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Empressement   Listen
Empressement  n.  Demonstrative warmth or cordiality of manner; display of enthusiasm. "He grasped my hand with a nervous empressement."

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Empressement" Quotes from Famous Books

... mere pretext of a motive, he gave punctual attendance; Madame always received him with the same empressement, the same sunshine for himself, the same admirably counterfeited air of concern for her child. Dr. John wrote harmless prescriptions for the patient, and viewed her mother with a shrewdly sparkling eye. Madame caught his rallying looks without ...
— Villette • Charlotte Bronte

... attacherent avec un interet toujours croissant. Depuis les saintes femmes de l'evangile et la marchande de pourpre de Thyatire jusqu'a l'imperatrice Helene, elles furent les protectrices les plus zelees des idees Chretiennes. Leur zele ne fut point sans sacrifices, mais avec empressement elles renoncerent a leurs gouts les plus chers, a la parure et aux elegances du luxe, pour rivaliser avec les hommes les plus sages de la societe Chretienne. Quelques rares exceptions ne se font remarquer que pour relever tant de merite."—Matter, ...
— Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 54, No. 335, September 1843 • Various

... we thought that if this little fellow that you saved so handsomely should hand you this check for five hundred dollars it wouldn't be amiss." And here, according to rehearsal, the nurse with great parade handed the child to Mrs. Chints, who now, with much 'empressement,' advanced to a position immediately before Miss Burton; meanwhile the poor, perspiring Mr. Chints put the envelope into the child's ...
— A Face Illumined • E. P. Roe

... de creer un systeme d'echange de doubles, entre les differents cabinets de l'Europe merite la plus grande attention," m'ecrivait le 20 janvier 1834 M. le comte de Bruehl, intendant general des musees du royaume de Prusse, "Soyez assure de l'empressement que je mettrai a entrer dans vos vues a cet egard aussitot que l'etablissement des medailles du musee sera assez avance pour permettre de reconnaitre l'effectif des doubles existant dans les differentes parties ...
— Movement of the International Literary Exchanges, between France and North America from January 1845 to May, 1846 • Various

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