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Lu  n.  (Chem.) The chemical symbol for lutetium.

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"Lu" Quotes from Famous Books

... and finally these two were standing thirty or forty yards apart and within hail of one another. Then a parley began which led to nothing, but gave us some news. The board ordering firing to cease had been carried out under instructions from Jung Lu—Jung Lu being the Generalissimo of the Peking field forces. A despatch would certainly follow, because even now a Palace meeting was being held. The Empress Dowager, the man continued, was much distressed, and had given orders to stop the ...
— Indiscreet Letters From Peking • B. L. Putman Weale

... and with great mystery commenced unrolling, and unrolling, and throwing tissue papers on the floor, and scraps of colored wool; and Lu and I ran to him,—Lu stooping on her knees to look up, I bending over his hands to look down. It was so mysterious! I began to suspect it was diamonds for me, but knew I never could wear them, and was dreadfully afraid that I was going to be tempted, when slowly, bead by bead, came out ...
— Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 5, No. 27, January, 1860 • Various

... accidentally touched her shaven head, she mistook it for that of her visitor, and exclaimed: 'Here you are, my dear, where am I myself gone then?" A great trouble with the confused is their forgetting of real self or Buddha-nature, and not knowing 'where it is gone.' Duke Ngai, of the State of Lu, once said to Confucius: "One of my subjects, Sir, is so much forgetful that he forgot to take his wife when be changed his residence." "That is not much, my lord," said the sage, "the Emperors Kieh[FN173] and Cheu[FN174] forgot their ...
— The Religion of the Samurai • Kaiten Nukariya

... the screech owls take up the strain, like mourning women their ancient u-lu-lu. Their dismal scream is truly Ben Jonsonian. Wise midnight hags! It is no honest and blunt tu-whit tu-who of the poets, but, without jesting, a most solemn graveyard ditty, the mutual consolations of suicide lovers remembering the pangs and the delights of supernal love in ...
— Walden, and On The Duty Of Civil Disobedience • Henry David Thoreau

... of the vast hall, upon a raised seat, sat their young king, Concobar Mac Nessa, slender, handsome, and upright. A canopy of bronze, round as the bent sling of the Sun-god, the long-handed, far-shooting son of Ethlend, [Footnote: This was the god Lu Lam-fada, i.e., Lu, the Long-Handed. The rainbow was his sling. Remember that the rod sling, familiar enough now to Irish boys, was the weapon of the ancient Irish, and not the sling which is made of two cords.] encircled ...
— The Coming of Cuculain • Standish O'Grady

... much this week. I sent a little tale to the Gazette, and Clapp asked H. W. if five dollars would be enough. Cousin H. said yes, and gave it to me, with kind words and a nice parcel of paper, saying in his funny way, "Now, Lu, the door is open, go in and win." So I shall try to do it. Then cousin L. W. said Mr. B. had got my play, and told her that if Mrs. B. liked it as well, it must be clever, and if it didn't cost too much, he would bring it out by and by. Say nothing about it ...
— Stories of Achievement, Volume IV (of 6) - Authors and Journalists • Various

... most people called 'Spanish Lu', was the owner of the next ranch, and a very disagreeable neighbour. He was a big, rough, dark, hot-tempered fellow, with a bad reputation for picking quarrels and using his revolver. He and Uncle Carr ...
— A harum-scarum schoolgirl • Angela Brazil

... 'Lu Ss[)u] is in his old trade, and doing well. He comes on Sundays when he comes. He was the man I hoped least of, and as yet he ...
— James Gilmour of Mongolia - His diaries, letters, and reports • James Gilmour

... anxious to waste no time, and ambitious to surprise Lyman decided to go and study with old Dr. Gardener at Portland. He fitted young men for college, was a friend of our father's, and had a daughter who was a very wise and accomplished woman. That was a very happy summer, and Lu got on so well that she begged to stay all winter. It was a rare chance, for there were no colleges for girls then, and very few advantages to be had, and the dear creature burned to improve every faculty, that she might be more worthy ...
— A Garland for Girls • Louisa May Alcott

... seem stupid when he was not. Once, as chairman of a committee it became his duty to introduce a certain lecturer who was to speak on "Elihu Burritt," and by some curious twist in my chum's mind this name became "Lu-hi Burritt" and he so stated it in his introductory remarks. This amused the lecturer and raised a titter in the audience. Burton bled in silence over this mishap for he was at heart deeply ambitious to be a ...
— A Son of the Middle Border • Hamlin Garland

... What thinkst thou of the faire sir Eglamoure? Lu. As of a Knight, well-spoken, neat, and fine; But were I you, ...
— The First Folio [35 Plays] • William Shakespeare

... the wheel and be denoted by w. In this case p w, and the area P is given by P wl. Let the circumference of the wheel be divided into say a hundred equal parts u; then w registers the number of u's rolled over, and w therefore gives the number of areas lu contained in the rectangle. By suitably selecting the radius of the wheel and the length l, this area lu may be any convenient unit, say a square inch or square centimetre. By changing l the unit will ...
— Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 - "Bulgaria" to "Calgary" • Various

... attended by another expedition which drew the Dorians north of the Isthmus. They invaded Attica, and encamped before the walls of Athens. Before proceeding to attack the city they consulted the oracle at Delphi—the most remarkable oracle of the ancient world, of which the poet LU'CAN thus writes: ...
— Mosaics of Grecian History • Marcius Willson and Robert Pierpont Willson

... thought Aggy and Lu were both dead! I saw them laid out, cold and white as statues, just as plainly ...
— The Allen House - or Twenty Years Ago and Now • T. S. Arthur

... of a step-child, the son and heir of her late husband by his first wife, and afterwards, when she had set aside the step-child, on her own account. There had been one previous instance of a woman wielding the Imperial sceptre, namely, the Empress Lu of the Han dynasty, to whom the Chinese have accorded the title of legitimate ruler, which has not been allowed to the Empress Wu. The latter, however, was possessed of much actual ability, mixed with a kind of midsummer madness; and so long as her great intellectual ...
— The Civilization Of China • Herbert A. Giles

... on the other side, and I got on one of them tra-la-lu cars what goes down to Coney Iland. I give the car feller a dollar, and he put it in his pockit jist the same as if it belonged to him. Wall, when I wuz gittin' purty near thar I sed, Mister, don't I git any change? He sed, "didn't you see that sign on the car?" I sed, no sir. ...
— Uncles Josh's Punkin Centre Stories • Cal Stewart

... tone. "He doesn't speak the least bit in the world like that. He speaks shriller and higher, and still more bird-like. It is chatter, chatter, chatter, like the parrots in a tree; tirra, tirra, tirra; tarra, tarra, tarra; la, la, la; lo, lo, lo; lu, lu, lu; li la. And he sings to himself all the time. ...
— The Great Taboo • Grant Allen

... incarne. A de rares exceptions pres, ses heroines sont absolument les memes ... La femme porte le desordre dans la societe par la passion. La passion a des accidents infinis. Peignez donc les passions, vous aurez les sources immenses dont s'est prive ce grand genie pour etre lu dans toutes les familles de la prude Angleterre.' Does not Thackeray lament that since Fielding no novelist has dared to face the national affectation of prudery? No English author who valued his reputation would venture to write as Anatole ...
— Tracks of a Rolling Stone • Henry J. Coke

... Mount Sinai and ended, approximately, with the death of Christ, is mentioned by Zacharias in his prophecy at the birth of John: "As he spake by the mouth of his holy prophets which have been since the age began" (Lu. 1:70). The same period is referred to by Peter in Acts 3:21: "Whom the heavens must receive until the restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his prophets since the age began." These references, it will be seen, are not to the creation of the world, as the ...
— Satan • Lewis Sperry Chafer

... child-like fashion in which Mr Arnold swallowed the results of that very remarkable "science," Biblical criticism, has always struck some readers with astonishment and a kind of terror. This new La Fontaine asking everybody, "Avez-vous lu Kuenen?" is a lesson more humbling to the pride of literature than almost any that can be found. "The prophecy of the details of Peter's death," we are told in Literature and Dogma, "is almost certainly an addition after the event, because it ...
— Matthew Arnold • George Saintsbury

... his gate. The princes of States on any friendly meeting between two of them, had a stand on which to place their inverted cups. Kwan had also such a stand. If Kwan knew the rules of propriety, who does not know them?' CHAP. XXXII. The Master instructing the grand music- master of Lu said, 'How to play music may be known. At the commencement of the piece, all the parts should sound together. As it proceeds, they should be in harmony while severally distinct and flowing without break, and thus on ...
— The Chinese Classics—Volume 1: Confucian Analects • James Legge

... has been already mentioned as one of the finest in the world. The towns within it are Towsam, Duyom, Lu, Bokean, Dom or Doung, Seagally-hood and Tong luly luku; all these are governed by Datus from Sulo, who have expressly settled here to collect the prodigious quantities of birds'-nests abounding in this district. They are procured here at ten dollars the catty; and sent to Sulo, with ...
— The Expedition to Borneo of H.M.S. Dido - For the Suppression of Piracy • Henry Keppel

... de livre, dont on n'a lu que la premiere page quand on n'a vu que son pays. J'en ai feuillete un assez grand nombre, que j'ai trouve egalement mauvaises. Cet examen ne m'a point ete infructueux. Je haissais ma patrie. Toutes les impertinences des peuples ...
— The Works of Lord Byron, Volume 2 • George Gordon Byron

... demandait quelqu'un a Disraeli. "Non," repliqua-t-il. "Ils ne m'attirent pas. Il me souvient de l'auteur, et c'etait la personne la plus vaniteuse avec qui je sois jamais entre en contact, encore que j'aie lu Ciceron et connu Bulwer Lytton." D'une pierre trois coups; et ils sont bons. Voulez-vous ...
— Collections and Recollections • George William Erskine Russell

... Prusse m'a envoy son crit contre l'Essai sur les prjugs. Je ne suis point tonn que ce prince n'ait pas got l'ouvrage; je l'ai lu depuis cette rfutation et il m'a paru bien long, bien monotone et trop amer. Il me semble que ce qu'il y de bon dans ce livre aurait pu et d tre noy dans moins de pages et je vois que vous en avez port peu prs le mme jugement ...
— Baron d'Holbach - A Study of Eighteenth Century Radicalism in France • Max Pearson Cushing

... sing you a song that has often been sung About an old Mormon they called Brigham Young. Of wives he had many who were strong in the lungs, Which Brigham found out by the length of their tongues. Ri tu ral, lol, lu ral. ...
— Cowboy Songs - and Other Frontier Ballads • Various

... birth of Ezra, Gautama, and Lao Tsze, and in boyhood he displayed an unusually sedate temperament which made him seem to be what we would now call an "old-fashioned child." The period during which he lived was that of feudal China. From the ago of twenty-two, while holding an office in the state of Lu within the modern province of Shan-Tung, he gathered around him young men as pupils with whom, like Socrates, he conversed in question and answer. He made the teachings of the ancients the subjects of his research, ...
— The Religions of Japan - From the Dawn of History to the Era of Meiji • William Elliot Griffis

... circumstances when and where the new moon is to be consecrated, and also upon one's own predisposition, for authorities differ. We will close these remarks with the conclusion of the Kitzur Sh'lu on the subject, which, at p. 72, ...
— Hebraic Literature; Translations from the Talmud, Midrashim and - Kabbala • Various

... croiroit indispensable de retrancher. Ce n'est point l'agrement que s'attend de trouver dans de pareils ouvrages celui qui entreprend la lecture; c'est l'instruction. Des le moment ou vous les denaturerez, ou vous voudrez leur donner une tournure moderne et etre lu des jeunes gens et des femmes, tout est manque. Avez-vous des voyages, quels qu'ils soient, de tel ou tel siecle? Voila ce que je vous demande, et ce que vous devez ...
— The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, - and Discoveries of The English Nation, Volume 10 - Asia, Part III • Richard Hakluyt

... syndicate, to which was formed with then wholly disinterested assistance of the French and Russian legations, obtained in 1896 a concession to construct the Lu Han Railway from Peking 750 miles southward to Hankow, the commercial metropolis on the middle Yang-tze River. It is significant, however, that while the Belgian syndicate was temporarily embarrassed, the Russo-Chinese Bank of Peking aided the Chinese Director-General of Railways to begin the ...
— An Inevitable Awakening • ARTHUR JUDSON BROWN

... and Hans with his companions departed stealthily as snakes. The silence was intense, save for the occasional wailings of the slaves, which now and again broke out in bursts of melancholy sound, "La-lu-La-lua!" and then died away, to be followed by horrid screams as the Arabs laid their lashes upon some poor wretch. Once too, ...
— Allan and the Holy Flower • H. Rider Haggard

... exist between them, and it was probably from Qui'rium that the Roman youths obtained the wives[3] by force, which were refused to their entreaties. 5. The next addition was the Coelian hill,[4] on which a Tuscan colony settled; from these three colonies the three tribes of Ram'nes, Ti'ties, and Lu'ceres were formed. 6. The Ram'nes, or Ram'nenses, derived their name from Rom'ulus; the Tities, or Titien'ses, from Titus Tatius, the king of the Sabines; and the Lu'ceres, from Lu'cumo, the Tuscan title of a general or leader.[5] From this it appears that the three ...
— Pinnock's Improved Edition of Dr. Goldsmith's History of Rome • Oliver Goldsmith

... juncture of these water courses, if you face west, the roughest part of the Tunit Chas will confront you. At your right will be Wilson's Peak. That portion of the Tunit Chas to the southwest forms the Lu-ka-ch-ka mountains. To the northeast lie the Charriscos. Somewhere in these mountains lie the temple ...
— The Air Ship Boys • H.L. Sayler

... A Lu Kikwang was a high official of the Canton Customs, and when Shanghai was declared an open port in forty-two they made him hoppo there. I remembered him at Canton, a dignified old duck with eighty or a hundred servants to keep anyone from possibly speaking to him of business, ...
— Java Head • Joseph Hergesheimer

... kind friend sent a pot of the last. The Chinamen were very diverting. The cook looked on, and laughed constantly, and perhaps was a little jealous: at all events when he thought we had spoilt some cakes in the oven, he capered into Mrs. S.'s room, gesticulating, and exclaiming satirically, "Lu, Lu! cakes so good, cakes so fine!" No intoxicants were to be used on the occasion, Hilo notions being rigid on this subject; but I hope it was not a crime that I clandestinely used two glasses of sherry, without ...
— The Hawaiian Archipelago • Isabella L. Bird

... much broken in spirit; his countenance wore a look of habitual sadness, and his abundant hair, so prematurely whitened, plainly told that some heavy trouble had overtaken him in the past. Nothing could be learned of their antecedents, where they had lived, or why they were there, though Chi Lu, the servant, was often plied with questions by the curious, and thus they were regarded as a trio of very ...
— Virgie's Inheritance • Mrs. Georgie Sheldon

... to cut across over unbeaten paths to the regular so-called imperial highway, running from Suidun. From the Catholic missionaries at Kuldja we had obtained very accurate information about this route as far as the Gobi desert. The expression Tian Shan Pe-lu, or northern Tian Shan route, in opposition to the Tian Shan Nan-lu, or southern Tian Shan route, shows that the Chinese had fully appreciated the importance of this historic highway, which continues the road running from the extreme western gate of the Great ...
— Across Asia on a Bicycle • Thomas Gaskell Allen and William Lewis Sachtleben

... Mexico, Montezuma shut himself up for the space of eight days in fasting and prayer. Emanuel de Moreas and Acosta say, that the Brazilians marry in their own tribes and families; and Escorbatus affirms, that he frequently heard the southern tribes repeat the sacred notes Ha-le-lu-yah. Malvenda states, that several tomb-stones were found in St Michael's, with ancient ...
— Diary in America, Series Two • Frederick Marryat (AKA Captain Marryat)

... Now K-yak-lu, the all-hearing and wise of speech, all alone had been journeying afar in the North Land of cold and white loneliness. He was lost, for the world in which he wandered was buried in the snow which lies spread there forever. So cold he was that his face became wan and white from the frozen ...
— Myths and Legends of California and the Old Southwest • Katharine Berry Judson

... greatest masters. Shen Chou belonged entirely to the Yuean school, and to prove that the old ideals were not dead, we have in the fifteenth century the magnificent group of painters of the plum tree, with Lu Fu and Wang Yuean-chang at ...
— Chinese Painters - A Critical Study • Raphael Petrucci

... wraps this suffering clay,[lu] Ah! whither strays the immortal mind? It cannot die, it cannot stay, But leaves its darkened dust behind. Then, unembodied, doth it trace By steps each planet's heavenly way?[lv] Or fill at once the realms of space, A thing of eyes, that ...
— The Works Of Lord Byron, Vol. 3 (of 7) • Lord Byron

... Islands are identified by Rizal as the Riukiu or Lu-Tschu Islands. J. J. Rein (Japan, London, 1884) says that they form the second division of the modern Japanese empire, and lie between the thirtieth and twenty-fourth parallels, or between Japan proper and Formosa. They are called also ...
— History of the Philippine Islands Vols 1 and 2 • Antonio de Morga

... love in a cradley-bed, Lu lu lu lu la lay. Little white love with a soft round head, Lu ...
— Candle and Crib • K. F. Purdon

... is besieged by her dread foes, And she at last must feel Accadia's woes, And feed the vanity of conquerors, Who boast o'er victories in all their wars. Great Subartu[14] has fallen by Sutu[15] And Kassi,[16] Goim[17] fell with Lul-lu-bu,[18] Thus Khar-sak-kal-a-ma[19] all Eridu[20] O'erran with Larsa's allies; Subartu With Duran[21] thus was conquered by these sons Of mighty Shem and strewn was Accad's bones Throughout her plains, and mountains, valleys fair, Unburied lay in many ...
— Babylonian and Assyrian Literature • Anonymous

... stush, we cannot always tell whether it is the infinitive (lusai); or the 1st pers. sing. of the aor. tmanep. in the subjunctive (for stushai), Let me praise (lusmai); or lastly, the 2d pers. sing. tmanep. in the indicative (lui). If stushe has no accent, we know, of course, that it cannot be the infinitive, as in X. 93, 9; but when it has the accent on the last, it may, in certain constructions, be either infinitive, or 1st pers. sing. aor. tm. subj. Here ...
— Chips from a German Workshop - Volume IV - Essays chiefly on the Science of Language • Max Muller

... told by Huai-nan Tzu (d. B.C. 122):—"Once when the Duke of Lu-yang was at war with the Han State, and sunset drew near while a battle was still fiercely raging, the Duke held up his spear and shook it at the sun, which forthwith went ...
— Religions of Ancient China • Herbert A. Giles

... slantingly on the measure, and threw in knotty chunks that crowded wholesome fuel out, and let the daylight through and through the pile. I protested, and he admitted the wrong when I pointed it out: "Ga razon, lu!" (He's right!) he said to his fellows in infamy, and throwing aside the objectionable pieces, proceeded to evade justice by new artifices. When I had this memorable load of wood housed at home, I found that it had cost just what I paid my woodman, and that I had additionally lost ...
— Venetian Life • W. D. Howells

... le secretaire a lu les trois projets de medailles arretes par les commissaires pour les medailles du general Morgan et des colonels Washington ...
— The Medallic History of the United States of America 1776-1876 • J. F. Loubat

... quote at end of verse as later editions do. Lu 13:6 come > came (changed in later editions) Ro 11:16 it > if (an obvious typesetting error corrected in later editions) 1Co 11:6 out > cut (an obvious typesetting error corrected in later editions) ...
— Weymouth New Testament in Modern Speech, Preface and Introductions - Third Edition 1913 • R F Weymouth

... dream!... All I'd aimed to do was to let some o' them folks know that those people acrost the ocean had thought well of our Nat, an' here they was breakin' their necks to git in on it too!... Goin' down the street they was more of it. Lu Shiffer run right out o' the hardware store an' left the nails he was weighin' to shake hands with me; and Jem Brand came; and Lan'lord Peters come out o' the Valley House an' spoke to me.... I felt awful public. An' Jim Beckonridge come ...
— The Best Short Stories of 1917 - and the Yearbook of the American Short Story • Various

... du naitre; Car, dans mon sang si j'ai bien lu, Jadis mes aieux ont d'un maitre Maudit le pouvoir absolu. Ce pouvoir, sur sa vieille base, Etant la meule du moulin, Ils etaient le grain qu'elle ecrase. Je suis vilain et tres vilain, ...
— French Lyrics • Arthur Graves Canfield

... subterfuge; "and if you and Dick will promise to make me no trouble, I'll take you along. But Bob and Betty may stay at home, I'm not going to be bothered with them,—babies of five and three. But what shall we wear, Lu? I do say it's real mean in them to give us so short a notice. But of course Elsie enjoys making me feel my changed circumstances. I've no such stock of jewels, silks and laces as she, nor the full purse that makes it an easy matter for her to order a fresh ...
— Elsie's Motherhood • Martha Finley

... II. Lu. But ah, this ling'ring, murdring farewel! Death quickly wounds, and wounding cures the ill. Alex. It is the glory of a valiant lover, Still to be dying, ...
— Lucasta • Richard Lovelace

... "Widder Nimham's gal Lu, could tell ye 'bout why Abe don' want ter go, I guess," observed Obadiah Weeks, who directed the remark, however, not so much to Perez as to some of the half-grown young men, from whom it elicited a responsive ...
— The Duke of Stockbridge • Edward Bellamy

... original Indo-Germanic language, the first person of the present indicative singular ended in (1) or (2)mi. Cf. Gk. lu-, ei-mi, Lat. am-, su-m. The Strong and Weak Conjugations of O.E. are survivals of the -class. The four Anomalous Verbs mentioned above are the sole remains in O.E. of the mi-class. Note the surviving m in eom I am, and ...
— Anglo-Saxon Grammar and Exercise Book - with Inflections, Syntax, Selections for Reading, and Glossary • C. Alphonso Smith

... drift When at the last, amid the o'erwearied Shee— Weary of long delight and deathless joys— One you shall love may fade before your eyes, Before your eyes may fade, and be as mist Caught in the sunny hollow of Lu's hand, Lord of ...
— The Book of Hallowe'en • Ruth Edna Kelley

... must be sure to come, for she depended on us young people to help make the affair less ceremonious. Don't you think, Emma wasn't invited at all, and I don't believe she will be; almost everyone has been now. Emma was so sure of her invitation, because she was such a friend of Lu Jamison's. She thought she would get cards to the wedding, you know; and when they didn't come she felt sure of the reception. She has been holding her head wonderfully high all the week about it, and now she is left out and I am in. ...
— Divers Women • Pansy and Mrs. C.M. Livingston

... called Love's Young Dream. The opening bill on that occasion comprised that piece, together with a comedy by Olive Logan, entitled Newport. On September 30 a revival of Divorce, one of Daly's most fortunate plays, was effected, and Ada Rehan impersonated Miss Lu Ten Eyck—a part originally acted (1873) by Fanny Davenport. From that time to this (1892) Ada Rehan has remained the leading lady at Daly's theatre; and there she has become one of the most admired figures upon the contemporary ...
— Shadows of the Stage • William Winter

... the spectre which answers in China to the statue in 'Don Juan,' the statue which accepts invitations to dinner, is anything but a malevolent guest. So much may be gathered from the story of Chu and Lu. Chu was an undergraduate of great courage and bodily vigour, but dull of wit. He was a married man, and his children (as in the old Oxford legend) often rushed into their mother's presence, shouting, ...
— Books and Bookmen • Andrew Lang

... friends—in the second, the other women in the order of relationship. The groom occupies the first place in the carriages assigned to the men: then come his father, brothers and others. The bride is dressed in various ways, and her dress is called l'abitu di lu 'nguaggiu ("wedding-dress"). In Salaparuta she wears the Greek peplum, gathered under the arms; in Terrasini, a dress of blue or some other bright color; in Milazzo, a blue silk skirt with wide sleeves; in Palermo, a white dress, the tunica alba of the Romans, with a veil kept ...
— Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Volume 22. July, 1878. • Various

... voice and funnily-painted face. Listening to the tunes prescribed by the Book of Ceremonies, and dining in solemn solitary grandeur off the eight[*] precious kinds of food set apart for the sovereign, his late Majesty passed his boyhood, until in 1872 he married the fair A-lu-te, and practically ascended the dragon throne of his ancestors. Up to that time the Empresses-Dowager, hidden behind a bamboo screen, had transacted business with the members of the Privy Council, signing all documents of State with the vermilion pencil for and on behalf of ...
— Chinese Sketches • Herbert A. Giles

... spell, listenin'. Presently I heerd a low, whimperin', pantin' noise, comin' nearer and nearer, and I knew it was old Lu, a yeller hound of Simon's, that he'd set great store by, because he brought him from the Old Country. I heerd the dog come pretty near to where I was, and then stop, and give a long howl. I tried to call him, but I was all choked up with dust, and for a ...
— Atlantic Monthly, Volume 2, Issue 11, September, 1858 • Various

... Chinese language contains no word for republic, but one has been coined by putting together the words for self and government; it must be many years before the masses of the Chinese—the "rubbish people," as Lo Feng-lu, a former minister to England, used to call them—have any genuine understanding ...
— The Great Events by Famous Historians, Vol. 21 - The Recent Days (1910-1914) • Charles F. Horne, Editor

... another thought he ought to be called "Mirambo," which raised a loud laugh. Bombay thought "Bombay Mdogo" would suit my black-skinned infant very well. Ulimengo, however, after looking at his quick eyes, and noting his celerity of movement, pronounced the name Ka-lu-la as the best for him, "because," said he, "just look at his eyes, so bright look at his form, so slim! watch his movements, how quick! Yes, Kalulu is his name.""Yes, bana," said the others, "let it ...
— How I Found Livingstone • Sir Henry M. Stanley

... Here is something about my sister Lu and a strange pet she had: Her childhood was spent in a wild, new country. I cannot remember that she was ever amused with dolls and baby-houses. She made amends, however, by surrounding herself with kittens, dogs, fawns, ponies, ...
— St. Nicholas Magazine for Boys and Girls, Vol. 5, September 1878, No. 11 • Various

... right out with it—I don't. I realize though that he must be a lu-lu when we're goin' down and meet him at the station. What did he ...
— Alex the Great • H. C. Witwer

... named Owen from the Legation guard in Peking was to drive the Delco car, and I had two Chinese taxidermists, Chen and Kang, besides Lu, our ...
— Across Mongolian Plains - A Naturalist's Account of China's 'Great Northwest' • Roy Chapman Andrews

... no such thing. If Hugh had not sworn so awfully, I might; but I remember what he said too well to part with half of my inheritance for him. I'm going to Saratoga, and you are going, too. We'll have heaps of dresses, and—oh, mother, won't it be grand! We'll take Lu for a waiting maid. That will be sure to make a sensation at the North. I can imagine just how old Deacon Tripp of Elwood, would open his eyes when he heard 'Mrs. Square Worthington and darter' had come back with a 'nigger.' It would furnish him with material for half a dozen monthly ...
— Bad Hugh • Mary Jane Holmes

... endless succession of surprising and extraordinary visages, comprehending, Messieurs et Mesdames, all the contortions, energetic and expressive, of which the human face is capable, and all the passions of the human heart, as Love, Jealousy, Revenge, Hatred, Avarice, Despair! Hi hi! Ho ho! Lu lu! Come in!' To this effect, with an occasional smite upon a sonorous kind of tambourine—bestowed with a will, as if it represented the people who won't come in—holds forth a man of lofty and severe demeanour; ...
— The Uncommercial Traveller • Charles Dickens

... until eight o'clock. They have no idea of what we have in America; they are even stupid enough to ask if we have a sun and moon, and all such questions. My home is on the banks of the great river Yang-tse; nine miles back from the river are the Lu-Say Mountains, five thousand feet high. The foreign people find it very cool up in the mountains. There are several large pools of water where they bathe. I have written more ...
— St. Nicholas, Vol. 5, No. 2, December, 1877 • Various

... he was thirty he became known as a great teacher, and disciples flocked to him. But he was yet occupied in public duties, and rose through successive stages to the office of Chief Judge in his own country of Lu. His tenure of office is said to have put an end to crime, and he became the "idol of the people" in his district. The jealousy of the feudal lords was roused by his fame as a moral teacher and a blameless judge. Confucius was driven from his home, and wandered about, with a few disciples, until ...
— Chinese Literature • Anonymous

... stay and dine, and of course we were almost bored to death, when in came Rose again, stealing behind Lu's chair and showering her in the twilight with ...
— The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 5, No. 28, February, 1860 • Various

... at all generally is Dak yu. This merely converts the stem into a verb without changing its meaning. Dak y is nearly always represented in the allied languages so far as I have observed by r, d, l or n; so that I find it in Min. du (ru, lu, nu), Iowa, Mandan, and ...
— The Dakotan Languages, and Their Relations to Other Languages • Andrew Woods Williamson

... genius!" observed Staniford at his first opportunity with Dunham. "I knew there must be something the matter. Of course she's going out to school her voice; and she hasn't strained it in idle babble about her own affairs! I must say that Lu—Miss Blood's power of holding her tongue commands my homage. Was it her little coup to wait till we got into that hopeless hobble before she ...
— The Lady of the Aroostook • W. D. Howells

... his words lazily, chewed tobacco with his whole face, and looked my uniform over from cap to spur. "They say this-yeh place belong to a man which his name Lu-ucius Ol-i-veh." ...
— The Cavalier • George Washington Cable

... her side curls. "He ain't in it any more. Say, Lu, what do you think that fellow ...
— The Voice of the City • O. Henry

... domibus videt cla:ra:s Foco:rum lu:ce:s calida:s; Relucet glacie:s a:cris, Et rumpit ...
— Latin for Beginners • Benjamin Leonard D'Ooge

... mais impuissante a se fournir a elle-meme des motifs—of the repugnance for all action—the soul petrified by the sentiment of the infinite, in all this I recognize myself. Celui qui a dechiffre le secret de la vie finie, qui en a lu le mot, est sorti du monde des vivants, il est mort de fait. I can feel forcibly the truth of this, as ...
— Amiel's Journal • Mrs. Humphry Ward

... de la note officiellement remise a Belgrade a ete communiquee par l'Ambassadeur d'Autriche an Gouvernement Francais. Plus tard l'Ambassadeur d'Allemagne a visite le Ministre et lui a lu une communication reproduisant les arguments autrichiens et indiquant qu'en cas de refus de la part de la Serbie, l'Autriche serait obligee de recourir a une pression et, en cas de besoin, a des mesures ...
— Why We Are At War (2nd Edition, revised) • Members of the Oxford Faculty of Modern History

... sometimes a useful confederate," her companion continued equably. "You warned Immelan that it was in my mind to refuse his terms and to open my heart to the Englishwoman, and you seduced Sen Lu to carry your message. Yet your judgment was at fault. The hand of Immelan was stretched out against me, and me alone. But for my knowledge of these things, I might have sat in the place of Sen Lu, who rightly died in my stead. What have you ...
— The Great Prince Shan • E. Phillips Oppenheim

... explanations how to gain admittance, course of Study, Examinations, Duties, Staff of Officers, Post Guard, Police Regulations, Fire Department, and all a boy should know to be a Cadet. Compiled and written by Lu Senarens, Author of "How to ...
— The Bradys Beyond Their Depth - The Great Swamp Mystery • Anonymous

... honored with a table by themselves, and were served by students. At the end of the table was a pig roasted whole, stuffed with greens, baked with hot stones in one of their ovens in the ground. This dish they call "luau" [lu-ow]. Besides whole pig, they had other pork, veal, poi, bread, cake, and cocoa-nut water. The whole dinner was well-served, and the white guests showed their appreciation of the good things ...
— Scenes in the Hawaiian Islands and California • Mary Evarts Anderson

... Edgar Quinet (OEuvres, iii. 316, reprinted from Revue des Deux Mondes, Sept. 1838). His words are, "Un jeune homme plein de candeur, de douceur, de modestie, une ame presque mystique et comme attristee lu bruit qu'elle a cause." The unaltered view which Strauss now takes of his own work, after the interval of twenty-five years, is given in the Vorrede to his Gespraeche von Huetten uebersetzt und erlauetert, 1860. It is quoted in ...
— History of Free Thought in Reference to The Christian Religion • Adam Storey Farrar

... year 550 B.C.,[1] in the land of Lu, in a small village, situated in the western part of the modern province of Shantung. His name was K'ung Ch'iu, and his style (corresponding to our Christian name) was Chung-ni. His countrymen speak of him as K'ung Fu-tzu, the Master, or philosopher ...
— The Sayings Of Confucius • Confucius

... Casezi of M. Cooley (who derives it from Casezi, a priest, the corrupted Arabic Kissis ); the Kassabi (Casabi) of Beke, the Cassaby of Monteiro and Gamitto (p. 494), and the Kassaby or Cassay of Valdez. Its head water is afterwards called by the explorer Lomame and Loke, possibly for Lu-oke, because it drains the highlands of Mossamba and the district of Ji-oke, also called Ki-oke, Kiboke, and by the Portuguese "Quiboque." The stream is described as being one hundred yards broad, running through a deep green glen ...
— Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo Volume 2 • Richard F. Burton

... long form: Grand Duchy of Luxembourg conventional short form: Luxembourg local long form: Grand-Duche de Luxembourg local short form: Luxembourg Digraph: LU Type: constitutional monarchy Capital: Luxembourg Administrative divisions: 3 districts; Diekirch, Grevenmacher, Luxembourg Independence: 1839 Constitution: 17 October 1868, occasional revisions Legal system: based on civil law system; accepts compulsory ...
— The 1993 CIA World Factbook • United States. Central Intelligence Agency.

... back a little way and slip off your fine skirts. I'll take off my shoes and stockings and we'll wade out to Flat Rock and back. Luretta will fix your clothes, won't you, Lu?" she called, ...
— A Little Maid of Old Maine • Alice Turner Curtis

... on Marster Charlie's plantation had to work in de field 'cept Malindy Lu, a Mulatto nigger gal. Marster Charlie kept her in de house to take care of Missus Jane, dat wuz Marster ...
— Slave Narratives: A Folk History of Slavery in the United States From Interviews with Former Slaves - Georgia Narratives, Part 4 • Works Projects Administration

... question, "Whether of the twain will ye that I release unto you?" the accent falls on the first syllable "Ba-rab-bas"; in the second of the two works (114th Psalm), the accent is placed on the last syllable, thus: "Hal-le-lu-jah." Neither of these accentuations is in accordance ...
— Style in Singing • W. E. Haslam

... me. I'll die when I feel like it, but not before. God bless you, child—as you deserve. You needn't come around again before you pull out. It's time wasted, and you've none to spare. Good-bye. You can send Lu-cana in to me again when ...
— The Heart of Unaga • Ridgwell Cullum

... it wouldn't be no farther to come this way,' replied Peterkin, 'and I only meant to look at the pallot one minute. And it would have been very lu—rude not to speak to the old lady, and go into her house for a minute when she asked me. Mamma always says we mustn't be rude,' said Peterkin, plucking ...
— Peterkin • Mary Louisa Molesworth

... that in this manifestation you may be the sport of a malicious Force, conspiring to some secret ill, is merely superstition," remarked Tzu-lu when Lao Ting had reached an end. "Although creatures such as you describe are unknown in this province, they undoubtedly exist in outer barbarian lands, as do apes with the tails of peacocks, ducks with their bones outside their skins, beings whose pale green eyes can discover the ...
— Kai Lung's Golden Hours • Ernest Bramah

... bonllefau llon; Rhyfela dry'n orfoledd, Screchiadau yn hymnau hedd. Ar eirian fro Eryri, Ei chreigiau a'i hochrau hi,— Lle mae trigfa'r bar yn bod, A dwyn arfau dan orfod;— Lle gwelir llu y gelyn, A'u bloedd hell, y blwyddau hyn,— Anhirion elynion lu, A'u tariannau'n terwynu;— Anianawl serch yn ennyn, A ffoi at y gwaew-ffyn;— Tyf breilos, a rhos di-ri', Ar hon, a'r loew lili; Eos fydd bob dydd yn dod ...
— Gwaith Alun • Alun

... had minne-cha-lu-za (swift-running water). We had none. If some of the settlers could run stock on their hunting ground where they could get to water, and if we could have water hauled from their lands, ...
— Land of the Burnt Thigh • Edith Eudora Kohl

... (Chinese: K'ung Tzu), was one of these scholars. He was born in 551 B.C. in the feudal state Lu in the present province of Shantung. In Lu and its neighbouring state Sung, institutions of the Shang had remained strong; both states regarded themselves as legitimate heirs of Shang culture, and many traces of Shang ...
— A history of China., [3d ed. rev. and enl.] • Wolfram Eberhard

... happened, don't you know! You know how these things ARE! Young yourself once, and all that. I was most frightfully in love, and Lu seemed to think it wouldn't be a bad scheme, and one thing led to another, and—well, there ...
— Indiscretions of Archie • P. G. Wodehouse

... 'Lu,' said Philip with feeling, 'you're clever, really clever. No, I'm not kidding. I mean it. And I'm sorry I ever said you were only a girl. But how are ...
— The Magic City • Edith Nesbit

... de vous offrir au nom d'Albert et au mien nos felicitations les plus sinceres a l'occasion de la nouvelle Annee, dans lequel vous nous donnez le doux espoir de vous revoir. Nous avons lu avec beaucoup d'interet le Speech de V.M., dans lequel vous parlez si aimablement du "friendly call" a Eu et des cooperations des 2 pays dans differentes parties du monde, et particulierement pour l'Abolition de la ...
— The Letters of Queen Victoria, Vol 2 (of 3), 1844-1853 • Queen Victoria

... placid river of an old bachelor as I am, through the flowery mead of several nurseries. I am detained by all the little roots that run down into me to drink happiness, but I linger longest among the children of my sister Lu. ...
— Humorous Masterpieces from American Literature • Various

... sur les Decouvertes faites dans la Mer du Sud, avant les derniers Voyages des Francais autour du Monde, lu a l'Academie des Sciences, ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 65, January 25, 1851 • Various

... THE HAN DYNASTY. 1. When the work of collecting and editing the remains of the Classical Books was undertaken by the scholars of Han, there appeared two different copies of the Analects, one from Lu, the native State of Confucius, and the other from Ch'i, the State adjoining. Between these there were considerable differences. The former consisted of twenty Books or Chapters, the same as those into which the Classic is now divided. ...
— THE CHINESE CLASSICS (PROLEGOMENA) Unicode Version • James Legge

... regarded as forming one whole, or at least, though different, as having one and the same object: san erh i yeh, or han san wei i, "the three are one," or "the three unite to form one" (a quotation from the phrase T'ai chi han san wei i of Fang Yue-lu: "When they reach the extreme the three are seen to be one"). In the popular pictorial representations of the pantheon this impartiality ...
— Myths and Legends of China • E. T. C. Werner

... light a little, Jim, For it's getting rather dim, And, with such a storm a-howlin', 'twill not do to douse the glim. Hustle down the curtains, Lu; Poke the fire a little, Su; This is somethin' of a flurry, mother, somethin' ...
— Farm Ballads • Will Carleton

... this one," replied the Chief, with an excessive absence of interest. "There are so many affairs of intelligent dignity which cannot be put aside, and which occupy one from beginning to end. As an example, this person may describe how the accomplished Li-Lu, generally depicted as the Blue-eyed Dove of Virtuous and Serpent-like Attitudes, has been scattering glory upon the Si-chow Hall of Celestial Harmony for many days past. It is an enlightened display which the high-souled ...
— The Wallet of Kai Lung • Ernest Bramah

... burden of the almost untouched sewing became very great. At last I cried to the Lord to undertake for me. And how wonderfully he did! On December twenty-eighth, when I was conducting the Chinese women's prayer-meeting, I noticed in the audience Mrs. Lu, the very woman to whom I had forgotten to send word. She had come a long distance, with her little child, over rough mountainous roads, so I felt very sorry for my thoughtlessness. Mrs. Lu accompanied me home, and I gave her money for a barrow on which ...
— How I Know God Answers Prayer - The Personal Testimony of One Life-Time • Rosalind Goforth

... lu le Solitaire?" said Madame M. yesterday. "Eh mon dieu! il est donc possible! vous? mais, ma chere, vous etes perdue de ...
— The Diary of an Ennuyee • Anna Brownell Jameson

... too boo hen ee too boo ho [to be way] bla Tel ey wees ee lu Hoi kay yu kar, heno yah ha, Kaye yu kar, hen o yar-hah, Kay yu kar, hen o yah-hah, kay yu ...
— Contribution to Passamaquoddy Folk-Lore • J. Walter Fewkes

... beautiful every turn. One village that we passed was quite surrounded by a hedge of roses several feet high, and all in full bloom. My second night from Ning-yuean-fu was not much better than the first, for the inn at Lu-ku, a rather important little town, was most uncomfortable; but a delightful hour's rest and quiet on the river bank before entering the town freshened me up so much that the night did not matter. One march to the north of Lu-ku, up the valley of the Anning, lay the district ...
— A Wayfarer in China - Impressions of a trip across West China and Mongolia • Elizabeth Kendall

... three Books, contains forty pieces, thirty-one of which belong to the sacrificial services at the royal court of Kau; four, to those of the marquises of Lu; and five to the corresponding sacrifices of the kings of Shang. p. Lacharme denominated them correctly 'Parentales Cantus.' In the Preface to the Shih, to which I have made reference above, it is said, 'The Sung are pieces in admiration of the ...
— The Shih King • James Legge

... "Poor Lu! And she'd been so looking forward to to-night!" Toni's soft heart was wrung for the culprit. "Did ...
— The Making of a Soul • Kathlyn Rhodes

... He took Lu to Chicago for the honeymoon, and Mose Greenebaum, who happened to be going up to town for his fall goods, got into the parlor car with them. By and by the porter came around ...
— Letters from a Self-Made Merchant to His Son • George Horace Lorimer

... in the character of hostess, she Would entertain her friends delightfully In her play-house,—with strips of carpet laid Along the garden-fence within the shade Of the old apple-trees—where from next yard Came the two dearest friends in her regard, The little Crawford girls, Ella and Lu— As shy and lovely as the lilies grew In their idyllic home,—yet sometimes they Admitted Bud and Alex to their play, Who did their heavier work and helped them fix To have a "Festibul"—and brought the bricks ...
— A Child-World • James Whitcomb Riley

... Tzu Wu was a native of the Ch'i State. His ART OF WAR brought him to the notice of Ho Lu, [2] King of Wu. Ho Lu said to him: "I have carefully perused your 13 chapters. May I submit your theory of managing soldiers to a slight test?" Sun Tzu replied: "You may." Ho Lu asked: "May the test be applied to women?" The answer was again in the affirmative, so arrangements ...
— The Art of War • Sun Tzu

... divinely directed so that preparation might be made for his advent. His human ancestry had been selected and prepared. When the time drew near for him to appear, the coming of John the Baptist his forerunner, was announced to Zacharias his father (Lu. 1:5-25). This was quickly followed by the announcement of the birth of Jesus to Mary his mother (Lu. 1:26-38) and soon thereafter to Joseph, the espoused husband of Mary (Matt. 1:18-25). The beautiful ...
— The Bible Period by Period - A Manual for the Study of the Bible by Periods • Josiah Blake Tidwell

... Leipsic), 1794. For the spelling, see Memoirs of General Dumourier, written by himself, translated by John Fenwick. London, 1794. See, too, Lettre de Joseph Servan, Ex-ministre de la Guerre, Sur le memoire lu par M. Dumourier le 13 Juin a l'Assemblee Nationale; Bibiotheque Historique de la Revolution, "Justifications," ...
— The Works of Lord Byron, Volume 6 • Lord Byron

... ... J'ai lu avec un vif interet vos reflexions sur ce nouvel Eveche de Jerusalem, dont on parait vouloir faire un lien entre l'Eglise anglicane et le Protestantisme Evangelique de Prusse, en cherchant a vivifier ...
— Memoirs of James Robert Hope-Scott, Volume 2 • Robert Ornsby

... far from loving him from the beginning. I have bought a pair of vases to send them; and I expect that Miss Lucretia Knowles will say, when she learns how much they cost, that I was very extravagant. Not that Lu is close or stingy at all; but she has promised to wait until I have made a start in life, and is naturally impatient for me to get on ...
— Lippincott's Magazine, August, 1885 • Various

Words linked to "Lu" :   metallic element, lutecium, atomic number 71, lutetium, metal

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