"Piu" Quotes from Famous Books
... shipped himself off to Australia, trusting that so energetic a step "would bring the govenor to his senses." He was music-mad, and appeared to know every opera by heart, and wearied us out of all patience with his everlasting humming of "Ciascun lo dice" "Non piu mesta," &c. ... — A Lady's Visit to the Gold Diggings of Australia in 1852-53. • Mrs. Charles (Ellen) Clacey
... well versed in the subject, perceived how far Giotto surpassed all the other painters of his time. This incident becoming known, gave rise to the proverb still used in relation to people of dull wits, 'In sei piu tondo che l'O di Giotto,' (round as Giotto's O,) the significance of which consists in the double meaning of the word tondo, which is used in the Tuscan for slowness of intellect, and slowness of comprehension, as well as for an exact ... — Anecdotes of Painters, Engravers, Sculptors and Architects, and Curiosities of Art, (Vol. 2 of 3) • Shearjashub Spooner
... grant that his wife is loving and discreet, he feels a much greater sense of security when he knows she is unable to do him any harm. His quaint phrase is as follows: Non perche io non conoscessi la mia amarevole e discreta, ma sempre estimai piu securo ch'ella non mi potesse nuocere che ella ... — Women of the Romance Countries • John R. Effinger
... mobile, e vogliosa E negli amanti molti, e sua bellezza Estima piu ch'allo specchio, e pomposa Ha vanagloria di sua giovinezza; La qual quanto piaccevole e vezzosa E piu, cotanto piu seco l'apprezza; Virtu non sente ni conoscimento, Volubil sempre come foglia ... — A Literary History of the English People - From the Origins to the Renaissance • Jean Jules Jusserand
... principio, il qual poi rompa I decreti del fato, accio non segua L'una causa dell' altra in infinito; Onde han questa, dich' io, del fato sciolta Libera volunta, per cui ciascuno Va dove piu l'agrada? I moti ancora Si declinan sovente, e non in tempo Certo, ne certa region, ma solo Quando e dove commanda il nostro arbitrio; Poiche senz' alcun dubbio a queste cose Da sol principio il voler proprio, e quindi Van poi scorrendo ... — Theodicy - Essays on the Goodness of God, the Freedom of Man and the Origin of Evil • G. W. Leibniz
... is represented by two basset horns having independent parts, and two bassoons. Mozart has also used the instrument with great effect in his opera La Clemenza di Tito, where he has written a fine obbligato for it in the aria "Non piu di Flori"; in Zauberfloete; and in chamber music, viz. short adagio for two basset horns and bassoon, and another for two clarinets and three basset horns (Series 10 of Breitkopf & Haertel's complete edition). Beethoven employed it in his Prometheus overture. Mendelssohn used it in military ... — Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 3 - "Banks" to "Bassoon" • Various
... how characteristic of Leonardo, the answer, Quanto piu, un'arte porta seco fatica di corpo, tanto ... — The Renaissance - Studies in Art and Poetry • Walter Pater
... courtiers that were versed in the arts recognized by this how much Giotto surpassed in excellence all the other painters of his time. This matter having afterwards spread abroad, there was born from it the proverb that is still wont to be said to men of gross wits: "Tu sei piu tondo che l' O di Giotto!" ("Thou art rounder than Giotto's circle"). This proverb can be called beautiful not only from the occasion that gave it birth, but also for its significance, which consists in the double meaning; tondo being used, in Tuscany, ... — Lives of the Most Eminent Painters Sculptors and Architects - Volume 1, Cimabue to Agnolo Gaddi • Giorgio Vasari
... prodigal whose souls are lost, (Hell, canto 7); one for the avaricious and prodigal whose souls are capable of purification, (Purgatory, canto 19); and one for the usurers, of whom none can be redeemed (Hell, canto 17). The first group, the largest in all hell ("gente piu che altrove troppa," compare Virgil's "quae maxima turba"), meet in contrary currents, as the waves of Charybdis, casting weights at each other from opposite sides. This weariness of contention is the chief element of their torture; so marked by the ... — The Crown of Wild Olive • John Ruskin
... fully arrived at the period's end—then the world stands indebted to the sudden snapping of my father's tobacco-pipe for one of the neatest examples of that ornamental figure in oratory, which Rhetoricians stile the Aposiopesis.—Just Heaven! how does the Poco piu and the Poco meno of the Italian artists;—the insensible more or less, determine the precise line of beauty in the sentence, as well as in the statue! How do the slight touches of the chisel, the pencil, the pen, the fiddle-stick, et caetera,—give the true swell, which ... — The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman • Laurence Sterne
... pesci grossi e non si curare di prendere le ranocchie: erano questi i concetti proferiti da lui; perche cessati i venti, l'onde della plebe facilmente si sarebbono da se stesse composte e acquietate: aggiugneva, che un prencipe non puo far cosa piu vituperosa ne piu dannosa a se stesso, quanto il permettere al popolo il vivere secondo la loro coscienza, ponendo tanta varieta di religioni in uno stato, quanto sono i capricci degli huomini e le fantasie delle persone inquiete, aprendo la porta alla discordia e alla confusione: e dimostrava ... — The Works Of John Dryden, Vol. 7 (of 18) - The Duke of Guise; Albion and Albanius; Don Sebastian • John Dryden
... his royal master's pretended convictions in favor of the Reformation with so much verisimilitude as to alarm the papal nuncio, who dreaded the effect of his speeches upon the Protestants. "Non e piccola murmoration qui en Corte, ch'l Orator Francese facea piu che l'officio suo richiede in animar Lutherani." Aleander to Sanga, Ratisbon, July 2, 1532, Vatican ... — The Rise of the Hugenots, Vol. 1 (of 2) • Henry Martyn Baird
... universal gad-fly of bettering its position, where we have known a tree to be cut down merely because "it had got to be so old," the sense of permanence, unchangeableness, and repose which Italy gives us is delightful. The oft-repeated non e piu come era prima may be true enough of Rome politically, but it is not true of it in most other respects. To be sure, gas and railroads have got in at last; but one may still read by a lucerna and travel by vettura, if he like, ... — Atlantic Monthly, Vol. XI., April, 1863, No. LXVI. - A Magazine Of Literature, Art, And Politics. • Various
... circle, of the perfection of which I have spoken. But the mind derives another distinct pleasure from the admirable manner in which the several parts, each different from all the others, contribute to a single harmonious effect. It is a typical example of the piu nel uno. An arch cut out or a single stone would not be so beautiful as one of which each individual stone was shaped for its exact position. Its completion by the locking of the keystone is a delight to witness ... — Over the Teacups • Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
... Romeo, il cui capo sopra un origliere, che con lei uell' arca era stato lasciato, posto aveva; gli occhi meglio rinchiusi avendogli, e di lagrime il freddo volto bagnandogli, disse;" Che debbo senza di te in vita piu fare, signor mio? e che altro mi resta verso te se non colla mia morte seguirti? "E detto questo, la sua gran sciagura nell' animo recatasi, e la perdita del caro amante ricordandosi, deliberando di piu non vivere, raccolto a se il fiato, e per buono spazio tenutolo, e poscia con un ... — Characteristics of Women - Moral, Poetical, and Historical • Anna Jameson
... author of it. Carleton inclined, however, to suspect Grotius, "because," said he, "having always before been a stranger to my house, he has made me the day before the publication thereof a complimentary visit, although it was Sunday and church time; whereby the Italian proverb, 'Chi ti caresse piu che suole,' &c.,' is added ... — The Rise of the Dutch Republic, 1555-1566 • John Lothrop Motley
... mia, Con quant' afflitto, Piangendo, al Petto, Stringi Gesu! Io, l'ho fer ito, Ma son pentito— Non piu ... — Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 59, No. 363, January, 1846 • Various
... garland to deck his abode: he had therefore pasted three strips of coloured paper, red, white and green, over his door, inscribing on the middle strip these words, which in their sublime simplicity merit to be rescued from oblivion: 'O mia cara Italia, voglio ma non posso fare piu per te.' ... — The Liberation of Italy • Countess Evelyn Martinengo-Cesaresco
... le fiamme, di passar concesso; Ch' egli l'Eroe pi forte, Cui Scelse amor fra tanti Per' quiui vnir, i due piu fidi Amanti. ... — Amadigi di Gaula - Amadis of Gaul • Nicola Francesco Haym
... years before this time a Jesuit had noticed the retiring character of the Roman Catholic country gentlemen of England. "La nobilta Inglese, senon se legata in servigio, di Corte, o in opera di maestrato, vive, e gode il piu dell' anno alla campagna, ne' suoi palagi e poderi, dove son liberi e padroni; e cio tanto piu sollecitamente I Cattolici quanto piu utilmente, si come meno osservati cola."—L'lnghilterra descritta dal ... — The History of England from the Accession of James II. - Volume 2 (of 5) • Thomas Babington Macaulay
... a letter a span long after hoping so much for an answer that I lost patience; and I had good cause to do so before receiving yours at last. The German blockhead having said his say, now the Italian one begins. Lei e piu franca nella lingua italiana di quel che mi ho immaginato. Lei mi dica la cagione perche lei non fu nella commedia che hanno giocata i Cavalieri. Adesso sentiamo sempre una opera titolata Il Ruggiero. Oronte, il padre di Bradamante, ... — The Letters of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, V.1. • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
... bosco. Ma abbassando gli occhi ci s' accorge che non e solo. Un' Amatore a cui forse l' ignobile itinerario della Starke ha rivelate quella sublime veduta, sta colassu scarabocchiando uno sbozzo pell' Album del suo drawing room. Piu lunge, povero Italiano! piu lunge! Ecco la scena si cambia ... i sentieri divengono piu ardui ... in fondo, mezzo nascosto dal fitto fogliame apparisce ... un casolare; un villano lo invita ad entrare ... e gli ... — Notes and Queries, Number 189, June 11, 1853 • Various
... ha alcuna cognizione, da quello che e sostanzialmente, si espone questo Epitome, perche ognun regga almeno in parte, che quest' opera sarebbe del titolo di storia condegna, giacche essa non e che una costante descrizione degli avvenimenti piu importanti e luminosi della Repubblica di Venezia." The work in question is one of much research and small philosophy, like most books which Venetians have written upon Venice; but it has admirably served my purpose, and ... — Venetian Life • W. D. Howells
... that for a stranger to steer impartially between them is next to impossible. It may be enough then, at least for my purpose, to quote from their own beautiful language—"Mi pare che in un paese tutto poetico, che vanta la lingua la piu nobile ed insieme la piu dolce, tutte tutte le vie diverse si possouo tentare, e che sinche la patria di Alfieri e di Monti non ha perduto l'antico valore, in tutte essa dovrebbe essere la prima." Italy has great names still: Canova, Monti, ... — My Recollections of Lord Byron • Teresa Guiccioli
... infra 'l subsolano ed aquilone in spatio di leghe CL et de gia avendo consumato tutte le nostre substantie navale et vettovaglie, avendo discopruto leghe DII cive leghe 700, piu do nuova terra fornendoci di acque et legne deliberammo di tornare in Francia. * * * * * * * * ... — The Voyage of Verrazzano • Henry C. Murphy
... piu glorioso, disse, Liberamente nel campo di Siena, Ogni vergogna deposta, s'affisse.' '"When at his glory's topmost height," said he, "Respect of dignity all cast aside, Freely he ... — Life Of Johnson, Volume 4 (of 6) • Boswell
... fifth page you see it is marked amoroso, but after eight measures the young man gives the whole thing away to his father! The beginning of the sixth page is very piano and light—it is nothing more than a breath of smoke, an airy nothing. But at the poco piu lento, there is an undercurrent of reality; the two parts are going at the same time—the hard, earthly part, with accents, and the spiritual, thin as air. To realize these qualities in playing is the very idealization ... — Piano Mastery - Talks with Master Pianists and Teachers • Harriette Brower
... in forma di Ninfa o d' altra Diva, Che del piu chiaro fondo di Sorga esca, E pongasi a seder in sulla riva. ... — Gryll Grange • Thomas Love Peacock
... had no alternative but to comply, and swore, on the honour of knighthood, to keep the convention inviolate. How well he kept his oath we shall have no opportunity of narrating: Di lui la nostra istoria piu non parla. ... — Maid Marian • Thomas Love Peacock
... top-like movement in which the singer seems galvanized and tyrannized by one too happy and all-mastering idea in spite of himself. The audience too, in spite of themselves, were sucked into its whirling ecstacy, and it was imperatively encored. In Mozart's Non piu Andrai the chaster prototype of Rossini's Largo al factotum, his vocalization was elastic, spirited and elegant, but the effect of such a piece was necessarily lost upon the outer circles of so vast ... — A Unique Story of a Marvellous Career. Life of Hon. Phineas T. • Joel Benton
... prophecy, in the splendid peroration of his hope, a hope deferred for near four hundred years, he saw beyond the painful paths of blood and tyranny, a vision of deliverance and union. For at least it is plain that in all things Machiavelli was a passionate patriot, and Amo la patria mia piu dell' anima is found in one of the last of many thousand letters that ... — Machiavelli, Volume I - The Art of War; and The Prince • Niccolo Machiavelli
... delle quali Bartolommeo Minio era capitano. Queste navigando per l'Iberico mare, Colombo il piu giovane, nipote di quel Colombo famoso corsale, fecesi incontro a' Veniziani di notte, appresso il sacro Promontorio, che chiamasi ora capo di san Vincenzo, con sette navi guernite da combattere. Egli quantunque nel primo ... — The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus (Vol. II) • Washington Irving
... sound; and at times it is scarcely possible to refrain from tears. My companion, who otherwise was not a very delicately organised person, said quite unexpectedly, "E singolare come quel canto intenerisce, e molto piu ... — Curiosities of Literature, Vol. 1 (of 3) • Isaac D'Israeli
... alle mani un' opera delle piu pie e dotte, che a nostri tempi si siano fatte, il titolo della quale e, Del beneficio di Giesu Christo crocifisso verso i Christiani: ci e paruto a consolatione e utilita vostra darla [i] istampa, e senza il nome dello scrittore, ... — Notes and Queries, Number 232, April 8, 1854 • Various
... with sketches of the lives of Jenny Lind, Signer Benedict, Signor Belletti—and Mr. Barnum. The selection of music comprises Beethoven's overture to "Egmont;" an air from the "Elijah," first time in America, sung by Jenny Lind; "Non piu andrai," from Mozart's "Nozze di Figaro," by Signor Belletti; piano solo, Mendelssohn's "Songs without Words," by Signor Benedict; and, for the first time in America also, "Und ob die Wolke," from "Der Freischutz," by Jenny Lind. This was the first part. The second ... — From the Easy Chair, vol. 1 • George William Curtis
... merely to be upon an equality, merely to be admitted and suffered at parties, is awkward and humiliating. Noble ambition prompted them continually to aim at distinction. The desire to attain il poco piu—the little more, stimulates to excellence, or betrays to ruin, according to the objects of our ambition. No artist ever took more pains to surpass Raphael or Correggio than was taken by Mr. and Mrs. Ludgate to outshine ... — Tales & Novels, Vol. 2 • Maria Edgeworth
... Don Quixote, "what a proficient you are in the Italian language! I would lay a good wager that where they say in Italian piace you say in Spanish place, and where they say piu you say mas, and you translate su by arriba and giu ... — Don Quixote • Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
... la durezza di alcuni cognomi ha piu volte consigliato un raddolcimento, che li rendesse piu facili a pronunziarsi. Percio Macloughlin divenne Macklin; Machloch, Mallet; ed Elkana Settle fu poi ... — Notes and Queries, Number 32, June 8, 1850 • Various
... red brick palace, or rather fortress, which deforms the great square, and where Alphonso feasted while Tasso wept! The inscription on the door of the cell, calling on strangers to venerate the spot where Tasso, "Infermo piu di tristezza che delirio," was confined seven years and one month—was placed there by the French, and its accuracy may be doubted; as far as I can recollect. The grass growing in the wide streets of Ferrara is no poetical exaggeration; I saw it rank and long even on ... — The Diary of an Ennuyee • Anna Brownell Jameson
... last night, and saw Malibran in la Cenerentola, in which her acting was no less admirable than her singing. She sang "Non piu Mesta" better than I ever heard it before, and astonished as well as delighted the audience. She has a soul and spirit in her style that carries away her hearers, as no other singer does, and excites an enthusiasm seldom, if ever, ... — The Idler in France • Marguerite Gardiner
... was the emperor distinguished, except by the purple color, and his diadem or tiara, with a jewel on the top, (Hody de Graecis Illustribus, p. 31.) Yet another spectator confesses that the Greek fashion was piu grave e piu degna than the Italian. (Vespasiano in Vit. Eugen. IV. in Muratori, tom. xxv. ... — The History of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire - Volume 6 • Edward Gibbon
... for the chamber, and German dances; in short, the melodies of 'Figaro' re-echoed in every street and every garden; nay, even the blind harper himself, at the door of the beer-house, was obliged to strike up Non piu andrai if he wished to gain an audience, or earn a kreutzer. Such was the effect of the popular parts of the opera on the public at large; its more refined beauties exercised an equal influence on musicians. The director of the orchestra, Strobach, under whose superintendence ... — Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 62, Number 361, November, 1845. • Various
... James, in a fine Scotch Italian, "e la piu bella, la piu cara, ragazza ma la mawdry ... — The Newcomes • William Makepeace Thackeray
... ognimembro suo piu forte e sciolto Sente, e volge allamadre il motto, e'l lume. Come veto fanciullo esser vede Iphi va con parole alme, e devote Altempio con la madre, e la nutrice, E paga il ... — Shakespeare's Lost Years in London, 1586-1592 • Arthur Acheson
... not drink immediately. The tears came into her eyes. 'Do you remember the songs we used to sing, sitting out there sulla terrazza in the summer-time?' She began singing softly in her ghost of a cracked voice a few bars from Stradella's 'Amor amor, non dormir piu.' 'And you playing on the violin, it seems such a short time ago, and yet so long, long, long. Addio, amore, a rivederti.' She drank off the draught and, lying back on the pillow, closed her eyes. Sir Hercules kissed her hand and tiptoed away, as though he were afraid of waking ... — Crome Yellow • Aldous Huxley
... serpentine curves like the ripple of water, or the wavering of flame. I asked the Armenian who sold it, what possible use such a figure could add: he said, in Italian, that he did not know; but the Mussulmans had an idea that those of this form gave a severer wound; and liked it because it was "piu feroce." I did not much admire the reason, but ... — The Works Of Lord Byron, Vol. 3 (of 7) • Lord Byron
... ragion ch'io ti sia sempre allato Si piu avvien che fortuna t' accoglia Ove sien genti in simigliante piato; Che voler cio udire e ... — The Function Of The Poet And Other Essays • James Russell Lowell
... tricolore italiano sventoli per sempre sulla Torre di Fiume. Io e i miei colleghi sentiama per Fiume lo stesso sentimento che provate voi, o cittadini di Bologna e d'Italia. Togliervi Fiume e una delle piu grandi barbarie del secolo. Non disperate; lasciate che ... — Chit-Chat; Nirvana; The Searchlight • Mathew Joseph Holt
... e piu feroci S' appiccavan' i ladri in sulle croci; In tempi men barbari e piu leggiadri S' appiccano le croci ... — Punch or the London Charivari, Vol. 147, November 11, 1914 • Various
... alle piu angosciose crisi politiche, esclamava nelle solitudine delle sue stanze; 'Perisca il mio nome, perisca la mia fama, purche l'Italia sia,'" Artom (Cavour's secretary), Cavour in Parlameuto: ... — History of Modern Europe 1792-1878 • C. A. Fyffe
... ogni male, nulla giustizia, nullo freno. Non c'era piu remedia, ogni persona periva. Allora Cola di Rienzi." &c.—"Vita di Cola di Rienzi", lib. i. ... — Rienzi • Edward Bulwer Lytton
... a me si mise, Dal qual piu altri nacquero e diversi; E tanto di uno in altro vaneggiai Che gli occhi per vaghezza ricopersi, E il pensamento ... — Myth and Science - An Essay • Tito Vignoli
... io fingo, e pure in carte Mentre favole, e sogni, orno e disegno, In lor, (folle ch' io son!) prendo tal parte Che del mal che inventai piango, e mi sdegno. Ma forse allor che non m' inganna l'arte, Piu saggio io sono e l'agitato ingegno Forse allo piu tranquillo? O forse parte Da piu salda cagion l'amor, lo sdegno? Ah che non sol quelle, ch'io canto, o scrivo Favole son; ma quanto temo, o spero, Tutt' e manzogna, e delirando io vivo! Sogno della mia vita e il ... — Curiosities of Literature, Vol. II (of 3) - Edited, With Memoir And Notes, By His Son, The Earl Of Beaconsfield • Isaac D'Israeli
... great deal together, while I shouted, 'Quid vis? Non e possibile dormire in la foresta! e troppo fredo! Vis ne me assassinare? Veni de Lugano—e piu—non e possibile ritornare!' ... — The Path to Rome • Hilaire Belloc
... boschetto trovai pastorella, Piu che la stella bella al mio parere, Capegli avea biondetti ... — Women of the Romance Countries • John R. Effinger
... one. Conversely, several unpopular commoners were ennobled in order to disfranchise them. Nothing was more usual, in subsequent times, than such an arbitrary change of rank, as a penalty or a benefit. (Messer Antonio de Baldinaccio degli Adimari, tutto che fosse de piu grandi e nobili, per grazia era misso tra 'l popolo.—Villani, xii. c. 108.) Those nobles who were rendered plebeian by favour, were obliged to change their name and arms."—Hallam's Middle Ages, vol. i. ... — Notes and Queries, Number 74, March 29, 1851 • Various
... mind of the average sensual Englishman perhaps the most vivid images called up by the word Christmas are those connected with eating and drinking. "Ha piu da fare che i forni di Natale in Inghilterra,"[108] an Italian proverb used of a very busy person, sufficiently suggests the character of our Christmas.[109] It may be that the Christmas dinner looms larger among the English than among most other peoples, but in every country a distinctive ... — Christmas in Ritual and Tradition, Christian and Pagan • Clement A. Miles
... juvenile coiffures in the nineteenth century?) She is a very good little girl, and my mother adores her. As for myself, I am only gradually growing resigned to the fact that I am three-and-thirty years of age, and the uncle of a bouncing niece, who plays variations upon 'Non piu mesta.' ... — Henry Dunbar - A Novel • M. E. Braddon
... discretamente alla sua funzione; all' occhio sinistro e molto turbata la circolazione endoculare e quivi la funzione visiva non e ristabilita; non vede gli oggetti e tutto gli fa confusione. La colonna vertebrale presenta sempre dei punti dolenti in specie al rigonfiamento sacro lombare. La deambulazione e piu corretta, ma gli sarebbe impossibile fare una passeggiata lunga. La mizione e megliorata, non cosi la defacazione che e sempre difettosa ... — In the Forbidden Land • Arnold Henry Savage Landor
... be distinguished; but his chefs d'oeuvre are the achievements of Alexander. When the plates from these historical paintings, engraved by AUDRAN, reached Rome, it is related that the Italians, astonished, exclaimed: "Povero Raffaello! non sei piu il primo." But, when they afterwards saw the originals, they restored, to RAPHAEL ... — Paris As It Was and As It Is • Francis W. Blagdon
... Tarpejo canzon vedra, Un cavalier, ch' Italia tutta onora, Pensoso piu d'altrui, che di ... — History Of Florence And Of The Affairs Of Italy - From The Earliest Times To The Death Of Lorenzo The Magnificent • Niccolo Machiavelli
... definition of beauty in the Roman school of painting was, il piu nell' uno—multitude in unity; and there is no doubt that such is the principle of beauty. And as one of the most characteristic and infallible criteria of the different ranks of men's intellects, observe the instinctive habit which all superior ... — Specimens of the Table Talk of S.T.Coleridge • Coleridge
... "Breve pertugio dentro dalla Muda, La qual per me ha il titol della fame E in che conviene ancor ch'altri si chiuda, M'avea mostrato per lo suo forame Piu ... — Poems • William D. Howells
... sea-shore, and shows the fishermen busy with their nets and boats. Masaniello, brother of Fenella, enters, brooding upon the wrongs of the people, and is implored by the fishermen to cheer them with a song. He replies with the barcarole, "Piu bello sorse il giorno,"—a lovely melody, which has been the delight of all tenors. His friend Pietro enters and they join in a duet ("Sara il morir") of a most vigorous and impassioned character, expressive of Masaniello's grief for his sister and their mutual resolution ... — The Standard Operas (12th edition) • George P. Upton |