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Infectious disease   Listen
Infectious disease  n.  
Any disease caused by the entrance, growth, and multiplication of microorganisms in the body; a germ disease. It may not be contagious.
Sometimes, as distinguished from contagious disease, such a disease communicated by germs carried in the air or water, and thus spread without contact with the patient, as measles.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Infectious disease" Quotes from Famous Books

... the matter is to be found in Andrea Bernardi's Chronicles of Forli. He tells us exactly how the thing was contrived, with a precision of detail which we could wish to see emulated by other contemporaries of his who so lightly throw out accusations of poisoning. He informs us that a deadly and infectious disease was rampant in Forli in that year 1499, and that, before dispatching her letter to the Pope, the Countess caused it to be placed upon the body of one who was sick of this infection—thus hoping to convey it ...
— The Life of Cesare Borgia • Raphael Sabatini

... for a long time puzzled us as to the possibility of their inheritance, but which have now resolved themselves clearly into instances of the fact that a mother who happens to contract an acute infectious disease of any sort may communicate that disease to the unborn child. If this occurs at an early stage of development the child will naturally be promptly killed. In fact, this is the almost invariable result in smallpox ...
— Preventable Diseases • Woods Hutchinson

... suddenly, usually in three to five days; less often thirty-six to forty-eight hours; or even after ten days. The results depend mainly upon the cause of the inflammation, and the nature of the infection, infectious disease that produces it, being usually very bad after puerperal sepsis (after confinement), induced abortion, perforation of the bowel or stomach, or ...
— Mother's Remedies - Over One Thousand Tried and Tested Remedies from Mothers - of the United States and Canada • T. J. Ritter

... for instance, the herb Rue, which was formerly brought into Court to protect a and the Bench from gaol fever, and other infectious disease; no one knew at the time by what particular virtue the Rue could exercise this salutary power. But more recent research has taught, that the essential oil contained in this, and other allied aromatic herbs, such as Elecampane, [xvi] Rosemary, and Cinnamon, serves by its germicidal ...
— Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure • William Thomas Fernie

... of the management: When I went up to M. Richard, outside the foyer, during the Garden interval, with my hand out before me, why did M. Moncharmin hurriedly whisper to me, 'Go away! Go away! Whatever you do, don't touch M. le Directeur!' Am I supposed to have an infectious disease?" ...
— The Phantom of the Opera • Gaston Leroux

Words linked to "Infectious disease" :   mono, yaws, Hansen's disease, recurrent fever, brucellosis, Mediterranean fever, listeria meningitis, infantile paralysis, communicable disease, rickettsiosis, meningitis, sweating sickness, pertussis, frambesia, AIDS, tuberculosis, Asiatic cholera, framboesia, epidemic parotitis, mumps, dysentery, paratyphoid, leprosy, relapsing fever, rheumatic fever, Malta fever, yellow jack, acute anterior poliomyelitis, ratbite fever, epidemic disease, undulant fever, hepatitis, infectious mononucleosis, typhoid fever, acquired immune deficiency syndrome, glandular fever, typhoid, dengue fever, mononucleosis, epidemic cholera, rickettsial disease, listeriosis

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