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Preparer   Listen
Preparer  n.  One who, or that which, prepares, fits, or makes ready.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Preparer" Quotes from Famous Books

... galons du kepi.... Nous allons preparer aux faucilles des gerbes, Puisqu'ou tombe un ...
— Three French Moralists and The Gallantry of France • Edmund Gosse

... mathematiques. En histoire, c'est de l'etude patiente de is la realite qu'elles se degagent insensiblement. Si M. Deschanel ne nous a pas donne du romantisme la definition que nous reclamions tout a l'heure, c'est, a vrai dire, que son enseignement a pour objet de preparer cette definition meme. Nous la trouverons ou elle doit etre, a la fin du cours et non pas a debut.—F. Brunetiere: "Classiques et Romantiques, Etudes Critiques," Tome ...
— A History of English Romanticism in the Eighteenth Century • Henry A. Beers

... centaines de mille), quoique la fatigue extreme, la faim, la soif, et toutes les autres incommodites inseparables d'une tres-longue et tres penible route en eussent fait perir presque autant, ils etaient reduits a la derniere misere: ils manquaient de tout. Il" (viz. l'Empereur, Kien Long) "leur fit preparer des logemens conformes a leur maniere de vivre; il leur fit distribuer des aliments et des habits; il leur fit donner des boeufs, des moutons, et des ustensiles, pour les mettre en etat de former des troupeaux ...
— Narrative And Miscellaneous Papers • Thomas De Quincey

... which lays down all the suppositions against Peytel as facts, which will not admit the truth of one of the prisoner's allegations in his own defence, comes the trial. The judge is quite as impartial as the preparer of the indictment, as will be seen by the following specimens of ...
— The Paris Sketch Book Of Mr. M. A. Titmarsh • William Makepeace Thackeray

... which the fatal dose affects him, though not in the same degree. It is a narcotic, and like all such, it always reduces vital action, while nothing is more important in all healing than to increase it. Hence alcohol is the deadly foe of healing, and one chief preparer of the system to fall before disease. The so-called stimulating action of alcohol has been thoroughly explained by the author of these papers in other writings, and shewn to be simply an indirect and temporary effect, obtained ...
— Papers on Health • John Kirk

... new congregations formed. It was carried by the minister's throughout the wide limits of Pennsylvania and adjacent States. It was inherited by new Synods formed out of the Penna. Ministerium. It was carefully studied and its main features adopted by the preparer of the Formula of Government and Discipline of the Synods of West Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia, and then became that of the General Synod. The great body of the congregations in this country, outside the bounds of recent ...
— The Organization of the Congregation in the Early Lutheran Churches in America • Beale M. Schmucker

... assimilate perfectly with other constituents used in the manufacture of ink, but is best when used alone; Berlin blue (prussian blue) is well spoken of, but was only discovered by accident in 1710 by Diesbach, a preparer of colors at Berlin; logwood, more used for this purpose than any other material, was first imported into Europe in the sixteenth century and causes a deterioration of the durable qualities of the tanno-gallate of iron; Brazil-wood and archil, and ...
— Forty Centuries of Ink • David N. Carvalho

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