deal in my day. It is not that I am idle in my nature neither. But propose to me to do one thing, and it is inconceivable the desire I have to do something ...
— The Journal of Sir Walter Scott - From the Original Manuscript at Abbotsford • Walter Scott

... explicanda versata. Libris erat adeo deditus Ut iter vitae secretum iis omnino deditum; Praemiis honoribusque quae illi non magis ex Patroni nobilissimi gratia quam suis meritis abunde praesto erant, usq; praeposuerit. Vitam integerrimam et vere Christianam Non sine tristi suorum desiderio, clausit Nov. 13. ...
— A New System; or, an Analysis of Antient Mythology. Volume I. • Jacob Bryant

... degrees will be found, where the corresponding number of degrees will be found. If it be desired to protract a given angle, the same operation is to be performed in a converse sense. I need hardly mention that the chord of an angle is the same thing as twice the sine of half that angle; but as tables of natural sines are not now-a-days commonly to be met with, I have thought it well worth while to give a Table of Chords. When a traveller, who is unprovided with regular instruments, wishes to ...
— The Art of Travel - Shifts and Contrivances Available in Wild Countries • Francis Galton

... its Latin form Priapeia sine Diversoreun poetarum in Priapum Lusus, is a work that has long been well known to scholars, and in the 16th and 17th centuries editions were common. The translation under consideration is entitled "Priapeia, or the Sportive Epigrams of divers Poets on Priapus: the Latin text now for the ...
— The Life of Sir Richard Burton • Thomas Wright

... adjutare, assidueque una scribere; Quod illi maledictun vehemens existimant, Eam laudem hic ducit maximam: cum illis placet, Qui vobis universis et populo placent; Quorum opera in bello, in otio, in negotio, Suo quisque tempore usus est sine superbia. ...
— The Lives Of The Twelve Caesars, Complete - To Which Are Added, His Lives Of The Grammarians, Rhetoricians, And Poets • C. Suetonius Tranquillus

... xvi. c. 44. "Non est omittenda in ea re et Galliarum admiratio. Nihil habent Druidae (ita suos appellant magos) visco et arbore in qua gignatur (si modo sit robur) sacratius. Jam per se roborum eligunt lucos, nec ulla sacra sine ea fronde conficiunt, ut inde appellati quoque interpretatione Graeca possint Druidae videri. Enimvero quidquid adnascatur illis, e coelo missum putant signumque esse electae ab ipso deo arboris. Est autem id rarum admodum ...
— Chips From A German Workshop. Vol. III. • F. Max Mueller

... paper for designs to be reproduced by the cyantotype and the other processes described in this book should be of a fine texture, free from opacities and very white; and, as the design must serve as a cliche it is a sine qua non that it be drawn with a very black ink and with well-fed lines, especially those which are very fine. To obtain a complete opacity, and, at the same time, to keep the ink quite fluid, which gives ...
— Photographic Reproduction Processes • P.C. Duchochois

... have been driven forward through the lungs like a charge of buckshot, in addition to the havoc created by the large diameter of an expanded '577 bullet. Both shoulders will have been completely crushed, and the animal must of course be rendered absolutely helpless. This is a sine qua non in all shooting. Do not wound, but kill outright; and this you will generally do with a '577 solid bullet of pure lead, or with a Paradox bullet 1 3/4 ounces hard metal and 4 1/2 drams of powder. This very large bullet is sufficiently formidable to ...
— Wild Beasts and their Ways • Sir Samuel W. Baker

... quandiu potui, sine lite, sine rixa, Sine contentione, sine aere alieno, amicis fidem Bonam praestiti, peculio pauper, animo divitissimus, Bene valeat is qui hoc titulum ...
— The Greville Memoirs - A Journal of the Reigns of King George IV and King William - IV, Volume 1 (of 3) • Charles C. F. Greville

... Ad generum Cereris sine caede et vulnere pauci Descendunt reges, et sicca morte tiranni. Juv. ...
— Discourses on the First Decade of Titus Livius • Niccolo Machiavelli

... avertes" (How long wilt thou avert thy face)? Venus in a cloud, "Salva me, Domina" (Mistress, save me). The letter I, "Omnia ex uno" (All things from one). A fallow field, "At quando messis" (When will be the harvest)? The full moon in heaven, "Quid sine te coelum" (What is heaven without thee)? Cynthia, it should be observed, was a favorite fancy-name of the queen's; she was also designated occasionally by that of Astraea, whence the following devices. A man hovering in the air, "Feror ad Astraeam" (I am borne to Astraea). ...
— Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth • Lucy Aikin

... philosophische Idee als das innere Wesen der Geschichte selbst erscheint. So trat an die Stelle einer abstrakt philosophischen Richtung, welche das Geschichtliche verneinte, eine abstrakt geschichtliche Richtung, welche das Philosophische verlaugnete. Beide Richtungen sine als uberschrittene und besiegte zu betrachten.—BERNER, Strafrecht, 75. Die Geschichte der Philosophie hat uns fast schon die Wissenschaft der Philosophie selbst ersetzt. —HERMANN, Phil. ...
— Lectures on Modern history • Baron John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton

... Low, and Dr. Holls as members of the third committee; and the general report covering our whole work, drawn almost entirely by me, but signed by all the members of the commission,—were presented, re-read, and signed, after which the delegation adjourned, sine die. ...
— Autobiography of Andrew Dickson White Volume II • Andrew Dickson White

... sere recusent Quid valeant humeri. And, Ego nec studium sine divite vena, Nec rude quid ...
— 'Of Genius', in The Occasional Paper, and Preface to The Creation • Aaron Hill

... it, Cynthia?" said Lady Ingleton. "But first tell me if you like this Sine carpet. I found it in the bazaar last Thursday, and it cost the eyes out of my head. Carey, of course, has said for the hundredth time that I am ruining him, and bringing his red hair in sorrow to the tomb. Even if I am, it seems to me ...
— In the Wilderness • Robert Hichens

... at shift than at drift.... Subtilitas sine acrimonia.... No power with the judge.... He will alter a thing but not mend.... He puts into patents and deeds words not of law but of common sense and discourse.... Sociable save in profit.... He doth depopulate mine office; otherwise called inclose.... I never knew any one of so good a speech ...
— Bacon - English Men Of Letters, Edited By John Morley • Richard William Church

... Sir, for as mickle as your asking passeth mine understanding, I dare neither deny it nor grant it, for it is a School matter [a subject for debate in the University Schools], about which I busied me never for to know it: and therefore I commit this term accidens sine subjecto, to those Clerks which delight them so in curious and subtle sophistry, because they determine oft so difficult and strange matters, and wade and wander so in them, from argument to argument, with ...
— Fifteenth Century Prose and Verse • Various

... course, that in cooling there may be a tendency to set B a little to one side or the other, and if it is not free to take such a set, the joint most probably will give way. Good annealing both with flame and asbestos is a sine qua non ...
— On Laboratory Arts • Richard Threlfall

... not recognised as they deserved, and spread a report that he would sell it again as one of his own. His industry was such that he never allowed a day to pass without painting one line—a habit which has become proverbial in the Latin phrase, nulla dies sine linea ("No day without a line"). Apelles was not above criticism. When his paintings were exposed to the public view, it is said that he used to conceal himself near them so that he might hear the ...
— Little Folks (November 1884) - A Magazine for the Young • Various

... to marry might both hamper a warrior's hands and be the means of bringing up children for the sword. He fully accepts Alfgar's suit, but postpones the day till peace seems established, that is "sine die." It is very hard to make Alfgar reconciled to this. ...
— Alfgar the Dane or the Second Chronicle of Aescendune • A. D. Crake

... et Bohemia revocatus, non sine ingenti vitae meae periculo, in hoc florentissimum Angliae regnum, dulcissimam patriam meam, tandem aliquando perveni, pro Superiorum meorum voluntate, Dei gloriam et animarum salutem promoturus; verisimile esse putavi, me turbulento hoc, suspicioso ac difficillimo ...
— Ten Reasons Proposed to His Adversaries for Disputation in the Name • Edmund Campion

... and SINE PROLE," said Mumblazen, with more animation than he usually expressed, "than part, PER PALE, the noble coat of Robsart with ...
— Kenilworth • Sir Walter Scott

... ster. 4to. Privilegium pro Titionibus ex Cujac. Obss. lib. x. c. 12. In a new edition of the Corpus there is the following note:—Hoc privilegium editum est in Cujac. Obss., sed ex quo fonte desumptum sit, non indicatur, nisi quod Cujacius a P. Galesio Hispano se id decepisse dicat. Non sine ratione addidit Beck. qui in App. Corp. Juris Civ. hanc constitutionem recepit, an ...
— Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 61, No. 379, May, 1847 • Various

... Prussian Diet, loyal to his work and task to the very last moment, he closed the last and winning game of whist he played with the quotation of that grim bit of humor characteristic of Frederick the Great and his soldiery: "Wat seggt hei nu to sine ollen Suepers?" ...
— The German Classics of The Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Vol. X. • Kuno Francke

... placuerit. Et cives Lundoniarum et epispcopi et comites et barones juraverunt fidelitates regi Ricardo, et Johanni comiti de Meretone fratri ejus salva fidelitate, et quod illum in dominum suum et regem reciperent, si rex sine prole decesserit."—Benedict of Peterborough (Rolls Series No. 49), ii, 214. Cf. Roger de Hovedene (Rolls Series No. 51), iii, 141; Walter de Coventry (Rolls ...
— London and the Kingdom - Volume I • Reginald R. Sharpe

... have got very much learning but i can do any work that come to my hand to do i am set here to day worry i could explane it to you i have ben out three time to day and it only 12 oclock. and if you please sire sine me a pass, it more thin i am able to tell you how i will thank you i have clothes to bring wenter dress to ware, my grand mama dress me but now she is dead and all i have is my mother now please sire sin me a pass and you wont be sorry of it and if you right and speake mean ...
— The Journal of Negro History, Volume 4, 1919 • Various

... presume to say, a tenement house in all this city that has not its butler's pantry; without this adjunct no home is considered complete, and it makes no difference whether "the lady of the house" does her own work or is able to employ female servants, the butler's pantry is a sine qua non. ...
— The House - An Episode in the Lives of Reuben Baker, Astronomer, and of His Wife, Alice • Eugene Field

... cum in omni genere ac varietate artium, etiam illarum, quae sine summo otio non facile discuntur, Cn. Pompeius excellat, singularem quandam laudem ejus et praestabilem esse scientiam, in faederibus, pactionibus, conditionibus, populorum, regum, exterarum nationum: in universo denique ...
— A Discourse on the Study of the Law of Nature and Nations • James Mackintosh

... apparatus of valves, I judged that in like manner, wherever transudation does not take place through the pores of the flesh, the blood is returned from the arteries to the veins, not without some other admirable artifice" (non sine artificio quodam admirabili). It was this artificium admirabile of which Harvey was unable to give a description. On account of the minuteness of their structure, the capillaries were beyond his sight, aided as it was by a magnifying glass merely. He ...
— Fathers of Biology • Charles McRae

... they would be just as true at one time as at another. When we learn that Theodoric was proud of the beautiful cicatrices which he obtained without the use of any ointment, pulcherrimas cicatrices sine unguento aliquo inducebat, then further that he impugned the use of poultices and of oils on wounds, while powders were too drying and besides had a tendency to prevent drainage, the literal meaning of the Latin words saniem incarcerare is to "incarcerate ...
— Old-Time Makers of Medicine • James J. Walsh

... refused to proceed. By pressure upon the vakeel they again yielded, but on condition that I would take one of the mutineers named "Bellaal," who wished to join them, but whose offer I had refused, as he had been a notorious ringleader in every mutiny. It was a sine qua non that he was to go; and knowing the character of the man, I felt convinced that it had been arranged that he should head the mutiny conspired to be enacted upon our arrival at Chenooda's ...
— In the Heart of Africa • Samuel White Baker

... adorodoketos, agathon agathotatos, phronimon phronimotatos; esti de kai pater eunomias kai dikaiosynes, autodidaktos, physikos, kai teleios, kai sophos, kai hierou physikou monos heuretes.] Deus est accipitris capite: hic est primus, incorruptibilis, aeternus, ingenitus, sine partibus, omnibus aliis dissimillimus, moderator omnis boni, donis non capiendus, bonorum optimus, prudentium prudentissimus, legum aequitatis ac justitiae parens, ipse sui doctor, physicus & perfectus & ...
— The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended • Isaac Newton

... Britain, not of the agricultural order alone, but very often of the artisan class, whose ignorance of the commonest matters was as dense as it was discreditable to the land of their birth and breeding. Are these people included (on account of having his favourite sine qua non of a fair skin) in the US of this apostle of skin-worship, in the indefeasible right to political power which is denied to Blacks by reason, or ...
— West Indian Fables by James Anthony Froude Explained by J. J. Thomas • J. J. (John Jacob) Thomas

... omni bellorum mole gravem, Mulitiplici prudentia diu ludificatus Vi pertractus ad dimicandum, In prima acie, in primo conflictu vulneratus, Religioni quam semper coluerat innitens, Magno suoram desiderio, nec sine hostium moerore, Extinctus est Die XIV. Sept, A. D. MDCCLIX. aetat. XLVIII. Mortales optimi ducis exuvias in excavata humo, Quam globus bellicus decidens dissiliensque defoderat, Galli lugentes deposuerunt, Et generosae hostium fidei commendarunt ...
— Picturesque Quebec • James MacPherson Le Moine

... aequora ventis E terra magnum alterius spectare laborem; Non quia vexari quemquam est iucunda voluptas, Sed quibus ipse malis careas quia cernere suave est. Suave etiam belli certamina magna tueri Per campos instructa, tua sine parte pericli; Sed nil dulcius est bene quam munita tenere Edita doctrina sapientum templa serena, Despicere undo queas alios, passimque videre Errare atque viam palantis quaerere vitae; Certare ingenio; contendere nobilitate; Noctes atque dies niti praestante labore Ad summas ...
— The Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley Volume I • Percy Bysshe Shelley

... much exposed to different winds, especially the Mistral, yet perhaps they are necessary, for, according to the adage, "Avenio ventosa, cum vento fastidiosa, sine vento venenosa," the odours from the drains in some of the streets ...
— The South of France—East Half • Charles Bertram Black

... our commissioners the foundation of our rights to navigate the Mississippi and to hold our southern boundary at the thirty-first degree of latitude, and that each of these is to be a sine qua non, it is proposed to add ...
— A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents - Section 1 (of 4) of Volume 1: George Washington • James D. Richardson

... the sun must need cast a shadow on other folks, the Magister bowed his head sadly and cried: "A wise saying, worthy Mistress Maud; and he who casts the shade commonly does so against his will, 'sine ira et studio'. And from that saying we may learn—suffer me the syllogism—that, inasmuch as all things which bring woe to one bring joy to another, and vice-versa, there must ever be some sad faces so long ...
— Uarda • Georg Ebers

... our own sins or the sine of our own company as we should. Christians learn to be proud one of another, to be covetous one of another, to be treacherous and false one of another, to be cowardly in God's matters one of another, to be remiss and negligent in christian duties ...
— The Works of John Bunyan • John Bunyan

... Quilibet versus christianus, sive vivus sive mortuus, habet participationem omnium bonorum Christi et Ecclesie etiam sine literis ...
— Martin Luther's 95 Theses • Martin Luther

... terms which form the stronghold of their defenses. I have shown,[10] at least to my own satisfaction, that the conception of sexuality is not at all clear to any of the Freudian school, including Freud himself. This should by no means be so. Surely the terms which are constantly used and are the sine qua non of their theories should have a definite meaning of some sort, at least to the Freudians themselves. Mystical and metaphysical implications should not continue to find a sheltering place in the province ...
— The Journal of Abnormal Psychology - Volume 10

... impure, and mixed cum cera. Can anything be more reasonable than to suppose that the former was called sincerum mel, just as we call it virgin honey? And this accords with Ainsworth's derivation, "ex sine et cera: ut mel purum dicitur quod cera non est permixtum." If it be said that there is nothing to show that the old Romans adopted the process I have described, I reply it is immaterial what process they followed in order to extract what would not flow out of itself; ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 215, December 10, 1853 • Various

... appropriate character. (See e.g. Ries, "Ueber Enuresis Nocturna," Monatsschrift fuer Harnkrankheiten und Sexuelle Hygiene, 1904; A.P. Buchan, nearly a century ago, pointed out the psychic element in the experiences of young persons who wetted the bed, Venus sine Concubitu, 1816, p. 47.) Thus, in one case known to me, a child of seven, who occasionally wetted the bed, usually dreamed at the same time that she wanted to make water, and was out of doors, running to find a suitable spot, which ...
— Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 1 (of 6) • Havelock Ellis

... conscientiously try to roar as gently as any sucking dove. The effect upon the unconcentrated mind is something like—The cosine of X plus the ewig weibliche makes the difference between the message of Carlyle and that of Matthew Arnold antedate the Bergsonian theory of the elan vital minus the sine of Y since Barbarians, Philistines and Populace make up the eternal flux wo die citronen bluhn—but fortunately the Wellesley mind does concentrate, and uncomplainingly. The students are working in these murmurous ...
— The Story of Wellesley • Florence Converse

... nec sententiarum pondere satis suffulta. Denique nihil fere novi affertur: ampli ficantur prius dicta, rarius aliquid ex capite sequente anticipatur. Si quis appendices hosce legendo transiliat, sentiet slocum ultimum cum primo capitis proximi apte coagmentatum, nec sine vi quadam inde avulsum. Eiusmodi versus exhibet utraque recensio, sed modo haec modo illa plures paucioresve numero, et lectio interdum ...
— The Ramayana • VALMIKI

... him if he knew any of the calls. No; of course he didn't; and he was so excited he didn't have sense enough to look on his time-card, where the calls are always printed. Finally, after carefully adjusting the instrument, I opened my key, broke in on somebody, and said "Wreck." The answer came, "Sine." I said, "I haven't any sine. No. 2 on the C. K. & Q. has been wrecked out here, and I want the despatcher's office. Can you tell me if he is on ...
— Danger Signals • John A. Hill and Jasper Ewing Brady

Words linked to "Sine" :   inverse sine, trigonometric function, sine qua non, sin, sine die, Latino sine flexione, sine wave, circular function, sine curve

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