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Mot   Listen
Mot  v.  (sing. pres. ind. mot, mote, moot, pl. mot, mote, moote; pres. subj. mote; past moste)  (Obs.) May; must; might. "He moot as well say one word as another" "The wordes mote be cousin to the deed." "Men moot (i.e., one only) give silver to the poore freres."
So mote it be, so be it; amen; a phrase in some rituals, as that of the Freemasons.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Mot" Quotes from Famous Books

... du theme de la deuxieme conjugaison du verbe actif, XXXI. —Prononciation de l'i, meme quand il n'est pas ecrit dans le mot, 7. —Distinction de i voyelle et de i consonne, 10, 31. —Difference de prononciation entre i ...
— An Introductorie for to Lerne to Read, To Pronounce, and to Speke French Trewly • Anonymous

... said the old gentleman, with a smile, not displeased to observe the motive of our hesitation. He would not allow us to use the word emprunter, as applied to the conduct of his countrymen, with regard to the Louvre collection, "Non, voler, voila le mot." The little bourgeoise, who had lionized the Hermitage du Mont d'Or so eloquently, grew very communicative on the strength of the display which she had made, and M.C.'s good humour; and volunteered her sentiments ...
— Itinerary of Provence and the Rhone - Made During the Year 1819 • John Hughes

... bien peu de pianistes pourraient egaler." Of a MS. concerto played by Field at his second concert, given on February 3, 1833, Fetis says that it is "diffus, peu riche en motifs heureux, peu digne, en un mot, de la renommee de son auteur," but "la delicieuse execution de M. Field nous a tres-heureusement ...
— Frederick Chopin as a Man and Musician - Volume 1-2, Complete • Frederick Niecks

... stop me. I was not pleased with this interruption. But there was something so beseeching and so kind in Jacob's manner that I could not help attending to him. Had the poor fellow known the cause of my impatience, he would mot certainly have detained me. He begged me, with some hesitation, to accept of a ring, which Mr. Manessa his partner and he took the liberty of offering me as a token of their gratitude. It was not of any great value, but ...
— Tales & Novels, Vol. IX - [Contents: Harrington; Thoughts on Bores; Ormond] • Maria Edgeworth

... steamboats—hardened Cockneys with an eye to business—knew what a delight this baiting of the august assembly would be to the most democratic and most sarcastic crowd in Europe; and accordingly it became the "mot d'ordre" with the steamboat skipper, when the tide was full, to bring his vessel almost to the very walls of the Terrace, and thus to give the tripper the opportunity of gazing from very near at the lions at food and play. If Demos could have come and seen as plainly at night in ...
— Sketches In The House (1893) • T. P. O'Connor

... but, whether it was that nature and fortune had great designs for him to execute, and would not suffer his vast abilities to be lost and sunk in the arms of a wife, or whether neither nature nor fortune had any hand in the matter, is a point I will mot determine. Certain it is that this match did not produce that serene state we have mentioned above, but resembled the most turbulent and ruffled, rather than ...
— The History of the Life of the Late Mr. Jonathan Wild the Great • Henry Fielding

... shame! invisible disgrace! O unfelt sore crest-wounding, private scar! Reproach is stamp'd in Collatinus' face, And Tarquin's eye may read the mot afar, How he in peace is wounded, not in war. Alas, how many bear such shameful blows, Which not themselves, but ...
— The Rape of Lucrece • William Shakespeare [Clark edition]

... mme destin. Je m'y devais attendre. Accoutumons-nous l'oubli. Oublis comme moi dans cet affreux repaire, Mille autres moutons, comme moi Pendus aux crocs sanglants du charnier populaire, Seront servis au peuple-roi. Que pouvaient mes amis? Oui, de leur main chrie Un mot, travers ces barreaux, A vers quelque baume en mon me fltrie; De l'or peut-tre mes bourreaux.... Mais tout est prcipice. Ils ont eu droit de vivre. Vivez, amis, vivez contents! En dpit de Bavus, soyez lents me suivre; Peut-tre en de plus heureux temps J'ai moi-mme, l'aspect des ...
— French Lyrics • Arthur Graves Canfield

... grieving at the misfortunes of our common cause, or we are merely lackeys who care nothing for their master's business. Quarante mille hommes massacres et l'armee de nos allies detruite, et vous trouvez la le mot pour rire," * he said, as if strengthening his views by this French sentence. "C'est bien pour un garcon de rien comme cet individu dont vous avez fait un ami, mais pas pour vous, pas pour vous. *(2) Only a hobbledehoy could amuse himself ...
— War and Peace • Leo Tolstoy

... becoming to me, and is the dress of my fathers, I wear, and I impose it on the generation of my sex. However, I dined Hickson of the Fourth Estate (Jorian considers him hungry enough to eat up his twentieth before he dies—I forget the wording of the mot), that he might know I was without rancour in the end, as originally I had been without any intention of purchasing his allegiance. He offered me his columns; he wished me luck with the heiress; by his Gods, he swore he worshipped ...
— The Shaving of Shagpat • George Meredith

... enfin que dans le cours de novembre jusqu'a fevrier nous puissions raconter sans cesse. Croyez-moi avec toute la consideration, je voulais dire le respect, mais je sais qu'en general les jolies femmes n'aiment pas ce mot-la. ...
— The Life of Napoleon I (Volumes, 1 and 2) • John Holland Rose

... l'athisme, je crus ma rfutation trs orthodoxe, je la relus, et je la trouvai bien loigne de l'tre. Il y a des endroits qui ne saurait paratre sans effaroucher les timides et scandaliser les dvots. Un petit mot qui m'est chapp sur l'ternit du monde me ferait lapider dans votre patrie, si j'y tais n particulier, et que je l'eusse fait imprimer. Je sens que je n'ai point du tout ni l'me ni le style thologique." [57:10] Voltaire, in his "petite drlerie en faveur de la Divinit" ...
— Baron d'Holbach - A Study of Eighteenth Century Radicalism in France • Max Pearson Cushing

... Kinni lint paa Handi, Aa, giv eg var ein Vott paa denne Handi at eg fekk strjuka Kinni den.—Ho talar.— Aa tala meir, Ljos-Engel, med du lyser so klaart i denne Natti kring mitt Hovud, som naar dat kem ein utfloygd Himmels Sending mot Folk, som keika seg og stira beint upp med undrarsame kvit-snudd' Augo mot han, naar han skrid um dan seinleg-sigand' Skyi og sigler yver ...
— An Essay Toward a History of Shakespeare in Norway • Martin Brown Ruud

... dispersed and put to flight consisted, as I was afterward informed, of the greater part of Averil's cavalry division, and a great number of the men of this command were so panic-stricken that they did mot consider themselves safe until they had reached the opposite side of the Rapidan, when they straggled off for miles all ...
— Historical Tales, Vol. 2 (of 15) - The Romance of Reality • Charles Morris

... BONNE BIBLIOGRAPHIE," says Marchand, "soit generale soit particuliere, soit profane, soit ecclesiastique, soit nationale, provinciale, ou locale, soit simplement personnelle, en un mot de quelque autre genre que ce puisse etre, n'est pas un ouvrage aussi facile que beaucoup de gens se le pourroient imaginer; mais, elles ne doivent neanmoins nulelment [Transcriber's Note: nullement] prevenir contre celle-ci. Telle qu'elle est, elle ne laisse pas d'etre bonne, ...
— Bibliomania; or Book-Madness - A Bibliographical Romance • Thomas Frognall Dibdin

Words linked to "Mot" :   wittiness, United Kingdom, French Republic, UK, Great Britain, Britain, Ministry of Transportation test, test, trial, wit, humor, humour, France, mot juste, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, bon mot, MOT test, run

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