"Shent" Quotes from Famous Books
... knew not how. Thisbe at last (yet of the two the first) Got out, she went to coole loues burning thirst, Yet ere she went (yet as she went) she hide, She had a care to decke her vp in pride, Respecting more his loue to whom she went, Then parents feare, though knowing to be shent, And trickt her selfe so like a willing louer, As purblind Cupid tooke her ... — Seven Minor Epics of the English Renaissance (1596-1624) • Dunstan Gale
... this testament Will not hold, let him be shent; He's an ass by all consent. La sol fa, He's an ass by all consent, La ... — Wine, Women, and Song - Mediaeval Latin Students' songs; Now first translated into English verse • Various
... be shent: Run in here, good young man: goe into this Closset: he will not stay long: what Iohn Rugby? Iohn: what Iohn I say? goe Iohn, goe enquire for my Master, I doubt he be not well, that hee comes not home: (and downe, ... — The First Folio [35 Plays] • William Shakespeare
... my business to look a fool, God knows I played better than any. The audience stormed us with delight, and I do believe I was having my share of the triumph, and might have been emboldened by success to have deserved it, had not all my sham tremors been shent—in one moment—by a shaft most real and memorable, whose fatal delivery ... — The Fool Errant • Maurice Hewlett
... song fashioned in reverence Of Jesu's Mother?' said this Innocent; 'Now, certes, I will use my diligence To con it all ere Christmas-tide be spent; Although I for my Primer shall be shent, 90 And shall be beaten three times in an hour, Our Lady I will ... — The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth, Vol. II. • William Wordsworth |