"Mira" Quotes from Famous Books
... cups of the Islanders, if we may believe a contemporary of Columbus, were ex lignu...lucido confecta, el arte mira lalorata. P. ... — Poems • Samuel Rogers
... Countess, some account of Her conversazioni Her 'Ritratti di Uomini Illustri' Her portrait of Lord Byron Alder, Mr Alexander the Great, his exclamation to the Athenians Alfieri, Vittorio, his description of his first love Effect of the representation of his 'Mira' on Lord Byron His conduct to his mother His tomb in the church of Santa Croce Coincidences between the disposition and habits of Lord Byron and His 'Life' quoted Alfred Club Algarotti, Francesco, his treatment of Lady M.W. Montagu Ali Pacha of Yanina, account of Lord ... — Life of Lord Byron, Vol. 6 (of 6) - With his Letters and Journals • Thomas Moore
... que me mira y que mueve los labios como si hablase, y que lleva icaso extrano! un vestido azul, exactamente ... — A First Spanish Reader • Erwin W. Roessler and Alfred Remy
... her offence on the funeral pyre. Adalgisa pleads with her not to abandon Pollione, who will return to her repentant; and the most effective number in the opera ensues,—the grand duet containing two of Bellini's most beautiful inspirations, the "Deh! con te li prendi," and the familiar "Mira, O Norma," whose strains have gone round the world and awakened universal delight. Pollione, maddened by his passion for Adalgisa, impiously attempts to tear her from the altar in the temple of Irminsul, whereupon Norma enters the temple and strikes ... — The Standard Operas (12th edition) • George P. Upton
... domus gaudet regali splendida gaza. Pulvinar vero divae geniale locatur Sedibus in mediis, Indo quod dente politum Tincta tegit roseo conchyli purpura fuco. Haec vestis priscis hominum variata figuris 50 Heroum mira virtutes indicat arte. Namque fluentisono prospectans litore Diae Thesea cedentem celeri cum classe tuetur Indomitos in corde gerens Ariadna furores, Necdum etiam sese quae visit visere credit, 55 Vt pote fallaci quae tum primum excita somno Desertam ... — The Carmina of Caius Valerius Catullus • Caius Valerius Catullus
... le insegna il canto; E se mai duolsi, o se pur mai s'adira, Da lei non parte amor, anzi se mira Amor ne le belle ire, ... — The Diary of an Ennuyee • Anna Brownell Jameson
... chaplain; in fact, Crabbe earned the money, and Tennyson did not. There are, as I have said, some most wonderful and pathetic touches in the account of Crabbe's attempt to conquer London. There are his letters to his sweetheart, for example, his "dearest Mira," in one of which he says that he is possessed of 6.25d. in the world. In another he relates that he has sold his surgical instruments in order to pay his bills. Nevertheless, we find him standing at a bookstall where he sees Dryden's works in three volumes, octavo, for ... — Immortal Memories • Clement Shorter
... Licet plurima mira habeantur in terra Imperij Presbyteri Ioannis, ne materia operis nimium proteletur, multa tego silentio: et solum de quibusdam in principalibus Insulis narro. [Sidenote: Magnum mare arenosum] Ergo in primis ... — The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, - and Discoveries of The English Nation, Volume 9 - Asia, Part 2 • Richard Hakluyt
... who had spoken in commendation of the work of Chrysippus [Greek: peri dynaton] ("citatur honorifice apud Arrianum", Menag. in Laert., I, 7, 341) for assuredly these words, "[Greek: gegraphe de kai Chrysippos thaumastos], etc., de his rebus mira scripsit Chrysippus", etc., are not in that connexion a eulogy. That is shown by the passages immediately before and after it. Dionysius of Halicarnassus (De Collocat. Verbor., c. 17, p. m. 11) mentions two treatises ... — Theodicy - Essays on the Goodness of God, the Freedom of Man and the Origin of Evil • G. W. Leibniz
... credat esse homines, quorum vestigia sunt superiora quam capita? aut ibi quae apud nos jacent inversa pendere? fruges & arbores deorsum versus crescere, pluvias & nives, & grandinem sursum versus cadere in terram? & miratur aliquis hortor pensiles inter septem mira narrari, quum Philosophi, & agros & maria, & urbes ... — The Discovery of a World in the Moone • John Wilkins
... where five planets were in coition all at once with Scorpio (Haec mira, satisque horrenda. Planetarum coitio sub Scorpio Asterismo in nona coeli statione, quam Arabes religioni deputabant efficit Martinum Lutherum sacrilegum hereticum, Christianae religionis hostem acerrimum atque ... — The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman • Laurence Sterne |