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Fermentative   Listen
Fermentative  adj.  Causing, or having power to cause, fermentation; produced by fermentation; fermenting; as, a fermentative process.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Fermentative" Quotes from Famous Books

... recently acquired a further importance in the eyes of the agricultural chemist, from the important influence they exert on what we have here called the biological properties of a soil—viz., the development of those fermentative processes whereby plant-food is ...
— Manures and the principles of manuring • Charles Morton Aikman

... or froth which rises in beer, and other malt liquors, during a state of fermentation. When thrown up by one quantity of malt or vinous liquid, it may be preserved to be put into another, at a future period; on which it will exert a similar fermentative action. Yeast is likewise used in the making of bread, without which it would be heavy and unwholesome. It has a vinous sour odour, a bitter taste arising from the hops in the malt liquor, and it ...
— The Cook and Housekeeper's Complete and Universal Dictionary; Including a System of Modern Cookery, in all Its Various Branches, • Mary Eaton

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