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Hydrate   Listen
Hydrate  n.  (Chem.)
A compound formed by the union of water with some other substance, generally forming a neutral body, as certain crystallized salts.
A substance which does not contain water as such, but has its constituents (hydrogen, oxygen, hydroxyl) so arranged that water may be eliminated; hence, a derivative of, or compound with, hydroxyl; hydroxide; as, ethyl hydrate, or common alcohol; calcium hydrate, or slaked lime.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Hydrate" Quotes from Famous Books

... cocoa, which comes from cacao seeds and is used in making chocolate, cocoa, and cocoa butter. Cocaine is a stimulant derived from the leaves of the coca bush. Depressants (sedatives) are drugs that reduce tension and anxiety and include chloral hydrate, barbiturates (Amytal, Nembutal, Seconal, phenobarbital), benzodiazepines (Librium, Valium), methaqualone (Quaalude), glutethimide (Doriden), and others (Equanil, Placidyl, Valmid). Drugs are any chemical substances that ...
— The 1995 CIA World Factbook • United States Central Intelligence Agency

... slaked lime, is a combination of stone-lime and water. The water causes an increase in weight of 32 per cent, 56 pounds of stone-lime becoming 74 pounds of the hydrate. ...
— Crops and Methods for Soil Improvement • Alva Agee

... killed a child three and one-half months old. Gray speaks of a man who took 22 grains and was not seen for about an hour. He had vomited some of it immediately after taking the dose, and was successfully treated with chloral hydrate. A curious case is mentioned in which three mustard plasters, one on the throat, one on the back of the neck, and another on the left shoulder of a woman, produced symptoms similar to strychnin poisoning. They remained in position for about thirty minutes, ...
— Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine • George M. Gould

... laboratories in connection with their works.... Whereas the artificial colour industry started in England, that of artificial drugs is entirely of German origin, and may be said to begin with the discovery by Liebig of chloroform in 1831, and of chloral hydrate in 1832.... The composition of the personnel who carry on these German colour works is at the bottom of their success. Take the works of Messrs. Meister, Lucius, und Bruening as an example. In 1913, the composition was as follows: ...
— The Better Germany in War Time - Being some Facts towards Fellowship • Harold Picton

... next made of the individual salts contained in sea-water, and pats were immersed as before, when it was found that the magnesium sulphate present in the water acted upon the calcium hydrate in the cement, forming calcium sulphate, and leaving the magnesium hydrate free. The calcium sulphate combines with the alumina of the cement, forming calcium sulpho-aluminate, which causes swelling and cracking of the concrete, and in cements containing a high proportion of alumina, leads to ...
— The Sewerage of Sea Coast Towns • Henry C. Adams

... crystal, mineral oil; vegetable oil, colza oil[obs3], olive oil, salad oil, linseed oil, cottonseed oil, soybean oil, nut oil; animal oil, neat's foot oil, train oil; ointment, unguent, liniment; aceite[obs3], amole[obs3], Barbados tar[obs3]; fusel oil, grain oil, rape oil, seneca oil; hydrate of amyl, ghee[obs3]; heating oil, "2 oil", No. 2 oil, distillate, residual oils, kerosene, ...
— Roget's Thesaurus • Peter Mark Roget

... directly into food—a revolution that would hoist capitalist society off its hinges. While in 1887 Werner Siemens was of the opinion that it was possible, though only in the remote future, to produce artificially a hydrate of carbon such as grape sugar and later the therewith closely related starch, whereby "bread could be made out of stone," the chemist Dr. B. Meyer claims that ligneous fibre could eventually be turned into a source of human food. Obviously, we are moving towards ever newer chemical ...
— Woman under socialism • August Bebel

... the deposited plastic matter, properly organizing into cicatricial tissue; so that I prefer a snug, dry dressing, which is left on for four or five days without being interfered with, and light covering, plain diet, quiet, with fifteen grains each of bromide of sodium and chloral hydrate at bed-time to insure rest and freedom from annoying erections. Where the organ is large in its flaccid state, it is better to support it on a small oakum-stuffed pillow, made for the purpose, than to let it hang downward. Should the stitches give way and the skin tend to retract, ...
— History of Circumcision from the Earliest Times to the Present - Moral and Physical Reasons for its Performance • Peter Charles Remondino

... discovery[4] that the processes of development stimulated in the eggs of the sea urchin Arbacia by butyric acid or weak bases, and evidenced by the formation of the fertilization membrane, is reversible. When such eggs are treated with a weak solution of sodium cyanide or chloral hydrate, they return to the resting condition. Upon fertilization with spermatozoa, in normal sea water, they proceed again ...
— Popular Science Monthly Volume 86

Words linked to "Hydrate" :   monohydrate, calcium hydrate, compound, moisturise, humidify, supply, render, furnish, change, slake, hydration, lime hydrate, moisturize, chemical compound, provide, dehydrate, chloral hydrate, slack

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