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Nur   Listen
Nur  n.  A hard knot in wood; also, a hard knob of wood used by boys in playing hockey. "I think I'm as hard as a nur, and as tough as whitleather."

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"Nur" Quotes from Famous Books

... the column passed a conical hill known as Gebel El Nur an hour later, and entered a broad valley covered with grass and trees twenty feet high, and where, doubtless, water could be obtained had the force been provided with little Abyssinian pumps. At five o'clock the column halted, and as the ground was sandy passed a more comfortable night ...
— The Dash for Khartoum - A Tale of Nile Expedition • George Alfred Henty

... too strongly put, are these: Fuer den Usus der Sprache, fuer ihren Verstand und ihre Verstaendlichkeit ist allerdings das Erblassen ihrer Lautbilder, so dass sie allmaehlig als blosse Zeichen fuer Begriffe fungiren, nothwendig. Die Ueberzahl der Bilder wuerde, wenn sie alle als solche wirkten, nur verwirren und jede klarere Auffassung, wie sie die praktischen Zwecke der Gegenwart fordern, unmoeglich machen. Die Bilder wuerden ausserdem einander zum Theil zerstoeren, indem sie die Farben verschiedener Sphaeren zusammenfliessenlassen, ...
— On the Study of Words • Richard C Trench

... and the baby grew up into a fine handsome lad, as daring as he was beautiful, and as industrious as he was brave. One day, when the boy, whom the old woman had named Nur Mahomed, was about seventeen years old, he was coming from his day's work in the fields, when he saw a strange donkey eating the cabbages in the garden which surrounded their little cottage. Seizing a big stick, he began to beat the intruder and to drive ...
— The Brown Fairy Book • Andrew Lang

... but when she went back to her own room it was to shake her head and murmur: "Po' Marfy, she jes' ez blind ez a bat. She jes' go 'long, holdin' on to dat chile wid all huh might, an' I see death in Lucy's face now. Dey ain't no faif nur prayer, nur Jack-leg doctors nuther gwine ...
— The Strength of Gideon and Other Stories • Paul Laurence Dunbar

... Cot, someding to eat! De government petter leave dem to tie on de pattle field, nur do ...
— Half a Century • Jane Grey Cannon Swisshelm

... The men swaggered, the women minced their steps, rolled their eyes, and were eternally arranging, and coquetting with their head-veils." In the house of a friend he saw an Armenian wedding. For servant he now took a cowardly and thievish lad named Nur, and, subsequently, he made the acquaintance of a Meccan youth, Mohammed, who was to become his companion throughout the pilgrimage. Mohammed was 18, chocolate brown, short, obese, hypocritical, cowardly, astute, selfish and affectionate. Burton not only purchased the ordinary pilgrim ...
— The Life of Sir Richard Burton • Thomas Wright

... Luise Reichartdt.) "Es ist ein Schnitter, der heisst Tod, Der hat Gestalt vom hchsten Gott. Heut' wetzt er das Messer, Es schneid't schon viel besser, Bald wird er drein schneiden, Wir mssen's nur leiden. Hte ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 216, December 17, 1853 • Various

... sing like a lark— Wuz finely brung up, an' that mother o' his, A sister he tol' me, an' a girl he called Liz. 'D a give the hull earth if they only could know If he wuz alive; but so hard-hearted, he Would never be grateful to them nur to me. Though I had no claim on him, yet it would seem After all I hed done fer him, shorely some gleam O' thankfulness somewhere might some time be seen. 'Sides spendin' my all I hed broken down too, Wuz a shattered ol' man, though but then fifty-two; ...
— Trail Tales • James David Gillilan

... deutschen Vaterlande ein Prchen in die bekrnzte Hochzeitskutsche. Sie kamen vom Hochzeitsaltar und Hochzeitsessen und hatten sich in der Stille davongemacht. Nur die Mutter der Braut war mitgegangen und hatte dem Tchterlein das graue Reisekleid angelegt und es[3-6] mit Thrnen gesegnet. Es ist ja freilich nur ein Schritt aus dem Elternhause in die Hochzeitskutsche, aber es ist ...
— Eingeschneit - Eine Studentengeschichte • Emil Frommel

... allowed by us who profess the Roman Catholic religion. [Note 35]) As this Romish Refutation is rarely met with, we add the exact original: "Wird demnach nicht verworfen noch fuer unrecht erkannt, dasz die Fuersten und Staedt halten ein gemeine Mess in der Kirchen, wann sie solche nur ordentlich und richtig nach der heiligen Richtschnur und canonischen Regel hielten und thaeten, we es alle Catholischen halten: Dieweil sie aber alle andere Messen abschaffen, das kann der Christlich glaub ...
— American Lutheranism Vindicated; or, Examination of the Lutheran Symbols, on Certain Disputed Topics • Samuel Simon Schmucker

... hands," said Tom; "nothin' can go no furder than he lets it;—and thar's one thing I can thank him for. It's me that's sold and going down, and not you nur the chil'en. Here you're safe;—what comes will come only on me; and the Lord, he'll help me,—I know ...
— Uncle Tom's Cabin • Harriet Beecher Stowe

... nur?' and in return for a double handful of confetti flung into a carriage full of German artists ahead of him, 'bang!' comes into Caper's vehicle a shower of lime pills and other stunners—not including the language—and he is in for it. ...
— The Continental Monthly , Vol. 2 No. 5, November 1862 - Devoted to Literature and National Policy • Various

... edition of Beethoven's works. Both these were finally rejected, yet Beethoven made still another attempt. There is a sketch for an "Intermezzo zur Sonate aus C moll," and at the end of the music the composer writes: "durchaus so ohne Trio, nur ein Stueck" (exactly thus without Trio, only one piece). So the Minuets were to be short; then the limit of length is prescribed; and, lastly, an Intermezzo without Trio is planned. The composer proposed, but his [Greek: daimon] disposed; the Sonata in C minor finally appeared in print with ...
— The Pianoforte Sonata - Its Origin and Development • J.S. Shedlock

... little at first, though now so great— For at Altorf, in student's gown he played By your leave, the part of a roaring blade, And rattled away at a queerish rate. His fag he had well nigh killed by a blow, And their Nur'mburg worships swore he should go To jail for his pains—if he liked it or no. 'Twas a new-built nest to be christened by him Who first should be lodged. Well, what was his whim? Why, he sent his dog forward to lead the way, And they call the jail from the dog to ...
— The Works of Frederich Schiller in English • Frederich Schiller

... the son of Samas-palassar, the son of the priest of the Sun-god, has, of his own free-will, sealed all his estate, which he had inherited from Nebo-balasu-iqbi, the son of Nur-Ea, the son of the priest of the Sun-god, the father of his mother, and from Kabt, the mother of Assat-Belit, his grandmother, consisting of a piece of land, a house and the slaves or serfs attached to it, in accordance with the will (literally tablet) which his maternal grandfather, Nebo-balasu-iqbi, ...
— Babylonians and Assyrians, Life and Customs • Rev. A. H. Sayce

... mit ihm reisen. Ich bin an seine Sentiments zum Theil schon so gewhnt, sie bis in das weiche innere Mark seiner Menschheit in ihren zarten Fden zu verfolgen: dass ich glaube seinen Tristram etwas mehr zu verstehn als the common people. Nur um so mehr rgern mich auch seine verfluchten Suereien und Zweideutigkeiten, die das Buch wenigerer Empfehlung fhig machen als es verdient." We learn from the same letter that Herder possessed the sermons of ...
— Laurence Sterne in Germany • Harvey Waterman Thayer

... led to the Second Crusade, preached by St. Bernard; compelled the Crusaders to raise the siege of Damascus, which he made his capital; called to interfere in the affairs of Egypt, he conquered it, and made it his own, a sovereignty which SALADIN (q. v.) disputed, and which Nur ed-Din was preparing to reassert ...
— The Nuttall Encyclopaedia - Being a Concise and Comprehensive Dictionary of General Knowledge • Edited by Rev. James Wood

... sultanate of Rum. It became an important Seljuk town, and late in the 14th century passed into Ottoman hands. There Bayezid Yilderim is said by Ali of Yezd to have died after his defeat at Angora. The place still enjoys much repute among Turks, as the burialplace of Nur-ed-din Khoja. The town has a station on the Anatolian railway, about 60 m. from Afium-Rara-Hissar and 100 m. from ...
— Project Gutenberg Encyclopedia

... of what awaited them on the ensuing days. Idris, also, who previously had lived long years in a civilized community, had never imagined anything like this. He was pleased when one night they were surrounded by an armed detachment of the Emir Nur el-Tadhil and ...
— In Desert and Wilderness • Henryk Sienkiewicz

... and went into the ball-room just as the musicians began to play Nur fuer Natur; and the enchanting strains of the waltz carried them away in the swaying movement, and did them no manner of good. Just such conversations had taken place before, and would take place again so long as Hermione maintained the possibility of converting ...
— Paul Patoff • F. Marion Crawford

... Shah Mahommed, aged 87 years, son of Ghaus Mahommed, who died aged 75 years, and grandson of Nur Mahommed who died at the age of 78 years, All three were itinerant conjurers and had never seen ...
— Indian Conjuring • L. H. Branson

... reproductions in colour, embrace characteristic examples of the manners, customs and costumes of typical Yorkshire subjects, such as: The Horse Couper, Cloth Maker, Fishermen, Oat Cakes, Nur and Spell, Yorkshire Regiments, the Old Cloth Hall, the Fool Plough, Bishop Blaize Procession, Riding the Stang, Wensleydale Knitters, Sheffield Cutlers, The Flax Industry, Hawking, Racing, Cranberry Gatherers, Leech ...
— A History of Giggleswick School - From its Foundation 1499 to 1912 • Edward Allen Bell

... mit eiligem Bestreben Sucht sich, was sich angehoert, Und zu ungemessnem Leben Ist Gefuehl und Blick gekehrt. Sei's ergreifen, sei es raffen, Wenn es nur sich fasst und haelt! Allah braucht nicht mehr zu schaffen, ...
— The Sexual Question - A Scientific, psychological, hygienic and sociological study • August Forel

... Haelften, den ackerbauenden Westen und den viehzuchttreibenden Osten; jener reich an Haefen, von Landstrassen durchschnitten, in einer Menge von Colonien oder einzelnen Gehoeften von Roemischen Ackerbuergern bewohnt; dieser fast ohne Haefen, nur von einer Kuestenstrasse durchschnitten, fuer den grossen Roemer der rechte Sitz seiner Sclaven und Heerden. Cf. p. 21. For the pasturage in Calabria and Apulia see op. cit. pp. ...
— A History of Rome, Vol 1 - During the late Republic and early Principate • A H.J. Greenidge

... und stark und lauter In dem deutschen Land Ist der Wein allein geblieben An der Rheines Strand. Ist der nicht ein Demagoge, Wer soll einer sein? Mainz, du stolze Bundesfeste, Sperr ihn nur nicht ein."(14) ...
— Chips From A German Workshop. Vol. III. • F. Max Mueller

... Tod fuer deinen feind, Du irrst; er ist dein bestest Freund: Er ummt dir alle leibin ab Und legt dich sanft in's stille grab. Befreit dich von dir falschen wilt Und wenn es dir nur selbst gefaellt So fuehst er dich in himmel ein Sag wellcher Freund kaun ...
— Germany, Bohemia, and Hungary, Visited in 1837. Vol. II • G. R. Gleig

... 'andsome, and, as a token of regeneration, swore that never another drop o' sperrits would cross his lips. Wines and beers, of course, were light refreshments of a different order. Schmidt, too, sublimely heedless of the diplomatic storm he had caused, seemed to be contented. He taught Watts "Es gibt nur eine Kaiser Stadt," and Watts taught him the famous chanty of the Alice brig and her marooned crew. But the latter effusion was rehearsed far from Coke's deck-chair, because the captain of the mail steamer said that although ...
— The Stowaway Girl • Louis Tracy

... Dynastic Tablet compiled probably in the reign of Nabonidos. In the latter the reigns of illegitimate kings, Pungun-ilu, Immerum, and Eri-Aku, seem to be included in those of the legitimate rulers of the dynasty. Immerum, the son of Lilium, was a contemporary of Sumu-la-ilu, and perhaps, like Nur-Rimmon and Sin-idinnam in the time of Sin-muballidh and Khammurabi, was vassal king of Larsa in ...
— Early Israel and the Surrounding Nations • Archibald Sayce

... found that our Gudabirsi Bedouins had at length obeyed the summons. The six sons of a noted chief, Ali Addah or White Ali, by three different mothers, Beuh, Igah, Khayri, Nur, Ismail and Yunis, all advanced towards me as I dismounted, gave the hand of friendship, and welcomed me to their homes. With the exception of the first-named, a hard- featured man at least forty years old, the brothers were good-looking youths, with clear brown skins, ...
— First footsteps in East Africa • Richard F. Burton

... langen Tag Hab ich nur Schmerz und Plag Und darf am Abend doch nit weine. Wen ich am Fendersteh, Und in die Nacht nei seh, So ganz alleine, so ...
— Hurricane Island • H. B. Marriott Watson

... you, my dear, for he nearly fretted his little heart out last night, bless him; and Mrs. Morton crept up at two o'clock in the morning, when Mr. Morton was asleep, but nothing would do but his old nurse; he pushed her away, and it was 'Nur, nur,' and we could not pacify him. Poor Mrs. Morton cried at last, and then he took to patting her and laughing at her in the ...
— The Girl's Own Paper, Vol. VIII. No. 358, November 6, 1886. • Various

... fast it pours! I'm sure we can't go out of doors While it is rain-ing thus; So let us in the nur-se-ry stay, To have a mer-ry game, and ...
— The Infant's Delight: Poetry • Anonymous

... alien Gipfeln Ist Ruh, In allen Wipfeln Spuerest du Kaum einen Hauch; Die Voegelein schweigen im Walde. Warte nur, balde Ruhest ...
— Nature Mysticism • J. Edward Mercer

... basis he ruthlessly carves out and discards as "unecht" every passage that fails to conform to his amazing and extravagant ideals, in the belief that "der Achte Meister Plautus konnte nur Harmonisches, nur Vernunftiges, nur Logisches, nur relativ Richtiges dichten" (p. 79), though even Homer nods. The Mercator is banned in toto. To be sure, Weise somewhat redeems himself by the statement (p. 29 f.): "Plautus bezweckte ...
— The Dramatic Values in Plautus • William Wallace Blancke

... "You, nur nobody else, can't turn me out of dis house," she warned them, and in her words was the dead weight of finality. "An' ef you does, I ain't gwine leave de premises. Ise gwine camp right dere on de sidewalk ...
— From Place to Place • Irvin S. Cobb

... Bafeindung der Kunst, dennoch selber ein grosser Kuenstler war und den wahren Kuenstlergeist besass. Nur war dieser Kuenstlergeist bei ihm, wie bei seinen aegyptischen Landsleuteu, nurauf das Colossale und Unverwustliche gerichtet. Aber nicht vie die Aegypter formirte er seine Kunstwerke aus Backstem und Granit, ...
— Daniel Deronda • George Eliot

... and sculpture are alone directly concerned—beauty in the narrow sense; and inner or organic. Wagner has expressed it in a sentence which defies even a free translation. Speaking of the lovely melodies of the Italian opera he says: "Nicht das schlagende Herz der Nachtigall begriff man, sondern nur ihren Kehlschlag." Men cared only for the pleasing sound of the nightingale's voice, nothing for the beating heart from which ...
— Wagner's Tristan und Isolde • George Ainslie Hight

... Apharwat. Ek, One. (Ek damimmediately.) Ekka, Embroidery, Erin Nullah, Eshmakam, Eysh Makam("the delightful halting-place") Above the village stands the shrine of Zyn-u-din, one of the four disciples of the Kashmir patron saint, Shah Nur-u-din. ...
— A Holiday in the Happy Valley with Pen and Pencil • T. R. Swinburne

... verzagen Und ich glaubt' ich trug es nie, Und ich hab' es doch getragen— Aber fragt mich nur nicht, ...
— The Essays of "George Eliot" - Complete • George Eliot

... give good milk. In like manner, a prince should begin by assuring his subjects healthy and abundant food, if he would take anything from them." von Schroeder, Fuerstl. Schatz-und Rentkammer (1686), preface, 11. Von Horneck before him, Oesterreich ueber alles wann es nur will, p. 220, ed. of 1707, had expressed the idea that the watchful solicitude for the public economy of the country was no parergon, no appendix, to the council (Kammer), but its real basis, and that it embraced many subjects which had nothing in common with ...
— Principles Of Political Economy • William Roscher

... als Jesus Soll mein Wunsch sein und mein Ziel; Jetzund mach ich ein Verbuendniss, Dass ich will, was Jesus will; Denn mein Herz, mit ihm erfuellt, Rufet nur; Herr, wie du willt. Written by Elizabeth, Countess ...
— The Life and Letters of Elizabeth Prentiss • George L. Prentiss

... Selim, who took the title of Jehan Gir. The Deckan, hardly subdued, achieved something like independence under a great soldier and administrator of Abyssinian origin, named Malik Amber. In the sixth year of his reign Jehan Gir married the beautiful Nur Jehan, by whose influence the emperor's natural brutality was greatly modified in practice. His son, Prince Khurram, later known as Shah Jehan, distinguished himself in war with the Rajputs, displaying a character not unworthy of his grandfather. In 1616 the embassy of Sir Thomas Roe from James ...
— The World's Greatest Books, Vol XII. - Modern History • Arthur Mee

... he sed, woll th' tear stood in his e'e, "Nay, it'll just be a penny a piece." "God bless thi! do just as tha will, An may better days speedily come; Tho clam'd, an hauf donn'd, mi lad, still Tha'rt a deal nearer Heaven nur some." ...
— Yorkshire Lyrics • John Hartley

... subject: "Fuer mich sind die Worte, 'von Gottes Gnaden,' welche christliche Herrscher ihrem Namen beifuegen, kein leerer Schall, sondern ich sehe darin das Bekenntniss, des Fuersten das Scepter was ihnen Gott verliehen hat, nur nach Gottes ...
— Germany and the Germans - From an American Point of View (1913) • Price Collier

... Alkolismus der Neger zetern in ihren Studenten- jahren allein mehr geistige Getranke genossen haben als zehn Bube wahrend ihres ganzen Lebens. Der Handelsrum welcher wie ich mich ofters uberzeugt zwar recht verwassert aber keineswegs abstossend schlecht schmeckt, ist den Bube gewohnlich nur eine Delikatesse welche mit Andacht schluckweise genossen wird. Wenn ein Arbeiter bei uns einen Schluck Branntwein oder ein Glas Bier geniesst um sich zu starken, so findet das Jeder in der Ordnung; der Bube jedoch, welcher splitternackt ...
— Travels in West Africa • Mary H. Kingsley

... and the more populated regions of Khoondooz and Kashmir, of the Gya-Pheling (British India), and China, west and east, which affords to the curious mind a pretty large latitude to locate it in. Others still place it between Namur Nur and the Kuen-Lun Mountains, but one and all firmly believe in Scham-bha-la, and speak of it as a fertile fairy-like land once an island, now an oasis of incomparable beauty, the place of meeting of the inheritors of the esoteric wisdom ...
— Five Years Of Theosophy • Various

... und gehen, Geschlechter steigen ins Grab, Doch nimmer vergeht die Liebe, Die ich im Herzen hab! Nur einmal noch moecht ich dich sehen, Und sinken vor dir aufs Knie Und sterbend zu dir sprechen: 'Madam, ich liebe ...
— Witch-Doctors • Charles Beadle

... the celebrated Shawir, whom El-Adil dispossessed, but in a test of battle, El-Adil was defeated and put to death. In his turn, Shawir yielded to the more powerful Ed-Durghan, and fled to Damascus. There he enlisted the aid of the Atabeg Sultan Nur ed-Din, who sent his army against Ed-Durghan, with the result that Shawir was reinstated in power in Egypt. He thereupon threw off his promised allegiance to Nur ed-Din, whose general, Shirkuh (who had led the Damascenes to Egypt), took up a strategic position. ...
— History Of Egypt From 330 B.C. To The Present Time, Volume 12 (of 12) • S. Rappoport

... "Lessing war der hoechste Verstand, und nur ein ebenso grosser konnte von ihm wahrhaft lernen. Dem Halbvermoegen war er gefaehrlich." (To Eckermann, ...
— The Youth of Goethe • Peter Hume Brown

... the story be recorded and be made public amongst the people. But Ja'afar said, "Marvel not, O Commander of the Faithful, at this adventure, for it is not more wondrous than the History of the Wazir Nur al-Din Ali of Egypt and his brother Shams al-Din Mohammed. — Quoth the Caliph, "Out with it; but what can be stranger than this story?" And Ja'afar answered, "O Commander of the Faithful, I will not tell ...
— The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, Volume 1 • Richard F. Burton

... should avoid reading Jordanes, but should likewise remember the truthful, words of Delbrueck: "Legende und Poesie malen darum noch nicht falsch, weil sie mit anderen Farben malen als die Historie. Sie reden nur eine andere Sprache, und es handelt sich darum, aus dieser ...
— The Origin and Deeds of the Goths • Jordanes

... Kriegsvoelker gegeben, gebildet durch und fuer den Krieg, nicht Kriegsstaaten in solchem Sinn, dass alles ganz und allein fuer den Krieg berechnet gewesen waere, nicht einmal auf die Dauer Kriegsfuersten, deren Herrschaft nur in Kriegfuehrung und Heeresmacht ihren ...
— The Origins and Destiny of Imperial Britain - Nineteenth Century Europe • J. A. Cramb

... ist es, denk ich nur an Dich, Als in den Mond zu seh'n, Ein suesser Friede weht um mich, Weiss nicht, ...
— Old Fritz and the New Era • Louise Muhlbach

... o' money), an' turns his hoss an' pulls up agin. He was a-gittin' the land so durned cheap that I reckon he jes hated to let hit go, an' he says, says he: "Well, hain't the groun' rich? Won't hit raise no tabaccy nur corn nur nothin'?" ...
— 'Hell fer Sartain' and Other Stories • John Fox, Jr.

... uns Russe und Franzos'? Schuss wider Schuss und Stoss um Stoss, Wir lieben sie nicht, Wir hassen sie nicht, Wir schuetzen Weichsel und Wasgaupass, Wir haben nur einen einzigen Hass, Wir lieben vereint, wir hassen vereint, Wir haben nur einen einzigen Feind: Denn ihr alle wisst, denn ihr alle wisst, Er sitzt geduckt hinter der grauen Flut, Voll Neid, voll Wut, voll Schlaeue, voll ...
— The New York Times Current History: the European War, February, 1915 • Various

... ein Meer von bitteren Leiden Die Italienerin gab—Seligkeit, Seligkeit nur Laessest Du mich entzuendend, begeistert, befaendig empfinden, In der Spanierin fand Liebe ...
— The Magnificent Montez - From Courtesan to Convert • Horace Wyndham

... Kapelle zur hohen Stiege gebaut, 1747 durch Zusatz vergrossert und 1755 mit Orgeln ausgestattet. Anton Ruppen, ein geschickter Steinhauer und Maurermeister leitete den Kapellebau, und machte darin das kleinere Altarlein. Bei der hohen Stiege war fruher kein Gebetshauslein; nur ein wunderthatiges Bildlein der Mutter Gottes stand da in einer Mauer vor dem fromme Hirten und viel andachtiges Volk unter freiem ...
— The Humour of Homer and Other Essays • Samuel Butler

... [1] Erigrinul, Eriginul, Erdschi-nur; and this ought to be read fifty days south-west, instead of five days east.—Forst. This may probably be some district in the country of the Eluts of Kokonor, not mentioned in ...
— A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Vol. 1 • Robert Kerr

... a powerful influence in arranging the destinies of the Mogul empire. The most notable of the women, and one who would have taken a prominent part in affairs in whatever country or in whatever generation it had pleased the Almighty to place her, was Nur Jehan, sultana of the Mogul Jehanghir. She lived in the marble palace of Agra from 1556 to 1605; a woman of extraordinary force of character, the equal of Queen Elizabeth in intellect and of Mary Stuart in physical attractions, and her ...
— Modern India • William Eleroy Curtis

... villas, ancient and modern, the terraces and pavilions edged with the lotus and overhung with vines and plane trees, the Shalmiar Bagh, or Garden of Delight, and the Mishat Bagh, or Garden of Pleasure, where wine-loving Jehangir and his beautiful consort Nur Jahan, the Light of the World, luxuriated in the summers of long ago. This potentate declared that he would rather lose all the rest of his vast and affluent empire than Kashmir. It furnished a place of refreshing retreat for his energies and his conscience, ...
— Lippincott's Magazine, Vol. 22, September, 1878 • Various

... sie "Erzdieb," Hervor doch haucht sie "Herzdieb"— Hin springe ich zum Herzlieb. "Ehrloser!" statt zu wehren, "Her, Loser!" laesst sie hoeren; Nur rascher dem Begehren Folgt' ich mit ihr zu kosen, Die lieblich ...
— The Book of Delight and Other Papers • Israel Abrahams

... of yore and times long gone before there was a Sultan of India who begat three sons; the eldest hight Prince Husayn, the second Prince Ali, and the youngest Prince Ahmad; moreover he had a niece, named Princess Nur al-Nihar,[FN315] the daughter of his cadet brother who, dying early, left his only child under her uncle's charge. The King busied himself with abundant diligence about her instruction and took all care that she should be ...
— Supplemental Nights, Volume 3 • Richard F. Burton

... General Jim," he answered, "starvin' or drownin'. I'd rather drown nur starve. So gin the word, and, dead or alive, I'll ...
— From Canal Boy to President - Or The Boyhood and Manhood of James A. Garfield • Horatio Alger, Jr.

... Wenn uns jedoch dieses Buch einigen Schaden gebracht hat, so war es der, das wir allen Philosophie, besonderers aber der Metaphysick recht herzlich gram wurden, und bleiben, dagegen aber auf lebendige Wissen, Erfahren, Thun und Dichten uns nur ...
— Baron d'Holbach - A Study of Eighteenth Century Radicalism in France • Max Pearson Cushing

... Legus up the Chyemne River under the Black mountains, he Sais the River is rapid and bad to navagate, it forks 100 Leagus up the N. fork enters the Black mountain 40 Leagues above the forks the Countrey like that on the Missouri less timber more Cedar, the Coat Nur or Black m. is high and Some parts retain Snow all Summer, Covered with timber principally pine, Great number of goats and a kind of anamal with verry large horns about the Size of a Small Elk, White Bear no bever on the chien great numbers in the ...
— The Journals of Lewis and Clark • Meriwether Lewis et al

... poor, owing to its superabundance of ash. It has also a little copper and tin. It has gold-mines that are worked. Diamonds, too, are found in southern India, and numerously so. The celebrated Koh-i-nur (280 carats) was an Indian product. But neither diamond-hunting nor gold-mining is any longer a profitable industry in India. The principal mineral industry of India is salt-mining, pursued in the Punjaub, ...
— Up To Date Business - Home Study Circle Library Series (Volume II.) • Various

... published English translation being, as it seems to me, incorrect: "Es scheint mir als ob er in der zweiten Ausgabe seines allgemein bekannten Werks uber Korallenriffe einem Irrthume uber meine Beobachtungen zum Opfer gefallen ist, indem er die Angaben, die ich allerdings bisher immer nur sehr kurz gehalten hatte, ...
— The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, Volume II • Francis Darwin

... him for one other reason, dear, because he is your brother. But that is all! Oh! Jeanne Dessalle says such strange things sometimes—such strange things! I do not understand—I really do not understand. But warte nur, du Raethsel, as my ...
— The Saint • Antonio Fogazzaro

... real self, (as he thinks): to her he may say what he must not say to anyone, since in speaking to her he but speaks to himself. "Was Keinem in Worten unausgesprochen," he says to her, "bleib es ewig: mit mir nur rath' ...
— The Perfect Wagnerite - A Commentary on the Niblung's Ring • George Bernard Shaw

... compared the description of Harun al Rashid's Garden of Gladness in the story of Nur-al-din Ali and the damsel Anis al Talis in the Thirty-Sixth Night. The style appears to have been modelled on Coleridge's 'Kubla Khan' and 'Lewti', and the influence of Coleridge is ...
— The Early Poems of Alfred Lord Tennyson • Tennyson

... Gedaref surrendered at noon. The Dervish Emir, Nur Angara, who with 200 black riflemen and two brass guns had been left in command of the garrison, made haste to submit. The remainder of the Dervishes, continuing their flight under the Emir Saadalla, hurried to tell the tale of ...
— The River War • Winston S. Churchill

... rendered: They declared their deeds, that is, the works which they had performed by order of their confessors. Catholics charge Luther with having inserted a word in Rom. 4, 15, which he translates: "Das Gesetz richtet nur Zorn an," that is, The law worketh only wrath, or nothing but wrath. They object to the word "only," because in their view man can by his own natural powers make himself love the Law. They set up a great hue and cry about another insertion in Rom. 3, 28, which Luther translates: ...
— Luther Examined and Reexamined - A Review of Catholic Criticism and a Plea for Revaluation • W. H. T. Dau

... been given to Edward the Black Prince by Pedro the Cruel of Castile, after the battle of Najera, in 1367, and now the most prized adornment of the English Crown, excepting the great historic diamond, the Koh-i-nur. The immense Star of South Africa, weighing 531 metric carats, five times the weight of the Koh-i-nur, is intrinsically worth much more, but lacks the manifold dramatic and historic associations of its ...
— Shakespeare and Precious Stones • George Frederick Kunz

... right quar ter see folks a-settin' on the grass, 'n' her voice comin' outen the night like one of them prophets what maybe she war a-readin' 'bout. Yeou see," his voice assumed a mystic, whispery tone, "she never knowed when hit war night, 'n' the people wouldn't tell her, nur make a move till she quit—beant hit even mawnin'. Arter readin', she'd talk awhile; tellin' 'em things they'd orter do, 'n' things they'd orten't. 'N' onct she clean busted up a feud by makin' two ole fellers shake han's. That caught the ...
— Sunlight Patch • Credo Fitch Harris

... aroused him. "Tausend Teufel! Eilen Sie, nur! Zeit is Geld! Kann nich' Langer warten!" Slowly ...
— Forsyte Saga • John Galsworthy

... sometimes called AEfeldi or Heveldi, will appear from their location, as pointed out by Ubbo Emmius: "Wilsos, Henetorum gentem, ad Havelam trans Albim sedes habentem." (Rer. Fris. Hist. l. iv. p. 67.) Schaffarik remarks, "Die Stoderaner und Havelaner waren ein und derselbe, nur durch zwei namen interscheiden zweige des Weleten stammes;" and Albinus says: "Es sein aber die riehten Wilzen Wender sonderlich an der Havel wonhaft." They were frequently designated by the name of Lutici, {314} as appears from Adam of Bremen, Helmond, ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 20, March 16, 1850 • Various

... nuna tempo neniu 2. Because at the present time no esploranto en la tuta mondo one who looks out over the whole jam dubas pri tio, ke lingvo world any longer doubts that internacia povas esti nur lingvo an international language can arta, kaj cxar, el cxiuj multegaj only be an artificial one, and provoj faritaj en la dauxro de because, of all the very numerous la lastaj du centjaroj, cxiuj attempts made in the course of prezentas ...
— International Language - Past, Present and Future: With Specimens of Esperanto and Grammar • Walter J. Clark

... sollte sich die Menstruation noch nicht eingestellt haben, so muss die Mutter sich um die Sache bekuemmern. Wahrscheinlich ist das junge Maedchen mager und blass, wobei der Teint ein besonders, gelbliches Aussehen hat, so dass es nur zu leicht ein Opfer der Auszehrung und allgemeiner Nervenschwaeche wird. Fuer solche Faelle ist Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound geradezu unvergleichlich. Es traegt vor allem dazu bei, dass der Wechsel im Maedchenleben, ...
— Treatise on the Diseases of Women • Lydia E. Pinkham

... Ship Fune Hoonee. Shoe Kwutsu Sabock. Shoulders Kata Kutta. Sick Itami mono, bioki Yadong. mono, jamai mono Silk Kinno Eechoo. Silver Gin Jing. Sing, to Utau Ootashoong, or ootayoong. Sister (eldest) Musme are Oui. Sleep Nur Nintee. Sleep, to Nuru Ninjoong. Slow Sisukamai, jojajora Yoona, yawna. Small Ko, komaka Coosa. Smell Nivi, niwoi Kabbasha. Smell, to Kusamu Kannoung, kashashoong. Smoke Honoo Kinsee. Smoke, to Kemoli Footchoong. Smoke tobacco, to Tabaco, nomu Tobacco, footchoong. Sneeze, to Aksingu ...
— Account of a Voyage of Discovery - to the West Coast of Corea, and the Great Loo-Choo Island • Captain Basil Hall

... based on the Arabian Nights. A hunchback is in love with a beautiful young dancer, who hates him. He sells her to a fierce old sheik, to get her out of the way of another lover, the sheik's son. Then he takes poison. Sumurun, the sheik's chief wife, favors a handsome cloth merchant called Nur-al-Din, whom she manages to smuggle into the harem in a chest of silks. The intruder is, of course, discovered by the sheik, who is warned of the treachery below, as he is about to kill his son, whom ...
— Poet Lore, Volume XXIV, Number IV, 1912 • Various

... nur sich selbst, und ist am Ende was er im Anfange, in der Unspruenglichkeit, war." Encyclopaedie der philosophischen Wissenschaften. Theil,[TN-4] ...
— An Ethnologist's View of History • Daniel G. Brinton

... Geld,—noch gottliche Pracht; Nicht Haus, nicht Hof,—noch herrischer Prunk; Nicht truber Vertrage trugender Bund, Noch heuchelnder Sitte hartes Gesetz: Selig in Lust und Leid, lasst—die Liebe nur sein!" ...
— Correspondence of Wagner and Liszt, Volume 1 • Francis Hueffer (translator)

... gesetzt hat, die suedlichen Teile Oesterreich-Ungarns von der Monarchie loszureiszen, um sie mit Serbien zu einer staatlichen Einheit zu verbinden, weit zurueckgreist. Diese in ihren Endzielen stets gleichbleibende und nur in ihren Mitteln und an Intensitaet wechselnde Propaganda erreichte zur Zeit der Unnerionskrise ihren Hoehepunft und trat damals ossen mit ihren Tendenzen hervor. Waehrend einerjeits die gesamte serbische Bresse zum Kampfe gegen die ...
— Why We Are At War (2nd Edition, revised) • Members of the Oxford Faculty of Modern History

... Lasst klingen, was nur klingen kann, Die Trommeln und die Floeten! Wir wollen heute Mann fuer Mann Mit Blut das Eisen roeten. Mit Henkerblut, Franzoesenblut— O suesser Tag der Rache! Das klinget allen Deutschen gut, Das ist die ...
— Political and Literary essays, 1908-1913 • Evelyn Baring

... up with the first frost, just like an old gun, and I don't want any sich doin's on my premises. No sir! I ain't so old but I can pump water out of a well yet, and it's handy enough.' 'Tain't more'n just across the strate, and whin 'tain't dusty, nur snowy, nur muddy, ...
— Joyce's Investments - A Story for Girls • Fannie E. Newberry

... me, O auspicious King, that when the Wazir bade imprison Nur al-Din, they carried him to the stables and left him there in chains, hungering and thirsting and making moan for himself; for indeed he saw death face to face. Now it fortuned, by the ordinance of Destiny and fore-ordained Fate, that the ...
— The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, Volume 8 • Richard F. Burton

... for th' horse,' he replied. 'It 'ud be to more sense. Bud I can look for norther horse nur man of a neeght loike this—as black as t' chimbley! und Heathcliff's noan t' chap to coom at my whistle—happen he'll be less hard ...
— Wuthering Heights • Emily Bronte

... point of interest is, as Cauer sees, that domestic preceded military uses of iron among the Achaeans. He seems, however, to think that the confinement of the use of bronze to weapons is a matter of traditional style. [Footnote: "Nur die Sprache der Dichter hielt an dem Gebrauch der Bronze fest, die in den Jahrhunderten, wahrend deren der Epische Stil erwachsen war, allein geherrscht hatte."] But, in the early days of the waxing epics, tools as well as weapons were, as in Homer they occasionally ...
— Homer and His Age • Andrew Lang

... schau' ich For him I look Zum Fenster hinaus, The casement out; Nach ihm nur geh' ich Him only seek Aus ...
— The Continental Monthly, Vol. 2, No. 2, August, 1862 - Devoted to Literature and National Policy • Various

... long, indeed, they were afterwards violently attacked by him, and the superficial student who speaks of inconsistency may be reminded of Nietzsche's phrase in stanza 12 of the epilogue to Beyond Good and Evil: "Nur wer sich wandelt, bleibt mit mir verwandt"; i.e. only the changing ones have anything ...
— On the Future of our Educational Institutions • Friedrich Nietzsche

... Baukunst der Renaissance in Portugal, says that 'Der Plan durchaus englisch ist (Lang-und Querschiff fast ganz identisch mit dener der Kathedral zu Canterbury, nur thurmlos).' ...
— Portuguese Architecture • Walter Crum Watson

... Ayub—Joseph the son of Job—was by descent a Kurd. His father was a retainer or follower of the celebrated Nur-ed-Din (Light of Religion), Sultan of Syria, the prince who, after many years of humiliation, recovered some of the lost prestige of the Mohammedan name, wrested many of their outlying strongholds from the Christians, and prepared the way ...
— Great Men and Famous Women. Vol. 1 of 8 • Various

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