"Optimum" Quotes from Famous Books
... is a range of temperature most favourable to its vital activity. Above this optimum, the vital activity diminishes, till a maximum is reached, when it ceases altogether, and if this point be maintained for a long time the plant is apt to be killed. Similarly, the vital activity is diminished ... — Response in the Living and Non-Living • Jagadis Chunder Bose
... habeamus." Et sic futurorum spe gaudentes, a potu abstinuerunt, licet multum indigentes. Vespero uero illis domum redeuntibus, pius pater, laborancium lassitudinem compaciens, uas aqua plenum benedixit, et iam sanctum miraculum in Chana Galilee renoua[n]s, in optimum uinum transmutauit aquam. Quo uino siti deficientes recreati sunt, et in fide insoliti miraculi ostensione recreati laudes omnipotenti Dei dederunt. Huius enim uini miraculosi sapor solito graciosior erat, et odor in propinatoris pollice ... — The Latin & Irish Lives of Ciaran - Translations Of Christian Literature. Series V. Lives Of - The Celtic Saints • Anonymous
... dissimillimarium vocum moderatione concors tamen efficitur, & congruens; Sic ex summis, & mediis, & infimis interjectis ordinibus, ut sonis, moderata ratione civitas, consensu dissimillimorum concinit, & quae harmonia a musicis dicitur in cantu, ea est in Civitate concordia: arctissimum atq; optimum in Repub. vinculum incolumitatis, quae fine justitia nullo pacto esse potest. i. e. As in Fiddles and Flutes, and even in Singing and Voices, a certain Consort of distinct Sounds is to be observed; ... — Franco-Gallia • Francis Hotoman
... There is probably an optimum temperature for thawing or defrosting frozen fruits and flowers. Finally the temperature records as ordinarily obtained need careful interpretation. It may be that the freezing point of liquids under pressure in the plant cells or exposed to the air ... — Popular Science Monthly Volume 86
... use it, underplay it. But anyhow, Moodmaster is a simple physiotherapy engine that monitors bloodstream chemicals and body electricity. It ties directly into the bloodstream, keeping blood, sugar, et cetera, at optimum levels and injecting euphrin or depressin as necessary—and occasionally a touch of extra adrenaline, as ... — The Creature from Cleveland Depths • Fritz Reuter Leiber
... te, vir praestantissime, et tua omnia quaecunque in isto literarum genere perpolita sunt; in quo quidem Te caeteris omnibus ejusmodi scriptoribus facile antecellere, atque esse eundem et dicendi et sentiendi magistrum optimum, prorsus existimo; cumque in excolendis his studiis aliquantulum ipse et operae et temporis posuerim, libere tamen profiteor me, tua cum legam ac relegam, ea edoctum esse a te, non solum quae nesciebam prorsus, sed etiam quae antea ... — The Ancient History of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, • Charles Rollin
... is certain to enlarge with time, and the ease with which right choices can be made. In this computer age, mathematical models of river systems, including the Potomac, are at work manipulating hydrological data and quickly indicating optimum coordinated solutions for given water problems that formerly would have taken many weeks to solve, if indeed men could have arrived at such exact solutions at all. Computers are no better than the material ... — The Nation's River - The Department of the Interior Official Report on the Potomac • United States Department of the Interior |