"Ordinal" Quotes from Famous Books
... is known to be extinct. Every fish that we find in the strata—to which I have been referring—can be identified and placed in one of the orders which exist at the present day. There is not known to be a single ordinal form of insect extinct. There are only two orders extinct among the 'Crustacea'. There is not known to be an extinct order of these creatures, the parasitic and other worms; but there are two, not to say three, absolutely extinct orders of this class, ... — The Past Condition of Organic Nature • Thomas H. Huxley
... divine institution permanent in the church and superior to that of the ordinary minister. Accordingly, when they proceed to state in detail the reasons which induced them to sanction such a difference, these are found to be—not, as in the Anglican Ordinal, that there have always been in the church of Christ distinct orders of bishops and presbyters,[197] nor even as in Alasco's book that such offices were in some sort necessary, though, save in matters executive, in no way superior to their brethren the ordinary ministers of the church, but—that ... — The Scottish Reformation - Its Epochs, Episodes, Leaders, and Distinctive Characteristics • Alexander F. Mitchell
... these are identical with those in the Antiquitates Christianae, or Bishop Taylor's Life of Christ, and Cave's Lives of the Apostles (folio editions), which, if I mistake not, were engraved by William Faithorn. The Act of Uniformity is given in black-letter. The Ordinal is wanting. The three State Services are not enumerated in the Table of Contents, but are added at the end of the book. The Old Version of the Psalms (with its usual quaint title), a tract of 104 pp., is appended: "London: ... — Notes and Queries, Number 210, November 5, 1853 • Various
... placed after most abbreviations, after initial letters, and after ordinal numbers ... — "Stops" - Or How to Punctuate. A Practical Handbook for Writers and Students • Paul Allardyce
... lobsters, worms, cuttle-fish, snails, jelly-fish, star-fish, oysters, the polyps lived contemporaneously with the first known vertebrate animals that ever came into being—all as clearly defined by unmistakable ordinal or special characters as they are at ... — What is Darwinism? • Charles Hodge
... "suspension or removal from office," while, for all that appeared, the sentence of suspension or deposition must have been pronounced by the convention itself. In a Church regulated by rules and ordinances like these, there might be a nominal Episcopate, but it would be only nominal. The Ordinal might be retained, but it would cease to have any meaning. The Primitive Church might be spoken of, but every trace of primitive order and administration would ... — Report Of Commemorative Services With The Sermons And Addresses At The Seabury Centenary, 1883-1885. • Diocese Of Connecticut
... difference of age of the strata in each of these three localities seems to indicate the predominance throughout a vast lapse of time (from the era of the Upper Trias to that of the Purbeck beds) of a low grade of quadrupeds; and this persistency of similar generic and ordinal types in Europe while the species were changing, and while the fish, reptiles, and mollusca were undergoing vast modifications, raises a strong presumption that there was also a vast extension in space of the same marsupial forms during that portion of the Secondary epoch which has been termed ... — The Antiquity of Man • Charles Lyell
... the human lower limbs, to which he owes his upright attitude, relieving the manual instruments from all share in station and terrestrial locomotion—combine and concur in raising the group so characterized above and beyond the apes, to, at least, ordinal distinction. The dental characters of mankind bear like testimony. The lowest (Melanian), like the highest (Caucasian), variety of the bimanal order differs from the quadrumanal one in the order of appearance, and succession to the first set of ... — Scientific American Supplement, No. 365, December 30, 1882 • Various
... whether Cardinal or Ordinal, to which add, iomadh many, gach every, are placed before their Nouns; as, tri lathan, three days; an treas latha, the third day; iomadh duine, many a man; gach eun g' a nead, every bird to its nest.—Except such instances as ... — Elements of Gaelic Grammar • Alexander Stewart
... to the smaller groups, we find that the number of orders of plants is about two hundred; and I have it on the best authority that not one of these is exclusively fossil; so that there is absolutely not a single extinct ordinal type of vegetable life; and it is not until we descend to the next group, or the families, that we find types which are wholly extinct. The number of orders of animals, on the other hand, may be reckoned at a hundred and twenty, or thereabouts, and of these, ... — Time and Life • Thomas H. Huxley
... exhibited by the imitation. There need be little or virtually no zoological affinity between the imitating and the imitated forms; that is to say, in some cases the zoological affinity is not closer than ordinal, and therefore cannot possibly be ascribed to kinship. Like all the other branches of the general subject of protective resemblance in form or colouring, this branch has already been so largely illustrated by previous writers, that, as in the previous cases, I need only give one ... — Darwin, and After Darwin (Vol. 1 and 3, of 3) • George John Romanes |
Words linked to "Ordinal" : 6th, 300th, 7th, 35th, forty-sixth, millionth, 60th, 80th, 70th, 145th, eighth, 19th, 4th, hundred-and-thirtieth, thirty-fourth, 170th, hundred-and-seventieth, n-th, 115th, hundred-and-twentieth, thirty-fifth, 25th, 2d, 28th, hundred-and-eightieth, ninety-fifth, 11th, umteenth, forty-eighth, umpteenth, twenty-eighth, eighteenth, 200th, quintillionth, 5th, third, twenty-ninth, 9th, 90th, hundred-and-ninetieth, 21st, twelfth, twenty-fourth, 47th, nth, twenty-seventh, forty-ninth, forty-fourth, forty-seventh, 32nd, twenty-fifth, twentieth, twenty-sixth, thirty-first, 120th, forty-first, 65th, thirty-seventh, 160th, hundred-and-thirty-fifth, thirty-second, twenty-second, 26th, 49th, 130th, order, 85th, 55th, 31st, fortieth, seventh, 110th, sixty-fourth, 2nd, thirteenth, 400th, thirty-ninth, sixth, 30th, hundred-and-sixty-fifth, 190th, hundred-and-fifteenth, quaternary, 23rd, fifth, fourteenth, 34th, 48th, 14th, 42nd, 165th, 12th, thirty-sixth, 18th, 16th, hundred-and-tenth, 33rd, zeroth, hundred-and-fifty-fifth, 125th, 44th, 22nd, tertiary, 100th, 41st, seventeenth, ninetieth, 46th, five-hundredth, number 1, second, 180th, 50th, 8th, thirty-third, ninth, 20th, sixtieth, seventieth, sixteenth |
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