"Flete" Quotes from Famous Books
... to oblige almacenero, dependiente de almacen, warehouseman celebrar, to be glad of colorido, colouring *complacer, to oblige complazco, etc., I oblige, etc. (el) cortapluma, penknife cortesmente, politely coste flete y seguro, cost, freight and insurance *dar las gracias, to hank demora, delay *demostrar confianza, to show confidence deplorar, to deplore dictados, dictates en seguida, at once franco ... — Pitman's Commercial Spanish Grammar (2nd ed.) • C. A. Toledano
... should haue one, yf he wold com to hys lodgyng to the sygne[72] of the Bull wythout Byshops gate in the next mornynge at vi of the cloke. Thys scoler thankyd hym, and for that nyght departyd to hys lodgyng in Flete Strete, and in the mornyng erely as he poyntyd cam to hym to the sygne of the Bull. And as [soon as] thys gentylman saw hym, he bad hym go wyth hym in to the Cyte, and he sholde be sped anon; whyche incontynent went togyder, tyll they[73] cam in ... — Shakespeare Jest-Books; - Reprints of the Early and Very Rare Jest-Books Supposed - to Have Been Used by Shakespeare • Unknown |