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Ped   Listen
Ped  n.  A basket; a hammer; a pannier. (Obs.)

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Ped" Quotes from Famous Books

... of the declension of Celtic nouns.—In Irish there is a peculiar form for the dative plural, as cos foot, cos-aibh to feet (ped-ibus); and beyond this there is nothing else whatever in the way of case, as found in the German, Latin, Greek, and other tongues. Even the isolated form in question is not found in the Welsh and Breton. Hence the Celtic tongues are pre-eminently uninflected in ...
— A Handbook of the English Language • Robert Gordon Latham

... eat!" said Mr. Hallinan, disagreeably; "I'm told that their butcher's sick and tired trying to get what he's owed, out of them! There should be drink enough, anyway! I'm just after sending in a case of whisky there. God knows when I'll be ped for it!" ...
— Mount Music • E. Oe. Somerville and Martin Ross

... took me an' mammy an' we all went over an' stayed wid Mis' Fanny kaze she was skeered, an' so dey'd be company for each other. Mammy waited on Mis' Virginia an' he'ped Surella Tu'berville, Mis' Fanny's house girl, sweep an' make up de beds an' things. I was little but mammy made me work. I shook de rugs, brung in de kindlin' an run 'roun' waitin' on Mis' Virginia an' Mis' Fanny, doin' things like totin' dey basket of keys, bringin' dey shawls and ...
— Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States • Various

... te ne'grin) Montenegro (mon te ne'gro) Moslems (moz'lemz) Murat (mue'rae) Napoleon (na po'le on) Nice (nis) Northumberland (north um'ber land) Novibazar (no'vi ba zaer') Ostrogoths (os'tro goths) Ottoman (ot'to man) Parma (paer'ma) Piedmont (ped'mont) Pola (po'lae) Poland (po'land) Pomerania (pom er a'ni a) Pyrenees (pir'en eez) Rasputin (raes poo'tin) Reichstag (rikhs'taegh) Riga (ri'ga) Romansh (ro mansh') Roon (ron) Roumani (roo mae'ni) Roumania (roo ma'ni a) Ruthenian (roo the'ni ...
— The World War and What was Behind It - The Story of the Map of Europe • Louis P. Benezet

... they couldn't talk to him, and when, quite naturally and nonchalantly he would start in to do the most outrageous things, they had to teach him better, literally by force. If Pedder weren't such an old stickler for propriety, I could go more into detail. You needn't look offended, Ped, you know you are very easily shocked, and that you make it unpleasant for everybody. He was taken on by the English consul at Teerak, who was a good fellow, and clothed, and taught to speak English, and, as a beginning, to work in the garden. ...
— The Spread Eagle and Other Stories • Gouverneur Morris

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