"Disrupt" Quotes from Famous Books
... He helped to disrupt the society. The confessions of scores of its former members were poured into his burning ears. In his unique book of his life in Tahiti, he described their dramas, pantomimes, and dances, their religious rituals and the extraordinary ... — Mystic Isles of the South Seas. • Frederick O'Brien
... even that she had had a letter from Val, for he had written two days ago, and so she would not hear again for several days, a ready pen not being his. And she was beginning to be guiltily conscious that she did not enjoy getting his letters; they seemed somehow to disrupt atmosphere instead of creating it. Everything was different from that day on the river when Val had told her he loved her and it had all seemed so simple. She had accepted him then because she was so fond of him, and she knew everyone would be pleased, ... — Secret Bread • F. Tennyson Jesse |
Words linked to "Disrupt" : punctuate, interject, cut off, stop, put away, put aside, interrupt, break off, inject, break in, jam, disruptive, heckle, take time off, cut short, chisel in, throw in, block, cut, chime in, butt in, burst upon, cut in, come in, pause, disruption, intermit, barge in, discontinue, take off, burst in on, break up, interpose, stop over, put in |
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