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Foyer   Listen
Foyer  n.  
A lobby in a theater; a greenroom.
The crucible or basin in a furnace which receives the molten metal.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Foyer" Quotes from Famous Books

... profusely from the compound fracture. When our sober outport people went to St. John's, as they must every year for supplies, they had only the uncomfortable schooner or the street in which to pass the time. There is no "Foyer des Pecheurs"; no one wanted fishermen straight from a fishing schooner in the home; and in those days there were no Camp Community Clubs. As one man said, "It is easy for the parson to tell us to be good, but it is hard on a wet cold night to be ...
— A Labrador Doctor - The Autobiography of Wilfred Thomason Grenfell • Wilfred Thomason Grenfell

... l'pouvantait prsent; il se sentait faible et dsarm devant elle, et il pleurait, il pleurait.... Tout coup, au milieu de ses larmes, l'image des siens passa devant ses yeux; il vit la maison dserte, la famille disperse, la mre ici, le pre l-bas.... Plus de toit! plus de foyer! et alors, oubliant sa propre dtresse pour ne songer qu'a la misre commune, le petit Chose prit une grande et belle rsolution: celle de reconstituer la maison Eyssette et de reconstruire le foyer lui tout seul. Puis, fier d'avoir trouv ce noble but ...
— Le Petit Chose (part 1) - Histoire d'un Enfant • Alphonse Daudet

... moment we had crossed the tiny foyer and were standing within the artist's sanctuary. At first glance one felt as though in an Oriental chamber of some Eastern monarch. Heavy gold and silver Turkish embroideries hung over doors and windows. The walls were covered ...
— Piano Mastery - Talks with Master Pianists and Teachers • Harriette Brower

... elle est mme chez certains peuples orientaux la religion unique; mais en quel pas les liens entre les morts et les vivants sont-ils plus forts qu'en France, les deuils plus solennels la fois et plus intimes? Chez nous, d'ordinaire, les defunts aims et vnrs ne quittent pas tout entiers le foyer o ils vcu; ils y respirent dans le coeur de ceux qui demeurent; ils y sont imits, ...
— Defenders of Democracy • Militia of Mercy

Words linked to "Foyer" :   lobby, hall, entrance hall, vestibule, building, anteroom, narthex

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