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Forme   Listen
Forme  adj.  First. (Obs.) "Adam our forme father."

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Forme" Quotes from Famous Books

... personnes affaiblies et pales. Notre remede, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, a obtenu des resultats tout a fait merveilleux dans ces cas. Pour guerir l'exces ou l'hemorrhagie des regles nous conseillons l'emploi du remede dans sa forme seche, c'est a dire ...
— Treatise on the Diseases of Women • Lydia E. Pinkham

... recorded that a printer's widow in Germany once tampered with the purity of the text of a Bible printed in her house, for which crime she was burned to death. She arose in the night, when all the workmen were in bed, and going to the "forme'' entirely changed the meaning of a text which particularly offended her. The text was Gen. iii. 16 ("Thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over ...
— Literary Blunders • Henry B. Wheatley

... of finality, "puissance mysterieuse, indeterminee; fatalite pour les uns; pour les autres volonte providentielle, dont l'action incessante sur les etres vivantes determine, a toutes les epoques de l'existence du monde, la forme, le volume, et la duree de chacun d'eux, en raison de sa destinee dans l'ordre de choses dont il fait partie. C'est cette puissance qui harmonise chaque membre a l'ensemble, en l'appropriant a la fonction ...
— On the Origin of Species - 6th Edition • Charles Darwin

... my good Lord, let me ore-rule you now; That sport best pleases that doth least know how. Where Zeale striues to content, and the contents Dies in the Zeale of that which it presents: Their forme confounded, makes most forme in mirth When great things labouring perish in their birth." Act IV. ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 197, August 6, 1853 • Various

... case-rack, completed the tale of machines. That case-rack alone held fifty different founts of type, and there were other caseracks. The lead-rack was nearly as large, and beneath the lead-rack was a rack containing all those "furnitures" which help to hold a forme of type together without betraying themselves to the reader of the printed sheet. And under the furniture rack was the 'random,' full of galleys. Then there was a table with a top of solid stone, upon which the formes were bolted up. And ...
— Clayhanger • Arnold Bennett

... the coast is not deepe of earth, bringing foorth abundantly peason, small, yet good feeding for cattel. Roses, passing sweet, like unto our mucke roses in forme, raspases, a berry which we call harts, good and holesome to eat. The grasse and herbe doth fat sheepe in very short space, proved by English marchants which have caried sheepe thither for fresh victuall, and had them raised exceeding ...
— The Story of Newfoundland • Frederick Edwin Smith, Earl of Birkenhead

... she can charme for fyer and skalding in forme as oulde women do, sayeng 'Owt fyer in frost, in the name of the Father, the Sonne, and the Holly Ghost;' and she hath used when the skyn of children do cleve fast, to advise the mother to annoynt them with the mother's milk and oyle olyfe; and for skalding ...
— Notes & Queries, No. 30. Saturday, May 25, 1850 • Various

... about the "flour" and Franchomme's "nez en forme gracieuse" is an allusion to some childish game in which Chopin, thanks to his aquiline nose, got the better of his friend, who as regards this ...
— Frederick Chopin as a Man and Musician - Volume 1-2, Complete • Frederick Niecks

... recreation of the minde which is taken heereby cannot be but verie good and honest, for they admonish and stir up a man to that which is comely and honest. For flowers, through their beautie, varietie of colour, and exquisite forme, do bring to a liberall and gentle manly minde the remembrance of honestie, comeliness, and all kinds of vertues. For it would be an unseemely and filthie thing, as a certain wise man saith, for him that doth looke upon and handle faire and beautiful things, and who frequenteth and is ...
— Proserpina, Volume 2 - Studies Of Wayside Flowers • John Ruskin

... foolish and groundlesse first entry thereof into this Kingdome. It is not so long since the first entry of this abuse amongst vs here, as this present age cannot yet very well remember, both the first Author,[B] and the forme of the first introduction of it amongst vs. It was neither brought in by King, great Conquerour, nor ...
— A Counter-Blaste to Tobacco • King James I.

... francais, p. 271, l. 14, C'est que c'est une chose difficile a rencontrer que la naissance d'un bouddha, aussi difficile a rencontrer que la fleur de l'Udumbara, que l'introduction du col d'une tortue dans l'ouverture d'un joug forme par le ...
— Chips From A German Workshop - Volume I - Essays on the Science of Religion • Friedrich Max Mueller

... du haut en bas; tandis qu'au contraire le movement de redressement commence par la partie infrieur pour se terminer a la partie suprieure qui, quelquefois, peu de temps avant de se relever tout fait, forme avec l'axe un ...
— The Power of Movement in Plants • Charles Darwin

... Quoique je forme un corps, je ne suis qu'une id'ee; Plus ma beaut'e vieillit, plus elle est decid'ee: Il faut, pour me trouver, ignorer d'o'u je viens; Je tiens tout de lui, qui ...
— The Letters of Horace Walpole Volume 3 • Horace Walpole

... curious instance of the lavish expenditure which ambitious sovereigns formerly required on such grand occasions. Let us quote his biographer's own words: "Son entree dans Rome fut superbe; il etait dans un carosse ouvert, en forme de caleche, tout brillant d'or, meme jusqu'aux roues qui etaient dorees. Ses chevaux etaient ferres avec des plaques d'argent qui ne tenaient que par un seul clou, afin que, venant a se detacher, elles fussent ramassees par les pauvres, a qui, outre cela, il faisait jeter quantite ...
— Picturesque Quebec • James MacPherson Le Moine

... to appreciate to the full the literature of France. It is no paradox to say that that country is as insular as our own. When we find so eminent a critic as M. Lemaitre observing that Racine 'a vraiment "acheve" et porte a son point supreme de perfection la tragedie, cette etonnante forme d'art, et qui est bien de chez nous: car on la trouve peu chez les Anglais,' is it surprising that we should hastily jump to the conclusion that the canons and the principles of a criticism of this kind will not repay, ...
— Books and Characters - French and English • Lytton Strachey

... Alday, and William Caesar, who intertained me in very good sort. M. Caesar brought mee to see the Pyramides which are three in number, one whereof king Pharao made for his owne tombe, the tombe it selfe is almost in the top of it: the monuments bee high and in forme 4. square, and euery of the squares is as long as a man may shoote a rouing arrowe, and as high as a Church, I sawe also the ruines of the Citie of ...
— The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of - The English Nation, Vol. 11 • Richard Hakluyt

... journal du matin a publie, sous une forme pas entierement exacte, les declarations d'hier de l'Ambassadeur d'Allemagne, en les faisant suivre de commentaires qui attribuent a cette demarche le caractere d'une menace. L'Ambassadeur d'Allemagne, tres impressionne par ces divulgations, a visite aujourd'hui le Gerant ...
— Why We Are At War (2nd Edition, revised) • Members of the Oxford Faculty of Modern History

... you good friend, And my deere Father: how features are abroad I am skillesse of; but by my modestie (The iewell in my dower) I would not wish Any Companion in the world but you: Nor can imagination forme a shape Besides your selfe, to like of: but I prattle Something too wildely, and my Fathers ...
— The First Folio [35 Plays] • William Shakespeare

... dit: Sors de la fange, Peuple en proie aux deceptions, Travaille, groupe par phalange, Dans un cercle d'attractions; La terre, apres tant de desastres, Forme avec le ciel un hymen, Et la loi qui regit les astres, Donne la paix ...
— The Idea of Progress - An Inquiry Into Its Origin And Growth • J. B. Bury

... avez forme le coeur de vos saints avec une admirable bonte, afin qu'ils deviennent pour nous une source de bienfaits et de consolation; assistez-nous dans le pressant besoin ou nous nous trouvons et sauvez-nous de la mort, par les prieres at les merites de saint Hubert ...
— Three Thousand Years of Mental Healing • George Barton Cutten

... action of the story for thirty-three pages, we are sorry to take leave of this "fatherlye and friendlye sire"; for he lays for a time the ghost of homily, which reappears directly his guests begin to "forme their steppes towards London." Having reached the Court, in due time Philautus, in accordance with the prophecies of Euphues though much to his disgust, falls in love. The lady of his choice, however, has unfortunately given her heart to another, by name Surius. The ...
— John Lyly • John Dover Wilson

... des contours, Mais d'ou vienne la forme qui touche? Comment fais-tu les grands amours, Petite ligne ...
— Life Immovable - First Part • Kostes Palamas

... Reason, rules the state of things, Reward goes backwards, Honor on his head, Who is not poore is monstrous; only Need Gives forme and worth to every humane seed. As cedars beaten with continuall stormes, 5 So great men flourish; and doe imitate Unskilfull statuaries, who suppose (In forming a Colossus) if they make him Stroddle enough, stroot, and look bigg, and gape, Their work is goodly: ...
— Bussy D'Ambois and The Revenge of Bussy D'Ambois • George Chapman

... duckat, which they commonly call in the Italian tongue umbrellas, that is, things which minister shadow veto them for shelter against the scorching heate of the sunne. These are made of leather, something answerable to the forme of a little cannopy, & hooped in the inside with divers little wooden hoopes that extend the umbrella in a pretty large cornpasse. They are used especially by horsemen, who carry them in their hands when they ride, fastening the end of the handle upon one of their thighs, and they impart so ...
— Umbrellas and their History • William Sangster

... felt and leather were used, and formed part of the machine itself. Two of the cylinders revolved in opposite directions, so as to spread the ink, which was then transferred by two other inking cylinders alternately applied to the "forme" by the action of spiral springs. The movement of all the parts of the machine were to be derived from a steam-engine, or other ...
— Men of Invention and Industry • Samuel Smiles

... par mes etudes sur la vieille langue francaise ou langue d'oil. Je fus si frappe des liens qui unissent le francais moderne au francais ancien, j'apercus tant de cas ou les sens et des locutions du jour ne s'expliquent que par les sens et les locutions d'autrefois, tant d'exemples ou la forme des mots n'est pas intelligible sans les formes qui ont precede, qu'il me sembla que la doctrine et meme l'usage de la langue restent mal assis s'ils ne reposent sur ...
— Jasmin: Barber, Poet, Philanthropist • Samuel Smiles

... 385.).—Perhaps JARLZBERG, who seems interested in the various translations of this admirable work, might like to know of a French translation, with designs from Holbein, which I purchased some weeks ago at a sale in a provincial French town. It is entitled L'Eloge de la Folie, compose en forme de Declaration par Erasme, et traduit par Mr. Guendeville, avec les Notes de Gerard Listre, et les belles Figures de Holbein; le tout sur l'Oiginal de l'Academie de Bale. Amsterdam, ...
— Notes & Queries, No. 36. Saturday, July 6, 1850 • Various

... greatest mart, from which it was spread among the tribes, both north and east. Wood, describing the Narragansets in 1634, says they "are the most curious minters of the wampompeage and mowhakes which they forme out of the inmost wreaths of periwinkle shels. The northerne, easterne, and westerne Indians fetch all their coyne from these southern mint- masters. From hence they have most of their curious pendants and bracelets; hence they have their great ...
— The Voyage of Verrazzano • Henry C. Murphy

... is more certayne unto mortall man than death and noe one thing more uncertayne then is the houre therof, doe make appoint pronounce and declare this my Testament therin fully contayning my last direct and unrevocable will and intention in manner and forme following; That is to say, First and principally as duty and Christianity willeth mee I most heartily and penitently sorrowfull for all my sinnes committ and recommend my soule into the mercifull handes of Almighty God, assuredly trusting and faithfully beleeving ...
— Shakespeare's Lost Years in London, 1586-1592 • Arthur Acheson

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